Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Iraqi dinaršŸ”„Latest Exchange Rate Announced-iraqi dinar news | Dinar News...

Government banks prepare to implement the Central Bank’s procedures to sell dollars to travelers

  An informed source revealed the date of the implementation by government banks of the procedures of the Central Bank of Iraq in restricting the sale of dollars to travelers at the official price.

The source told {Euphrates News} agency, “Government banks are preparing to implement the procedures of the Central Bank of Iraq in selling dollars to travelers at the official price at airports, in a move to help the government find solutions to the dollar crisis.”
The source explained that “the dollars will be delivered to travelers at the outlets of government banks at airports,” noting that “the start of selling dollars will be next week.”

The Central Bank of Iraq revealed last Thursday the new mechanism for travelers to receive foreign currency (dollars), which will be exclusively through the outlets of companies and banks at international airports, stressing that the goal of the new mechanism, which will come into effect on July 14, is to deliver dollars to the real traveler and pass sound transactions, in addition to facilitating travelers’ access to dollars faster.



 Community Comment:  "The CBI is going to wait until they're forced to increase their purchasing power.

 No.  The CBI is going to wait until it's necessary to increase the exchange rate.  Just because everybody out here that owns Iraqi dinar feels like it should be done and they want it done today doesn't mean it's going to happen.  They have to do what's right for the Iraqi people.

 Question:  "Can someone please explain why Pimpy is in this? 

 Does he or does he not believe in the RV

 I'm Pimpy and I can answer that question.  Do I believe the Iraqi dinar can revalue?  Yes.  I'm in this because I think the Iraqi dinar will revalue.  As a matter of fact it's revealed a few times...

July 18th is going to be good.  They get to go there, meet with the World Trade Organization.  

There's going to be information and reforms and requests made by the WTO that they are going to hand off to Iraq.  Iraq is going to go over there and drop off additional materials that was requested from the last meeting and ask questions to make sure their accession into the World Trade Organization continues to go as smoothly as possible.  As far as the exchange rate is concerned, no it's not going to be brought up there because that's not the job of the WTO.

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Politician: America is continuing the dollar chaos scenario in Iraq

 Politician: America is continuing the dollar chaos scenario in Iraq

Today, Monday, the leader in the coordination framework, Jabbar Odeh, accused America of repeating the dollar chaos scenario in Iraq.

Odeh said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “Since 2003, America has sought to make Iraq's economy hostage to the policies of the White House, and to use the dollar bill as a pressure tool to confront any movement outside the context of its interests in the region.”

He added, "The recent rise in the exchange rate is nothing but a scenario of chaos through pressure on the parallel market and raising exchange rates," stressing that "Iraq's economy will not be safe as long as Washington exploits oil revenues through the Federal Bank."

He pointed out that "the statements of the new American ambassador carried three clear agendas in Baghdad, which are using the economic card, selling oil supplies, and trying to escalate the security situation and interfering in the country's affairs," adding that "Baghdad's exit "From the pressure of the dollar will free the country from dangerous restrictions imposed by the White House administration." For more than 20 years.”

It is noteworthy that the dollar exchange rates witnessed a noticeable increase, raising many question marks amid accusations that an American agenda is behind what is happening.   link



Iraqi Prime Minister al-Sudani recently announced on a television broadcast that the Iraqi Dinar would revalue under his government.

šŸ”„ Iraqi Dinar šŸ”„ Announcement of New Rate šŸ”„ Today IQD to Dollar Today RV ...

Leader in the Framework: Washington moved to abort the amendments to the Personal Status Law, 19 SEPT

  Issam Al-Kriti, who is in charge of the Coordination Framework, said on Wednesday that Washington tried three times to stop the changes to...