Tuesday, August 6, 2024



  • Mon. 5 Aug. 2024 Wolverine
  •  “I have spoken to one of Co-Founders of the Precatorias and he said that everything is looking massively and he is very sure we will have incredible news tomorrow (your Monday). Bond holders are looking very good for this week as well.”


  • Sun. 4 Aug. 2024 Wolverine: “In my opinion Tier4b should get notification tomorrow Mon. 5 Aug. Everything is moving ahead. Nothing has changed. We have the Green Light from Brazil.” 
  • Sat. 3 Aug. 2024 Wolverine: “It’s all coming this new week guys. Get ready everyone. I’ve had multiple confirmations everything in Israel, Iran & Venezuela is already done & settled. Now @charliewardshow confirms it too. …the RV has started in general. We are going to have a beautiful week. Get ready. Any day I’ll get that call and then you won’t hear from me anymore. ”
Sat. 3 Aug. 2024 Wolverine

 “It’s all coming this new week guys. Get ready everyone. I’ve had multiple confirmations everything in Israel, Iran & Venezuela is already done & settled. Now @charliewardshow confirms it too. …the RV has started in general. We are going to have a beautiful week. Get ready. Any day I’ll get that call and then you won’t hear from me anymore. ”



    Exciting times are coming. Looks like the caravan has arrived! I got a call from a close friend informing me that he is ready to travel to Reno next week. Everything is happening. As Elizabeth said: the trigger has started for the 1% and it looks like it is happening, and you heard that from Dallas who also agreed with my information. Stay strong.
    Notifications for Tier4B are coming; I will NOT mention a date, but we are very close for currency notifications. Bondholders are already receiving their notifications.

    That's it guys. It will be emotional for all of you.
    I got a call about Precatorious and they are ready to release this, and it will happen around Monday. It's a process.

    I can share some Intel that came to me before I went to bed. This is translated from Portuguese to English. The translation is not the best: “Good evening friends, today Wednesday (the information arrives two days late). All operations were carried out from 1:00 p.m. They called us to receive you… perhaps they did not reach you by the time this Thursday.

    On Friday afternoon everything ended for all of us. Now we only have to thank God almighty and make our plans. Thank you for the trust you had in me. Sincerely, The Manager.”
    “Second reason, yesterday the world bank liberated Brazil by certifying it with ISO2022. Today they made the alignments and synchronizations between the Brazilian Banks and tomorrow it will rain in the Garden. (I hope this really happens). According to the informant, tomorrow we will have money, because one of the reasons is that ___ is to work for the population. “

    Another arrived: “Good morning friends and fellow travelers of this long journey: with great joy I bring you definitive information about the institution. Everything that had to be done yesterday was successfully completed thanks to the unity of all of us: the last _ was resolved. I am transmitting what the institution gave me. There is no longer any impediment. The liberation has happened! It only remains to wait for a concrete payment to resolve our personal situation. Let us not be sad… on the contrary, tomorrow is still a working day and it can happen: Our God is in control.

    Three hours ago, I received this: I was told that someone very high up in the “food chain” flew to Reno last night! Flying with someone to sign the permit. One buyer reported that his contacts had assured him that things had already started. Some say it might be Michael Rubin. On the topic that interests us all, the latest I hear is that final contracts will finally be published or issued starting today and tomorrow. Then, if we are lucky, the first ....FOR READ MORE:  https://dinarevaluation.blogspot.com/2024/08/wolverine-special-live-chat-02082024.htm




     Discussion between Wolverine and Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz, 2 AUGUST






Possible Timing:

  • Mon. 5 Aug. 2024 Charlie Ward: “When Israel and Iran go to war it will be the cover for the RV.” Judy Note: Iran has announced it will attack Israel on the evening of Mon. 5 Aug. 2024
  • Tues. 6 Aug. 2024: “Three Days Remaining (from Sat. 4 Aug. 2024).” …Wikileaks Truth (Julian Assange) on Telegram.
  • There will be a EBS message sent over phones, TV and radio around the Globe saying that in the next five hours or so, everyone needed to be home for a global lockdown that would last 10 to 12 days.
  • NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
  • Then through the EBS, they will show documentaries of everything that has happened to wake up the masses.
  • At the end of the 12 days, they will give out an 800 number for individuals to call to obtain an appointment to set up your Quantum money account on the new Starlink Satellite System.
  • There were 75 Deep State Banks that were seized and all assets and accounts closed. All the Cabal’s Central Banks have been taken over, with assets entered into the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • The QFS is run on Blockchain where nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable. They can see where all money goes, which stops corruption in its tracks.
  • Apparently all people have a sum of money  in an individual Quantum Financial Account.
  • The seized assets of the Cabal were moved to those Quantum Financial Accounts of The People. All monies in trust funds were moved to individual QFS accounts. All our bank accounts, savings accounts and retirement accounts were safe in the new Quantum System.

  • The only monies not reflected in individual Quantum Accounts were investments and shares on the Stock Market. All that will be gone! It is advised to get out of the Stock Market immediately.

U.S. Treasury Occupies IRAQ's Central Bank 🚨

Evening News with MarkZ, joined by Jeff Rahm. 08/05/2024

Evening News with MarkZ, joined by Jeff Rahm. 08/05/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: yo yo yo ..what's up peeps!! lol!! Did ya enjoy the markets implosion???

Member: The World is on Fire... are we there yet?

Member: What a financial bloodbath worldwide today. 

Member: I see "they" were correct it starts in the East and moves to the West (Stock Market Crash)

MZ: Today was the biggest single day crash in our history. 

Member: They are trying to prop the futures market, E-Mini S&P 500 Futures5,264.00+46.50 E-Mini Nasdaq 100 Futures18,228.00+214.75 E-Mini Russell 2000 Futures2,074.30+25.30

MZ: I do know of some key people with bonds moving today. Some bond deals that were supposed to close stateside were moved to Europe. I hope this is good news because they are scrambling to get there. 

MZ: Its very quiet on the banking side.

Member: I heard a rumor that CMKX and settlements may have started today

MZ: CMKM (CMKX) Over the weekend they have suddenly gotten an unscheduled update for the Fines and Penalties.

Member: I hear Fines and Penalties will be $10 plus

MZ: The rumor is its running between $10-$12 right now per share. 

 I am “hearing” great chatter…But all we are “seeing” is the financial markets collapsing

Member: Markets tomorrow will be epic Mark

Member: Glenn Beck did a great show today concerning the market and impending crash!

Member: Everyone I talked to that have a JP Morgan account or other investment accounts could NOT log in today. They were conveniently unavailable.

Member: Edward Jones account could not be accessed for a couple hours

Member: With everyone watching the world war news, maybe the RV kicks off?

Jaff Rahm with the Rodriguez trust joins tonight. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information. 



Pay attention to Turkey. 🇹🇷

Pay attention to Iraq. 🇮🇶 

Pay attention to Russia.  🇷🇺 

Pay attention to Saudi Arabia. 🇸🇦 

Pay Attention to Europe.  🇪🇺 


Because these are the countries that are doing the dirty work by subduing Israel. 🇮🇱 

Not Donald Trump!

D. Trump did his job when he offered Benjamin Netanyahu a peace deal. It was declined. 

You have to understand Iraq is going to ve the power house next to America in the Middle East. Not Israel. 


Because Israel does not control the trade routes required in order to have the contracts needed to have close diplomatic ties with other countries that share their views of conquests who will support them. That's is why Benjamin Netanyahu came crying to US Congress for more money. 

Everyone reading this need to look up the Iraqi Development Road Project. This is the momentum needed in order to pull off what B. Netanyahu is attempting to do in Gaza. But he can't. Because Saudi Arabia is in the process of recognizing them as a state. 

Guess who is not coming out against this?

Donald Trump. You have not seen anything on D. Trump social media accounts denouncing this maneuver by Saudi Arabia who will ultimately defeat Israel. 

Stop looking for D. Trump to verbally assault Israel. 

Stop looking for D. Trump to say anything negative about Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Stop looking for D. Trump to come out and denounce war against terrorism. 

None of this is neccessary. This is why I kept referring to D. Trump as a honey pot. When there is a sting op- occurring the honey pot is placed to attract the bees away from the nest that is being removed. 

You do not have to swat a single bee. While they are distracted with the honey you can peacefully remove the hive and get rid of all of them without using any spray. Especially if the queen is no longer there. (Easter egg) 😉

The Monarch gone.

The Rothschilds trapped. 

The Deep State in panic.

The media is useless. 

The puppet masters removed.

The Normies are clueless. 

But you who is following this channel are "The New Republic".

You all need to start acting that way. You can not run around reacting to everything like the general public is doing. What use will you be once disclosure gets here and they run to you and you are just as confused as they are? 

Please, nothing is happening haphazardly in any regard. You are watching a controlled demolition in slow motion. That way as it is happening you can learn about all the agendas that were created to enslave you and be prepared to share that with others who are oblivious to everything you are reading here. 

The WTO announcement already that the world is waiting on Iraq. Not Israel. They are a non factor. Which is why they are being ignored and have no major trade deals on the level that Iraq has. No competition. Why do you think China removed Israel off of their largest map platform 24 hrs after the Belfour Declaration expired late October 31st last year? 

But that was just a coincidence right?

F♤ck outta here with that sh¡t.

Join, it's not too late! 👇 


Breaking News: Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Hits Banks – Are You Ready





Central Bank Governor explains reasons for dollar price fluctuations: 85% of remittances do not pass through the US Federal Reserve




The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, revealed today, Sunday, the reasons for the fluctuation of the dollar price, noting that 85% of transfers do not pass through the US Federal Reserve.

A statement by the Parliament's media department received by (Mawazine News) stated that "the governor of the Central Bank provided a full briefing on the reasons for the fluctuation of the exchange rate, the mechanism of the electronic platform and its role in controlling internal and external trade, in addition to the housing initiative file, US sanctions on Iraqi banks, and the status of the foreign currency reserve at the Central Bank." Al-Alaq explained, according to the statement, that "Iraq's foreign currency reserve is sufficient to create balance in the market," indicating that "the Central Bank sells more than $250 million daily to meet the requirements of foreign trade."


Iraqi Banks...A Classic Mentality That Prevents Keeping Pace With Global Development By Preferring The "Government" Over The "National", 20 SEPT

  Iraqi Banks...A Classic Mentality That Prevents Keeping Pace With Global Development By Preferring The "Government" Over The &qu...