Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Iraqi Ports Reveals The Completion Rates Of The Entrances To The Submerged Tunnel, One Of The Projects Of The Grand Faw Port, 21 AUGUST

 Local |  08/21/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad   The Director General of the General Company for Iraqi Ports, Farhan Al-Fartousi, announced today, Wednesday, the achievement of advanced rates of completion in the entrances to the submerged tunnel, one of the projects of the Grand Faw Port, from both sides (Umm Qasr and Al-Faw).

The Director General of the company said in a statement received by / Mawazine News / that "the ongoing work at the entrances to the submerged tunnel project, one of the projects of the Grand Faw Port, has witnessed advanced achievements, whether in the entrances to the submerged tunnel or in furnishing the submerged parts under sea water."

He explained that "the submerged tunnel consists of two main entrances, one towards the city of Umm Qasr and the other towards the city of Al-Faw, and each of these two entrances consists of (28) pieces that form the approaches to the tunnel."

He continued, "The approaches towards the city of Umm Qasr witnessed the completion of the burial work of (9) pieces completely underground, while the completion rate in the (19) open pieces reached (85%)."

He added, "As for the entrance to the city of Faw, its approaches also consist of (28) pieces, of which (9) pieces are buried underground with a completion rate of (90%), and the (19) open pieces have exceeded (50%) completion."

He pointed out that "according to these figures, it can be said that the completion rate in the approaches to the entrance to the city of Umm Qasr has reached (90%), while the completion rate in the approaches to the entrance to the city of Faw has exceeded (60%)."

He pointed out that "the pieces submerged under sea water in the submerged tunnel project, amounting to (10) pieces, are currently undergoing coating work with insulating and seawater-resistant materials, in addition to implementing most of the finishing works in them." The

submerged tunnel project is one of the five major projects of the Faw Port, and it represents the main nerve linking the Grand Faw Port and the Iraqi Development Road. Due to its strategic importance, exceptional efforts are continuing to complete it to be the first project of its kind in the Middle East, and the second tunnel in the Asian continent after the (Busan) tunnel in South Korea.

Coffee with Zester and Andy Schectman!

 Coffee with Zester and Andy Schectman!

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Zester: Welcome everyone and Happy birthday to Andy Schectman who is joining us today.

Zester: Good morning all! Praying for Mark and praying THIS is our week!!!

Member: Happy birthday Andy hope your day is filled with joy and happiness

Zester:  Update on pops: (MarkZ) He is feeling particularly well this morning. He is done with all his different treatments. He is still a little sore but sounded chipper this morning.  They are in the process of getting to the airport to come back to Puerto Rico this evening. He should be back about 8 or 9 pm tonight assuming all of the flights are on schedule .

Zester depending on how tired he is – may or may not be on the podcast tomorrow morning.

​​Member: RUMOR:  Farm Claims of 43,000 Americans being paid out TODAY from a 2.2 billion dollar Farm Claim Payout???

Zester: Very quiet from all the contacts today. Pops has not received any responses from contacts since last night …We are sitting here waiting.  If pops gets any announcements he will be blowing up my phone with it while we are live so I can jump in with it for you all…..If not- he hope to have an explanation for this silence by this evening.

Member: Bond news?

Zester: The bond news as of last night was they were expecting major updates…but since then –its been quiet. I am sure they will have an update soon….Usually when its this quiet they are keeping things close to their chest….. .

Member: Silence is golden????

Member: If they are under NDA, they are not going to talk

Member: This is taking utterly to long, everybody is losing hope….we need something to happen soon.

Member: Thanks Zester and Andy…..have a great day everyone.

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions.



‘Reset Of A Lifetime’; Markets Signal 'Global Deflationary Recession' | ...

Within 14 days, about 3 million foreign visitors entered Iraq, 21 AUGUST

Within 14 days, about 3 million foreign visitors entered Iraq

Local | 08/21/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad   The Border Ports Authority announced today, Wednesday, the entry of about 3 million foreign visitors within 14 days.

The spokesman for the Border Ports Authority, Alaa Al-Din Al-Qaisi, said in a statement to the official agency, which was followed by / Mawazine News /: "The border ports recorded the entry of 2,937,112 foreign visitors to the country from August 6 to the 20th of the same month, while 1,328,484 of them left."

He added that "the nationalities of these visitors are from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Azerbaijan, in addition to different nationalities," noting that "the number of visitors is increasing.

He continued, "There is great cooperation between the border ports and the departments supporting their work, and there is integrated work between the Ports Authority and the Ministries of Health, Transport, Interior, and the rest of the ministries concerned with the Arbaeen visit in order to organize visitors to the holy Karbala."

Our MONTHLY Recap Headlines, PART. 6, BY MNT GOAT, 21 AUGUST

 PART. 6

  • MONEY LAUNDERING: 500 ELECTRONIC PAYMENT CARDS USED TO TRANSFER MONEY OUTSIDE IRAQ WERE SEIZED AND THEIR HOLDERS WERE ARRESTED IN BAGHDAD The Intelligence Agency announced the seizure of 500 electronic payment cards used to transfer money outside Iraq and the arrest of their holders in Baghdad.

Mnt Goat: Oops they did it again…

  • NEARLY 200 BILLION DINARS IN “FINES” FROM THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ ON BANKS AND EXCHANGE COMPANIES The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Tuesday that fines imposed on banks and non-banking institutions (exchange companies) amounted to more than 181 billion Iraqi dinars during the past six months.

Mnt Goat: Oops they did it again…

  • 😊 IS IT TIME TO MAKE A DECISION TO REMOVE THE ZEROS Economist Yasser Al-Mutawali,  From the above analysis, it is clear that the procedure of deleting zeros is not appropriate at the present time. When use of electronic payment tools reaches 90 percent of citizens, then the decision to delete zeros can be implemented easily and smoothly.

Mnt Goat: Oops they did it again…

  • ECONOMIST IDENTIFIES WEAKNESSES IN BANKING SYSTEM: 80% OF MONEY SUPPLY IN CITIZENS’ HOMES – URGENT Financial and economic affairs expert Alaa Jaloub Al-Fahd revealed today, Sunday (August 18, 2024), a weakness in the Iraqi banking system.

Mnt Goat: Oops they told us again…

  • GOVERNMENT ADVISOR: “PETRO DINAR” REQUIRES GOOD STOCK OF FOREIGN CURRENCIES AND GOLD The Prime Minister’s advisor for financial affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, explained today, Sunday, that “the adoption of the dinar in pricing oil, or what is called (petro dinar), requires, first of all, the availability of foreign reserve currencies or gold.

Mnt Goat: Could this be why Iraq has been beefing us their reserves with so much GOLD? just asking…. lol,,lol,,lol,,

  • 😊 SUDANI: THE GOVERNMENT PAYS GREAT ATTENTION TO THE ELECTRIC POWER FILE P rime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani said on Sunday that the government pays great attention to the electric power file. (Mnt Goat – is needed for the e-banking…right?)

Mnt Goat: Oops they did it again…

  • GOVERNMENT ADVISOR EXPLAINS THE POSSIBILITY OF USING THE DINAR INSTEAD OF THE DOLLAR IN OIL SALES The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, clarified today, Sunday, what is being circulated in some media outlets regarding the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar in oil sales.
  • 😊 A DEPUTY REVEALS THE RESULTS OF THE WAR ON “HARD CURRENCY” SMUGGLING  “The efforts of the Ministry of Interior with the Central Bank and supporting formations contributed to reducing the file of hard currency smuggling by 80%, while directing 11 specific strikes to companies and offices dealing in the file of selling currency illegally.”
  • AS THE REGION CONTINUES TO STEAL OIL…THE OIL AND GAS LAW IS IN THE PARLIAMENT’S DRAWERS Independent politician Adnan Abdullah confirmed on Thursday that oil smuggled from the Kurdistan region is sold for less than half its value. Abdullah told Al-Maalouma, “The region smuggles about 300,000 barrels per day, and this is no secret and the government and all political forces know about it.”

Mnt Goat: Oops they told us again…

  • 😊 ATTRACTING INVESTORS AND LIMITING CURRENCY SMUGGLING.. SPECIALIST EXPLAINS THE IMPORTANCE OF “DIGITIZING” IRAQI BANKS Financial and economic expert Nawar Al-Saadi revealed, today, Friday (August 16, 2024), the importance of the benefits of “digitizing” financial transactions for Iraqi banks, while pointing out that digitization can enhance financial inclusion by attracting users who do not deal with traditional banks by providing easy-to-access and easy-to-use services.

Mnt Goat: Oops they told us again…

If you want to take a look at the previous list of events for previous months we have never seen such progress, please click on the LINK HERE to get to this blog page to read all the other events since December 2022. It all started HERE in December 2022.

MILITIAMAN: Iraq Dinar News -IQD Update - A ReCap of Events - PetroDinar - Al-Sudani...

Iraqi Banks...A Classic Mentality That Prevents Keeping Pace With Global Development By Preferring The "Government" Over The "National", 20 SEPT

  Iraqi Banks...A Classic Mentality That Prevents Keeping Pace With Global Development By Preferring The "Government" Over The &qu...