Tuesday, September 3, 2024



02/09/2024, 19:20:29


Hey, everyone, before I get started, I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel and then join the militiaman and crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption.

Hey, good afternoon, everybody.

Militiaman and crew is here and we have the wonderful Wally who's finally made an appearance.

And I think he wants something.

I'm not sure if he wants me to keep talking or singing or dancing, but anyway, he wants me to let him go.

Yeah, now that Wally's probably going to be in the background, everybody just let him play.

There's a new article out that talks about the Al Rafidane implementation of the comprehensive banking system in 40 branches.

We saw this yesterday, but they wanted to make sure everybody was reminded about that today.

So Rafidane bank announced Saturday that the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in 40 branches.

And basically that's all it really estates is that they're just a friendly reminder that they're ready for Showtime.

The next article we were going to talk about, it says that for the first time, Iraq was chosen to chair the group of 77 in China at the United nations.

Interestingly enough, there's like 134 different countries, but there's the largest meeting ever for a group this large getting together, which is a total of about 77 countries.

And Iraq was chosen to chair the group for the first time.

So they take over the presidency of that for this particular year, I guess it says Iraq will provide all the elements for success for this presidency, which is the first for Iraq since the establishment of the group, as Iraq was one of the founding countries 60 years ago.

And they, you know, after 60 years they get a tap on the shoulder to have the presidency all at a time when they're about ready to go hit the international stage.

I think what better way to do it is to be involved with that many countries at once and possibly to celebrate their new sovereignty.

Let's see what they have to say.

It says at the end of the meeting, the resolution was unanimous.

So this meeting they just had.

It says at the end of the meeting, the resolution was unanimously adopted to support the Republic of Iraq to assume the presidency of the group of 77.

And China as the member states, offered congratulations to Iraq and expressed their readiness to support it in its tasks during this important presidency.

So they obviously have an interest in what Iraq's about ready to do and that is to go international.

As far as the tea leaves, I read will suggest anyway.

So let's see how far that goes.

That's coming up, I guess.

There is the, there's going to be supposedly again, distribution of iraqi retirees salaries tomorrow on Sunday.

Why do I bring this up again?

Because we've heard it time and time again.

Maybe there's going to be something different this coming Sunday, which is tomorrow.

A responsible source, so they don't tell you who, but they say at least the person's responsible, says on Saturday the distribution of retirees salaries throughout Iraq, except for the Kurdistan region will be tomorrow on Sunday.

And then the salaries of the civilian and military retirees for the month of September will be distributed tomorrow after the funding is completed by the concerned authorities.

So they're waiting for funding.

So that means funding is the final stage of clearing money to be spent.

I think I got that right.

So anyway, they're not getting until after it's funded.

And they will probably, I'm hoping they're not going to fund these salaries at 1310 to the dinar.

Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow if that's the case or nothing.

Tomorrow is the 1 September.

So let's see what happens.

I think it looks promising.

However, everybody is kind of on pins and needles these days because they're showcasing Iraq like in no other ways.

All these different big names that are involved in helping Iraq do the things that she's been doing and finishing is just truly amazing.

Some of the biggest names in the world that are working with Iraq, as you'll see.

So it says here, after the success of the recent negotiations in Washington, an expert identifies indicators of a decline in the demand of the dollar.

Financial economic researcher Ala Jaloub al Fahad confirmed today, which is Saturday, August 31, that the central bank succeeded in during the recent negotiations in Washington in diversifying the basket of commercial currencies, indicating that this will lead to a significant decrease in the demand for the dollar.

It says that this meeting with discussions the central bank of Iraq during the past hours sounds like it's today.

And the US Federal Reserve and US treasury which lasted for three days.

So they're saying, okay, they've given you the information today, but the time that they had spent lasted for three days.

It says 13 iraqi banks entered into direct foreign correspondence remittances correspondence remittances and diversified the currency basket.

So if you guys think about it.

Iraq's Big Move: US Gas Investment Talks!




Oil Minister: I expect gas reserves to increase to more than 200 trillion cubic feet




Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani confirmed on Sunday that the gas reserves achieved in Iraq amount to 128 trillion cubic feet and it is expected that these quantities will increase to more than 200 trillion cubic feet through these areas spread in the western region, which, by investing in them, will achieve self-sufficiency in gas and perhaps Iraq will turn into a country exporting gas to the countries of the world.  

Abdul Ghani said in a televised interview followed by "Al-Eqtisad News" that the ministry took the initiative to drill an exploratory well in one of the promising areas, which is the Al-Anz area, and according to studies it contains a large gas reserve that produces less than 1,000 cubic meters of gas per day, indicating that there was a fifth supplementary and sixth licensing round that includes 29 oil fields and a gas exploration area located in western Iraq.

He added that the exploratory gas patch is spread in the western region of Iraq. This patch is approximately 8 to 9 patches that include large quantities of gas that are expected to be offered to specialized companies for investment.

 Abdul Ghani pointed out that we are about to go to the United States of America to present these exploration areas to specialized American companies with the aim of investing in these areas and sites.



 Fnu Lnu 

 The subsequent [After New York] visit to Washington D.C. was most likely to prove to the UST that the rogue, non-compliant banks in Iraq were brought to heel. I see an RV in the near future and I must say, it's about time. 

Fnu Lnu  

...Crazy rumor is that the Dinar will be constant or fixed "In Country", but will float for the rest of the world. This is not true. The species of note in country will be the smaller denomination ONLY. 

However, the species of note for the rest of the world will include the three zero notes which will bear the same exchange rate. The only difference is that it will be multiplied by the thousands. (Three Zeros) 

There will be NO LOP! 

 It has been repeatedly stated that both species will co-exist for a period of ten years. Nothing has changed since I was told this 14 years ago.

 Why these rumors start to surface periodically, usually when the RV seems to be imminent,  is a mystery to me.


MILITIAMAN: IQD Update-#iraqidinar #iraqidinarexchangerate-Transformation-Foreign Tr...

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: International Cooperation and Commitment, 3 SEPT

 International Cooperation and Commitment

In September 2024, the government, under the leadership of Yasser Al-Awadi, emphasized its commitment to fighting corruption and ensuring that the law is upheld and enforced at all levels. This dedication to transparency and accountability is crucial in maintaining public trust and fostering an environment conducive to sustainable development and economic growth.

The Al-Awadi government is not alone in its efforts. It is part of a global movement, as evidenced by the 17th Meeting of the Working Group on the Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering held in the United Arab Emirates in September 2024.  This international collaboration underscores the shared belief that corruption is a global issue requiring a concerted response.

Strengthening Institutions and Transparency

In line with the theme of the 14th Annual Conference of Heads of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Commonwealth Africa, "Strengthening Institutions and Promoting Transparency: A Means of Fighting Corruption in Commonwealth Africa," the Al-Awadi government is focusing on institutional reforms.  By enhancing the capacity of anti-corruption agencies and promoting transparency, the government aims to reduce opportunities for corruption and increase public confidence in the administration.

Private Sector and Civil Society Engagement

Recognizing the importance of a multi-sectoral approach, the government is also working to increase the involvement of the private sector and civil society in anti-corruption policies.   This inclusive strategy ensures that the fight against corruption is not solely the responsibility of the government but is a collective effort involving all segments of society.

Innovative Strategies and Capacity Building

To effectively tackle corruption, the Al-Awadi government is developing innovative training programs and technical assistance initiatives.  These measures are designed to equip public officials with the necessary skills and knowledge to combat corruption in their respective domains.

The Role of Transparency in Public and Private Sectors

Transparency is a key component of the government's anti-corruption strategy. By promoting transparency in both public and private sectors, the government is working to create a culture of integrity and accountability.  This is crucial in building a society where corruption is not tolerated and where citizens can have confidence in their institutions.


The Al-Awady government's fight against corruption is a multifaceted effort that involves international cooperation, institutional strengthening, private sector engagement, and innovative capacity-building strategies. Through these initiatives, the government seeks to create a more transparent and accountable system that benefits all citizens.




Al-Awady: The government stresses the need to continue fighting corruption and all forms of violations of the law


Government spokesman Bassem Al Awadi said today, Sunday, that the government stresses the need to continue fighting corruption and all forms of violations of the law, in continuous and close cooperation with the judicial and legislative authorities.


Al-Awadi said in a statement received by {Euphrates News} that "the government is following up, based on its commitment and legal responsibilities, the misleading campaigns that aim to obstruct its work in various fields, including what was reported of inaccurate information that contains innuendo, and some of which included direct accusations against the government regarding issues that are currently under judicial review," stressing that "the executive authority is awaiting what it will issue in this regard, with the government's continued emphasis on adhering to the law and respecting judicial decisions."

He added, "The government stresses the need to continue fighting corruption and all forms of infringement of the law, in continuous and close cooperation with the judicial and legislative authorities. It also relies in this regard on the vigilance and awareness of the citizen so that he does not fall victim to those who distort the facts and deliberately mislead public opinion."

Al-Awadi pointed out that “there are those who are working to drag the government and distract it from its national approach through desperate attempts that do not stand up to the real and actual legal procedures that the government is working to implement and support.” The past two years of the government’s term have proven the strength of the will in this direction, and the continuous determination to implement reforms and not to be lenient in public rights, no matter the pressures and consequences.



Germany: Iraq is witnessing progress towards economic stability, 19 SEPT

 Economy News – Baghdad The director of the offices of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Iraq, Christopher Flocter, c...