Friday, July 19, 2024

World is Aware of New Currency!🚩WTO is Imminent = RV/RI = $3.86!🤔Dinar R...

Minister of Trade: All countries are keen on Iraq's return as a global economic player

Minister of Trade Athir Dawood Al-Ghariri confirmed today, Friday, that negotiations for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization are proceeding at a rapid pace, while indicating that all countries are keen on Iraq's return as a global economic player.

Al-Ghariri told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The resumption of negotiations for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization is a qualitative event and a testament to what the government promised through its program to reform the economic situation, considering the private sector as an essential part and the backbone of the Iraqi economy."

He expressed his "aspiration for the fourth round of negotiations to be held during the first quarter of next year," stressing that "this acceleration means that the negotiations are proceeding very quickly towards Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, considering Iraq an important economic bloc and all countries are keen for Iraq to return as an economic player in a multilateral system."

For his part, the Saudi Ambassador to the World Trade Organization, Saqr Abdullah Al-Muqbil, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "There is a positive view that we will find Iraq joining a multilateral trade system as it is one of the largest economies outside this organization."

Al-Muqbil stressed that "the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a priority to achieve Iraq's desire to join the organization."

In turn, the official responsible for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization said: "The member states were happy with the Iraqi delegation, and we hope that the Iraqi delegation has completed this long journey."

She added: "We seek to see Iraq become a member of the World Trade Organization."
The Minister of Trade and head of the Iraqi team concerned with joining the World Trade Organization, Athir Dawood Al-Ghariri, announced last Monday the resumption of negotiations to join the World Trade Organization, after a hiatus that lasted more than 16 years.LINK



Here's the problem with that video [Iraqi dinar video from 3-17-2024 below]

...As much as that video was correct and powerful and education, unfortunately they did not show you the lower notes.  If you have seen the lower notes your brain would have told you, 'Oh, wait a minute, they're going to replace those with these.  They're not keeping this 50,000.'  The video left us lacking for more information.

 Question: "When we go to the bank to trade our IQD will the funds be instantly put into our accounts or will there be a waiting period to access the funds ?"  Instantly because it's going to be electronic...If you go to the bank and you say I want to exchange a million dinar and they give you a million dollars, you're not going to have a million dollars in cash...You're going to have a million dollars electronically credited to your account.

It's not a subtract zeros from an exchange rate adds value to a currency.  To add zeros to an exchange rate, hello Zimbabwe, reduces the value of the currency...If they add zeros then we are looking at a lop.  No where did you see they were adding zeros.  [In the Iraqi dinar video from 7-17-2024 below]

FRANK26….7-19-24….I LIKE THINGS IN 3’s

Iraq announces the imminent offering of 100 investment opportunities to international companies

 7/19/2024  Baghdad - WAA

- Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Haider Makiya, announced today, Friday, that 100 investment opportunities will soon be offered to international companies in all Iraqi governorates.

Makiya said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The National Investment Commission and the Iraqi Economic Council have completed all preparations to hold a major investment forum in which about 100 investment opportunities will be presented in all Iraqi governorates."LINK




💢QUESTION regarding recent "intel". I'm  trying to ascertain whether our currencies would be deemed valid if:  a). we were gifted the currencies, or 

b). we purchased the currencies from another person who purchased them

According to the intel they need to be purchased directly.



💢That intel is a bunch o'crapola. Currencies gifted to the bearer are fine. Currencies inherited from a deceased family member are fine. 

To minimize any concern or question of ownership, one can easily request a gifting letter (from the gifter). I don't think it's a big dealio at all.  

My gut tells me it's just another cabal-like tactic to make folks "get in the weeds" (over thinking) , become more anxious than needed & stressed. 

The fact is, many people will have Currency from decades ago... whether from travel and/or military service. No they won't have proof of purchase.

The fact is, many of us have been on this crazy train (RV) for more than 5 years. More than a decade. Some dear people who had every intention of being a part of this speculative event are no longer with us -- as the numerous delays, and the years stretched on.  They perished while in the waiting. The exotic currency has been passed on to surviving family members. My friend received a motherlode of IQD this way. There's no a way on earth that the UST would turn her away bc she doesn't have her F-I-L's proof of purchase from forever ago! That's not even logical. The facts are that the Chinese Elders' gold is backing the RV bc they will collect all the IQD and be able to use it to buy OIL from Iraq, for generations!  The point is - the IQD *we* hold is *precious to them* & they need it just as much as we do.  So the "intel" insisting people will be turned away for this formality (no purchase receipt) is completely ridiculous. 

Here's what I do know after mucho research. 

We were once told that proof of purchase isn't even necessary *at your exchange appt*. Not necessary to bring it along (unless for some reason you feel you must). If you have a gifting letter (friend gave it to you) or you did buy it (online or otherwise) - save your receipts and such - safe keeping-- due to the fact that IRS may wish for you to keep record (if you have it). Basic bookkeeping.  But, as things have developed - in recent years, we now know that this will not even been a taxable event. IRS will have no involvement. Plus, we know that the role of IRS is changing on the other side of NESARA's announcement. Won't hurt to hang onto invoices for safe keeping if you have them, but to think you'll be denied entry / access / involvement in this RV process without them sounds preposterous to me. 

Hope that helps somebody 🙂💜



The US is giving Iraq one week to pick a new speaker of the house. Next week they’ll finally have one.

 That coupled with the talks to join the WTO brings us another step closer to the RI. Ultimately it’s all a stall tactic until Israel does their part. See you in September. 



 TNT Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because ...