Saturday, August 31, 2024

Iraqi Banks Go Global: Multi-Currency Transfers Now Live!



DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraqi Banks Expand Foreign Transfer Operations with Multiple Currencies, 31 AUGUST

 Iraqi Banks Expand Foreign Transfer Operations with Multiple Currencies

The Central Bank of Iraq has announced a significant development in the country's banking sector, marking the beginning of a new phase in foreign transfer operations. 

As of August 30, 2024, a delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq in New York revealed that 13 Iraqi banks will participate in external transfers, utilizing multiple currencies.

This move is designed to enhance the diversity of currencies and facilitate international transfer operations, further integrating Iraq into the global financial landscape.

Key Highlights of the Announcement

  • Participating Banks: A total of 13 Iraqi banks have been selected to participate in this new phase of foreign transfer operations.
  • Multiple Currencies: The operations will involve transactions in multiple currencies, aiming to reduce reliance on a single currency and promote financial flexibility.
  • Global Integration: This development is seen as a crucial step towards enhancing Iraq's integration into the global financial system, making it easier for Iraqi banks to conduct international transactions.

Implications for the Iraqi Economy

The participation of Iraqi banks in external transfers with multiple currencies is expected to have several positive implications for the Iraqi economy:

  • Increased Financial Flexibility: By conducting transactions in multiple currencies, Iraqi banks can better manage foreign exchange risks and provide more flexible financial services to their clients.
  • Enhanced Global Trade: This move is likely to facilitate international trade for Iraqi businesses, making it easier for them to import goods and services from abroad.
  • Attracting Foreign Investment: A more integrated and flexible financial system can attract foreign investors, contributing to economic growth and development in Iraq.

Challenges and Future Directions

While this development is a significant step forward for Iraq's banking sector, there are challenges that need to be addressed:

  • Regulatory Framework: Ensuring a robust regulatory framework is in place to oversee these operations and prevent potential risks such as money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Infrastructure Development: Continuous investment in banking infrastructure and technology is necessary to support the growth of international transactions.
  • Financial Literacy: Educating the public and businesses about the benefits and risks associated with international transactions in multiple currencies is crucial for the success of this initiative.


The Central Bank of Iraq's announcement regarding the participation of Iraqi banks in external transfers with multiple currencies marks a significant milestone in the country's financial sector development. As Iraq continues to integrate into the global economy, this move is expected to bring about increased financial flexibility, enhanced global trade opportunities, and potentially attract foreign investment. However, addressing the challenges associated with this development will be key to its success.




The Central Bank announces the participation of Iraqi banks in external transfers in multiple currencies


August 30, 2024

 The delegation of the Central Bank of Iraq in New York announced the start of the new phase of foreign transfer operations with the participation of (13) Iraqi banks, in an important step aimed at enhancing the diversity of currencies and facilitating international transfer operations.

  This announcement came after reaching an agreement on the mechanisms for regulating these operations, as it will include dealing in the euro, Chinese yuan, Indian rupee, and UAE dirham.

The delegation confirmed the definition of the scope of work of the international auditing company E&Y, which will review the transfer operations to ensure their safety and compliance with international standards. This step is a reflection of the Central Bank of Iraq's commitment to achieving the highest levels of transparency and security in all foreign transfer operations, and enhancing confidence in the Iraqi financial system. 

This initiative came within the framework of the Central Bank of Iraq's ongoing efforts to support economic growth and expand the horizons of international cooperation with global markets.

Central Bank of Iraq 
Media Office 
August 30, 2024



The Central Bank announces the participation of 13 Iraqi banks in the external transfer




Baghdad - WAA 

The Central Bank of Iraq announced, today, Friday, the participation of 13 Iraqi banks in the external transfer. 

A statement by the bank - received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) - stated that "the delegation of the Central Bank of Iraq announced in New York the start of the new phase of foreign transfer operations with the participation of (13) Iraqi banks, in an important step aimed at enhancing the diversity of currencies and facilitating international transfer operations."
The statement added that "the announcement came after reaching an agreement on the mechanisms for regulating these operations, as it will include dealing in the euro, Chinese yuan, Indian rupee and Emirati dirham."
The delegation confirmed - according to the statement - "determining the scope of work of the international auditing company E&Y, which will review the transfer operations to ensure their safety and compliance with international standards. This step is a reflection of the Central Bank of Iraq's commitment to achieving the highest levels of transparency and security in all foreign transfer operations and enhancing confidence in the Iraqi financial system."
The statement concluded that "this initiative came within the framework of the Central Bank of Iraq's ongoing efforts to support economic growth and expand the horizons of international cooperation with global markets."






Article: " "Two conditions to achieve it" .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency

Quote: "Salih, ruled out the government removing three zeros from the Iraqi currency at present, noting that achieving this requires two basic conditions...

Explained that the three zeros added price and monetary inflation to the currency, starting with the Iran-Iraq war...generated inflation in the value of the currency.  

He pointed out that when prices rise, we need larger denominations of money to maintain the equivalence between price and money. For example, due to price inflation, 25 Iraqi dinars have become 25,000 dinars.  Saleh pointed out the importance of reducing the calculations that have reached trillions in recent years. .."

Article Continues "...adding that the process of raising three zeros does not only mean the value of the currency, but also the calculations and statistics...

Removing three zeros from the currency, globally, requires two conditions: political stability and economic stability. When these two factors are available, countries resort to removing zeros from their currency, adding that the value is fixed and not affected. Rather, it is a relative change....

The project to remove three zeros we worked on between 2011 and 2012, but there was a delay in the matter, because it requires a change in the accounts of the Republic of Iraq and statistics, and requires cooperation between monetary policy and all government policies."

Strong Economy, Strong Dinar: Insights from Economist Al-Badrani

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Saudi Arabia and Iraq Strengthen Financial Intelligence Cooperation, 31 AIGUST

 Saudi Arabia and Iraq Strengthen Financial Intelligence Cooperation

In a strategic move to enhance bilateral efforts against illicit financial activities, Saudi Arabia and Iraq have approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to intensify cooperation in combating money laundering and counter-terrorism financing.  This agreement, endorsed by the Saudi Cabinet during its weekly meeting chaired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on August 27, 2024, underscores the commitment of both nations to tackle financial crimes. 

The MoU facilitates the exchange of financial investigations between Saudi Arabia's General Directorate of Financial Investigation at the Presidency of State Security and Iraq's Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Office.  This partnership, initially signed on the sidelines of the Arab Forum of Anti-Corruption Agencies and Financial Intelligence Units held in Riyadh in May, brings together experts from both countries to share intelligence and expertise in anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures. 

A Milestone in Regional Financial Security

Saudi Arabia, a founding member of the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENA FATF) since 2004, has demonstrated significant progress in implementing global anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing guidelines.  The Kingdom's efforts to combat monetary crimes have been bolstered by comprehensive laws and partnerships with international organizations and countries, including the Financial Action Task Force. 

Enhancing Regional Stability

This MoU is a testament to the joint commitment of Saudi Arabia and Iraq to regional stability and security. By fostering a robust framework for financial intelligence sharing, both nations aim to disrupt illicit financial flows and strengthen the integrity of their financial systems.