Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 08/07/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 08/07/2024

Member: Good Morning Mark, Mods and RV’ers

Member: Two week notice or not 2 week notice, that is the question!

Member: Is there one thing we are waiting for – before this RV goes?

MZ: I don’t know if there is one certain thing or not. 

Member: I still think the RV will deflate the dollar and the euro which will speed up the stock market crash

Member: That’s one heck of a dead cat bounce! DOW is up

Member: RUMOR: People being paid but money can't be touched in their accounts. Frozen. No dancing for me till LIQUIDITY!

Member: mtn goat said they had to do revision then it will be done- hcl that is

MZ: What I am hearing is they expect to announce completion and ratification of the HCL this week. 

Member: So Alaq is no longer the governor of the CBI……I thought he was supposed to be one of the good guys?

Member: Could al Alak have been the issue with the corruption in the CBI ?!

MZ: My contacts are saying how excited they are about Alaq stepping down. There are many confirmations now that Alak has resigned. 

MZ: I have a contact in the finance ministry who says there is a lot of excitement in Iraq because they believe he was one of the last roadblocks they needed to remove. 

MZ: We do know that Sudani has made it very clear that the revaluation or change in rates lies in the CBI’s hands. So I am going to take this as good news. 

MZ: My contacts on the ground in Iraq say it is extremely good. And they expect to see sudden movement and HCL: I hope they are correct.

Member: rumor: Jon Dowling @ [8/6/2024 10:39 PM] Breaking News: the CBI Governor has resigned. He was a corrupt Ira Ian proxy who would never help Sudani complete the RV. So he was asked to step down. This is good news for our blessing.

Member: Question Mark...are there certain YEARS of Bolivar or other currencies that we need to have?!?!

MZ: Based on my research the favorite is 2021 and up…but I still hear the rest will still be good.

Member: Im confused about if our exchanges go into QFS or in my accounts?

MZ: I hear it should be automatic. Your existing money and all bank accounts will go to the QFS. 

MZ: “US household debt surges to record $17.8 Trillion”   This is unsustainable. 

Member: All Iranian government offices and banks in Tehran and Alborz province will be closed Wednesday. Reason given, high temperature. Interesting

​​Member: I've always wondered what the heck do they mean by keeping our frequency High what difference does that make on how our frequency is if they want us to keep our frequency higher than end this movie

Member: Let's make this day a beautiful blessed day

Member: It’s going to be Beautiful on the other side, we are close to the end of all this!

Member: Tomorrow is 8/8/2024---8/8/8. everyone pray and imagine living your life to its highest purpose.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (8/7/24)

Rafidain announces the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in 37 branches, 7 AUGUST

 Rafidain Bank announced today, Wednesday, the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in 37 branches.

The media office of Rafidain Bank stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "in implementation of the government program to move from paper transactions to electronic ones to provide the best services to citizens, the comprehensive banking system was applied in the Al-Amir neighborhood branch in Najaf and the Kut branch, thus joining the branches in which the comprehensive system was activated in Baghdad and the governorates in addition to the branches of the border crossings (Zurbatiya - Safwan - Arar - Trebil) so that the number of branches in effect and completed for the system becomes (37) branches."

He added, "This important step came to strengthen the banking system, meet its requirements, and move away from paper work and towards completely electronic systems."

 He added that "the plan for digital transformation and adoption of the comprehensive banking system is proceeding according to the set timetables to include all bank branches in implementing the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time, simplifying procedures, overcoming obstacles, and intensifying efforts to improve the level of services provided to customers and completing their transactions." link


 Tues. 6 Aug. 2024 Dr. Tom Update

  • Regarding rates, I remember Trump saying that he wanted a level playing field so that everyone had the same chance, although internationally and internally, there are countries that have more gold backing than others, for example; but when you go to your appointments ask to see the rates and compare.
  • JANE: We have to wait for the notifications and when they block the rates to know better, but we have to prepare. It has always been said that in the USA, the currency rates would be the highest but it would also depend on the kind of projects they present, right?
  • DR. TOM: It is important to know that the top lawyer who is working in the Constitutional Republic and the information as an example that they gave is that if you have a Zim of 100 million and you have a project of 40 million dollars, then you have 60 million left over and they don’t want that money to remain in your account because as in the past, the money went to the dark ones.
  • They want to offer like a Treasury Bond that pays like 5% every month or in the following months. They want to offer like an “instrument” that has your money that the government will use to rebuild America again and they would give you a percentage.
  • We will learn a lot about this and make sure you have a team of advisors, accountants, colleagues, friends, etc.
  • Note: ALL ZIM denominations will be accepted for redemption – trillions, billions and millions (see the example Dr. Tom gave where he mentioned if you had a 100 MILLION Zim bond. The condition they said was that they must be AA or AB series 2008-2009. That has been said forever. We have to wait for official instructions.

✅BOOM - IRAQ and Basket of Currencies !!!

Finance seeks to improve financial performance and enhance spending efficiency, 7 AUGUST

  Finance seeks to improve financial performance and enhance spending efficiency

Finance Minister Taif Sami chaired a meeting of the Ministry's Opinion Board on Tuesday, where it discussed the measures taken to improve the ministry's financial performance and enhance the efficiency of public spending.
The ministry said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The Minister of Finance chaired the meeting of the Ministry's Opinion Board, attended by all its members, to discuss a number of important financial and economic topics."

The statement added, "The attendees discussed the current financial policies and procedures and ways to develop them to achieve the ministry's strategic goals and follow up on the implementation of the financial plan for the current year and the challenges it faces."
It continued, "The future directions of financial policies were also discussed in light of local economic variables and the measures taken to improve the ministry's financial performance and enhance the efficiency of public spending."

The meeting stressed - according to the statement - the importance of "continuous coordination between various relevant parties to ensure the achievement of the desired goals."  link


 Tues. 6 Aug. 2024 Julian Assange on Telegram:

  • Bond funds delivered to paymasters was coming in so fast everyone was in awe from the amount.
  • Private appointments are being made now.
  • Get your plans/projects together and don’t wait around for this to happen without being ready.
  • No straight cash will be given.
  • You are in charge of your funds and can place funds in different accounts.
  • Advisers will be there to assist you  with your funds and will help guide you in your projects or choosing one on the list.
  • Everything is going well, still some that do not want this to happen, but all is safe.
  • You can take to your appointment: advisors/bank contacts (if you have already spoken to a specific person)/ friend/any person/s you want to assist you.
  • Zim Cap information is changing daily but as of now they are paying as follows:
    NO projects = 15 million no matter amount you might hold
    With projects  = First 2 bond notes are 1 to 1 after this 25 million (per 100T) up to 30 bond notes
    To negotiate further you will need to return
  • A Safe link 800# will be released closer to go date
  • Rates are EXTREMELY high.
  • We are almost at the end of the road. All intel is saying “Next Week”

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

  Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues In September 2024, the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Commi...