Monday, August 12, 2024

Government Advisor: Increased Export Capacity Boosts Currency Value, 12 AUGUST

 The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, stated that the global currency rates are determined in two main ways: floating and fixed prices, indicating that there are many local and international factors that control the strength of the currency, such as supply and demand, interest rates, inflation, growth in the local economy, trade balance, and others.

While he pointed out that the strength of the national currency is linked to its external value, specifically the exchange rate, as the external value of money is directly linked to the stability of the current account of the balance of payments, especially in the long term.

Saleh said in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Al-Eqtisad News”, that “the stability of the external value of the currency requires a balance or surplus in the current account of the balance of payments relative to the gross domestic product, which should indicate a stable state at a minimum of no less than 4 percent annually, and that achieving this goal certainly depends on a sustainable increase in the annual growth rate of the gross domestic product, and exports exceeding imports within the country’s trade balance.”

Dr. Saleh pointed out that if “the country has the capacity to export goods and services more than it imports, this enhances the value of the national currency, especially the external value of the currency itself, and here the economy indicates a positive state, in addition to the availability of supporting foreign reserves that represent the main buffer against potential external factors and their effects on the overall economic situation.”

The government advisor also explained that “foreign reserves express the ability to maintain the stability of the external value of money, i.e. the stability of the exchange rate, including the strength of the commercial efficiency of reserves, which should cover the money supply in the broad sense, and more than 75 percent of that supply, noting at the same time that high sovereign and private debts can weaken the business, unless there is good financial management of debts that always leads to strengthening confidence in the national currency.”

Saleh pointed out that “the other aspect that is linked to the value and stability of the currency is the internal value of the national currency. Just as we talk about the stability of the external value of the currency, i.e. the exchange rate and its exchange power with other currencies, the internal value of the currency is the other aspect of the stability and strength of the currency. Here, the value of the national currency is directly linked to the general level of prices, i.e. the inflation index.” He explained, “If the general level of prices means the strength of goods and services expressed in money, then there is a correlation between price stability and the value of the national currency itself. This requires the availability of a wise monetary policy undertaken by central banks that makes the growth in the money supply commensurate with the growth in the gross domestic product or national income.”

The speaker noted that “the quantity theory of money is based on the principle of the neutrality of money, which holds that the cause of inflation in the long run is money itself, as growth in the money supply that is not proportional to growth in the gross domestic product leads to either inflation or contraction in the growth of the general price level. Therefore, the effect of money on the overall economy, as addressed by the quantity theory of money, means that if the amount of money in the economy increases, and there is no parallel increase in economic output, this will lead to an increase in the general price level.”  link



As expected, the NESARA/GESARA announcement is scheduled for August 19 (Monday)

Funds in US dollars have been released for archives and

Payment will be ready next Monday.

Also, to start a USN account.

Prerequisites are being finalized.

Payment is scheduled for August 12.

GESARA is also scheduled to be announced on August 12.

Additionally, bonus payments will begin on Friday, August 16

The bonds were redeemed on Thursday the 8th

US Navy Notes of the 19th and

Currency revaluation will be announced.

As expected, on August 19 (Monday)

NESARA/GESARA is scheduled to be announced.

Announced on 08/12

84 days later, November 5

They will be GESARA elections

Trump kept saying 5/11.

In a way, I realized it was true.



Get ready for the Global Currency Reset (GCR), the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Black Swan Event and the NESARA GESARA TRUMPSARA Revolution!

Quick explanation about NESARA and TRUMPSARA

The world is on the brink of a paradigm shift in the financial system, and at the heart of it all are NESARA and TRUMPSARA. If you find yourself confused, surprised, or even skeptical about these terms, you're not alone. Delve into the complex world of the economic revolution, where we dissect the nuances, unravel the complexities, and shed light on what these transformational initiatives truly represent.

Buckle up, truth seekers! You are about to embark on an exciting journey into the complex finances of NESARA and TRUMPSARA.

These terms, while confusing to some, are signposts on the path to transformative change in our global economic landscape. So, begin this dramatic and revelatory exploration, and get ready to change your worldview!

If you have ever found yourself in the murky waters of financial jargon, I assure you that NESARA is a term you need to become familiar with. The National Economic Security and Reform Act, or NESARA, is more than just an acronym - it is the genesis of an unprecedented global economic revolution.

Introduced in the United States, NESARA encompasses a series of financial reforms aimed at eliminating the systemic flaws of our current economic apparatus. Imagine a world where inflation is a term consigned to the history books, where “debt” is an archaic concept, and where prosperity is not a privilege but a right. That is the world that NESARA promises to create.

Let us now enter the majestic kingdom of TRUMPSARA.

As the name suggests, this concept gained attention during the term of former US President, Donald Trump. Considered by many to be an extension or variation of NESARA, TRUMPSARA aims to implement a series of radical financial reforms on a global scale. The essence of TRUMPSARA lies in its ambition – a vision to restore financial power to the people and maintain economic justice everywhere in the world.

As we delve deeper into NESARA and TRUMPSARA, we discover many of their pillars. Among the most profound is the idea of ​​a “Global Currency Reset” or GCR. This implies an economic reset that creates fiscal balance between nations, a stark contrast to the traditional power dynamics we see in the world economy today. .

But what does all this mean for you and me? That means we are on the brink of change – enormous and unprecedented change. NESARA and TRUMPSARA are more than just financial buzzwords; they are harbingers of a world where economic equality reigns, where wealth is not hoarded but shared, where the power of the dollar is restored and where the chain of debt is finally broken. 

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (8/12/24)

Coffee with MarkZ. 08/12/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning, today would be a great day for an RV.

Member: Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. 

Member:  The constant one step forward, two steps back is exhausting.

Member: Mark Can you please tell us this game is almost over?

MZ: The game is afoot. I think it has started…just not finished. 

MZ: On the bond side. There are tons of expectations (even this morning)  for bond payouts today and tomorrow. We have heard this before but there are some big differences now. Which makes me hopeful that this will be it. And we will see real solid spendable cash with the bond holders. 

MZ: If this occurs…the rumors on the banking side is that by mid-week we could see a schedule –if not actual exchange appointments happening. 

MZ: Cross your fingers and wait to see it this is real. Today and tomorrow should be big for us to find out. 

MZ: I will keep you up to date as I get anything. 

Member: an article said the HCL law is being rewritten. 

MZ: If true that is good news as this comes to a conclusion.

Member: MilitiaMan had a great video overnight. 

Member: And Nader dropped a new one. 

MZ: Be sure to watch, and share those. 

MZ: “Ghana opens new gold refinery with 20% government stake” Ghana will now be able to keep part of that gold whenever they refine it……to back currencies and develop infrastructure. This is important for gold or asset backed currencies. 

Member: Do you know how many Revaluation Centers or banks there are to exchange. Just wondering how far from my small town I'll need to travel.

Member: We were told years ago there should be one within 50 miles of most Americans….not sure if that still holds true. 

Member: What are the higher rates you are hearing Mark?

MZ: I cannot tell you….but they are supposedly higher than I was previously sharing….I was warned to stop sharing rates. 

Member: At last count the rumors were dinar $4+, Dong $2+, Rupiah $.1.47, Zim $30-$50 mil per each 100T note.  

Member: I really hope the Bolivar has a good rate. 

Member: One day everything will be well, that is our hope

Member: Get ready for a booming week.

Member: Thanks Mark and mods……everyone have a blessed day. 

StacieZ joins the stream today. Please listen to replay for her information



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



On Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemption BY JOHN F. , 12 AUGUST

 On Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemption:

Judy NoteI am assuming since JFK wrote the below on Telegram that it is official information on Zim Bond Redemption and International Default Exchange Rates.

However, we have not received any verification that it is – just as what Julian Assange and DaveXRP Lion put out on Zim Redemption is not official and written in their opinion only.

I am in hope we will receive official instructions and correct information prior to making our currency exchange and Zim redemption appointments so we can properly prepare.

John F. Kennedy on Telegram:

  • Those holding ZIM bonds will receive a $500 million advance until structured payments begin.
  • All non-ZIM FX proceeds (currency exchanges?) will be immediately accessible.
  • For those who choose to place their funds under a structured payment program (SPP), there will be an advance of up to $250 million until the first SPP payment is made.
  • You will have 90 days to exchange
    Have all currency on a spreadsheet and a copy for your appointment personal.
    Currency should be separated by countries and denominations
    Have your projects ready with a copy for your appointment personal.
    Have your amounts ready to take care of your immediate needs.
    No cash will be given, but an account of $50,000 to $100,000 will be put in your account
    You can bring accountants, lawyers, banker and or family members but all must sign a NDA

PIMPY: Iraqi Dinar update for 08/11/24 - conflicting info

Iraqi PM launches three key projects in Baghdad, 12 AUGUST

 Shafaq News/ On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani inaugurated three projects in the capital, Baghdad.

Al Sudani’s media office stated that the PM inaugurated the three projects via video conference. The first project is the Baghdad-Diyala-Kirkuk entrance, which “has been rehabilitated and maintained to meet high standards.”

The second project involves the Nahrawan Water Plant, located southeast of Baghdad, “with a production capacity of 4,000 cubic meters per hour.”

The third project includes the construction of overpasses on the Army Canal in eastern Baghdad, linking the Jamila area to Al-Jihad Street (Bab al-Muadham). “This project is part of the first phase of efforts to alleviate traffic congestion in the capital.”

Parliamentary moves to increase state financial revenues, 20 SEPT

  Parliamentary moves to increase state financial revenues The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed that it held a meeting with the Mini...