Monday, August 26, 2024

A revealing case in Iraq , 26 AUGUST

 By Greg Tosi

Real Clear Wire

In the Middle East, much of the world’s attention is on the conflict in Gaza and appropriately so.

But other challenges remain. In Iraq, where American military forces liberated the country from the evil clutches of Saddam Hussein just a few years ago, the independence of an American ally is increasingly in doubt. Iranian sympathizers exist at all levels of Iraqi’s government bureaucracy and legal system. Iraqi governmental decisions are made not in the best interests of the Iraqi people, but in the best interests of Iran’s mullahs.

 This perverse Iranian influence threatens American interests and undermines two decades of U.S. effort in blood and treasure to bring democracy and prosperity to Iraq. The Iranian influence affects national policy and the daily lives of Iraqis.

One legal case is particularly revealing. Sara Saleem, a dual Iraqi-American citizen, is a leading businesswoman in Iraq. Her company competes for and regularly wins the biggest construction contracts in Iraq. She has developed housing and commercial projects in every region of Iraq. Today, however, she must live in Virginia because Iranian interests threaten her life.

Ten years ago, Saleem entered a business partnership with three brothers. Saleem’s partners – Nizar, Namir, and Ramez Hanna Nasri – used what she believes were deceptive tactics to persuade her to secure a $100 million loan from the Trade Bank of Iraq. They convinced her to transfer these funds to them and to relinquish half of her real estate company’s shares without compensation and with the promise of significantly expanding the Safah project in the Basra Governorate.

Shortly after that, an Iran-backed militia – working with the Nasri brothers – kidnapped Saleem. With courage and tenacity, Sara escaped captivity and returned to a relatively normal, everyday suburban life. Since then, the Nasri brothers have been convicted of criminal fraud in Iraq and are under house arrest. Unfortunately, Saleem must continuously look over her shoulder, and the Nasri brothers still own half of Sara’s construction company, worth tens of millions of dollars.

Saleem’s civil case is pending appeal before Iraq’s Supreme Judicial Council. Lower courts have ruled both for her and against her. The president of the Supreme Judicial Council is Faeq Zaidan. 

The U.S. House of Representatives has labeled Zaidan a “tool of Iranian influence” in legislation. Zaidan will make the final decision on Saleem’s case, and she fears Iran’s influence in Iraq’s court system will cause an unjust decision to be meted out by the Iraqi judiciary.

An article recently published in Iraq hints that Prime Minister Sudani, who relies on Iran-backed militias for security, might have intervened on behalf of the Nasri brothers. Here is the key paragraph in English: 

“The story begins with heavy steps, about the director of the Iraqi Trade Bank, who was informed of a ‘semi-mandatory’ order from government decision-making agencies, and delivered to him a decree that does not violate, a decree covered with poison, but pretending to be honey, in a proposed settlement for the file of Hanna's children by paying half the amount looted by them, while the other half, paid by Sara Hamid, owner of the company "Falcon Al-Jareh Real Estate Investments," to be this woman victim of this deal.”

Freedom of the press is limited in Iraq. Only the most veiled reference to the highest level of power is advisable. Thus, an “order from government decision-making agencies” really means the prime minister. Prime Minister Sudani and President Zaidan have a chance to show that Iraq is not a tool of Iran and that it will stand against corruption and malign foreign influence by giving Sara Saleem control of her company. 

Saleem’s case might appear to be a small, isolated dispute in the global scheme of international relations, but it will be highly indicative of Iraq’s future. While much of the world’s attention is on Gaza, the Biden administration would be well advised to use its good offices to ensure justice for Sara Saleem in Baghdad.

Greg Tosi is a former senior staff member in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.


Sun 25 2024 Wolverine

The Whales are receiving their appts and going to Colombia and to Reno! Tier4A funds are released. It is taking longer than expected… it is a process. All is coming through. 

Today or tomorrow, we will have good news for Tier4B and then the opera will be released.  

I was hoping to be under NDA today, but it is slow, but I will get that call coming through! This is about helping humanity and our families. We want to help all we can. Whatever is possible. Private contractors are now getting paid as well.  The amount of money these people are receiving fathoms the mind.

 Sadly, one of my huge whales in Mexico who waited a long time for this RV, has d**d in poverty, he had no money, and hopefully his assets can be passed on to his family.

 Most of the whales have no money…many sold all they had to get their bonds or have lost their businesses due to world events. 

 I know a huge whale in Germany who lost his business and is struggling, but he has huge amounts of boxes. 

Not all whales are rich.

 Fortunately, my whale is well off, and I am lucky. 

In summary, the RV has started for bondholders and Tier4B is waiting for today or tomorrow, and today there is still time to get notifications for Tier4B. 

You are also seeing people getting debits released for Nesara and Gesara.

 Hopefully we will get good news! I think we all would like to have our debts paid off! Yellow Dragon bonds are available till our whale gets his notifications. 

 Send me a message if you are interested. Things are happening. Hold on. I am very sure we will get through this during this week.  Take care, Wolverine

MILITIAMAN: IQD Update-Iraq Dinar News - #iraqidinar Central Bank-New York City-Iraq...

DINAR REVALUATION UPDATE: Al Sudani’s Ambitious Energy Plans for Iraq in 2024: A New Era Dawns, 26 AUGUST

Al Sudani’s Ambitious Energy Plans for Iraq in 2024: A New Era Dawns

Iraq's Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al Sudani, has embarked on a transformative journey to reshape the country's energy sector, aiming to reduce its dependency on Iran and enhance its energy independence by 2030.  His ambitious plans, which have garnered attention and support from US companies and the government, could signal the beginning of a new era for Iraq's energy landscape. 

Strategic Initiatives and Collaborations

During a pivotal visit to the United States, Prime Minister Al Sudani met with President Joe Biden and several American companies to discuss and finalize strategic initiatives aimed at strengthening Iraq's power sector.   Key among these was an announcement by GE Vernova, which outlined plans to boost power generation and enhance the availability of power supply across Iraq by injecting an additional 3 gigawatts (GW) of energy into the grid through highly efficient combined cycle power plants. 

The Role of US Companies

American companies, including KBR, Transatlantic Petroleum, Honeywell/UOP, Baker Hughes, Emerson, Arc Energy, and GE, are working closely with RASEP, a Baghdad-based energy infrastructure developer, to develop one of the world's largest oil and gas fields—Nahr Bin Umar in southern Iraq.   This project includes the development of an associated liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility near Basra, which could become operational within the decade. 

Economic Impact and Job Creation

The Iraqi government has approved the construction of the country's first LNG regasification import terminal in the southern port of Al-Faw, which could potentially be converted into an export terminal.  This move, alongside other energy sector developments, is expected to create thousands of local direct and indirect jobs, stabilize Iraq's economy, and expand the country's treasury. 

Addressing Emissions and Climate Change

Iraq is a promising market for American energy and technology companies, with investments in the energy sector also aimed at addressing emission reduction goals.  These efforts reinforce US governmental initiatives towards climate change, highlighting the mutual benefits of economic development and environmental sustainability. 

A Comprehensive Relationship

Prime Minister Al Sudani's visit to the US also underscored the desire for a 360-degree, comprehensive relationship between the two nations.  This includes a focus on economic, educational, and people-to-people domains, beyond the traditional security and military ties. 

Security and Cooperation

Despite domestic and Iranian pressure to reduce the US military presence, Al Sudani is keen on managing this pressure in a way that does not detract from his broader political and economic agenda.  The establishment of the Higher Military Commission (HMC) by Iraq and the United States in August 2023 is aimed at transitioning from the anti-ISIS coalition mission to bilateral security relations. 

A New Chapter for Iraq

Al Sudani's ambitious energy plans, coupled with strategic collaborations with US companies and the government, could indeed signal a new era for Iraq, marked by enhanced energy independence, economic stability, and a more comprehensive partnership with the United States. 

Al Sudani’s ambitious energy plans could signal a new era for Iraq, 26 AUGUST

 In a major push to secure Iraq’s energy independence and strengthen its ties with the international community, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani has announced new plans to add 10 gigawatts of electricity to the power grid. This ambitious initiative aims not only to address Iraq’s ongoing power shortages but also to position it as a critical player in the global energy market. By aligning Iraq’s energy strategy with global interests, the Al Sudani government seeks to foster deeper regional co-operation and attract international investment.

“Our focus is not just on ensuring reliable electricity for the people of Iraq,” Mr Al Sudani emphasised. “It’s also about contributing to global energy stability and fostering partnerships that will benefit both Iraq and the international community.” These remarks underscore Iraq’s intention to leverage its domestic energy development to forge stronger connections with the international community.

An oil field on the outskirts of Kirkuk, Iraq. Reuters

A cornerstone of Iraq’s new energy strategy is collaboration with global energy companies such as GE Vernova and Siemens, among others. For example, the partnership with GE Vernova is vital in modernising Iraq’s aging power infrastructure. The company plans to inject up to 3 gigawatts of electricity into Iraq’s grid through advanced combined cycle power plants, significantly enhancing the country’s energy capacity.

Additionally, the plan includes upgrading over 70 turbines and generators at 18 power plants across Iraq, ensuring that the country can meet growing electricity demand more efficiently. These upgrades will bolster Iraq’s energy infrastructure, making it more resilient and capable of providing reliable electricity to both urban and rural areas.

Iraq’s energy strategy also reflects a shift towards sustainability, aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Historically, Iraq has been a major contributor to gas flaring, a process where natural gas produced during oil extraction is burnt, leading to significant environmental harm. The new energy initiatives aim to capture this flared gas and convert it into electricity, reducing pollution while increasing power generation.

The Prime Minister’s vision for Iraq’s energy future is closely tied to international co-operation

In addition, the Prime Minister laid the foundation for a 300 MW solar project in Karbala, which is the first of several contracts as part of a larger 2,250 MW solar project.

This move towards more sustainable energy practices is crucial for Iraq’s future. It not only addresses environmental concerns but also aligns Iraq with global energy trends that prioritise sustainability and the efficient use of natural resources. These efforts signal Iraq’s commitment to becoming a more responsible energy producer on the international stage.

Beyond domestic energy improvements, Iraq is also focusing on regional energy co-operation. The country is actively engaging with neighbouring Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf Co-operation Council, to diversify its energy sources. A key project in this strategy is the planned electricity interconnection with Saudi Arabia, which will deliver one gigawatt of electricity to Iraq. For the first time, Al Rutba in Iraq's Al Anbar governorate is receiving electricity from Jordan, and Iraq’s grid is now connected to Turkey’s grid, allowing it to link with Europe.

These regional partnerships are part of Iraq’s broader strategy to promote economic integration and stability in the Middle East. By enhancing co-operation with its neighbours, Iraq is positioning itself as a central player in the region’s energy dynamics. Mr Al Sudani’s government views these initiatives as essential for transforming Iraq from a country dependent on external energy sources into a hub of energy production and regional co-operation.

In addition to electricity generation, Iraq is making significant strides in managing its vast oil and gas resources. The recent signing of contracts for the fifth and sixth oil and gas licensing rounds is a crucial step in this direction. These contracts, which open up new oil and gas fields for international investment, are expected to attract billions of dollars in foreign capital and bring in the expertise needed to develop Iraq’s energy sector.

These licensing rounds are not only about increasing production but also about boosting Iraq’s role in the global energy market. The inclusion of gas fields in these rounds is particularly significant, as it aligns with Iraq’s broader strategy of capturing flared gas and using it to meet domestic energy needs.

Earlier, Iraq also allocated funds to build a new gas import facility in Al Fao, located in the southern part of the country. This project aligns with Iraq’s broader strategy to improve its energy infrastructure and secure reliable sources of energy to meet growing domestic demand. The facility will allow Iraq to import liquefied natural gas, providing a more stable and diversified energy supply for electricity generation and industrial use.

Additionally, this facility could position Iraq as a regional energy hub, allowing it to potentially re-export gas to neighbouring countries in the future.

The Prime Minister’s vision for Iraq’s energy future is closely tied to international co-operation. The success of Iraq’s energy projects will depend not only on domestic implementation but also on continued collaboration with global and regional partners. Iraq’s partnerships with international energy companies and neighbouring Gulf states are key to ensuring that the country can meet its energy goals while contributing to global energy stability.

By connecting its national development objectives with global energy trends, Iraq is positioning itself as a critical player in the Middle East and beyond. Mr Al Sudani’s ambitious plans signal a new era for Iraq, one where the country is not only meeting its own energy needs but also helping to shape the future of global energy co-operation.

While challenges remain, including the need for political stability and efficient project implementation, Iraq’s energy initiatives have the potential to transform the country’s economy and its standing in the global community. With continued focus on sustainability, regional co-operation and international investment, Iraq is poised to become a leading energy producer and a vital partner in the global energy landscape.


Iraq Summons UK Charge d'Affaires Over Ambassador's Remarks

On August 18, 2024, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry summoned Britain's chargé d'affaires in Baghdad to protest comments made by the British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hitchen.  According to a statement issued by the ministry, Hitchen's remarks portrayed a bleak image of Iraq's security and political situation, reflecting negatively on the country's government and its diverse communities. 

During a talk show broadcast by the Kurdish media outlet Rudaw, Hitchen spoke about Iraq's political and security challenges, stating that it would be difficult to encourage tourism to Iraq amid security chaos and uncontrolled weapons. He emphasized that the challenge for the Iraqi government is how to deal with the militias.   Hitchen also mentioned that he had received threats personally, attributing them to certain militias that "do not like us". 

UK Embassy Response

The British embassy in Iraq responded to the situation, stating that the ambassador's comments had been misunderstood out of context. An embassy official told The National, "Our relationship with the Iraqi state is a deep and longstanding one, built today on a modern, forward-looking partnership". 

Iraq's Accusations

Iraq considered Hitchen's remarks as interference in Iraq's internal affairs and a departure from the diplomatic duties assigned to the ambassador. The ministry did not provide specifics about which comments it was referring to, but local media reports indicated that Hitchen discussed problems arising from incorporating militias into the Iraqi government's military institutions. 

Impact on Relations

The incident has raised tensions between Iraq and the UK, with the Iraqi government expressing its disapproval of the comments and calling for respect for its sovereignty. The UK embassy's clarification has attempted to smooth over the situation, emphasizing the importance of the bilateral relationship. 

Iraqi PM forms high-level committee to align banks with international financial standards, 20 SEPT

  Shafaq News/ On Thursday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani announced the establishment of a high-level committee aimed at alig...