Friday, July 26, 2024



FRANK26:"READ THIS!!!".....................F26

The World Trade Organization opens its doors to it.. The Iraqi economy returns strongly to international competition


The World Trade Organization has accelerated Iraq's steps to join it, following the resumption of negotiations that had been suspended for more than 16 years. The Iraqi delegation is preparing for the next round of negotiations that are expected to resolve this issue, which will open up global trade horizons for Iraq and return it to strong economic competition, in the region and the world, under a multilateral economic system.

According to official officials, the government of Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has only addressed all the previous obstacles that prevented Iraq from joining the international organization, as for the first time the import program was voted on, which includes setting controls for chaos and identifying real traders, in addition to other details related to customs tariffs as well as the necessary legislation for it.


Economic reform and exchange rate adjustment


Economic expert Naji Al-Obaidi, in an interview with Al-Ahd News, believes that Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization will
have positive effects, attributing this to the fact that “it will increase pressure on the government to initiate the long-awaited economic reforms.”

Al-Obaidi added that "the World Trade Organization usually intervenes in the exchange rate policy when the concerned country deliberately keeps the value of its local currency low in order to improve the competitiveness of local production and encourage exports at the expense of foreign goods," indicating that "this does not apply to Iraq, where previous governments resorted to raising the exchange rate of the dinar in an artificial and arbitrary manner with the aim of gaining political and popular support."

He pointed out that joining the international organization would contribute to controlling this file.


Customs restrictions and agricultural support

In this regard, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, stated in an interview with “Al-Ahd News” that Iraq has adopted broad open policies towards the world since 2003 and has sought to establish important economic and legislative rules that operate according to the mechanisms of the market system, most of which have helped improve Iraq’s foreign trade, after an economic blockade that lasted for more than a decade and led to Iraq’s marginalization on the map of the global economic system and deprived it of investment opportunities, progress, development and technological knowledge that should have helped it confront the rapid developments and changes that international markets have witnessed and whose competitive capabilities have changed
dramatically over the past two decades at least.

Saleh pointed out that "the World Organization imposes on the new members of the developing countries group to work under conditions, the first of which is to reduce customs restrictions by 24% and cancel non-customs restrictions for a period of 6 years from the date of joining, and the second is to reduce agricultural support by 13.3% over a period of ten years from joining."


Saleh explained that "these regulatory conditions of the World Trade Organization clash with the conditions and situations of the agricultural market and the global food stock exchange itself. If we look at the agricultural monopolies in the world in light of the deterioration of agricultural development in Iraq, we find a real threat to national food security that restricts the country in the event of joining the organization unless it is preceded by starting or following an agricultural program for self-sufficiency immediately. We will really need a green revolution similar to what Mexico and many Latin American countries have done, especially if we know that there are between 3 and 6 major monopolistic companies in the world that control 80 to 90% of agricultural crop trade and control prices and quantities such as wheat, sugar, tea, coffee, cotton and jute, at a time when ten multinational companies still dominate a third of the production and trade of seeds and pesticides in the world."


Breaking international isolation

Saleh pointed out that "despite the above, Iraq's entry and integration into the global economic space through the World Trade Organization and its dealings with international groups on terms that apply to everyone from a formal standpoint at a time when the world is still divided between the countries of the North and the South or the countries of the advanced industrial center and the developing periphery, Iraq has no choice but to leave its international isolation that it inherited since the siege and placing Iraq under the burden of Chapter Seven, the effects of which still provide a negative economic environment hostile to development and perhaps obstructing natural integration into the global market."


Accelerate joining steps

For his part, Minister of Trade Athir Dawood Al-Ghariri confirmed the resumption of negotiations for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization and the acceleration of its steps, which is a qualitative event and a confirmation of what the government promised through its program to reform the economic situation, considering the private sector an essential part and the backbone of the Iraqi economy.

Al-Ghariri said in a statement followed by "Al-Ahd News" that the fourth round of negotiations will be held during the first quarter of next year, stressing that this acceleration means that the negotiations are proceeding very quickly towards Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, considering Iraq an important economic bloc and all countries keen for Iraq to return as an economic player in a multilateral system.

For his part, the Saudi Ambassador to the World Trade Organization, Saqr Abdullah Al-Muqbil, said that there is a positive view that we will find Iraq joining the multilateral trading system as it is one of the largest economies outside this organization, and Al-Muqbil confirmed that "the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a priority that Iraq's desires to join the organization be fulfilled.


The BRICS UNIT: The Catalyst for a Revolutionary Global Currency Reset BY AWAKE IN 3D, 26 JULY

 The BRICS UNIT: The Catalyst for a Revolutionary Global Currency Reset

After 14 years in the GCR community, I’m more excited than ever about the new BRICS Gold-backed Financial System. 

This could be the game-changer we've been waiting for, leading to a revolutionary RV/GCR. 

Here is the WHY, HOW, and WHEN of this system and its potential to transform our financial future. 

From its foundation and benefits to its impact on global trade, there’s much to explore. 

This is a pivotal moment in our journey towards a stable and transparent global monetary system.


WHY, HOW and WHEN the BRICS UNIT leads us to a groundbreaking gold-backed currency reset worldwide.

The new BRICS UNIT is getting a lot of attention these days. Over my 14+ years of being involved in the Global Currency Reset (GCR), the subject has never been more front and center on the world stage than today.

In This Article
  • Understanding the UNIT Currency Initiative
  • Timeline of the BRICS Summit
  • Composition and Backing of the UNIT Currency
  • Benefits for Precious Metals Miners

I have been reporting extensively about the new BRICS Gold-backed Financial System, and for good reason. I now believe that the UNIT System is the definitive model for the GCR and the subsequent revaluation (RV) of global currencies.

I am committed to continuing my in-depth reporting and analysis of the BRICS UNIT System here at GCR Real-Time News. This platform will remain the most comprehensive source of real-world, fact-based RV/GCR news and opinion for my readers worldwide.

While the BRICS UNIT System may not be the final iteration or event of the RV/GCR, it is undoubtedly the catalyst that will offer a completely new currency and cross-border payment/settlement system alternative to the global fiat currency debt system.

is a model that will initiate the eventual global adoption of gold and real assets to back sovereign currencies.

What makes the BRICS UNIT System so compelling is its openness. It is not a closed, inclusive financial system designed only for BRICS Member Nations. It is open to any country, whether a BRICS Alliance Member or not.

It will even work with nations that remain on a pure fiat currency system. This ability to create exchange rate pairs between UNIT and Fiat based currencies is where our RV Currency Exchange opportunities will be realized.

It is expected that the Western G-7 Alliance will resist transitioning to a gold and real asset-based currency system until the last days before the global, US dollar-dominated fiat financial debt system completely implodes and freezes into its inevitable death.

This article is the first of a comprehensive four-part series on the BRICS Gold-backed UNIT Currency System.

Here in Part 1, I will explain the basic foundation and composition of the BRICS Gold-backed UNIT Currency so that you may gain a fundamental understanding of this revolutionary alternative financial system that will change the face of the global monetary system forever.

The UNIT is a significant catalyst for a global currency revaluation (RV), offering a transparent alternative to the fiat currency debt system.

The UNIT system, open to all nations, aims to back sovereign currencies with gold and real assets.

The upcoming BRICS Summit will be pivotal in its adoption, marking a significant shift towards a stable, efficient global monetary framework.

BRICS UNIT Currency Initiative

The BRICS nations are working to enhance economic cooperation by promoting local currencies in international trade.

A key proposal is the UNIT, a gold-backed digital asset operating on a blockchain platform. This initiative aims to provide a stable and reliable medium of exchange, leveraging gold’s intrinsic value and blockchain technology’s efficiency.

BRICS Summit Timeline

A critical decision regarding the UNIT currency will be made at the upcoming BRICS Summit, scheduled for October 22 to 24, 2024, in Kazan, Russia.

The summit will bring together BRICS leaders to discuss the strategic direction and operational aspects of the UNIT, potentially setting the stage for its adoption.

Composition and Backing of the BRICS UNIT

The UNIT currency will be uniquely structured to ensure stability and value. Each UNIT will be backed by a reserve basket composed of 40% gold, with the remaining 60% consisting of participating BRICS currencies, all convertible into gold.

single currency will have a weight greater than 30% in gold terms, ensuring a balanced and diversified reserve. This structure aims to mitigate risks and enhance confidence in the UNIT currency.

Potential Winners from BRICS UNIT Gold Demand

The adoption of the UNIT currency is anticipated to have significant economic implications, particularly benefiting precious metals miners.

Companies listed on the Australian and Canadian stock exchanges, major players in the global precious metals mining industry, stand to gain from the increased demand for gold that the UNIT currency would generate.

UNIT Ecosystem Design

The UNIT currency will be created through a blockchain-based node system.

Participants will mint UNITs by depositing corresponding values of gold and BRICS currencies at these nodes. The ecosystem will rely on decentralized blockchain-based synchronization for integrity, ensuring transparent and secure transactions.

The UNIT is not intended to replace local currencies in domestic transactions but will function alongside them, providing an additional medium for international trade and financial operations.

Transaction Costs

One key advantage of the UNIT currency system is its potential to reduce transaction costs.

Processing fees for transactions on the UNIT blockchain are expected to be lower than those associated with traditional payment systems, such as bank wires.

This cost-efficiency could make the UNIT an attractive option for businesses and financial institutions engaged in cross-border transactions.

Governance and Rules

The UNIT ecosystem’s governance will be structured around a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), supported by a legally recognized international intergovernmental organization (IIO).

Decisions within the IIO will be made through super-majority votes by nodes, ensuring a democratic and transparent governance process.

Currency Eligibility for UNIT

To be eligible for inclusion in the reserve basket backing the UNIT, a currency must have price discovery in gold terms.

This requirement ensures the value of the currencies in the reserve is transparent and reliable. Notably, UNITs will not be redeemable for the underlying reserves directly.

Redemption will only be possible through a buyout procedure conducted by a node, maintaining the reserve system’s stability and integrity.

The Bottom Line

The proposed UNIT currency represents a significant innovation in international finance, combining gold’s stability with blockchain technology’s efficiency. The upcoming BRICS Summit will be a pivotal moment in determining this initiative’s future, with the potential to reshape global trade and financial transactions.

This four-part series will continue to explore the intricacies and implications of the BRICS gold-backed UNIT currency system, offering a comprehensive understanding of this groundbreaking development in global finance.

The BRICS UNIT system is not a closed financial system but is open to any country, including those outside the BRICS alliance and those operating on a fiat currency system.

This inclusivity could lead to opportunities for RV currency exchanges. The Western G-7 Alliance might resist transitioning to a gold and real asset-backed currency system until it becomes unavoidable.

However, the BRICS UNIT system is poised to be a catalyst, initiating the global adoption of gold and real assets to back sovereign currencies.

Iraqi Dinar🎉 Iraqi Dinar Goes International Today 2024🔥Iraqi dinar news ...




International Development Bank announces the opening of a bank deposit account 




The International Development Bank announced today, Tuesday, the opening of a deposit account (investment, term) to serve the Iraqi family.

The bank stated in a statement that "based on our belief in providing the best banking services to the bank's customers and employing the accumulated cash mass in the service of the national economy, the International Development Bank for Investment continues to open deposit accounts according to the customers' requirements in terms of the duration of the link."

He added, "These accounts provide financial returns of up to 10% annually, paid monthly from the value of the deposit, in addition to entering the monthly draw, which includes valuable cash prizes."

He stressed that "the owner of the investment deposit receives free life insurance and facilities when wishing to obtain a loan guaranteed by the deposit, as well as a credit card provided free of charge to the account holder. "

The bank explained that "the funds will be invested to serve the country and will be safe and guaranteed by the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company, which is authorized by the Central Bank of Iraq, in addition to the benefits that the owner of this account will receive, which represents a product that is in harmony with the needs of the Iraqi family seeking to invest its money in the appropriate and safe place and benefit from generous monthly returns that raise the standard of living."



 Militia Man 

 All this time they've been doing all these meeting in Washington.  About 48 hours ago they have come up with an reduce forces...Alaq went to Washington about 10 days ago, unannounced visit.  He met with the US Treasury and the US Federal Bank, had to do with exchange rates...other currencies...They're going to be talking about...banking, finance, development, sovereign guarantees ... Ultimately, Iraq is going to have bilateral relations in security with the U.S. in finance, development, all those things.

Militia Man 

 I think Iraq's pretty hot right now... kicking butt and taking names...Everybody's got an interest because the Development Road Project is going to provide a lot of opportunities for a lot of different people in the region.  The world has realized how far along he is... Sudani is knocking out of the park...He's setting the stage or the development road project to begin.  It's starting up on fire.  It's going to be great.

Militia Man  

They haven't started oil pumping and you have to ask yourself, why?  Because they need revaluation for that and I think that's what we're waiting for.  Is that some sort of delay  I don't think so.  I think the inner connectivity of the most complex revaluation situation in the history of complex.


Militia Man 

 I think when they say, "Whose operations are constantly expanding in favor of dealing at the fixed official exchange rate", is an argument suggesting that instead of being a floating currency...they're leaning towards a fixed official exchange rate for some time...

 Iraq has been and is seeking to join the World Trade Organization...Iraq is promoting self-sufficiency.  WhyBecause they have all kinds of assets.  They have inputs and outputs.  They have so many natural resources that they're going to be able to make things, to be able to have excess...There's a working party on accession of Iraq [into the WTO] on the 18th of July.  That's important.


  Clare    Article: ”Imposing a curfew in all Iraqi governorates on November 20 and 21" Quote: " The Iraqi  government decided...t...