Saturday, July 27, 2024

SANDY INGRAM: "IRAQ- Saudi Arabia China Heavily Investing in Iraq Micro Special Report"




Saleh: The Central Bank's dollar reserves are solid and the GDP rate is very optimistic


The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed the cohesion of foreign reserves, especially the dollar, at the Central Bank of Iraq.


Saleh told Al Furat News Agency, "Covering urgent expenses in dollars, as they represent the desired demand for foreign currency, in addition to the level of sufficiency of incoming foreign currency flows and the level of maintaining the country's reserves of the total foreign currency held by the Central Bank, is subject to two main factors."

He explained that the first factor is "the nature of the oil asset cycle, which is still at its highest levels of global price increases due to the strength of global demand for energy, and that economic expectations indicate that potential price fluctuations towards a decline are still out of reach and are largely linked to the end of military operations in Ukraine, and the return of the flow of Russian gas and oil, especially to European markets, as the Russian Federation is the second largest oil-producing country in the world and leads the production and export of gas to major consumer markets in the European continent directly." 

The other factor, according to Saleh, “is related to the surplus in the current account of the Iraqi balance of payments, as estimates issued by international financial institutions indicate that this percentage of the surplus in the current account of the Iraqi balance of payments to the country’s gross domestic product is no less than {positive 6%}, which is a very optimistic positive percentage.”

He explained that "both factors indicate the cohesion of the country's foreign reserves, which are generated by high oil export revenues to date, versus control over outward cash flows of foreign currency to meet local demand for imported goods, services and foreign benefits, as the current account of the balance of payments indicates that it is in a positive and stable position and is consistent with the general budget's spending tendencies during the current fiscal year 2024."




Breaking Down the New BRICS Gold-backed Currency System in Detail BY AWAKE IN 3D, 27 JULY

 Breaking Down the New BRICS Gold-backed Currency System in Detail

On July 26, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

Learn about the construction, mechanics, benefits and real-world usage of this groundbreaking digital currency.

This is Part 2 of my article series exploring why the BRICS Gold-backed currency system is an inspiring model for our Global Currency Reset and Currency Revaluations (RV/GCR).

You can find Part 1 here: The BRICS UNIT: The Catalyst for a Revolutionary Global Currency Reset

It lays the foundation for the global adoption of gold and real assets to back sovereign currencies. The BRICS UNIT System’s greatest strength is its inclusiveness.

It’s not a closed, exclusive financial system meant only for BRICS Member Nations; it’s open to any country, BRICS Alliance Member or not. It even accommodates nations that continue to use a pure fiat currency system.

This flexibility to create exchange rate pairs between UNIT and fiat currencies opens exciting opportunities for our RV Currency Exchange.

In This Article

  • The Construction of the BRICS UNIT
  • Operational Mechanics of the UNIT
  • Who Will Use the UNIT
  • Real-World Applications of the UNIT
  • Benefits for International Business and Trade
  • Key Dates in the UNIT Rollout

The BRICS nations are on the brink of a financial revolution with the introduction of the UNIT, a gold-backed digital currency set to transform global transactions.

This comprehensive guide breaks down how the UNIT is built, its operational mechanics, user base, practical applications, benefits, and key milestones in its rollout.

The Construction of the BRICS UNIT

The UNIT is being intricately crafted as a gold-anchored, blockchain-enabled digital asset. Each UNIT is minted when participants deposit a mix of gold and BRICS currencies at designated blockchain nodes, ensuring intrinsic value.

This innovative design blends the stability of gold with the transparency and security of blockchain technology.

Legally anchored in the Budapest Convention, the UNIT ecosystem promises robust international legitimacy.

Drawing on advanced crypto-blockchain concepts from platforms like Ethereum and Bitcoin, the UNIT stands out with its unique focus on tangible value and economic stability.

Operational Mechanics of the UNIT

At the heart of the UNIT is a decentralized blockchain system that guarantees security and transparency. Nodes within this system independently mint UNITs by receiving deposits of gold and BRICS currencies, adhering to a standardized rule book to maintain integrity and trust.

Transaction costs within the UNIT ecosystem are expected to be significantly lower than those of traditional banking systems. This cost-efficiency, combined with the inherent stability of a gold-backed asset, positions the UNIT as a superior alternative for global transactions.

Who Will Use the UNIT

The UNIT is designed for a diverse user base, encompassing nations, businesses, and consumers. BRICS countries can utilize the UNIT for international trade, minimizing reliance on traditional fiat currencies and fostering economic cooperation.

Businesses, especially those engaged in cross-border commerce, will benefit from reduced fees and heightened security.

Consumers will also see value in using the UNIT for purchasing goods and services worldwide. The currency’s stability, underpinned by gold, offers a reliable and secure option compared to more volatile cryptocurrencies.

Real-World Applications of the UNIT

In practical terms, the UNIT is set to revolutionize international trade and finance. BRICS nations can leverage the UNIT to conduct bilateral trade, significantly lowering transaction costs and enhancing economic partnerships.

Businesses can streamline their global transactions by using UNITs, circumventing traditional banking systems and avoiding cumbersome currency conversion fees.

For consumers, the UNIT provides a stable and cost-effective means to buy goods and services from international merchants, making global commerce more accessible and affordable.

Benefits for International Business and Trade

The UNIT offers substantial advantages for international business and trade. Its gold-backed nature ensures stability, mitigating risks associated with currency volatility.

The decentralized structure of the UNIT ecosystem promotes fairness and transparency, as no single country or central bank can exert control over the currency.

Participating countries enjoy monetary policy independence within the UNIT framework, allowing them to pursue their own economic agendas without the constraints of pegging their currencies.

This flexibility is particularly advantageous for countries with non-convertible currencies, enabling them to engage more freely in international trade.

Key Dates in the UNIT Rollout

The journey to launching the UNIT is marked by several pivotal dates:

  • August 2023: BRICS summit in Johannesburg where finance ministers were tasked with developing the UNIT.
  • June 2024: BRICS foreign ministers emphasized enhancing the use of local currencies, supporting the UNIT initiative.
  • September 2024: Special meeting of the New Development Bank (NDB) in Shanghai to evaluate the UNIT proposal.
  • October 22-24, 2024: BRICS leaders’ summit in Kazan, Russia, where final reports and decisions on the UNIT will be presented.

The Bottom Line

The BRICS UNIT represents a groundbreaking step forward in the evolution of digital currencies.

Combining the security of blockchain technology with the stability of gold, the UNIT is poised to become a powerful tool for international business and trade.

As we approach key milestones in its development, the global financial landscape is set for a transformative shift, promising exciting possibilities for fair, non-manipulated, and stable economies worldwide.

Contributing Sources:

A HUGE Shift In The Iraqi Dinar




Central Bank of Iraq "warns" against circulation of $1 million commemorative notes


Central Bank of Iraq

July 25, 2024

The Central Bank of Iraq renews its warning against promoting commemorative notes of the "one million" US dollar denomination used to defraud citizens.
It stressed that the security and regulatory authorities will pursue those who promote these commemorative notes and take legal action against them.  It pointed out that the highest denomination of the US dollar in circulation is the "100" dollar denomination. It is 
noteworthy that the aforementioned commemorative note is not circulated in global currency markets as it is issued by the American Millionaires Association, and this note is not considered cash because it is not issued by the US Federal Reserve and does not represent any financial instrument, and is used for gifting purposes only.
The Central Bank of Iraq warned in February 2020 against circulating the "one million" dollar denomination because it is a non-cash note.

Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office 
July 25, 2024



Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine

 “The gates are opened! Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil. Venezuela has released their own.

 Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.”

Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine Live Chat

  • It has been very emotional for me everyone. The calls started coming in about 5 a.m.  There are things I cannot say due to confidentiality and people being under NDA. I want to tell you the gates are opened!!  Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil.
  • Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members.
  • I am absolutely ecstatic. This is real. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.
  • I am praying that by the end of the month we will all be blessed; I have not received any news from Reno about Tier4B. Reno is very quiet.  I have been trying to get in contact with someone in Reno, but cannot, but it might be a good sign.
  • Bondholders are flying to Zurich with paid airline tickets. Not hearing much from there, but Reno and Zurich are two of the largest platforms/exchanges and I need to know what is going on. 
  • It is all coming. I have to be careful in what I saw as I cannot ruin it for everyone.  This is not hopium. This is real and from the boots on the ground.  
  • I have been overwhelmed with so much emotion. I am going to church now to thank God for what is coming and that this is finally happening. Those trumpets and opera and the whole thing will be coming, I hope, either today or tomorrow, we are that close to releasing this for you guys!!!!
  • Already the Precatorious have released their own opera.
  • Venezuela has released their own song right now, but that is the song of liberty. They are declaring Liberty not just for the RV, but for celebrating the downfall of the tyranny upon them for more than 20 years, having suffering under Maduro, a ruthless dictator, and the other Communist Chavez, who is now in Hell for what he did to his country and its people.
  • There are still Yellow Dragons available, but we are very close to this closing, so if you are interested in these please message me privately.
  • Again, as soon as I get that miracle call, I will wake up every one of you to have a Live Call where I will not be on it, but Carpathia will say something to all of you, then we will roll out the video, the trumpets and the opera.  Have a beautiful day. Take care and God Bless you all.  Wolverine

Surprising Changes in Iraq’s Banking: Are You Missing Out”Iraqi Dinar News

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: CBI Governor Ali Al-Alaq's Statement on Dollar Provision and Exchange Rates, 20 SEPT

CBI Governor Ali Al-Alaq's Statement on Dollar Provision and Exchange Rates On September 20, 2024, Ali Al-Alaq, the governor of the Cent...