Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Iraq implements high-level measures to counter potential cyberattacks amid regional tensions, 8 OCT

 Shafaq News/ Iraq has taken high-level steps to prevent any potential cyberattacks, as tensions continue to escalate in the region, an Iraqi government source disclosed on Tuesday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Shafaq News that Iraq’s cybersecurity defenses are well-prepared. “There is a highly skilled cybersecurity committee in place, along with significant contributions from the National Security Agency to secure Iraq's cyberspace," the source said.

The official dismissed the likelihood of a cyberattack, whether from Israel or any other external or internal entity. "A cyber strike is neither feasible nor likely," the source stated, assuring that Iraq has established strong defensive measures in this area.


High-level protocols have been implemented to counter any potential cyber threats, the official said, adding that there are "no concerns or consequences" even if an attack were launched in the coming weeks.

The announcement comes weeks after the Iraqi Ministry of Interior denied reports of an imminent cyberattack and urged citizens to be cautious of suspicious emails and unknown links.The increasing regional tensions, particularly involving the Israeli breach of the Iranian-backed group Hezbollah escalated fears in Iraq.

Israel has been known to use cyber operations as part of its broader strategy to exert influence and destabilize its adversaries. For instance, Israeli-linked cyber-espionage groups have targeted Hezbollah members including Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah and many commanders of the Jihad Council.

Evening News with MarkZ. 10/07/2024

Monday Evening News With MarkZ 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Hiya, Kids! What's shakin'?

Member: Love the thumbnail picture……hope that is us soon 

Member: Any bond or banking updates mark?

MZ: I am still hearing great things from bonds, to banks to groups…..Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled. 

MZ: Hopefully we will get some stunning news tomorrow. 

MZ: “ KRG civil servants required to open bank accounts by March 2025 under MyAccount initiative”  This is more of the modernization of the Iraqi government and digitization of their banking….. 

MZ: “ Parliament finances reassure employees- your salaries are safe” This is the first time we have seen these guarantees. 

MZ: “ Sudanese consultant: Digital Transformation will enhance Iraq’s efficiency and attract foreign investments”  They are bringing in billions in international investments …These big investors would not be investing billions of dollars in some backwater country with a useless currency….It wouldn’t be happening ….

Member: They must know something is coming

MZ: And my favorite one tonight “Russia reportedly plans to add silver to state funds reserves”   We have seen Central banks buying up gold….this is part of what fueled golds increased value to over $2,6oo per ounce……well, this announcement is going to be huge for silver. Russia is going to spend billions of rubles buying silver and adding it to their reserves. 

Member: That means silver value is about to go way up…….

Member: Mike Bara put out some pretty good bond information news today. Are you hearing the same and can confirm???

Member: Jentel /Mike Bara- today: 4b looking to 10/14 - bonds getting paid out today

Member: My Wells Fargo has contacted me twice about how they are changing things. I've been with them 42 yrs and this is a first time.

Member: I believe we are very close. Credit Card companies are bringing people’s limits to the highest they have ever used on cards…Are they expecting a debt forgiveness so they just let it rip?

MZ: We have seen many, many credit card companies just shut down amounts and giving out loans. Its like they know something is coming. 

Member: Keeping all of Florida and NC in my daily prayers

Member: Continued prayers for the victims of Helene and new prayers for those communities in Florida soon to have Milton.


Member: MarkZ-Thank you for all your news and information!! Your appreciated!!


Ranked 29th out of 100 countries, Iraq raises its gold holdings to more than 152 tons, 8 OCT

 Ranked 29th out of 100 countries, Iraq raises its gold holdings to more than 152 tons

The World Gold Council announced on Tuesday that Iraq has increased its gold holdings to more than 152 tons.

According to the latest table published by the Council in September 2024, which Shafak News Agency reviewed, "Iraq ranked 29th out of 100 countries listed in the table with the largest gold reserves," indicating that "Iraq ranked third in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia and Lebanon."

He added, "Iraq increased its gold holdings to 152.6 tons, after its gold holdings were 148.3 tons, which represents 11% of its remaining reserves."

The Council also pointed out that "the United States of America is the largest country in the world with the largest gold holdings, at 8,133.5 thousand tons, followed by Germany with 3,351.5 thousand tons, then Italy with 2,814 thousand tons, while Bosnia and Herzegovina came in last with 1.5 tons."

The World Gold Council is headquartered in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors that cause market change, and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.  link

Coffee with MarkZ. 10/08/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Tuesday morning fam!!

Member: Let us hope we get some definitive news on bond payments today!!! We are close to our blessing. Have faith!!!

Member: Our group is hearing really good things that we have never heard before. Time to put on our humanitarian hats.

MZ: We are hearing such good stuff…..just need to cross the finish line. 

Member: Mark last night you were very excited about morning news. Can you throw us a bone please?

MZ: No bone to throw just yet…….I was excited about today’s possible news starting this afternoon into the evening. A number of bond folks are expecting their funds today…..They have been expecting them since last week and were told they would be paid on Tuesday (today)..…watching this afternoon and evening.

MZ: We are praying somebody will admit to having fully spendable money….and not just go NDA on us and go quiet. .

Member: If they sign an NDA they would be foolish to admit anything that would break the NDA. 

Member: When/if the historic bonds get paid then what are we looking at as far as our timeline?

Member: Soon…..I really hate that word

MZ: All eyes (for me and many others) are on the Historic bonds…..Specifically German Bonds today….

MZ: there is also a lot of chatter amidst the groups…..they are being asked if their humanitarian stuff is up to date. But this is just chatter until somebody gets paid

MZ: While watching Historic bonds….we are trying to get updates from CMKX contacts….and a omega contact to see if anything is moving today.  

MZ: From Iraq: “Iraq begins exporting Jet Fuel” they are bringing a refinery online that has been modernized. This is huge for Iraq…..and the economic boost for Iraq is enormous . 

MZ: “Salaries next week: Baghdad sends 29 Billion dinars to Erbil : The latter indicates a shortage of this amount”   They are moving and salaries are being paid…..months worth of salaries…. “Iraqi banks are extending working hours to complete those remittances” 

Member: Mark, shouldn’t the rate needs to be out if they’re paying salaries next week?

MZ: Many of us believe they stalled on those salary payouts waiting for a value change. I have a contact in the Finance Ministry who believes that as well……Now they are paying them

MZ: “Al Alaq: Bank lending strategy aims to stimulate the economy” This is part of the monetary reforms. We are watching them do the reforms. We are watching the deletion of the zeros and the raising of the values…..

MZ: “Uncover the features of the 2025 budget schedules” They are hard at work right now letting us know they are working…We are looking for a new value as they do this. 

Member: IMO the economy needs to crash before anything happens.

MZ: That is happening right now. 

MZ: The Dow was down considerable in the futures this morning….until Hong Kong imploded. Regardless of the massive amount of stimulus that was thrown at them the last couple of weeks out of china….Hong Kong’s stock market plunges. 

MZ: The initial belief was that money would come pouring into the US stock market…but the futures suddenly pivoted after the bloodbath in Hong Kong today….It is going to be an interesting day. Does the word panic?   

MZ: “Hong Kong Plunges the most since Lehman Brothers” We are watching the implosion right now in real time.

Member: Mark so do you still believe we will still exchange before the holidays?

Member: I think after the elections……this may happen……hopeful before the holidays.

Member: Thinking of all those having to leave their homes right now before the new hurricane hits….. Be safe everyone.

Member: Please continue prayers for NC & the rest of the states affected by Helene

Member: Blessings to all of the fabulous MODS that are helping Mark keep this community informed and focused on the prize. You are a blessing !!!!

MZ: Bob Lock is supposed to join us this evening. I am sure he will take some questions. 

Member: Everyone have great positive day today…..The best is yet to come. 


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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

 ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut




Jentel /Mike Bara- today: 4b looking to 10/14 - bonds getting paid out today.

UPDATE FROM THE BROKER: New Currency is expected to go tonight. Bonds tomorrow. That’s it

Mike Bara



The latest from a good source:

 The Iraqi Supreme Court has told Sudani and former PM Nouri Al-Maliki that they will be arrested if they do not revalue the currency on Tuesday.

 On the flip side, a high source puts the chances of an RV tomorrow at 15%. 

"But it should be a good day for the bond people." Mike Bara Pets stream tomorrow at 9:30AM Pacific.

 If I have more news I will share it then. Sleep well.


MILITIAMAN: Iraq Dinar News-Optimization-Automation-Digital-Schedule Date-Secured Sa...

Federal Court affirms Iraq's sovereignty, rejects Parliament's request on foreign troops presence, 8 OCT

 Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq (FSC) issued a ruling interpreting the phrase "fully sovereignty" as stated in Article (1) of the 2005 Constitution of the Republic of Iraq.

The ruling outlined that the Constitution guarantees Iraq's unity, as this unity requires full sovereignty over all its territory, airspace, and territorial waters. 

“This necessitates that all federal authorities, Regional governments, decentralized governorates, and local administrations adhere to the constitutional provisions to maintain Iraq's unity and refrain from any actions that undermine its sovereignty,” it explained. ;

In this context, the FSC noted that its ruling numbered (89/Federal/2024) emphasized, " Any authority that violates this will have breached the constitution and jeopardized Iraq's sovereignty under Articles (1, 8, 50, 109, and 116) of the 2005 Constitution.” 

Meanwhile, the Federal Court, Iraq's highest judicial authority, rejected Parliament's request for clarification on the constitutional procedure the Council of Representatives must follow if the government fails to terminate foreign troops' missions in Iraq, citing a “lack of jurisdiction.”

Coalition Forces Withdrawal Agreement

Washington and Baghdad have finalized an agreement on the withdrawal plan for US-led Coalition forces from Iraq. Reports indicate that hundreds of troops are scheduled to leave by September 2025, with the remainder expected to depart by the end of the following year.

This agreement followed over six months of negotiations initiated by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in January 2023, amid increasing attacks by Iranian-backed factions on US forces, which had warned of a potential resurgence of assaults if delays in the withdrawal talks persisted.

An "official" declaration was initially planned weeks ago but was postponed due to regional escalations following events in Gaza and incidents like the attack on Ain Al-Asad Airbase.

Last August, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry confirmed the postponement of the announcement regarding the end of the coalition's mission, with the Foreign Minister noting that the conditions of the negotiations had changed.

The United States and Iraq aim to establish a new advisory relationship that could keep some US forces in Iraq even after the withdrawal.

MP: The US Federal Reserve is besieging Iraqi liquidity through the dollar, 8 OCT

MP: The US Federal Reserve is besieging Iraqi liquidity through the dollar Firas Al-Maslamawi, a State of Law MP, stated on Tuesday that the...