Friday, September 13, 2024

DINAR LAND UPDATE: "Anticipation of Dinar RV window between September 11th and 15th", 13 SEPT


Latest updates on the Iraq Dinar revaluation, with insights from various gurus and a giveaway announcement.


  • 📈 Special focus on currency revaluation and investment opportunities.
  • 🌍 Positive developments in Iraq’s banking reforms and economic stability.
  • 📊 Iraq’s financial revenues exceeded 77 trillion dinars in 2024.
  • 🤝 National reconciliation efforts between the Iraq Federal Government and Kurdistan.
  • 🏦 Iraq’s foreign reserves of $113 billion signal economic stability.
  • 🔮 Anticipation of Dinar RV window between September 11th and 15th.

Key Insights

  • 💡 Currency Revaluation: The Iraq Dinar is poised for potential revaluation as reforms and international support strengthen its economy, enhancing purchasing power for citizens.
  • 🔍 Economic Cooperation: The agreement between the Iraq Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government marks a significant step towards national reconciliation, crucial for economic growth and stability.
  • 💰 Revenue Growth: Iraq’s impressive financial revenues signify a robust economy, predominantly driven by oil, suggesting a solid foundation for currency strengthening.
  • 🔄 Parallel Market Challenges: Addressing the parallel market’s impact on the Dinar’s value is essential; raising the official exchange rate may stabilize the situation.
  • 📅 Timely Expectations: The anticipated RV window between September 11th and 15th has generated excitement among investors, reflecting the community’s hope for positive changes.
  • 🏦 Foreign Reserves Impact: Iraq’s substantial foreign reserves suggest economic resilience, indicating the country can sustain itself financially, which could influence the Dinar’s value.
  • 📣 Ongoing Updates: Continuous monitoring of Iraq’s economic developments is vital for investors, as new information can affect expectations and strategies in currency investments.


DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: President Barzani's Diplomatic Influence in Erbil-Tehran Relations in 2024, 13 SEPT

 President Barzani's Diplomatic Influence in Erbil-Tehran Relations in 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani of the Kurdistan Region has emerged as a pivotal figure in fostering diplomatic ties between Erbil and Tehran, navigating the complex political landscape with skill and persistence.  His efforts have been instrumental in strengthening the historically significant relationship between the two entities, particularly in light of recent tensions and challenges. 

Barzani's Role as a Bridge Builder

Barzani's commitment to diplomacy has been evident in his numerous visits to Iran over the past decade. His most recent trip, in July 2024, coincided with the inauguration of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian.  These interactions have not only been symbolic but have also paved the way for concrete diplomatic outcomes and enhanced communication between Erbil and Tehran.

A Historic Visit by President Pezeshkian

The visit of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian to Erbil in September 2024 was hailed as a historic moment in the relations between the two regions.  Pezeshkian's arrival was warmly welcomed by President Barzani and key Kurdish officials, marking the first visit by an Iranian president to the autonomous region. 

During the visit, the two leaders discussed ways to enhance bilateral relations, particularly in the security sector, and expressed their commitment to preventing the use of Kurdish land to threaten Iran's security.  Pezeshkian also held talks with Kurdistan's Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and the region's political and religious leaders.  t emphasizing the desire to resolve existing issues and strengthen ties.

Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Ties

Despite the shared cultural and historical ties, the relationship between Erbil and Tehran has not been without its challenges. Iranian concerns over Kurdish groups operating within the region have sometimes led to tensions.  However, under Barzani's leadership, both sides have sought to address these issues and improve their relationship. 


President Barzani's diplomatic influence has been critical in shaping the evolving relationship between Erbil and Tehran. His efforts have not only helped to bridge the gaps between the two entities but also contributed to the broader regional stability. As both sides continue to work on enhancing their ties, Barzani's role as a bridge builder remains central to the future of Erbil-Tehran relations.

A Bridge Builder: President Barzani’s diplomatic influence in Erbil-Tehran relations, 13 SEPT

 Shafaq News/ Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian's visit to Erbil is seen as a notable result of the enduring diplomatic efforts by Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani.

President Barzani’s extensive engagement with Iran has been crucial in smoothing relations and addressing gaps, even amid periods of heightened tension. His diplomatic acumen has been key in resolving disputes and enhancing communication between the two sides.

Navigating the intricate political dynamics among Tehran, Baghdad, Erbil, and Ankara presents a formidable challenge. Barzani’s adept management of these relationships underscores his exceptional leadership and deep understanding of the region’s complexities.

Barzani’s Visits to Iran

Over the past decade, Barzani has made at least six visits to Tehran. His most recent visit was in July, where he attended the inauguration ceremony of President Pezeshkian. Prior to that, on May 22, he participated in a condolence ceremony for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. 

This visit followed an official trip on May 8, marking his first visit since the Iranian bombing of Erbil earlier in 2024, which had strained relations. Iranian leaders, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and then-President Raisi, welcomed him warmly. These visits were not merely symbolic; they paved the way for concrete diplomatic outcomes.

Strained yet Balanced Relations

Despite Barzani's successes, challenges remain. Ayatollah Khamenei has historically viewed the Kurdish government’s pro-US stance with skepticism, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which Barzani represents, often clashes with Iran’s allies in Iraq. Nonetheless, under Barzani’s leadership, Iran and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) have sought to address Iraq’s political disputes and strengthen their ties.

Observers note that Barzani's visits played a role in advancing the security agreement signed between Baghdad and Tehran last year, particularly concerning border control and the relocation of Iranian Kurdish opposition militants away from the shared borders to distant camps. This step has undoubtedly contributed to fostering greater trust between Tehran, Erbil, and Baghdad, while also enhancing the sense of safety and stability felt by the citizens of the Kurdistan Region. 

Iranian analysts have placed Nechirvan Barzani's visits within the context of "opening a new chapter" in relations between Erbil and Tehran, in an effort to move past previous disputes.

Significance of Pezeshkian’s Visit

As the third reformist president of Iran, Masoud Pezeshkian has prioritized a foreign policy centered around improving relations with neighboring countries and re-engaging with the West, particularly in the context of ongoing nuclear negotiations. His emphasis on fostering regional stability aligns closely with the strategic interests of the Kurdistan Region, where security and economic cooperation with Iran are crucial.

For Erbil, Pezeshkian's openness towards mending ties with the West could present new opportunities for trade and investment, while also easing tensions along the Iran-Iraq border. This shift in policy offers a conducive environment for President Nechirvan Barzani’s diplomatic efforts to strengthen Kurdistan’s ties with Tehran. By aligning with Pezeshkian's broader goals, Barzani can further position the Kurdistan Region as a key player in regional diplomacy, particularly as Iran seeks to stabilize its borders and resolve internal disputes with Kurdish opposition groups.

Pezeshkian’s reformist agenda may also signal a period of increased cooperation between Baghdad, Erbil, and Tehran. Given Barzani’s proven diplomatic skills in navigating these complex relationships, he is well-positioned to leverage Pezeshkian's vision for closer regional ties to advance Kurdistan’s political and economic objectives. This could lead to enhanced security agreements, improved trade routes, and a stronger role for the Kurdistan Region in facilitating dialogue between Iran and other Western powers.



For almost like a good six, seven eight months there's all this hype, it's going to change tomorrow, it's going to change tomorrow because there was so much talk about the exchange rate.  I keep telling people...that's not what's going to happen.  There's still things that need to be done.

They have to do something about that parallel market.  The reason why it's so successful is because people prefer to get the US dollars if they can.  If businesses and travelers want to get more bang for their buck, they don't have a problem with selling the US dollars for more Iraqi dinars, more than the official exchange rate.  It puts Iraq in a pickle.. .

Do they raise the rate of the Iraqi dinar or do they lower it?

Article:  "The parallel market will be overturned. 

 Sources: Upcoming decisions from he central bank that will confuse the markets and raise exchange rate. 

It's interesting they don't say which exchange rate...  Quote:  "He stated the decisions are likely to raise the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market..."  When they say raise the dollar exchange rate, that's not good for us.  That means the dollar is rising up against the dinar...On the black market people are getting 1505 dinars for every $1.00... which is much higher than the 1320 for every dollar, the official exchange rate...It's getting out of whack again.  As it gets harder and harder to get the US dollar, you're going to see the black market really start to increase.  I'm curious to see what kind of decisions the central bank is going to make...

New Card Distribution for Citizens in Iraq: 2024 Commercial ATM Bank Wit...

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: New Card Distribution for Citizens in Iraq: 2024 Commercial ATM Bank Withdrawals, 13 SEPT

 New Card Distribution for Citizens in Iraq: 2024 Commercial ATM Bank Withdrawals

The recent television commercial airing in Iraq is creating a buzz around the country's financial landscape. This 5 to 6-minute long commercial focuses on the new cards that citizens will soon receive in the mail. These cards are set to revolutionize banking and ATM transactions, aiming to facilitate easier cash access and financial management for the Iraqi population. 

Enhancing Access to Cash: ATMs and New Cards

The advertisement highlights the seamless process of withdrawing money from ATMs using these new cards. With the Visa logo prominently featured on the cards, they promise to be widely accepted across the country and even overseas.  This move is expected to increase financial inclusion and reduce dependency on cash transactions, which have traditionally dominated in Iraq.  

Iraq's Digital Payments Landscape

While digital payments have been slow to gain traction in Iraq, the introduction of these new cards signals a significant step towards modernizing the country's payment systems. The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has already issued licenses to 17 companies for operating digital wallets, aiming to enhance the digital payment infrastructure. 

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the push for digital payments, Iraq still faces challenges in convincing its citizens to adopt these new technologies. A deep-rooted trust in cash transactions remains prevalent.  However, the widespread availability of ATMs and the convenience of using cards could gradually shift this preference. The new cards are poised to provide an alternative to traditional banking methods, potentially catalyzing a cultural shift towards more digital and card-based transactions. 

Weekend Chat with MarkZ 21-9-2024