Saturday, August 17, 2024

Iraqi Dinar RV Wait Is Over Now 🔥It’s time to cash Iraqi dinar

Qatar, Egypt, and US announce joint statement on Gaza ceasefire talks, 17 AUGUST

 Shafaq News/ On Friday, Qatar, Egypt, and the United States issued a joint statement regarding their recent 48-hour negotiations aimed at reaching a ceasefire agreement for Gaza.

The statement read, “Over the past 48 hours in Doha, senior officials from our governments have engaged in intensive talks as mediators with the goal of securing a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages and detainees. These discussions were serious and constructive, conducted in a positive atmosphere.”

The statement further clarified, “Earlier today in Doha, the United States, with the support of Qatar and Egypt, presented both parties with a proposal that narrows the gaps between them and aligns with the principles outlined by President Joe Biden on May 31, 2024, as well as UN Security Council Resolution 2735. This proposal builds on the points of agreement achieved over the past week and addresses the remaining gaps in a manner that facilitates the swift implementation of the agreement.”

“Technical teams will continue to work in the coming days on the details of implementation, including arrangements for comprehensive humanitarian provisions of the agreement, as well as aspects related to hostages and detainees.”

The three countries stated, “Senior officials from our governments will reconvene in Cairo before the end of next week, with hopes of reaching an agreement based on the terms presented today. As the leaders of the three countries noted last week, there is no time to waste and no excuses that justify further delays. It is time to release the hostages and detainees, initiate the ceasefire, and implement this agreement.”

The statement concluded, “The path is now clear to achieve this outcome, save lives, provide relief to the people of Gaza, and ease regional tensions.”



  [via PDK]  Question: Any word on the HCL in Iraq?  MarkZ:  It is still back in the Parliamentary committee to rewrite a few of the paragraphs…then it will go to parliament…which could be any day…  When it is approved you won’t have to ask…I will be screaming it out…

 Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 MarkZ

 “The CBI started sending out procedures and instructions on how to handle exchanges to banks. It is clear that they are preparing. You can go to the CBI and read it yourselves. This morning a bond person said they are still expecting funds today. 

Also had a bond processor in a different area (a different continent) is still being told to expect their fees and payment this afternoon. I am very hopeful we will see real bond money movement today. I am antsy and excited after one confirmation today and one last night from another source. 

Quite a few people believe that Iraq will be in the WTO on 18 Aug 18th and quite a few people were looking between Sun. 18 Aug and Wed. 21 Aug. forsome changes in values. We saw Farm Claims start to move with the Pickford farm claims for black farmers. I am also hearing good things on the fines and penalties that could go at any moment.”

Wed. 14 Aug. MarkZ: “Not only were the Pickford claims (black farmers) being paid out, but also the other Farm Claims have started paying out – in the billions, along with the R&R payouts” (which were assumed to be going into our QFS Accounts).





Iraqi Dinar | Major Step in Iraq's Cleanup | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024



 In light of the technological revolution sweeping the world in the field of programming and designing websites, it seems that the Securities Commission in Iraq has fallen behind, which reflects a clear institutional fragility and opens the door to questions about the seriousness of the administration and the extent of the impact of corruption.

The Authority’s website, which is supposed to be a facade that reflects the professionalism and seriousness of the institution, shows primitive design and a complete absence of modern standards, which raises serious doubts about the reasons behind this situation.

Then browsing the website, the visitor encounters a primitive design that lacks professionalism and clarity, reflecting either a lack of awareness of the importance of electronic identity or corrupt interventions that hinder the development of the website. This negative image may affect the confidence of investors and the public in the Authority, as the website is an important interface that shows the extent of the Authority’s commitment to transparency and seriousness in providing its services.

Evidence suggests two main hypotheses for this situation:

1.the first relates to the lack of technological awareness among those in charge of managing the Authority, as ignorance of the importance of the website may be due to a lack of training and awareness or a lack of interest in modern technology.

2.The second hypothesis relates to corruption , as there may be personal or financial interests that hinder the allocation of the necessary budget to develop and improve the website.

The current website of the Securities Commission does not reflect the required level of quality and professionalism, making it difficult for investors and external parties to take the Commission seriously. In the age of information and communication, the website is an essential part of the identity of the institution and must reflect the professionalism of its managers.

To find out the real reasons behind this weakness, a comprehensive investigation is necessary. The government and regulatory authorities must intervene to ensure that government institutions have websites that reflect their interest and seriousness in providing their services. Likewise, the Securities Commission should make serious efforts to develop its website to be a facade that expresses its development and professionalism.

The website of the Iraqi Securities Commission is an example of how negligence or corruption can affect the reputation of government institutions. In the information age, a website is an essential part of an institution’s identity and should reflect the professionalism of its people. It is time to take serious action to improve this situation and ensure that the Securities Commission is able to meet modern digital challenges.


Q & A

Question Jack Bowra:

I simply don’t understand why Iraq as a sovereign country does not just arbitrarily revalue its currency. Who is really going to stop them? The rest of the world will determine in the market place, whether the dinar’s value is realistically set or needs to be adjusted. In any event, it is worth far more than its current 8 US cents or so.

Answer Mnt Goat: Guten Tag Jack! 😊 Oh my,,, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, you have no idea how this all works. First of all currency rates on the Foreign Exchanges are mapped over from algorithms that calculate the rates. These of course are highly manipulated today. I have been talking for years about the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

 It is real and it can’t be hacked or manipulated. All currency rates are eventually going to mapped over to FOREX from the QFS that will give more accurate rates based on true assets, markets and the economy. Iraq is not on FOREX now, as you know. The IMF has to request the US Treasury to put them back on. Iraq has no power over this other than to start the process by conducting the Project to Delete the Zeros which leads to the FOREX. But the US Treasury and the Feds refuse to give assurances to the CBI that if they start the process, it will be completed by them. Get it? How long have you been reading my Newsletter? I have talked about this many times already.

So Iraq has planned and have tried many times already in 2013, then again in 2015 and wanted to try again in 2017, but that was stopped before it even go off the ground. Now in 2024 in mid-June it again was supposed to go and was stopped without the needed assurances from the US. Knowing all this now, how can you tell me why Iraq can’t just revalue it by itself? Yes, they can revalue inside Iraq at their program rate but that is all. It is not FOREX.

The main point to remember is that Iraq’s currency right now in a so-called “rentier” oil economy still is worth much more than pennies. So why don’t they just FOREX is and put at least a couple dollars on it? Then let the economy grow and increase the rate as the market drives it. Why won’t they do it? The answer is in one word “CORRUPTION”. 

All these politicians, including the US politicians have their hands out to take, take, take from Iraq in the meantime all the while pretending its just the economy that has to grow as their excuse for keep the rate suppressed. The exposure of the corruption we are now taking about and seeing on Iraqi news channels if of their own doing.

 Get it?? You must understand this is so crooked and almost demonic in ways. We are talking about a huge “wealth transfer” about to occur. But we must pray as I believe only God now can get this RV for us and the Iraqi people.

 While it is low they are making billions off it while the people and us, long-term investors, suck wind. After being in this investment for 18 years and following it as close I as do the only I see is excuse after excuse without any real factual justification. It is all lies as to why they can’t go back to FOREX if even for a $2+ rate. I hope this helps.

What can we investors do to help in the RV situation?

We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his agreements with Washington are implemented. You do want the RV don’t you? Pray for Iraq and also the U.S. in that there are strong enough representatives in the US Congress and the Senate who will stand up and continue to fight to uphold the US Constitution and keep fighting this Washington corruption. Pray that that God’s Hand will intervene and save our great country.

 Remember you can say the Rosary daily or use the prayers and links I provided from the Auxilium Christianorum for your prayers. Of course there is also your own form of prayer too. Folks your prayers so far ARE WORKING and God has heard our cries.

 Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII. And now in 2024 the spigot is wide open the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by one. Can you see it too. I am trying my best to help you see it. We don’t’ need this foolishness of this speculative crap or everyday / any day garbage intel confusing us. You think this is all just coincidental? God’s Hand is at work here. He has given Iraq his anointed leader Al-Sundani to help in his work. Even I have to sit back in amazement of what he has accomplished so far. Pray for him and all his success. Let see what August brings us.

Iraqi Dinar | Dinar in Focus CBI Governor Steps Down | Iraqi Dinar News ...

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

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