Thursday, August 29, 2024

Saudi Investment Protection Law: What It Means for Iraq





Oil: We will achieve self-sufficiency in gasoline next year




The Ministry of Oil announced, on Monday, that Iraq is close to achieving self-sufficiency in gasoline, while indicating that measures have been taken that have contributed to the decline in smuggling of petroleum derivatives.
The Director of the Oil Products Distribution Company, Hussein Talib, said: “The issue of reducing the import of petroleum derivatives depends on two important matters, the first of which is related to the refining industries and the development of refineries and their entry into operation, such as the Karbala refinery, which is considered one of the most modern refineries and produces 140,000 barrels, and the Northern Refineries Group, which has also entered into operation, in addition to developing the Dora refinery and adding the isomerization unit and the Shuaiba refinery.”
He explained that “these factors have led to the provision of products and reduced the import of petroleum derivatives,” noting that “Iraq has reached self-sufficiency in gas oil and white oil products, while self-sufficiency in high-octane gasoline (improved) will be achieved during 2025 according to the plans set by the Ministry of Oil and specialized agencies.
He added, "The second matter that depends on reducing the import of petroleum derivatives is regulating the equipment and determining the real consumption of petroleum products. There are mechanisms put in place by the Oil Products Distribution Company to reduce unreal consumption, including issuing a fuel card for gasoline in Kirkuk and Nineveh governorates." 

He pointed out that "gas oil is tightly controlled and we have controlled the flow of petroleum derivatives by installing GPRS systems for government and private cars," indicating that "this issue has limited the sale outside the controls and smuggling of petroleum derivatives."

He added, "Smuggling operations have declined during the current year as a result of the tightening of control over the software and technologies put in place by the Oil Products Distribution Company."



 Fnu Lnu 

 With the RV drawing near, the crazies are coming out of the woodwork...

First of all, The redemption centers ARE the same as the banks. They are merely off premises due to an expected increase in traffic. They are not separate entities. 

Secondly..."The Law of One Price"...states an instrument cannot be sold in different markets at different prices.

 In other words, the "redemption Centers" (banks) are NOT going to offer you an exchange rate three times what the "Banks" give you. IT IS ILLEGAL! The rate will be the rate no matter where you go. 

The only thing that may differ is the percentage of the fee.  This fee is usually 2% but that isn't etched in stone.


Fnu Lnu 

 It has been reported that Hezbollah plans to open a HQ in Baghdad and implied that Baghdad will allow it. PLEASE! ...Nuri Al Maliki owns all but one newspaper in Iraq...and is Iranian sympathetic ... Next, think the United States is ever going to leave Iraq? ...That will never happen...Do you...think the United States military is, for one minute, going to allow Hamas or Hezbollah, or any other Iranian proxy group to set up shop in Baghdad, no less? This is commonly known as fear porn and has zero credibility...

Fnu Lnu   

[Response to Guru Henig post 3-16-2024 below] The taxation issue is not complex and I  have it directly from the taxing authority (IRS) and an agent within the IRS. The taxation will be a matter of choice (YOU DECIDE).  You may either pay tax as "REGULAR INCOME" or as Capital Gains. YOU CHOOSE! Depending on your structuring for tax  advantages...Regular Income is the easiest way to deal with the income/profits as it is amenable with classic Asset  Protection...The notion that you must have receipts is not true because you can choose Regular Income. 

  It is also not true that one must have a receipt or pay 40-50% in taxes. The tax code is  written for both kinds of people. Those who pay taxes and those who do not. Guess which side the rich are on? They use Asset defer and liabilities and anyone can do it...Do not be misled. Consult an ASSET PROTECTION ATTORNEY and forget the rest of what you hear and read.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Being Distributed 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar RV News Gu...

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Digital platform for financial efficiency books, financing plans and their controls , 29 AUGUST

 Digital platform for financial efficiency books, financing plans and their controls

August 28, 2024

Based on the Central Bank of Iraq Law No. (56) of 2004, as the sectoral body supervising the work of all licensed financial institutions, and within the framework of this bank’s orientation towards automating the work of the banking sector, as well as supporting government efforts in implementing its contracts, a digital platform was created that includes establishing a new mechanism for issuing (financial efficiency books, and financing plan books) from all licensed banks, and their controls ..

 For more, click here



Article: "Government advisor explains the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar in oil sales

 Interesting quote from Salih in that article... 

Quote:  "The strength and stability of the Iraqi dinar will remain linked to the factors of real growth and diversity in the national economy,"


  Article 1: "Is it time to remove the zeros?

"Article 2: "Is Iraq heading towards printing new paper currency?"  

These articles discuss a LOP...Iraq is converting to digital currency over time removing the paper money.


   The discussion in Iraq is not an RV but a currency exchange LOP.  Symposiums were held last fall to educate many of the citizens on such an event.  There would be little to no gain, in fact, based on the numbers published it would be a loss if they did so.


Community Comment: "Seems like there's some good news & some so not good. I have the feeling we aren't close, by a long shot."  

I pointed out a few months ago that Iraq was ending the currency auction at the end of  this year.  Nothing is going to happen with the dinar until after that and they begin to diversify their economy.


  The Iraqi dinar is a currency of a country it's not a lottery ticket. There is no magical RV...Owning dinar is risky, which may strengthen over time, but it's a long-term investment.

 Article:   "Iraq speeds up steps to join WTO"  Those that follow me know that we posted information that stated the Central Bank of Iraq planned to end the currency auctions at the end of this year, joining the WTO sometime next year would also benefit them.


 Seems to be a lot of hype lately that people are getting excited for some Dinar RV.  Not how currencies work. Iraq has a lot of work to do...If and when the dinar goes up in value it will be based on the success and growth of Iraq's economy. 


  Community Comment: "Does this have a negative, positive or neutral effect on our investment?"

  Article: "Mazhar Muhammad Salih: Our cash reserves are the highest and there are no fears of the dollar rising"  This is good news.



   Question: "So the RV tomorrow 3:00? Lol"  You need to change your thinking. There is no RV, never will be one. The only way that dinar can go up in value is 'gradually' over time based on the success and growth of Iraq's own economy.


 Article:  "Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq"  Article quote: "the importance of commercial communication with various countries around the world and organizing relations in a way that achieves mutual benefit for all parties, especially as Iraq is on the verge of rejoining the World Trade Organization (WTO). He explained

that this project comes as one of the achievements within the file of Iraq's accession to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)."  WTO requirement. Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq


Iraq Showing New Lower Notes on TV🚩Expect What in 24 - 48 Hours?🤔Dinar R...