Saturday, June 29, 2024


Fri. 28 June 2024 Wolverine

I want you all to get ready as Iraq is going to have a massive celebration this Sunday 30 June. The RV is nearly here and it’s going to be very emotional for all of us.

 I’ve been told that all funds have been deposited to start payments for Nesara/Gesara. I’m also hearing good news coming from Reno as well. I’m also hearing that Biden will quit after the debate as it was the most embarrassing performance by any USA president in the history of the USA. 

People overseas are roasting the debate and making a mockery of it. It’s a complete laughing stock. Trump will be placed as the legitimate president of the USA this coming Monday 1 Julyaccording to a lot of intel. I pray that is true.”



😊 Folks, its all the above article written in black and white to back up what my contact told me about the RV. It can not be any clearer.

 My contact told me that the Project to Delete the Zeros is planned for the beginning of the 3rd stage of the economic plan. What does this mean. In fact, I did not fully understand it either until this article was published.

We learned through this article that that 3rd stage begins mid-year 2024. 

Is Iraq ever completely on time?

 We must give them a break since they are working against all odds in getting these reforms done. As we can also read in the news there is pressure against the economic reforms from Iranian politicians and seeded officials within the parties. It is an uphill battle for Iraq to achieve progress. So, the CBI may not meet their target for being right on time in June but even this summer sometime would certainly be considered “at the beginning of the 3rd phase since the phase extends out to 2026. Do you understand? Everything is not exact. They target and then they make the best of it. But they will do it, as I am told.

Yes, no different than what is now going on over in the USA with the democrats. Look at the democrats and some republicans too as deep state  globalist. Their concentration is bent on manipulation of the system to their advantage and not about citizenship to preserve the US Constitution, values and way of life in America. They are not patriots but leaches of the system. So we see the same in Iraq and as with the USA we must also just ignore the lies and propaganda and continue to march onward with our goals and that is to bring the prosperity and abundance back to our nations, while weeding out the corrupt and bringing them to justice.

Even though it is close to the end of June I would certainly not despair about the high possibility of still seeing the project to delete the zeros and then we know the reinstatement will follow. So far there is no news out to the public about the swap out of the currencies. I would think we would have seen these types of articles already if June was going to happen. 

The good news is we can see the huge efforts to get the ATMs installed. 

My contact even told us again as well as a past article by the CBI that the ATMs are an integral part of the swap out process of the currencies. I explained why this is the case already in my last Newsletter dated 6/25. I suggest you revisit it again.

Okay, so we might or might not get the RV in June and so let’s not cry in our beer… lol.. lol.. lol..

One other point I want to say is we all should be just relaxing and watching the show in Iraq as they progress out of the war years. 

If you have been in this investment and actually following the news diligently, you would have noticed the first phase of the strategic plan 2016-2020 is the period of the president Trump administration. 

Although we all can say bad things in the Trump didn’t get the RV either, we can see that during his time it was not even possible if we look in retrospect and use our common sense. There was still the ISIS war and the repayment of the war reparations going on. So there was much progress in the direction we needed to see but there were these obstacles. Now we witnessed the second phase of the strategic plan they told us was 2021–2023 and the first half of 2024.

 Did you see the momentum of the strategic plan pick up pace in this second phase? What do you think is going to happen in the third phase?

What else is news worthy?

😊Via Baghdad-Mail, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed that Iraq has become a safe and attractive environment for capital from international companies. Of course he did and he would be overly positive. But his words are also backed up with what the advisor to the Prime Minister for Transport Affairs, Nasser Al-Asadi, who confirmed that the Iraqi government has adopted the latest legal systems to provide safety for the investor, pointing to the importance of the Singapore Agreement on Mediation for developing and resolving commercial disputes.

Don’t you think that if global capital is going to flow/invest into Iraq as they invest in the dinar they would need all these safeguards for their investment? Think about it! 😊

Making this point let me say this – If they screw us very long-term investors in the speculative purchases of their dinar, this would be a monumental mistake, a disaster for Iraq and they would suffer and never recover from it. Get it?

Also, the Central Bank will have to collect these dinars from us currency speculators from around the globe and they will have to put some sort of criteria on them for time spans as to when they will no longer exchange them or it will be much harder to exchange them. 

These 3 zeros notes will not be valid currency forever. The CBI already told us around 10 years for inter-banking use not our holdings. So, get to the bank as soon as you can once you can exchange. 

Do not hold on these notes thinking they are going to be a long-term investment. Once it RVs and gets reinstated the long-term part is over. Get it?

The “Singapore Agreement” on Mediation, and that this is an important step in developing and resolving commercial disputes in Iraq. The aforementioned agreement was approved on December 20, 2018 and opened for signature in August 2019. It represents an international category that aims to facilitate international trade and promote mediation as an alternative and effective method for settling commercial disputes. So, we see this is also needed for the WTO accession. Why would it not be? We can also see that it was approved way back in 2018 and so here is yet another example of the quite progress among other things too, that has already taken place during phase 1 and 2 of the three-phase strategic plan.

What else is news worthy?

The office of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani announced today, Wednesday, the approval of next September as the date to stop dealing with the paper system and work electronically at customs.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office said, in a statement received by Al-Youm Al-Akhbariya, that “the Prime Minister chaired a meeting to follow up on the implementation of networking between border crossings, and to complete the implementation of the Customs Automation System (ASYCUDA).

Yes, we heard all about the ASYCUDA system and I talked about how this will increase revenues from the Customs and Tariffs.

 No longer will they be able to steal these revenues or not collect them all, but now they will be tracked and collected electronically. 

This is an internationally used system and it ties into FOREX for currency conversion of payments to dinar. 

Oh.. but wait the dinar  is not yet on FOREX. Okay so they did put a link on FOREX linking back to the “fixed” official rate of the dinar on the ISX.

But the dinar is not yet on a float and so this is to come and with full FOREX reinstate- ment. Remember they told us in many past articles that if they can control and properly manage the Customs and Tariff revenue they could rival the oil revenues. WOW! They are doing it! WOW! 😊.....TO BE CONTINUED

IRAQI DINAR πŸ’₯ you all will be Surprised | IRAQI DINAR NEWS TODAY 2024 | ...



The European Union announced, on Wednesday, that the Iraqi government has achieved progress in international investment, while noting that it sets an example of cooperation with international legal standards.

The European Union Ambassador to Iraq, Thomas Seiler, said in his speech during the launch of the National Investment Commission conference in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, entitled (Mediation: New Horizons for Facilitating Business and Retaining Investors in Iraq), followed by “Al-Iqtisad News,” “I congratulate the Iraqi state and business leaders on the great Iraqi achievement.” represented by the signing of the Singapore Agreement on Mediation,” indicating that “this agreement is considered a basic international treaty that seeks to reach a settlement between the conflicting parties.”

He added, “One of the points of importance for the Iraqi government is the development in international investment as well as commercial transactions, taking into account that disputes may arise due to differences between parties across countries. Therefore, when this happens, the parties need an appropriate method to resolve these disputes in an efficient manner and in an appropriate time, and thus mediation.” It is the one who does this, as it provides an opportunity for the parties to resolve the problem effectively when disputes arise. It also gives an opportunity for the parties to maintain working relationships, which is consistent with the best interest of investors as well as local companies who seek to move forward with investment operations, which are extremely important for Iraq.

He explained that “Iraq, by signing the Singapore Convention, has clearly sent a signal about its commitment to developing the mediation infrastructure, and therefore this requires adopting legislation to enforce mediation operations that take place based on approvals issued by Iraqi courts and are applicable to the parties, as well as the list of countries joining this increasing convention, represented recently by the accession of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan and Iran.”

He continued: “After Iraq ratified the New York Convention 2021, we welcome the great efforts to adopt the mediation law and I believe that it will be launched soon,” noting that “the issue of ratification is very important and therefore the Iraqi government is providing evidence and an example of alignment and cooperation with international legal standards as well as through the adoption of these mechanisms for effective alternative dispute resolution, as they are very important for enhancing investment as well as economic development and stability.”

He pointed out that “Iraq has made great progress in the United Nations program as well as through international programs,” stressing “the Iraqi government’s continued support for this process.”



Most of Europe is now experiencing an unusually HOT summer. Does this mean the world is going to fry over global warming? No, the earth like other summers and winters is showing us its versatility and changes as the planet is a living planet and does not stay the same forever. Is man the cause of these changes? No, although of course man does have an impact, there is nothing is grand scale we can do or even should do, or we might even mess with the order of the eco-systems and actually make it much worst.

 But we all know we can especially recycle, stop littering, preserve more land all forests and stop destroying the rain forest. These are simple things we can do that will have a tremendous impact on the “quality of life” not destroy our lives and culture, as the globalist alarmist want to do with this extreme, insane “climate change” bullshit.

So here we sit, and it is nearing the end of June already. I wanted to come on today to also reiterate what we had been told in the past for June and the RV and then to look ahead a bit. What I am about to tell you is not from some speculative opinion or from some three letter agencies or idiots out there that don’t know their asses from their own faces. Instead, I am bringing you FACTUAL news today as I always try to do from my contact who is a dear friend in the Central Bank of Iraq and from bonified articles from Iraqi news channels.

Recently we witnessed a surge of news from many of the prominent global entities including the UN, World Bank, IMF and the EU. All of them praising Iraq and giving “kudos” to them for the hard work and achievements. 

Today is not different as the articles once again tell the RV spigot is wide open to the RV. In my last Newsletter I showed you an article about the three phases of the economic redevelopment plan for Iraq. They told us they are now entering the 3rd phase of the plan. Here is their words once again and I posted the article again in the articles section in case you missed it. I quote from the article titled  “ ADVISOR TO THE ASSOCIATION OF BANKS: THE CENTRAL BANK’S THIRD STRATEGY IS A NEW METHODOLOGY FOR FINANCIAL AND BANKING REFORM”. 

I quote from the article below:


“Certainly, these priorities were diagnosed in light of the challenges facing the monetary policy and the banking sector, the implementation steps, and the results achieved by the strategy.”

The first is for the years 2016-2020 and the second strategy is for the years 2021-2023and the stifling economic and financial challenges that Iraq has suffered over the past years.

Work through this strategy is to clearly identify opportunities to overcome the challenges for this and for the purpose of implementing the banking reform methodology according to what was stated in the strategy and according to an insight into the priorities and challenges that The Iraqi banking sector is suffering from it.

The Central Bank made exceptional efforts during this year and last year, completing the first phase of it and began implementing the second phase.

Many of the primary and secondary objectives were achieved, and it is trying to complete the achievement of all the objectives in the second half of 2024 and the years 2025 and 2026 of the plan that has been proven to have been prepared and planned. It has identified advanced steps on the path to systematic implementation of the desired financial and banking reform in Iraq.”....TO BE CONTINUED

Weekend News with MarkZ. 06/29/2024

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