Sunday, June 30, 2024

Al-Mandalawi: US Congress' draft against the head of the judiciary is a dangerous precedent and a violation of Iraq's sovereignty

Al-Mandalawi: US Congress' draft against the head of the judiciary is a dangerous precedent and a violation of Iraq's sovereignty

Acting Speaker of Parliament , Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, confirmed on Saturday, that the US Congress’ draft against the head of the judiciary is considered a dangerous precedent and affects Iraq’s sovereignty.

A statement by the media office of the Speaker of Parliament on behalf of Al-Mandalawi was quoted as saying - received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “What was reported by American media regarding the submission by Republican Congressman Mike Waltz of a draft law amendment and its inclusion of a clause affecting the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zidan, is a dangerous precedent this is added to the record of the actions of the Biden government, which openly supported the most horrific mass massacre committed by Zionist gangs against the people of Gaza, and today it threatens to attack the sovereignty of states and their symbols without a legal justification that allows it to do so."

According to the statement, Al-Mandalawi called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to “move through its diplomatic means and deliver a direct message of Iraq’s rejection, with all its authorities, of such offensive interventions, which came from the American Congressman, describing them as tools of influence for other countries,” stressing that “Iraq is a country with Sovereignty, and its relations with all countries are built on the basis of mutual respect."

Al-Mandalawi stressed, “The draft law to be submitted to Congress by the Republican representative, and if approved, will constitute a dangerous turning point that will affect, in one way or another, the nature of bilateral relations between the two countries."

Al-Mandalawi affirmed, “Parliament full support for the head of the judiciary and its absolute rejection of any abuse of his authority and all authorities,” stressing, “the Council Presidency’s keenness to follow up on these illegal acts and take everything necessary to reject them."



Thurs. 27 June 2024 Bruce: On Thurs. 27 June a source at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad used his Iraqi debit card with the new Iraqi Dinar rate on it to access funds. My sources say Tier 4b notification could come the last three days of this month – Fri, Sat or Sun. 28, 29, 30 June. Iraq was planning on celebrating their new Iraqi Dinar Rate on Sun. 30 June.


 Thurs. 27 June 2024 Bruce

All of my information tonight is coming from Iraq.
Today one of our sources was at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad and was able to use his Iraqi debit card to access funds. For him to do that he had to have the new Iraqi Dinar Rate.
Today a source in Iraq said we would have the Iraqi Budget in the Gazette over this weekend.
My sources say Tier 4b notification could come the last three days of this month – Fri, Sat or Sun. 28, 29, 30 June.
Iraq was planning on celebrating their new Iraqi Dinar Rate on Sun. 30 June
The contract rate on the Dinar went up another dollar today. They will give that rate to you if you are a US citizen.
We don’t know when this is going to go. My Iraqi contact said our time was coming in a matter of days.

Iraqi Dinar 3 Zeros Valuable Now 🔥Iraqi Dinar Today 🔥Dinar revaluation l...

PM Advisor details government decisions supporting industrial projects


    PM Advisor for Industry, Development and Private Sector Affairs, Hamoudi Al-Lami, detailed on Friday the most prominent government decisions and privileges granted to industrial projects, while confirming that Iraq has achieved self-sufficiency in reinforcing steel and cement.

    "The recent decisions of the Cabinet granted many privileges to owners of industrial projects. The Prime Minister confirmed that Iraq is about to establish industrial cities in Baghdad and all governorates, as the cities will need large quantities of construction materials that include reinforcing steel, cement, bricks, paints, pipes, and others," said Al-Lami to the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

    He highlighted, "The Prime Minister directed industrialists to seize the opportunity of government support and decisions taken by the Cabinet, as to race against time, considering that some projects have already started and other projects will be launched after completing the legal procedures by contracting with the implementing agencies." 

    "Among the government decisions that were taken is that the customs duty be 5 per thousand on raw materials, production lines, supplies and everything related to expanding existing production projects, which is a number close to zero, and it will be a major factor in supporting industrialists and their products," he included.

    Al-Lami stressed that "there is another decision that industrialists have benefited from related to the rent allowance, considering that most projects are built on leased lands that belong to the state. The decision obligated the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works as well as the State Real Estate Department to collect reduced rents for the lands on which industrial projects are built."

    "Among the decisions is also obligating all government banks to lend to owners of industrial projects to establish the project or expand the project or by guaranteeing the project's assets. A committee was formed in the Advisory Board to prepare a mechanism for implementation in the coming few days, in addition to providing petroleum derivatives, as the projects need petroleum derivatives to operate them and those obstacles have been resolved," he explained.

    Regarding industrial production capabilities, he pointed out that "Iraq has achieved self-sufficiency in reinforcing steel, as the current capacity is 5 million and 120 thousand tons, while the need does not exceed 4 million and 400 thousand tons. There are new projects that will produce 3 million and 250 thousand tons. Iraq has also achieved self-sufficiency in cement, as 17 factories produce about 45 million tons, while the actual need reaches 35 million tons, meaning that there is a surplus of up to 10 million tons."

    "We also have 15 factories under construction that will double production after completing them to higher numbers. PM Al-Sudani stressed an important point, which is the expansion of projects, considering that Iraq is approaching projects and those projects need more materials," he concluded.



My contact told me that the Project to Delete the Zeros is planned for the beginning of the 3rd stage of the economic plan. What does this mean. In fact, I did not fully understand it either until this article was published.

We learned through this article that that 3rd stage begins mid-year 2024. 

Is Iraq ever completely on time?

 We must give them a break since they are working against all odds in getting these reforms done. As we can also read in the news there is pressure against the economic reforms from Iranian politicians and seeded officials within the parties. It is an uphill battle for Iraq to achieve progress. So, the CBI may not meet their target for being right on time in June but even this summer sometime would certainly be considered “at the beginning of the 3rd phase since the phase extends out to 2026. Do you understand? Everything is not exact. They target and then they make the best of it. But they will do it, as I am told.

Yes, no different than what is now going on over in the USA with the democrats. Look at the democrats and some republicans too as deep state  globalist. Their concentration is bent on manipulation of the system to their advantage and not about citizenship to preserve the US Constitution, values and way of life in America. They are not patriots but leaches of the system. So we see the same in Iraq and as with the USA we must also just ignore the lies and propaganda and continue to march onward with our goals and that is to bring the prosperity and abundance back to our nations, while weeding out the corrupt and bringing them to justice.

Even though it is close to the end of June I would certainly not despair about the high possibility of still seeing the project to delete the zeros and then we know the reinstatement will follow. So far there is no news out to the public about the swap out of the currencies. I would think we would have seen these types of articles already if June was going to happen. 

The good news is we can see the huge efforts to get the ATMs installed. 

My contact even told us again as well as a past article by the CBI that the ATMs are an integral part of the swap out process of the currencies. I explained why this is the case already in my last Newsletter dated 6/25. I suggest you revisit it again.

Okay, so we might or might not get the RV in June and so let’s not cry in our beer… lol.. lol.. lol..

Iraqi Dinar Closed On 🔥Iraqi Dinar Latest Update about rates

UN votes to end Iraq political mission established after 2003 US-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein

 UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations Security Council voted unanimously Friday to end the U.N. political mission in Iraq established in 2003 following the United States-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein to coordinate post-conflict humanitarian and reconstruction efforts, and to help restore a representative government in the country.

The Iraqi government asked the council  in a May 8 letter to wrap up the mission by the end of 2025 and that’s what the resolution does: It extends the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq, known as UNAMI, for a final 19 months until Dec. 31, 2025 when all its work will cease.

The U.S.-sponsored resolution asks Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to prepare “a transition and liquidation plan” in consultation with the Iraqi government by Dec. 31, 2024, so UNAMI can start transferring its tasks and withdrawing staff and assets.

The council said it supports Iraq’s continuing stabilization efforts, including its ongoing fight against the Islamic State group and al-Qaida extremists and their affiliates.

In 2014, the Islamic State group declared a caliphate in large parts of Iraq and Syria and attracted tens of thousands of supporters from around the world. The extremists were defeated by a U.S.-led military coalition in Iraq in 2017 and in Syria in 2019, but its sleeper cells remain in both countries.
