Friday, July 26, 2024

Bull Run Just Started: $50 Silver Is ‘Next Stop’ Before ‘Much Higher’ Pr...

Black Money" Fuels The Investment Stock Exchange.. Countries That Flourished With Iraq's Looted Money, 26 JULY

  Politics | Today, 11:00 |  Baghdad today – Baghdad   Today, Thursday (July 25, 2024), former MP Manar Abdul Muttalib identified the features of  black money in the Iraqi Investment Stock Exchange, indicating that this money stolen from the Iraqi treasury has revived the economies of several countries.

 Abdel Muttalib said in an interview with "Baghdad Today",  "There is no accurate figure on the amount of money looted in Iraq after 2003, but  all indicators indicate that it is hundreds of billions of dollars, some of which were smuggled abroad and others were transferred to support the building of economic wings for parties, forces, and companies."

She added,  "The investment environment in Iraq is going against the trend in the world, in that anyone who has $100,000 can invest in a project worth $100 million.

 This is a paradox, especially since the state is providing land for free, and it is investing in customers' money, especially in housing projects, which represent a fertile environment for attracting... "Money." Abdul Muttalib pointed out that black money (referring to corrupt and plundered money) “is present in all sectors, including investments,  but the possibility of detecting it is difficult and complicated because there is no money in the names of politicians.

 However, seeing the level of prosperity and opulence and comparing it with their situation years ago gives an indication of the extent of corruption.”. 

She explained that  "corrupt money smuggled to neighboring countries and was put into large investment projects that revived the economies of several capitals, to the point that those countries do not actually cooperate with Baghdad in order to clarify the fate of Iraq's money

 because they benefited in different ways," indicating that

"searching for Iraq's previous money is difficult."

 But what is most important is to reconsider the investment file,

      bring it within a scope that serves the country’s economy, and

      adopt serious steps to combat corruption in order to preserve the remaining wealth of the country.”المال-الأسود-يغذي-بورصة-الاستثمارات.-دول-انتعشت-بأموال-العراق-المنهوبة.html    


 Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine Live Chat

  • It has been very emotional for me everyone. The calls started coming in about 5 a.m.  There are things I cannot say due to confidentiality and people being under NDA. I want to tell you the gates are opened!!  Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil.
  • Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members.
  • I am absolutely ecstatic. This is real. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.
  • I am praying that by the end of the month we will all be blessed; I have not received any news from Reno about Tier4B. Reno is very quiet.  I have been trying to get in contact with someone in Reno, but cannot, but it might be a good sign.
  • Bondholders are flying to Zurich with paid airline tickets. Not hearing much from there, but Reno and Zurich are two of the largest platforms/exchanges and I need to know what is going on. 
  • It is all coming. I have to be careful in what I saw as I cannot ruin it for everyone.  This is not hopium. This is real and from the boots on the ground.  
  • I have been overwhelmed with so much emotion. I am going to church now to thank God for what is coming and that this is finally happening. Those trumpets and opera and the whole thing will be coming, I hope, either today or tomorrow, we are that close to releasing this for you guys!!!!
  • Already the Precatorious  have released their own opera.
  • Venezuela has released their own song right now, but that is the song of liberty. They are declaring Liberty not just for the RV, but for celebrating the downfall of the tyranny upon them for more than 20 years, having suffering under Maduro, a ruthless dictator, and the other Communist Chavez, who is now in Hell for what he did to his country and its people.
  • There are still Yellow Dragons available, but we are very close to this closing, so if you are interested in these please message me privately.
  • Again, as soon as I get that miracle call, I will wake up every one of you to have a Live Call where I will not be on it, but Carpathia will say something to all of you, then we will roll out the video, the trumpets and the opera.  Have a beautiful day. Take care and God Bless you all.  Wolverine

July Still Viable for RV/RI?🚩Sudani & Alaq Promised Announcement🤔Dinar R...

Cooperation in communication and training.. Washington talks reveal a new Iraqi-American understanding , 26 JULY


The US Department of Defense and the Iraqi Ministry of Defense led the second US-Iraq Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue in Washington, D.C., on July 22-23, 2024, reaffirming their commitment to security cooperation and shared interest in regional stability.

The two delegations discussed a range of bilateral security issues under the 2008 U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement and in recognition of our comprehensive partnership, with Defense Minister Thabet Al-Abbasi meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and representatives from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, U.S. Central Command, the Department of State, and National Security Council staff.

The Iraqi delegation included the Chief of Defense Staff, who also met separately with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown, the Director of the Counter-Terrorism Service, the Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command – Iraq, and other senior defense officials.

The U.S. and Iraqi delegations reaffirmed their commitment to developing Iraq’s security and defense capabilities and their determination to deepen security cooperation across a full range of issues to advance the two countries’ shared interest in Iraq’s security and sovereignty and regional stability.

The 2024 Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue builds on discussions held during Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s visit to Washington, D.C., in April of this year and the inaugural Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue last summer.

During the first Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue, the two sides decided to establish a bilateral Higher Military Committee to analyze three factors – the threat posed by ISIS, operational requirements, and the capability levels of the Iraqi Security Forces – to determine the future of the international military coalition in Iraq.

The dialogue continued during the Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue, building on HMC’s work over the past six months and in celebration of the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS’s military mission in Iraq. A detailed joint statement on the future of the Global Coalition’s mission and presence in Iraq is scheduled to be issued shortly after HMC’s conclusion.

The United States and Iraq intend to continue consultations on enhancing bilateral cooperation to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS after more than a decade of cooperation between the international coalition and Iraq.

Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar, noted the historic achievements of the coalition in Iraq and commended the millions of victims of ISIS, including hundreds of thousands of victims who suffered in the campaign to defeat ISIS in Iraq, such as members of the Iraqi security forces, including the Peshmerga, and partner forces around the world, including the United States. Both sides stressed the importance of Iraq continuing to provide support to the international coalition to defeat ISIS in Syria and around the world.

In addition, the two delegations reached an understanding on the concept of a new phase of the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training and traditional security cooperation programmes.

The delegations also discussed efforts to build the operational capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces through U.S. military assistance and security cooperation programs, including through Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Military Financing. The two sides stressed the importance of continued cooperation to ensure the sustainability of U.S.-origin military equipment used by the Iraqi Security Forces. The delegations emphasized the value of professional military education and technical training programs and decided to strengthen both.

They also explored opportunities to expand Iraqi participation in CENTCOM-led regional military exercises and strengthen Iraqi military relations with CENTCOM service component commands. The two sides also decided to begin work on a Memorandum of Understanding to provide an enhanced framework for their bilateral security relationship in the coming years, including mechanisms to ensure the continued defeat of ISIS.

In support of Iraq’s sovereignty and security, delegations reaffirmed that the advisory mission is in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi Government to support the Iraqi security forces in the fight against ISIS and to support and develop the Iraqi security forces, including the Kurdish security forces.

The Iraqi representatives reaffirmed their absolute commitment to protect US and coalition personnel, advisors, convoys and diplomatic facilities.

Delegations discussed the continued urgent need to return displaced persons and detainees currently in north-east Syria to their countries of origin and support their reintegration.  LINK



💢Ginger's Campground is a connecting site for the 

H❤️ME of Ginger's Liberty Lounge, where heart-centered humanitarians find news of the day, geo-financial developments & inspiration. Ginger is an Ambassador with the New Earth Alliance.

"Camper" is our code word for the RV.

Click on the room you want to access, look around in the room at files, posts archived there, then use the back arrow in the upper left corner to return to the main channel.

We hope you enjoy this new, increasingly organized system of navigating Ginger’s brilliant teachings.♥️

~ Admins Extraordinaire Jan & Shiny


💢Mr Salvage, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥 "Today is Christmas (in July)!  Merry Christmas, everybody! I hope your NESARA dreams come true!"

💢 In other "Christmas Camping news", a dear friend who is connected with camping plans in Zurich was just informed by his Camp Director that they acquired a new Camp Counselor (paymaster) and to watch for their invitation email later today (for their group). Their goal is to begin the process for the campers to enjoy their adventures in the days to come. 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge, Ambassador for God's Abundance with the New Earth Alliance 7.25.24

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