Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Tishwash:  they are running this commercial again!

With our dinar and our products we are stronger... Support the Iraqi dinar

 With a dinar and our products   0:08

Stronger we reap the good   0:13

With a dinar we build and develop  0:16

Our country we teach our generations about the greatness of our civilization and strength   0:23

A dinar is our homeland with all goodness and blessings   0:30

A dinar is a homeland issue


 Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights 

03/09/2024, 14:56:16


These are some Dinar guru updates starting off with clear article Oil minister reveals upcoming visit to us to discuss gas investment FILe the Ministry of oil plans to offer these gas investment opportunities to specialized companies and we have a visit to the United States soon for this purpose as we plan to offer them to international american companies.

All right Samson article quote Oil minister expect gas reserves to increase to more than 200 trillion.

Moving on to militiaman says one of the hopes is Iraq is going to try to work with other countries in the region to defend their currency.

They're going to try to keep it as stable as they possibly can, having flexibility to the exchange rate so they can move it little bit here and there so they can inject money, take money out, buy or sell the dinar, etcetera is something they've got on their mind.

Mark Z PDK says there is a lot of chatter about tomorrow being the big day.

Guess we'll find out then, if not sooner.

Today the banks are closed and this is referencing yesterday.

The second mark z says, my Iraq folks are bouncing with anticipation for the next few days.

We are hearing all kinds of rumors that everything started ripping yesterday and they are releasing the hounds of the rv.

Tons of rumors, tons of context saying this is it.

Guess we'll find out tomorrow.

But I can tell you if I'm, I'm sorry, but I can tell you I'm blown away by the number of people convinced it's all about to be seen.

Guru FNU Lu the subsequent after New York visit to Washington DC was most likely to prove to the UST that the rogue non compliant banks in Iraq were brought to heel.

I see an rv in the near future and they must say it's about time.

Nader from the Mideast says whatever.

Who told you the small category has been released and all that?

That doesn't release it in one part of the country.

The whole country works the same thing.

The whole system is the same.

When they release, they release it to all banks.

Claire article quote Oil minister I expect gas reserves to increase to more than 200 trillion cubic feet.

Another quote oil minister Hayan al Abdul Ghani confirmed the gas reserves achieved in Iraq amount to 128 trillion cubic feet and it is expected that these quantities will increase to more than 200 trillion cubic feet through these areas spread in the western region which.

Buried Riches: Iraq's Gas Discovery Sparks Economic Hope



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Buried Riches: Gas Discovery in Iraq Signals Hope for Economic Development, 4 SEPT

 Buried Riches: Gas Discovery in Iraq Signals Hope for Economic Development


A recent gas discovery in Iraq has sparked renewed optimism for the country's economic development. This summary delves into the implications of this discovery, exploring its potential to transform Iraq's energy sector and drive growth in the broader economy.

Key Points

The gas discovery holds significant promise for Iraq's energy landscape, offering a potential boost to domestic energy production. This development could reduce Iraq's dependence on imported gas, particularly from neighboring Iran, enhancing energy security. The discovery also presents opportunities for the Iraqi government to diversify its economy, which has long been heavily reliant on oil exports.

Context and Implications

Iraq's energy sector has been constrained by underinvestment and infrastructure challenges, which the new gas reserves could help alleviate. With the global shift towards cleaner energy sources, the discovery could position Iraq more favorably in the international energy market. However, the country faces significant hurdles in realizing these benefits, including political instability, economic reforms, and the need for foreign investment.

Broader Economic Impact

If effectively managed, the gas discovery could stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and contribute to poverty reduction efforts. It also has the potential to attract foreign investment, which could catalyze broader economic development and infrastructure improvements.

Challenges and Considerations

The Iraqi government must navigate complex political dynamics and address corruption to ensure that the benefits of the gas discovery are distributed fairly. Environmental concerns and the global push for sustainability pose additional challenges that will need to be addressed to sustainably harness the new reserves.


The recent gas discovery in Iraq offers a ray of hope for the country's economic development. While the path ahead is fraught with challenges, the potential benefits are significant. With careful planning and management, Iraq could leverage this discovery to strengthen its energy sector, diversify its economy, and improve the lives of its citizens. The international community, recognizing the strategic importance of Iraq's energy resources, should support the country in realizing the full potential of this discovery.

Buried Riches”: Gas Discovery in Iraq a Ray of Hope for Economic Development, 4 SEPT

  Buried Riches”: Gas Discovery in Iraq a Ray of Hope for Economic Development

 Iraq has recently achieved remarkable progress in the energy sector, especially in the field of natural gas discovery. These discoveries represent an important strategic step towards achieving energy security and strengthening the economy in general, and they also open new horizons for investment and development in this vital sector.

In recent years, oil companies and the Iraqi government have announced new discoveries of gas patches in several areas. Among these discoveries, the Anbar region stands out as a major location where important gas deposits have been discovered.

According to industrial sources, the new discoveries include large quantities of dry gas, a type of natural gas that contains low levels of sulfur and is used in many industrial applications. This type of gas is used in power generation, as an industrial fuel, and in the production of chemicals, making it an important resource for the industrial and energy sectors.

The Iraqi government is working to enhance investment in these discoveries through partnerships with international energy companies. Agreements have been signed with multinational companies to develop the infrastructure necessary to extract and purify gas. It has also been agreed to implement projects to extend gas pipelines and modernize refining stations.

Building infrastructure is an important step, as extracting natural gas and delivering it to markets requires complex facilities including pipelines, refining facilities, and pumping stations.

These projects require huge investments and careful coordination between the various parties concerned, and the government is working to improve the legal environment to attract foreign investment, including improving contracting terms and simplifying bureaucratic procedures.

Despite the optimism that accompanies new gas discoveries, there are a number of challenges facing the exploration and production process. These challenges include the need for modern technology and technical expertise, in addition to the difficult geographical conditions that may affect drilling and transportation operations.

Great economic opportunities

On the other hand, developing the natural gas sector in Iraq opens up great economic opportunities. In addition to improving energy security, this sector can contribute to creating new job opportunities, increasing national revenues, and enhancing economic growth. Exporting gas to international markets can also provide an important source of financial returns.

“The discovery of new gas blocks in Iraq represents an important strategic opportunity for the country as it provides a strong foundation for developing the energy sector and enhancing economic independence,” said retired gas expert Dr. Sami Al-Jubouri, who held positions in major energy companies. “However, it is necessary to focus on improving the infrastructure and applying the latest technologies to ensure efficient and safe gas extraction, through cooperation with international companies, which will enhance Iraq’s ability to optimally exploit these resources.”

“The challenges facing the country include the need to develop local technical capabilities and increase operational efficiency, as well as manage resources sustainably to ensure long-term benefits,” Dr. Al-Jubouri added to the Iraq Observer.  link

Currencies Set to Increase in Value Short Term IQD, VND, MEX, INR How Iraq Could Do the Same BY SANDY INGRAM, 4 AUGUST


Currencies Set to Increase in Value Short Term IQD, VND, MEX, INR How Iraq Could Do the Same

03/09/2024, 14:37:18


In this video we will examine currencies that may increase in value in the near future based on Wall Street's perspective versus how everyday people determine profit potential.

The russian ruble has lost 27% this year and the turkish lira is down 52%, according to Reuters.

Only a few asian currencies such as the indian rupee, thai baht and south korean won are expected to recoup the losses by late 2024.

So if you are looking for short term profits, you may want to research Indias currency, the rupee moving across the pond to Latin Americas currencies, the brazilian real and mexican peso gained around 8% and 11% in 2024, respectively.

The mexican peso is expected to lose around 4.5%, while the brazilian real is predicted to lose just over 2% in twelve months.

Now let's talk about another way investors are gaining perspective on potential currency profits.

There is a major shift in Americans, Canadians and european retirees moving to certain destinations around the world.

Sandy, the publisher of this channel, is part of that group and has recently spent time in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and Colombia as a retiree.

She is now in Brazil, a country that is a founding member of BRICS.

More on that in an upcoming video.

Sandy recommends taking a look at the colombian pesos for its profit potential.

Because Americans, Europeans and Canadians arrive at the Bogota International Airport and stay in Colombia for 30 to 90 days at a time.

The Internet is fast, the city is clean, the people are accommodating, and it is a positive experience.

When you go to the grocery store.

Plus, a luxury condo overlooking the city or the mountains will set you back no more than $500 to $700.

That includes 24/7 security staff.

Sandy reports that her rent was $525 for one month overlooking the city in downtown Bogota.

These factors draw people to a destination.

When more people arrive, rents go up, the value of the currency increases.

This pattern has been repeated in Mexico, parts of Costa Rica, the Bahamas and other destinations with a high quality of life.

Sandy personally knows ex pats who earned substantial profits from the USD Mex swings.

Of course, if the country does something not in the best interest of the United States or the us citizens living there, that government often finds itself on the US State Department's travel warning list.

And if things are not returned to what they deem normal, the country's currency often decreases in value.

Now, returning to the pages of the Wall Street Journal and famous economists, they will quickly tell you that currency reserve inflation, political stability, interest rates.

Dr. Shabibi's Master Plan: The Untold Story of the Iraqi Dinar


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