Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Al-Alaq: The Central Bank is working with the Prime Minister’s direction and the government program to support electronic payment

Al-Alaq: The Central Bank is working with the Prime Minister’s direction and the government program to support electronic payment – Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, confirmed today, Saturday, that the Central Bank is working with the Prime Minister’s direction and the government program to support electronic payment. The Central Bank stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that “the Governor of the Central Bank participated in a specialized workshop to accelerate the transition to electronic payment, sponsored by the Prime Minister, and organized by the Osool Foundation for Economic Development and Sustainable Development.” 

The Governor said during his speech at the workshop – according to the statement – that “the Central Bank of Iraq works side by side with the government program and the Prime Minister’s direction to support electronic payment, and we are proud of what we have achieved so far,” noting that “in 2023, the amounts processed through the national switchboard witnessed a significant increase, which reflects the development of the infrastructure and the expansion in the use of electronic payment channels and the impact of the campaign launched by the Prime Minister to activate electronic payment operations in general, and in the government sector in particular.”

 He added that “these upward trends continued to develop in 2024, as the amounts processed in the national switchboard systems amounted to more than (2) trillion Iraqi dinars in July alone, compared to (800) billion dinars in the same month of 2023, after which it became (1) trillion dinars in January of 2024,” noting that “government payments witnessed an additional increase, reaching (912) billion Iraqi dinars last July compared to (287) million dinars in the same month of 2023.” 

Al-Alaq pointed out that “payment operations at fuel stations in Baghdad alone have increased significantly, recording more than (44) billion dinars in July of this year, compared to (183) million dinars in July 2023, and (4.5) billion dinars in December 2023,” revealing “a huge increase in the number of points of sale (POS) to reach more than (50) thousand points of sale this year compared to approximately (11) thousand POS points of sale at the beginning of 2023, and thousands of them in government institutions after they were zero before the launch of the campaign in June 2023.” The governor expressed his “hope that government institutions will adopt the establishment of units specialized in electronic payment technologies to work on following up and developing this important aspect.” link


The Central Bank of Iraq, under Governor Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, is making significant strides in advancing electronic payment systems in alignment with directives from the Prime Minister and the government’s broader program. 

Recent developments include a substantial increase in transactions processed through the national switchboard and a notable rise in the number of points of sale (POS).

In 2023, the value of transactions via the national switchboard saw a marked increase, reaching over 2 trillion Iraqi dinars in July 2024 compared to 800 billion dinars in July 2023. Similarly, government payments grew significantly from 287 million dinars in July 2023 to 912 billion dinars in July 2024.

The transition to electronic payments has also impacted fuel stations in Baghdad, where transactions surged from 183 million dinars in July 2023 to 44 billion dinars in July 2024. 

Additionally, the number of POS systems has expanded dramatically from around 11,000 at the start of 2023 to over 50,000 this year.

Governor Al-Alaq expressed optimism about the continued development of electronic payment systems and encouraged government institutions to establish dedicated units to further this progress.

Evening News with MarkZ. 08/12/2024

Monday Evening News With MarkZ

MarkZ Update – Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening, all! Hoping this is our golden week

MZ: On the bond side it was a little quieter today than I expected. I do have one that had a conference call today nd expects funding tomorrow-about mid day. I hope they receive it.

MZ: So far I do not have any confirmations of folks sitting with dollars.

Member: I wonder why do all of these bond people have appointments, and then they are hopeful, and then the update we hear is that they have more meetings, and they are “still hopefull…” ? 

Member: They have got to be beyond frustrated….just like all of us are.

MZ: Here’s a good one you all sent me. “Parliamentary committee for Nina-A government team is preparing a new draft of the oil and Gas Law” They are letting us know they are moving forward…meetings are happening and they are moving towards completion.

MZ: “  US Records 2nd biggest deficit in history as 25% of Tax revenues goes to pay interest.”  This is untenable…..

Member: If your life boiled down to the craziest choice that no one would ever believe, do it anyway and rewrite the book on what’s possible

Member: Have a nice evening everyone.


FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm…

Mod:  MarkZ “Back To Basics” Pre-Recorded Call” for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.


Coffee with MarkZ and Zester. 08/13/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Zester. 08/13/2024

Member: Happy Tuesday! All is good! Our time of God’s blessing is about to shine!!

Member: Good morning MarkZ, Mods and everyone!

Member: Good morning, one and all. Another day of "hoping this is it!" Someday, it WILL be IT!

Member: Any great RV news today Mark?????

MZ:  Well this is the craziest thing…..the CBI have started sending out procedures and instructions on how to handle exchanges to banks…….   Isn’t that neat?

MZ: It is clear to me that they are preparing. You can go to the CBI and read it yourselves. Right now it’s only in Arabic but you should be able to read it in English later today. 

Member: You sure can’t make this stuff up. What a time to be alive to witness history.

MZ: A bond person this morning said they are still expecting funds today. Also had a bond processor in a different area (a different continent)  is still being told to expect their fees ect and payment this afternoon. 

MZ: I am very hopeful we will see real bond money movement today. I am antsy and excited after one confirmation today and one last night from another source. 

Member: Hearing Iraq will be in the WTO on Aug 18th?

MZ: Quite a few people believe that. And quite a few people looking between the 18th and the 21st or so for some changes in values…..The chatter has been awesome. 

Member: Any news of farm claims being paid?

MZ: IMO we saw it start to move with the Pickford(sp?) farm claims for black farmers. I am also hearing good things on the fines and penalties could go at any moment.  I feel warm and fuzzy that things are indeed moving. 

​​Member: Rumor has it that all debts will be cleared by the end of this month... that's what I'm hearing.

MZ: Yes that is very much making all the intel circuits right now. 

Member: commenting on debt forgiveness, Jennifer (Jentel)  has often said August 23rd God wins

Member: Nesara/Gesara will help everyone in the world….they just need to let it go. 

Member: How soon after the RV will credit card debt disappear?

MZ: Mr. C believes it will be immediate. Possibly the same day or same moment. 

MZ “3 Billion people exposed in massive unreported data theft” 

Member: Everyone needs to contact the credit places and have them freeze your credit. You can unfreeze it if you need to purchase anything where a credit check is needed

Member: What happens if it's Go Time and you can't get on line to give us The Instructions or 800 numbers??? I guess we just rush the Banks???? LoL

Member: Mark Always said the internet will not totally go down…just social media

MZ: We will be able to get information out. . 

MZ: It is questionable tonight if we will be here…..they are shutting the entire island of Puerto Rico’s power grid down this afternoon…in anticipation of the storm and flooding.  Tomorrow ‘s podcast is also up in the air. 

Zester :  with Starlink and a generator….. we may be here tonight.  We will see. 

Member: Be safe tonight Mark and Zester…..

Member: Big things are coming - I can feel it!

Zester joins the stream today to discuss crypto and cyber security . Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions. 



FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

MILITIAMAN: IQD Update - Iraq Dinar News - Currency Value - Stock Exchanges - Minist...

ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: " For 3 reasons.. Changing the relationship is “not enough” to improve the performance of the Central Bank" BY DINAR REVALUATION, 13 AUGUST

 Economic consultant Ziad Al-Hashemi has emphasized that merely changing the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, will not suffice to significantly improve the Central Bank’s performance. He argues that comprehensive reforms are needed to address fundamental issues. Here are three key reasons why changing the governor alone is considered insufficient:

1. Structural Deficiencies

  • Issue: The Central Bank of Iraq suffers from structural deficiencies that affect its overall performance. These issues include outdated systems and processes that hinder its efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Impact: These structural problems can lead to inefficiencies in monetary policy implementation and financial oversight. Simply changing the governor does not address these deep-rooted structural issues.

2. Administrative Weakness

  • Issue: There is a notable weakness in the administrative system within the Central Bank. This includes inadequate management practices and lackluster administrative performance.
  • Impact: Administrative weaknesses can undermine the bank’s ability to operate smoothly and execute its responsibilities effectively. Improvements require a thorough review and overhaul of administrative practices, not just a change in leadership.

3. Lack of Independence

  • Issue: The Central Bank of Iraq suffers from insufficient independence, which affects its ability to make unbiased decisions and implement monetary policies effectively.
  • Impact: Independence is crucial for central banks to function properly, as it allows them to make decisions based on economic principles rather than political pressures. Without genuine independence, any new governor would still face the same constraints and challenges.

Required Reforms

  • Comprehensive Screening and Development: A thorough review and modernization of the Central Bank’s work model, management structure, and operational procedures are necessary.
  • Enhanced Independence: Ensuring that the Central Bank operates with the same level of independence as other central banks worldwide is critical for effective monetary policy management.

Al-Hashemi concludes that while changing the governor might be a step in the right direction, it is not a panacea. The Central Bank requires broader reforms to address these systemic issues and achieve meaningful improvements in its performance.



  • Mon. 12 Aug. 2024 Wolverine
  •  “My friends this is the week of miracles as the Precatorias are now very close to be release now and we should have more miracles from other platforms as well. I’m still a firm believer that this week the opera will be release. God bless you all.” Wolverine


That's all! It's all started! I was on a Zoom call a few hours ago at about 4am. This came in Reno: There was a meeting in Reno, a big meeting, and they discovered that many Dinars and Zim, Precatorios and other bonds were fraudulent. There is a lot of fraud. They also discovered that some of these bonds were used in terrorism. They have to check everything, many bad apples on this trip, they have all been caught. I said this before: be careful who you buy bonds from. If you buy on EBAY, it is a risk you are taking. He doesn't know if those bonds are registered or under contract. They are not authenticated. An expert has to review them at the exchange center to authenticate them. And they may say, "Sorry, your bonuses aren't real, they're worthless." There are drug brokers selling bonds for $60, for example, but they are not authenticated. So if you go to EBAY and buy Yellow Dragon bonds for 12 dollars, thinking you saved money. 

When you go to the redemption center and have loose bonds, Yellow Dragons, German bonds, etc., loose bonds, NOT boxes, they will go through the expert process to be authenticated. If they are not real, they will reject you. I have always been honest with you about purchasing through the correct channels. 

We have experts with our Yellow Dragon Bonuses. We have attorneys, and all bonds have been authenticated, placed under contract, registered and everything is ready to go. The boxes are all sealed. Our whale can't open them. This happens to most whales, as all the boxes are sealed and cannot be opened. 

However, this is good news as we know they are making things safe and taking care of us. They are authenticating the bonds and making sure there are good people on this journey. Also, at 3 pm Brazil time, what I have been told by several sources in Brazil, is that Tier4B was released – the notifications were released. If that's true, that will create a ripple effect from Reno and other platforms. 

It is from two platforms in Brazil, which are San Paolo and Brasilia. 

People have received notifications of bondholders ready to go to Reno. One person, a large bondholder, a very good friend of mine and this person, has millions of boxes... That person was notified. They are flying to Reno tomorrow and I was elated for that person. 

Another person who lives here in Australia was notified that they will have to fly to Brazil to prepare the Medbeds. Medbeds are ready! Medbeds are real!

So everything is ready for this month: the month of August is the month of our blessing. Everything comes from. 

I received another call from a platform, elated, shouting Hallelujah – They received the call that on August 15 their funds will be released. 

Precatoria – it is taking a little longer. All funds will go to QFS accounts. They are waiting to get the green light. 

I was on a Zoom call with my platform a few minutes ago, which came to me via audio of Skye saying that you will receive a Q phone when you go to your Medbeds, and also a replicator, but these are people who have humanitarian projects. That's great! 

If there are no projects, you will receive them later.

A replicator is like a microwave that does everything. I'm sure you've seen the videos. They are huge and you will probably have to install them in your house. 

Things are definitely happening. 

Furthermore, I have been in contact with the next politician of my country in Chile. He has a huge humanitarian project: a railway system from Chile to Brazil that costs billions of dollars and he will be able to do it, and he has people designated to do it and he has shown me the map. He is a good Christian and conservative. He is no longer a politician because it is a corrupt system.



¡Eso es todo! ¡Todo ha comenzado! Estuve en una llamada de Zoom hace unas horas aproximadamente a las 4 a.m. Esto llegó en Reno: Hubo una reunión en Reno, una gran reunión, y descubrieron que muchos bonos Dinars y Zim, Precatorios y otros eran fraudulentos. Hay mucho fraude. También descubrieron que algunos de estos bonos se usaron en terrorismo. Tienen que verificar todo, muchas manzanas podridas en este viaje, todas han sido atrapadas. Dije esto antes: tenga cuidado a quién le compra bonos. Si compra en EBAY, es un riesgo que está tomando. No sabe si esos bonos están registrados o bajo contrato. No están autenticados. Un experto tiene que revisarlos en el centro de canje para autenticarlos. Y pueden decir: "Lo siento, sus bonos no son auténticos, no valen nada". Hay corredores drogadictos que venden bonos por 60 dólares, por ejemplo, pero no están autenticados. Entonces, si vas a EBAY y compras bonos Yellow Dragon por 12 dólares, pensando que ahorraste dinero. 

Cuando vas al centro de canje y tienes bonos sueltos, Yellow Dragons, bonos alemanes, etc., bonos sueltos, NO cajas, pasarán por el proceso de expertos para ser autenticados. Si no son reales, te rechazarán. Siempre he sido honesto contigo sobre comprar a través de los canales correctos. 

Tenemos expertos con nuestros Bonos Yellow Dragon. Tenemos abogados, y todos los bonos han sido autenticados, colocados bajo contrato, registrados y todo está listo para funcionar. Las cajas están todas selladas. Nuestra ballena no puede abrirlas. Esto le sucede a la mayoría de las ballenas, ya que todas las cajas están selladas y no se pueden abrir. 

Sin embargo, estas son buenas noticias, ya que sabemos que están haciendo que las cosas sean seguras y cuidando de nosotros. Están autenticando los bonos y asegurándose de que haya buenas personas en este viaje. Además, a las 3 pm hora de Brasil, lo que me han dicho varias fuentes en Brasil, es que Tier4B fue liberado – se liberaron las notificaciones. Si eso es verdad, eso creará un efecto dominó desde Reno y otras plataformas. 

Es de dos plataformas en Brasil, que son San Paolo y Brasilia. 

La gente ha recibido notificaciones de tenedores de bonos listos para ir a Reno. Una persona, un gran tenedor de bonos, un muy buen amigo mío y esta persona, tiene millones de cajas… Esa persona fue notificada. Mañana volarán a Reno mañana y yo estaba eufórico por esa persona. 

Otra persona que vive aquí en Australia recibió la notificación de que tendrá que volar a Brasil para preparar los Medbeds. ¡Los Medbeds están listos! ¡Los Medbeds son reales! 

Así que todo está listo para este mes: el mes de agosto es el mes de nuestra bendición. Todo viene de. 

Recibí otra llamada de una plataforma, eufórico, gritando Aleluya – Recibieron la llamada de que el 15 de agosto sus fondos serán liberados. 

Precatorios – está tardando un poco más. Todos los fondos se destinarán a cuentas QFS. Están esperando obtener luz verde. 

Estuve en una llamada de Zoom con mi plataforma hace unos minutos, lo que me llegó por el audio de Skye diciendo que recibirás un teléfono Q cuando vayas a tus Medbeds, y también un replicador, pero estas son personas que tienen proyectos humanitarios. ¡Eso es genial! 

Si no hay ningún proyecto, los recibirás más adelante.

Un replicador es como un microondas que lo hace todo. Estoy seguro de que has visto los videos. Son enormes y probablemente tengas que instalarlos en tu casa. 

Definitivamente están sucediendo cosas. 

Además, he estado en contacto con el próximo político de mi país en Chile. Tiene un enorme proyecto humanitario: un sistema ferroviario de Chile a Brasil que cuesta miles de millones de dólares y podrá hacerlo, y tiene gente designada para hacerlo y me ha mostrado el mapa. Es un buen cristiano y conservador. Ya no es un político porque es un sistema corrupto.


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