Wednesday, August 14, 2024


FRANK26…..8-13-24….GOLD PROMO

It says to me that there are many political figures involved stealing from Iraq BY MNT GOAT, 14 AUGUST


(What does this heading say? It says to me that there are many political figures involved stealing from Iraq.)

MP for the Al-Sadiqoun parliamentary bloc, Ali Turki Al-Jamali, said Friday, August 2, 2024, that there is fear of “ruining” the political process by revealing the names of those involved in the theft of tax deposits known as the “theft of the century.”

Al-Jamali confirmed, in a televised statement, “There is a fear of ruining the political process by revealing the names of those involved in the ‘theft of the century’ before announcing the results of the investigation.”

He pointed out that “the investigations revealed that the theft of the century amounted to 3.5 billion dollars, and was carried out over 8 months, at a time when this money was supposed to be added to the budget.”

He explained that “the dispute over shares is what caused the theft of the century to be revealed, not any competent authority,” noting that “this file will not be closed and the real figures of the theft will not be revealed,” according to him.

Al-Jamali pointed out that “Nour Zuhair (the main accused in the case) was a front for the theft of the century and may have disclosed the names of those participating in the theft during the investigation,” indicating that “the theft of the century took place through forged authorizations for Nour Zuhair and other people affiliated with him.”

He added, “Mustafa Al-Kadhimi’s government was a system for stealing public money,” explaining that “the director of the General Tax Authority was appointed by order of Al-Kadhimi and not by the Minister of Finance,” according to his words.

Al-Jamali confirmed that “big heads were behind the planning and implementation of the theft of the century,” indicating that “the mastermind behind the theft of the century is (Haitham Al-Jubouri), who was working as an advisor to Al-Kazemi,” he said.

Thursday, the Integrity Commission revealed new details about the theft of tax deposits known as the “theft of the century,” as it announced “the recovery of Qasim Muhammad Muhammad from the Kurdistan Region, who is the managing director of the (Hunchback Whale) Company, after he had fled to Turkey. He is one of the most prominent defendants in the tax deposit theft case.”

Regarding the final amount of the theft of tax deposits, the head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, explained in a press conference held yesterday that “if we add up these amounts, it becomes more than the announced amount because the investigating judge who formed the committee reached a specific amount, but it is not accurate.”

It is noteworthy that in October 2022, the “theft of the century” case was revealed for the first time, in which former senior officials and businessmen were involved, and it sparked severe anger in Iraq, which witnessed widespread protests in recent years demanding an end to corruption.

The “theft of the century” is the disappearance of 3.7 trillion dinars (about two and a half billion dollars) from tax trust funds, and it was revealed by several concerned parties about two months before the end of the term of the previous government headed by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

In mid-July, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani considered the “theft of the century” a black spot in the history of the Iraqi state, and indicated that it was carried out with official cover, and revealed that half of its money was smuggled out of the country.


 Militia Man 

 Article: "Government signal: high export capacity boost currency value"  It's an education piece...Why is the country of Iraq and the financial advisers talking...

 Because the fact things are changing.  They want to make the people aware that there are things happening.  I believe give reassurances to why they're doing what they're doing.  If you're going to have a value change...people need to have a little bit of a warning...

 The Central Bank of Iraq has been on top of it.  They've been working in conjunction...with the US Treasury and Federal Reserve to get Iraq to be in compliance with international standards...If you're doing nefarious deals you're going to have a problem...

 Article:  "Referring Al-Alaq to retirement: a legal step or settling political scores?

 It's been ongoing for the last few days there's been a suggestion that he was going to resign.  There wasn't any meat and potatoes to that...Then they went after his age.  They said he was too old.  Then now there suggesting there's political scores that are doing this battle and giving bad publicity...Some people out there...made a lot of money, they're not going to any more, off those dollar auctions.  They did it for a long long time.

Bond Payouts Happening?🚩Iraq Going For Absolute or Manage Float?🤔Dinar R...

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I like articles like this because they back up and verify what my CBI contact told me BY MNT GOAT, 14 AUGUST


Today, Monday, member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Hadi Al-Salami, called on the Prime Minister to end the assignment of the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, stressing that he will direct oral questions to the Governor of the Central Bank. 

He told Al-Maalouma Agency, “There are parliamentary demands to end the assignment of the Central Bank Governor due to his failure to control the official dollar exchange rate and the parallel price.” 

He added, “There are many observations on the performance of the Central Bank Governor, in addition to his reaching the legal age, indicating that he directed questions to the Central Bank Governor and is waiting for a date to be set by the Presidency of the House of Representatives to host him inside the House of Representatives .”

He stressed that “the reason for the hosting request is the presence of a major defect in the bank’s work and the existence of financial violations estimated at approximately $120 million per month.” 

(Mnt Goat – This $120 million per month is from the currency auctions. I like articles like this because they back up and verify what my CBI contact told me. 

As you can read they have not yet accepted Ali al-Alaq’s resignation.

 The federal court said it was legal if they wanted to but not that they had to. He is waiting for a date to be set by the Presidency of the House of Representatives to host him inside the House of Representatives for a Q & A session. We wait to see what happens. We must be careful not to go off half-cocked when we read articles and use out common sense too.)



 If it could be proven that [Alaq] was involved with some criminal activity...then he should be out of there and convicted...But if it's all bullshit and this is another one of those moves by Maliki and the Coordinating Framework then people have to do something...So we're not sure where this information is coming from.  But that doesn't mean you

shouldn't listen to the news, because this person is like, 'See Pimpy, you said there is no fake news.'  I did not say there was no fake news but not everything can be fake news.  Just because you don't like the must be fake news.  Nope.   What you got to get to is the bottom of why this situation is there in the first place...Like anything else you have to be able to sift through the crap that you're hearing and make a decisions on whether the news is real or not...

 We know pretty soon Iraq is going to be here and talking to people in Washington about what they need to do to get back into good graces, have sanctions lifted on some of the banks and allowing Iraq to move forward with reform without looking for excuses to penalize them every time Iraq does something that pisses off the Biden Administration.

Iraq signs $290 million loan agreement with Austrian bank, 19 SEPT

Alsumaria News  – Economy The Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, signed with the Austrian Ambassador to Baghdad a loan financing agreement from...