Friday, August 16, 2024



 [via WiserNow]  ...from the latest info that we received last night was that that we are in basically a seven day window...we got it last night that said Wednesday to Wednesday...we've also heard from another call...that was with the financial advisors, bankers and so on, that there was a consensus...that we would be notified over the weekend and then start exchanges on Monday. So the 19th...Let’s Hope that is true... This thing is right here, right there, where we can go anytime, yes, and we'll see if the Wednesday  window holds up, or if we get surprised, and maybe it goes soon...


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24   REPLAY  LINK     Intel Begins   1:14:14

Music, welcome everybody the big call. It is Tuesday, August the 13th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody out there in big call universe for tuning in, whether you're local inside the US or whether you're outside the continental US and on international soils. We welcome you and appreciate you, and thank you for coming in and listening Let's talk now. Thank you Bob, by the way, thank you Bob so much. That was great. Let's talk about, yeah, let's talk about the Intel. Let's see where we are now, guys, I know that my Intel has not been exactly accurate, because it changes every time you think we're there, you get something else that says we're not. And I'm sorry, because I hate bringing it out intel this not accurate or doesn't come to pass. So I know this is a moving target. I know that things tend to change, but hopefully, one of these days, we'll get it right and we'll all be exchanging and we'll be happy. So from the latest info that we received last night was that that we are in basically a seven day window, and boy, I hear that. I go, Oh my gosh, that's too, long a window, too big. I don't want to be in a seven day window. And this is from CW, and we got it last night that said Wednesday to Wednesday. We should get notified - and start exchanging that's tomorrow, through which when it's tomorrow, 14th to the 21st in that range, we should be getting our numbers and getting exchanges started. Well, today, there was a conference call between some of the pay masters, some of the higher up people at wells with the Central Bank of Iraq, the CBI, and this call was supposed to go two and a half hours, and it went five and a half hours, so it was long, and they were talking about techniques and exchange protocols for the banks. Now I don't know if it affected redemption centers, is that specifically the banks will let it sit at that. They were referring to our banks here in the US, not banks in Iraq. So what's happened? What's to bring you up to speed -- What's happened recently is the currencies, the 19 currencies that were coming up on the screen at redemption centers and at banks were coming up with either partial meeting six currencies and then 12 of the 19. We finally got all 19 to come up, but then they were coming up with a slow blinking mode. That's okay. They could make out the currencies, they could make out the rates, but they were blinking slowly, and that was as of yesterday. Now, the weird thing is that even though that was going on, one of the currencies dropped out. So instead of 19, we're seeing 18 currencies on the screens. Anybody guess which currency was not was no longer on the screen? That’s right - our currency, the US N, The USD had gone away and the USN and replaced it, but the US N was off the screen temporarily. Now, why would that be? Would it be that they're getting ready to introduce the USN, or United States node, or United States new however you want to look at it, then it's referring to the United States Treasury note that is no longer a Federal Reserve note because the Fed is dead and the remnant revenue says absorbed into US Treasury a while back. Same thing's true with the IRS. It was absorbed the rent of it was absorbed into the US Treasury. So what that is saying is that the USN would need to go back up on the screen and would need to have a rate attached to it, and we believe that once that occurs, that's a pretty good indicator that we're about ready to start Now, I think that the USN, if I remember right, is part of NESARA. Okay, let's talk about, I know I'm kinda bouncing around here, but stay with me. What else is part of NESARA? That's right, debt forgiveness. Let's talk about that. It actually started Sunday afternoon, Sunday the 11th of August, okay? And so it started with, you guys haven't heard me say this yet, because I got this between the last call and tonight. It started with, or it is starting with zeroing out of all mortgages - Oh, I'm hearing some amens out there. I'm hearing some hallelujahs, because our mortgages are supposed to be zeroed out over a 10 day process that, if my math is right and you count the days out, the 11th, which is Sunday, should it should be terminated? by around - By around the 20th of this month, We don't know if that means we're going to get our letters by then from our lending institutions, or the letters will follow this 10 day period - that I don't know yet - probably find out after the call, but there's a 10 day period of debt forgiveness when mortgages will be zeroed out. Now, there may be some stipulations to that that might prevent the very newest mortgage, but I don't even know that. I don't even know. Let's just go with mortgages will be zeroed out. That's a big help. Now, what else, as far as debt forgiveness, did I hear somebody say, credit cards? Right, right You are Andrew. That starts around the 21st through the 31st which is the last day of August. That means all credit card debt will be wiped out. That's amazing. And don't everybody go and load up your credit cards right now. Don't even think about it. But that is a real welcome thing. Those two things, that's mortgages and credit cards will be wiped out and zeroed out by the by the end of August, which is August 31 so that's going to be a real bonus for us. That's a huge, huge part of debt forgiveness for NESARA, kicking in and taking effect. Now, we haven't heard of any debt forgiveness coming out yet. We don't have any evidence of it yet - at this time, but stay tuned , maybe I will get some of that. We know Farm claims started being paid out somewhere around the eighth of August, I believe. And we've got, I mentioned on last Thursday’s call , so that we had proof of three farmers that were paid. The first one was 360,000 not 300,000 but 360,000 The second was 410,000 and the third one we heard was 525,000 - and these are farm claims to the farmers, and we understood that the black farmers were paid out first. Okay, so that's what we've heard. And of course, I can't prove that right now, but that's what we've heard happened, which is great news. Now let's go beyond that. I've given you a window. As we come back to the RV, I've given you a window of Wednesday to Wednesday by CW. Now what's interesting about that is we're hearing some things that are putting our day for exchanges to start Monday, the 19th, this coming Monday. Now we've also heard from another call tonight that was with the financial advisors, bankers and so on, that there was a consensus on this call that we would be notified over the weekend and then start exchanges on Monday. So the 19th is Monday. It is halfway between kind of plus or minus between Wednesday and Wednesday, and it's very possible that that's what we end up with. A few other people were saying we should get notified today and start tomorrow. I had that from a source that was speaking to a US Treasury source in Europe, and that's what they said, that we would get notified today and start exchanges tomorrow, but I don't know that we say that that's the case. I don't think that's happening somehow that did not occur. So even my own Intel is slightly conflicted, but the consensus is looking for us getting notified this weekend and then exchanging on Monday. Let’s Hope that is true. Let's hope that is exactly what's happening. And you guys have the the debt forgiveness portion, which is was started Sunday and goes through the end of the month with credit card debts being wiped out. I think those two aspects mortgages, home mortgages and credit card debt is a lot - that is an answer to prayer, and that is wonderful to see that taking place. Now. I think our USN is part of NESARA. I don't know if they'll announce it. I'm being told they won't. Bothers me. I would like to have it announced added asset backed and or gold backed currency, because it is and we're gonna have our US, TN, United States, trade notes and are in the banks. They're in the redemption centers. We're supposed to get some of it - when we go in for our appointments to exchange. So that's been in place for a long time, I'm going to say months, and possibly over a year. Now that money, the new printed currency that we have are holding money that go down our wallets versus is already in place. So that's good. What else is going on? You know, guys, I think that's the majority of it. So let's do this. Think I've loaded you guys up with good intel I think that's all I need to tell you guys tonight. This thing is right here, right there, where we can go anytime, yes, and we'll see if the Wednesday window holds up, or if we get surprised, and maybe it goes soon, but really, Wednesdays as soon as we'll get anything right now. So let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call out right now,

Iraqi TV Special: Dropping Zeros, New Currency Introduction | chase bank...

WTO Accession of Iraq 2024 BY DINAR REVALUATION, 16 AUGUST

WTO Accession of Iraq 2024

The World Trade Organization (WTO) accession of Iraq has been a long-standing process, with the country first applying for membership in 2004. After a 16-year hiatus, Iraq resumed its accession talks in 2024, with the aim of becoming a full-fledged member of the WTO.


Iraq's accession process was put on hold due to various challenges, including the country's dual customs regime, which had different tariff rates in Federal Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). This dual system created complications for trade and challenges in ensuring a transparent and predictable business environment.

Recent Developments

In 2024, Iraq made significant progress in its accession process. The country harmonized its customs regimes, aligning tariff rates and customs procedures across all regions. This was a key requirement for WTO membership, and the harmonization was achieved with the support of the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the European Union.

Current Status

Iraq has resumed its accession talks with the WTO, with the aim of becoming a full-fledged member. The country has made significant progress in recent years, including the harmonization of its customs regimes and the implementation of consistent policies nationwide.


Despite the progress made, Iraq still faces challenges in its accession process. The country needs to continue to implement consistent policies nationwide, including aligning tariff rates and customs procedures across all regions. Additionally, Iraq needs to address issues related to intellectual property rights and trade facilitation. Conclusion

Iraq's accession to the WTO is an important step towards the country's economic development and integration into the global economy. While challenges remain, the progress made in recent years is a positive sign, and the country is moving closer to becoming a full-fledged member of the WTO.

Thursday, August 15, 2024



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY: Television show...the topic was about dropping the zeros from our currency and the introduction of a new currency and the issues of the implementation of this new currency.  They had on there a doctor of economics.  We don't know him but he is being sent by Sudani...He said...we have low inflation so we can delete the zeros.  They talked about how we will be obtaining purchasing power with this move.  

FRANK:  It's exciting to see the monetary reform education now on a daily basis teaching you on your television what you are about to be given...This is the third week in a row they talk to you about lifting the three zeros and about a new currency coming to you and now on the process of how they're going to implement that new currency to you...They continue to reaffirm purchasing power is coming to your currency...


 FIREFLY: CBI spokesman on television talking about the advantages and the different types of floating our currency is going to go through.  He said there are two types of float.  Free float and managed float.

  FRANK: ...You are in the monetary reform phase that is educating you on your new exchange rate...lower notes.  This campaign is pounding the information about the next step of the monetary reform...Why are you floating your currency Because they're adding value to it...Be ready at any moment.

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (8/15/24)

Removing Zeros from the Iraqi Currency: Possibility of Implementation BY DINAR REVALUATION, 16 AUGUST

Removing Zeros from the Iraqi Currency: Possibility of Implementation

Removing zeros from a currency is a procedure undertaken by some countries in order to revalue the national currency and simplify financial transactions. This is done by removing a specific number of zeros from the nominal value of the currency, making it appear less inflationary and more stable.

One of the possible reasons for deleting zeros is to combat inflation. When a currency suffers from high inflation, the nominal values ​​can become very high and impractical to be offered in large quantities in daily transactions. Deleting zeros can contribute to enhancing confidence in the national currency, facilitating accounting operations and financial transactions; this may contribute to improving the country’s image before investors and the international community.

Potential challenges of deleting zeros include printing new currency, modifying accounting systems, and training on how to use the new currency. It may initially cause some confusion among residents and consumers, and if the deletion process is not implemented well, it may lead to economic disruptions.

Examples of countries that have taken this action include Turkey in 2005 when it removed six zeros from its currency, Brazil on several occasions in the 1980s and 1990s, Zimbabwe, which removed twelve zeros from its currency in 2009, and Venezuela, which removed five zeros in 2018.

The number of cases in the world in which currency zeros were removed is estimated at 70 cases witnessed by the world, according to the International Monetary Fund.


  Militia Man

  Article quote:  "Federal Integrity Commissioner...says we discussed the development in the integrity file and the government's efforts to recover funds into the Iraqi state treasury.

 There's some people out there that have stolen a lot of money and that money is still floating around the world...If you stole it you're probably going to have a knock on the door...If you're playing by the rules you shouldn't have a problem.  Depends on who writes the rules of course...

 There are a lot of things that are rough and tumble out there.  On a good note, everything  we're seeing is still focused and still on track and I think we're going to be in good shape.   If they launched this over a year ago, we're coming to a close.  I firmly believe it, they're coming to a close and they're getting ready to do what they have to  do...

 Saleh, financial advisor to the prime minister, has a really good report.

 "Government Signal:  High Export Capacity Boosts Currency Value

 He's giving reasoning why certain things will boost value...They're talking about floating and fixed prices...He gives his opinion - Floating seems too aggressive, fixed prices work but a managed float I think is what he's talking about...

Iraq signs $290 million loan agreement with Austrian bank, 19 SEPT

Alsumaria News  – Economy The Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, signed with the Austrian Ambassador to Baghdad a loan financing agreement from...