Saturday, August 24, 2024


DINAR REVALUATION UPDATE : Iraqi Dinar's Potential for Gold and Silver Conversion in Forex Trading, 24 AUGUST

 Iraqi Dinar's Potential for Gold and Silver Conversion in Forex Trading

As of August 24, 2024, the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) has been a topic of interest in Forex markets, particularly in relation to its potential for conversion into precious metals like gold and silver. 

Forex Market and the Iraqi Dinar

The Forex market, being the largest financial market globally, offers opportunities for trading various currencies against each other. The Iraqi Dinar, with its unique dynamics and economic factors, has attracted attention from traders and investors looking to convert it into precious metals. 

Gold and Silver as Safe Haven Assets

Gold and silver are often considered safe haven assets, especially during economic uncertainties. Converting the Iraqi Dinar into these precious metals can potentially serve as a hedge against inflation and geopolitical risks. 

Conversion Rates and Market Trends

The conversion rates between the Iraqi Dinar and gold or silver fluctuate based on market trends and economic indicators. As of August 24, 2024, the Forex market reflects these changes, offering opportunities for investors to convert IQD into gold or silver. 

Impact of Economic Policies

The dual exchange rate system in Iraq, influenced by excessive demand for US dollars internationally, has had implications on the Iraqi Dinar's value and its conversion into precious metals. Economic policies and market conditions play a crucial role in determining the dinar's strength and attractiveness for conversion. 

Trading Strategies and Considerations

For those interested in converting the Iraqi Dinar into gold or silver through Forex trading, it's essential to monitor market trends, understand the economic factors affecting exchange rates, and develop a strategic approach to trading. 



I Guess This Is The End: The Fall of Baal

Info came out via Militia-Man & Crew that confirm what I shared with you all about Texas when redeeming currency for precious metals that once the Iraqi Dinar is on the Forex anyone will be able to convert into Gold & Silver. 

Do you all know how monumental this is? Remember the 43 states that pass bills to make metals legal tender? This means your money will be 100% tax-free. This means that if you purchase property with gold mortgage, taxes, liens, etc, it will not be a factor in any capacity. 

Why do you think bankers fear Basel 3. Remember what the MBA stated a few days ago? That the entire model of real estate will change because of B-3. 

"The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has voiced strong opposition to the Basel capital rule changes, pointing out seven key areas that could affect major banks and regional banks, lenders, servicers, and borrowers within the housing finance ecosystem. Here's a closer look at these crucial concerns". End quote.

Basel 3 empowers the citizens. Not the banking industry. This is why they are now trying to double down on the Dodd Frank Act. Which allows the bank to legally confiscate your money making them impervious to lawsuits. You all have to understand. In the 1970s boomers bought houses for 10k-20k. 

Now do you all see why bankers were crying to Congress about Basel 3 on Capitol Hill a couple of months ago?

The days of writing up mortgages with intrest rates that only exist on a computer screen with nothing in the bank vaults to support the contract written out home buyers that agree to honor that over decades on a monthly basis. 

Not knowing they financially entrapped themselves by signing off on a document that allows the bank to seize or confiscate your property due to delinquency in payments for money they never physically possessed themselves to underwrite a contract based on nothing but a promise and not assets are over.… 


Weekend News with MarkZ. 08/24/2024

Weekend News With MarkZ

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Good morning @MarkZ , and all the mods and the rest of the community.

Member: You think we’re going to ever cross this finish line before September ?

MZ: As far as RV related news – there is a lot of expectations in Iraq for this weekend. But no huge movement yet. We are waiting to get some news.

MZ: Iraqi contacts are pretty hopeful they can force a dinar value change to reduce the use of US dollars . A lot of hopeful talk …and most are looking for a change on Sunday. That’s only a day away so guess we will soon find out.

Member: Many feel that Saturday night is the best night to change rates….all the banks worldwide are closed for a short time on Saturday nights. Just sayin……

MZ: We are hearing that they are off “stuck” and have moved past the initial round of bond stuff and they are starting to prepare (in mass) the folks with German bonds. I am 100% certain that is what they are going to start processing next. Hopefully also releasing the money that goes with it.  I started getting this news last night.

MZ: We are hearing money is moving fairly quickly…but we have heard that before.

Member: What are some of the milestones or markers you are still looking for before our notifications Mark?

MZ: For me- I think we need to see more farm claims and settlements paid. And past Farm claims into CMKX and fines and Penalties. This is some of the milestones we should be able to see in the coming days…I would think….

MZ: Iraq is not the only monkey in the game….They are just the easiest to track….. . But we also track bonds and F&Ps…..also easy to track. Iraq is not the only cog in the wheel. But they just need to release that new rate.

Member: If you sign an NDA will your podcasts stop?

MZ: If CMKX pays out and If a NDA kicks in….I may have to quit the podcasts for awhile….but, it would totally depend what it says…If its only an NDA on CMKX I would just not talk about it….ban all talk on it. My concern about discontinuing the podcasts for weeks…is the fear and uncertainty in our community. So I will do my level best to say on – even if it’s only to talk about the weather until we are allowed to talk about specific topics. .

Member: If you sign a currency exchange NDA…so will the rest of us I assume….so we will all just have to be quiet together.

Member: What is your gut saying?

MZ: Many people are thinking we have to wait until November of January for the RV. That is not what I am hearing from the banking side , the settlement side and the bond side. If Nesara holds any kind of truth…..why would we have to wait?

MZ: If whitehats are as powerful as they say they are….why would we have to wait until then….of course if they were that powerful why have they not already flipped the switch? I have a lot of conflicting beliefs on this one. But, I don’t believe we will be waiting that long.

Member: Is the US still holding up the RV and Iraq?

MZ: I don’t think so….I think the US is desperate for money….I think the ones fighting it are the Rothschild banks.

MZ: “ Powell Pivot is complete. Gold stocks, bitcoin and bonds surge as Fed chair says “Time has come for policy surge to adjust”  At least 25 points to 50 basis points. …or ½ of a percentage is what they are talking about.  It will be very important to get to a reset and sound money with these policies….I believe the next administration will reap the benefits of this.

MZ: MilitiaMan did a great breakdown on all the progress we have seen throughout the week…be sure to go watch, and share…..

MZ: I think things are setting up to be a heck of a chapter in this story.

Member: Goldilocks dropping several articles with dates in October for final rules and Regs for crypto and Foreign currency. Looks like we May have to wait until October???

Member: Lord, please release your biblical golden jubilee and bless this community to go out and be beautiful examples of your unconditional LOVE

Member: Have a very fantastic and blessed weekend all you fabulous looking people that I appreciate very much. See you all on Monday morning.

Member: God Bless everyone and I hope you all have a blessed weekend!



Impact of Extortion, Bribery, and Smuggling on Iraq's Dollar Exchange Rate Fluctuations in 2024

In 2024, Iraq faced significant challenges in its economy, particularly concerning the fluctuation of its dollar exchange rate. An economist highlighted that extortion, bribery, and smuggling were the main causes of these fluctuations. 

Extortion and Bribery in Iraq's Economy

Extortion and bribery have long been issues in Iraq, impacting various sectors of its economy. These practices often involve the misuse of power by government officials for illegitimate private gain.

 The prevalence of corruption has hindered Iraq's economic development, as it discourages foreign investment and undermines public trust in institutions. 

Smuggling and Its Effect on Currency Exchange

Smuggling, a significant problem for Iraq, particularly in the context of its relationship with neighboring Iran. 

has had a direct impact on the country's dollar exchange rate. Preventing the smuggling of dollars from Iraq to Iran has been one of Baghdad's greatest challenges, largely driven by pro-Iranian proxies. The illicit flow of currency across borders destabilizes the local economy and contributes to exchange rate volatility. 

Efforts to Combat Economic Instability

The Iraqi government, under Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani, has been determined to restore economic stability by cracking down on smuggling and addressing corruption. 

 These efforts are crucial for Iraq's fiscal and external accounts, as well as for reducing its vulnerability to oil price fluctuations. 


The combination of extortion, bribery, and smuggling has had a profound effect on Iraq's dollar exchange rate in 2024.

 Addressing these issues is critical for the country's economic stability and its ability to diversify its economy beyond oil revenues. The Iraqi government's commitment to addressing these challenges will be a determining factor in the country's future economic prospects.

Economist Puts “Extortion, Bribery And Smuggling” As The Main Causes Of Dollar Exchange Rate Fluctuations, 24 AUGUST

 Posted On 2024-08-21 By Sotaliraq  Economic researcher Diaa Al-Mohsen placed the blackmail, bribery and smuggling operations carried out by dollar dealers who are unable to disclose the sources of their money as the primary reasons for the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate in local markets.

Al-Mohsen explained that “the old authority is still struggling to address the issue of the dollar exchange rate. All the measures it has taken since taking over the management of the Central Bank barely touch on the real problem that led to these increases, which in one way or another had a major impact on the economic situation of the Iraqi family.”

He noted that “the Iraqi market depends entirely on securing its needs through imports that eat up all the revenues generated from Iraqi oil sales.”

In an interview with Al-Mada, Al-Mohsen pointed out that “there are many reasons for the fluctuation of exchange rates other than the above, as many dealers do not enter the dollar for reasons related to the nature of the money they obtain (the national currency).

Some obtain the Iraqi dinar through bribery, others obtain it through blackmail, some of them deal in drugs and human organs, and many others cannot disclose the sources of their money or the final beneficiary of the process of sending it abroad, which exposes them to many legal problems and may expose them to penalties according to Iraqi law.”

He pointed out that “these people are forced to go to the black market to request dollars, and thus the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar rises to increase the demand for the dollar.

We should not forget that there are those who smuggle dollars by tampering with the documents for importing goods, and this tampering occurs at border crossings, and in the end the country is the biggest loser and behind it the ordinary citizen.”

Regarding the dominance of the dollar, the economic researcher continued, “There does not seem to be a glimmer of hope on the horizon to get rid of the dominance of the US dollar as long as the bank’s management insists on keeping the Iraqi economy revolving in the orbit of the US dollar.

If there was a real administration working for the benefit of the national economy, it would have done everything in its power to diversify the sources of currencies it deals with, which is what the current administration does not want.”

He continued, "I believe that the government should seriously consider activating the economic sectors, especially with the Central Bank of Iraq talking about reserves exceeding $115 billion. It is possible to simplify the procedures for granting loans to project owners who have feasibility studies for the projects they want to implement that are in the interest of the Iraqi economy, and grant them soft loans in exchange for the project being the collateral, to reduce the gap between market requirements and imports, and to bridge this gap by increasing local production to cover the needs of the local market and by relying on modern technology in relation to industries, and by relying on modern agricultural techniques in relation to agriculture. "

 He stressed, "Only here will we have put the Iraqi economy on the right path, and as for words other than what we said, they will be nothing more than plowing the sea."

The dollar exchange rate in the parallel markets in Iraq rose again, as the dollar price recorded an increase with the closing of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges to reach 149,300 dinars for every 100 dollars, while it recorded a decrease last Saturday with the closing of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges to reach 149,550 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars.  LINK

Iraqi PM forms high-level committee to align banks with international financial standards, 20 SEPT

  Shafaq News/ On Thursday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani announced the establishment of a high-level committee aimed at alig...