Saturday, August 10, 2024


 On Fri. 9 Aug. 2024 the below briefly appeared on a John F. Kennedy Jr. Telegram site, but then disappeared so it is not known if it was valid or not: John F. Kennedy Jr.

  • Sources said delays were from making sure QFS system and all the test clients were done perfectly so they can see their funds in their accounts (or hold SKRs) but would not be able to use these funds until the shotgun start has started.
  • Understand that the Swift System might still be in use until all old currency has been declared useless, but those evil sources are still trying their best to keep it open or slow down the exchange.
  • Sources say Monday/Tuesday for release of emails/800#
  • International Default Rates (not Humanitarian):
  • Dinar will value at a “RI” rate from the time Iraq was invaded which would put it around $3.22 – $3.78
  • Zim was being offered at a default rate of first two 100T aa bond notes up to 30 T notes at $20 Million each, 31 T notes and up would default to $15 million decreasing the more notes you own.
  • HOWEVER the AA Zim are Bonds and we have been told they can NOT be renegotiated, ASK for the contract/solverant rate
  • These rates can be negotiated on your second visit with your projects and team members.
  • You will have 90 days to exchange
    Have all currency on a spreadsheet and a copy for your appointment personal.
    Currency should be separated by countries and denominations
    Have your projects ready with a copy for your appointment personal.
    Have your amounts ready to take care of your immediate needs.
    No cash will be given, but an account of 50,000 to 100,000 will be put in your account
    You can bring accountants, lawyers, banker and or family members but all must sign a NDA
  • The QFS is a system created by the Earth Confederation and our Stellar brothers. All people already have their QFS account set up. It contains all their personal data and their DNA. There is nothing to configure.
  • The money from your birth certificate is already deposited in that account, as well as the repayment of the loans you have requested, student loans, mortgages, etc.
  • We all have monies that is ours in those accounts. You do not need to have Zim Bonds or Dinar. It is money that you have earned during your life and that is in that account.
  • Once everyone has collected the bonuses, the general public will come, they will be called to the redemption center, they will be given a QFS card and they can use their money.

Iraqi Dinar :The Clock is Ticking: U.S. Treasury & Fed Just Issued a Maj...

Adviser To The Prime Minister: There Is No Problem With Cash Flow In The Iraqi Currency , 10 AUGUST

 Economical    Number of readings: 334 Baghdad / NINA / Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, advisor to Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani for economic affairs, 

denied the existence of a problem with cash flow in the Iraqi currency.
Mazhar Muhammad Saleh said, according to Rudaw Media Network:
“There is no problem with liquidity at all because it is covered by foreign currency,” indicating that
“the mechanism for obtaining cash liquidity is that oil sales are converted into US dollars, and
when the government needs dinars for internal exchange, oil sales are exchanged for dollars.” 

"It goes to the issuing bank, which is the central bank, to give it the currency."  

He pointed out that  "the central bank, with the aim of maintaining market stability, sells foreign currency to the market through the currency sale window and auction, to withdraw liquidity a second time and repeat it again so that there is a natural growth in the exported currency."  

Mazhar Muhammad Salih noted that,   “In this case, when the government wants liquidity in the Iraqi dinar, the cash issuance increases, that is,
instead of absorbing it from the market, a new issuance occurs, and
this is what led to a jump in the exported currency, but
there is no problem with that because it is 100% covered.” /End H   



  • A trusted military intelligence contact confirmed that GCR Liquidity release began at exactly 3:00 PM PDT on Wed. 7 Aug. 2024 and would unfold over the next 72 hours. “The Sovereign Committee and US federal government have just approved T4A and B payments – this has started Reno, Miami, and other East Coast states.”
  • Those holding ZIM bonds will receive a $500 million advance until structured payments begin.
  • All non-ZIM FX proceeds will be immediately accessible.
  • For those who choose to place their funds under a structured payment program (SPP), there will be an advance of up to $250 million until the first SPP payment is made.
  • Distributions are scheduled to begin after Sat. 10 Aug.
  • Mid-September was anticipated to be a period of substantial activity of significant financial movement.

🚨SPECIAL: Iraq PM & Russia Sign Deals + Exchanges Recorded On QFS

Iraq welcomes joint statement by US, Egypt, and Qatar on Gaza ceasefire, 10 AUGUST

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday welcomed the joint statement issued by the leaders of the United States, Egypt, and Qatar, which calls for a ceasefire, the release of hostages, and the provision of immediate relief to Gaza.

In a statement, the ministry viewed the joint statement as "a serious commitment by the three leaders to resolving the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza," considering it a significant step toward achieving stability in the region.

The ministry expressed its support for this international effort, urging all involved parties to respond positively to the initiative.

"The Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls for the urgent resumption of talks, expressing Iraq's readiness to support any effort aimed at enhancing security and peace in the region."

The ministry hoped that these efforts would yield tangible results, contributing to alleviating the "suffering of the Palestinian people and bringing an end to the current crisis as quickly as possible."

In a joint statement, U.S. President Joe Biden, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and the Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, called for immediate action to "bring relief to the people of Gaza and secure the release of hostages. 

The joint statement called both sides to resume urgent discussions on Thursday, August 15, in either Doha or Cairo, aiming to close all remaining gaps and commence the implementation of the deal without further delay.



  I am hearing a lot of chatter for the weekend from group leaders...I have heard this chatter before so I am is coming in conjunction with some great positive things coming from Iraq...I'm still holding hope perhaps over the weekend for an HCL...

 ...quiet on the RV front...All we have is rumors of the HCL is in the Kurdish regions where they made a couple changes and sent it back to the parliament…so it is now with them. We heard parliament has agreed on it and now we are waiting for them to say Boom – it’s done. So in Iraq they seem excited that Alaq is going to gone and the pending public
approval of the HCL. I am still hearing there is an opportunity for HCL to pass before the weekend is out.

 My contacts on the ground in Iraq say...they expect to see sudden movement and HCL...I am hearing is they expect to announce completion and ratification of the HCL this week...I hope they are correct.