Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Ministerial Council for Economy issues decisions, including obligating government agencies to purchase national products

 The Ministerial Council for Economy issues decisions, including obligating government agencies to purchase national products

The Ministerial Council for Economy issued several decisions during its meeting in Baghdad, today, Monday, including obligating government agencies to purchase the national product in support of the country's economy, and the Ministry of Water Resources submitting a detailed report on the salinity treatment project, while approving several projects in the Rutba district in Anbar Governorate.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) - said: "Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Ministerial Council for the Economy, Fuad Hussein, chaired the nineteenth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, the Ministers of Agriculture, Industry, Labor and Social Affairs, the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, the Chairman of the Securities Commission, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil, and the Prime Minister's Advisors for Economic and Legal Affairs."

He added, "The Council hosted representatives of the Ministry of Oil to discuss facilitating customs procedures related to goods belonging to the Ministry of Oil (national effort contracts, licensing round contracts, and strategic contracts for the Ministry."

The Council confirmed - according to the statement - its decision and the circular of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to allow the clearance of goods belonging to ministries, entities not affiliated with a ministry, and government institutions after submitting an official pledge to complete all customs procedures in accordance with the Customs Law when due. The Council also decided that the Ministry of Water Resources would submit a detailed report on the project to treat salinity and prevent the rise of salt tides in the Shatt al-Arab and the opinion of the advisory body regarding it.

The Council decided to emphasize to all ministries and entities not affiliated with a ministry the commitment to implement Article 30/Second of the Federal General Budget Law (purchase of the national product) in support of the national economy and national industry, especially with regard to liquefaction seals (which close containers for transporting goods and track them electronically), and the Ministry of Industry to proceed with procedures to impose product protection fees.

The Council also decided to approve the project to rehabilitate streets in the neighborhoods of Al-Mithaq Al-Jadeed, Al-Matar Al-Jadeed, and Al-Intisar in Rutba District, and to direct The Reconstruction Fund for Areas Affected by Terrorist Operations will follow up on the implementation of the work items during implementation and not upon initial receipt.

The Council also decided to recommend to the Council of Ministers to approve the recommendations of the committee on establishing mechanisms to regulate the import of used materials, with the review of controls every six months instead of three months.  link

"STATUS OF THE RV: What can we investors do to help the RV situation?" BY MNT GOAT, 2 JULY


What can we investors do to help the RV situation?

We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his agreements with Washington are implemented.

 You do want the RV don’t you? 

Pray for Iraq and also the U.S. in that there are strong enough representatives in Congress and the Senate who will stand up and continue to fight to uphold the US Constitution and keep fighting this Washington corruption.

 Pray that that God’s Hand will intervene and save our great country. Remember you can say the Rosary daily or use the prayers and links I provided from the Auxilium Christianorum for your prayers. Of course there is also your own form of prayer too. Folks your prayers so far ARE WORKING and God has heard our cries. 

Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII. 

And now in 2024 the spigot is wide open the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by one. Can you see it too. I am trying my best to help you see it. We don’t’ need this foolishness of this speculative crap or everyday / any day garbage intel confusing us. You think this is all just coincidental? God’s Hand is at work here. He has given Iraq his anointed leader Al-Sundani to help in his work. Even I have to sit back in amazement of what he has accomplished so far. Pray for him and all his success. Let see what July brings us.


Will WTO Membership Trigger the RV/RI🚩Lower Notes Being Released🤔Dinar R...

Prime Minister's Advisor Announces Iraq's Completion of Integration Steps by Providing Safe Environments to Attract Investment

 The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, identified on Sunday the important strategic, field and organizational factors that encourage international investors to work in Iraq, while pointing out two basic starting points for the development of the investment environment in the country.

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani confirmed last week, while chairing the eighth meeting of the Higher Committee for Reconstruction and Investment, that Iraq has become a safe and attractive environment for capital from international companies, and a preferred market for businessmen and investors, thanks to the facilities and legislation provided by the government since its formation. 

Saleh said, in a statement reported by the official news agency, and reviewed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the Prime Minister's statement regarding the development of the investment environment in Iraq comes from two main starting points: the first is Iraq's completion of its integration steps in providing safe and appropriate environments to attract foreign investment in Iraq, the latest of which is our country's accession to the agreement sponsored by the United Nations and called the Singapore Investment Agreement."

He added, "This agreement seeks to improve the investment climate in member states by enhancing transparency and fair regulatory procedures, in addition to providing mechanisms for resolving disputes between investors and countries through faster mediation or international arbitration, which gives investors a legal means to guarantee their rights, all of which are factors that the government of the Republic of Iraq believes in to encourage international investors to invest in our country with high resources."

Saleh stressed that "the Singapore Agreement and joining it is an important step towards enhancing international trade and investment, which contributes to achieving economic growth and improving economic relations between international groups."

He added that "the second part, which the Prime Minister referred to, is the momentum of the natural and human material resources of an important strategic country like Iraq, which ranked ninth among the countries of the world in terms of natural resources, and first in the world in possessing one square kilometer of resources in the ground."

He explained that "the geographical location of Iraq, which connects European countries by land with Asian countries by sea, encouraged the launch of the Development Road project, which took its executive steps from the Faw Port upwards within the construction of the dry canal and the upcoming related industrial, agricultural and service projects and in accordance with an important regional and international cooperation framework to attract global investments." 

He pointed out that "all these strategic, field and organizational factors represent a positive invitation for international investors to work in Iraq under the direct sponsorship of the executive authority to facilitate their work and with high-precision legal protection   link


 Why is it not yet on FOREX? 

As far as the banks are concerned it is from the OFAC sanctions. Get it?

 There are no other sanctions and no other reason to justify it even if the OFAC sanctions have been lifted. Get it? The 

banks don’t know any better. Until the dinar is back on FOREX this stigma exists. The banks can sell and even buy (but most won’t buy only sell) much like the internet brokers. That  is all they are now working under since the dinar is not yet trading on FOREX. We can see that they would luv for us to come and exchange our dinars but unless the system allows them to do and accepts the currency at the rate we need to get, this is not going to work out for us. Get it?

 So, lets stop going around and around and beating a dead horse. Just relax. Everything is now on the verge of going live on FOREX. 

If  you have been reading my Newsletter you can CLEARLY see it. But if you stop in only once-in-a- while to peek at the news, then you are behind and need to catch up to everyone else. I also want to say that my Newsletter is NOT about hyped-up speculative notions i.e TNT idiots.  

Please STOP this in the comments. I will NOT publish this type of crap. Here in Mnt Goat Newsletter blog, we try our best to stick to the FACTS and only take FACTS and no rumors from Iraq such as these idiot gurus do with their TV screens about reeducation or dinars being loaded in the ATMs….lol..lol..lol… 😊 😊 

Folks this is all just rumors and unsubstantiated crap! We must use our common sense. If these rumors were real someone, anyone, from Iraq would take pictures or videos of the information on their cell phone and forwarded it to some to broadcast. Iraq has passed beyond the camel days you do know that don’t you? So, these rumors and just not reality and we hear them over and over again as the years rolled on. When will you learn?

I also believe that Joe Biden must be out of the Whitehouse for us to get this blessing of wealth transferred to us. He is as deep state of a globalist as they can get. He is a very crooked, selfish, greedy, long-standing, do nothing politician. He has been their puppet since he took office. He is exactly the lying dog pony soldier that he claims everyone else is. 

He stole the election as it was a well-orchestrated coup against the American people. How dare the democrats say there was no evidence of voter fraud when many people have already went to jail over it. The evidence is overwhelming. But why didn’t anyone want to investigate it? Why didn’t they want to touch it? This is yet another question we must keep asking. 

Now the democrats even want to push this agenda of no voter fraud to yet a new level to reinforce their lies yet even more by going after those who know the evidence and try to expose it. Folks, this is Nazi Germany style politics. I have to say what planet do they live on?

The majority did not want Biden to take office and much preferred the reforms that former President Trump wanted to bring to politics and to clean up much of this corruption in Washington. They shame Trump with their constant lies and if you watched the debate on 6/27 you heard the lies from Biden’s own mouth. So now all of America and the world watched it first hand. But again, many extremists still cling to Biden. I have to keep asking myself why? I don’t get it. Will they someday wake up to reality?



NADER FROM MID EAST: Iraq Bans 8 Local Banks From US Dollar Transactions

Parliamentary Finance reveals the effects of the oil price increase and its differences in the 2023 and 2024 budgets

 Parliamentary Finance reveals the effects of the oil price increase and its differences in the 2023 and 2024 budgets

Member of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Mustafa Al-Karawi, revealed today, Monday, the effects of the increase in the price of oil and its difference in the 2023 and 2024 budgets, while he spoke about the fate of the revenues of the difference in the price of a barrel, which is approaching the $10 limit for each barrel sold.

Al-Karawi said, "90 percent of the country's revenues depend mainly on oil, and the more oil revenues or the price of a barrel of oil increase, the lower the expected deficit in Iraq's budget."

He added, "There is no big difference between the 2023-2024 budgets, as the government relied on a price difference of about $10 if it built its budget on $70 per barrel and expected the current price of $80 per barrel."

Al-Karawi explained that "the increase in oil revenues will contribute to bridging the deficit, and since the expected difference is $10, the deficit coverage will be 16 trillion dinars in the 2024 budget."

It is noteworthy that Iraq sells about four million and 250 thousand barrels of oil per day, and needs about 54 trillion dinars as salaries ,  as the 2024 budget was approved at a fixed price of $70 per barrel, while the current price of a barrel is $90, which  reflects the fluctuations of the oil market.    link

Iraq introduces new Euro-Based Transfer Mechanism, 8 OCT

  Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), met with Turkish Ambassador Anil Bora Inan and representatives of Turkish ...