Friday, June 28, 2024

Dinar RV Breaking News Analysis Today🔥Shocking Revelation: Why Global Co...

“National Bank violations” place the governor of the Central Bank before parliamentary accountability, 28 JUNE

  “National Bank violations” place the governor of the Central Bank before parliamentary accountability

MP Alia Nassif directed a parliamentary question to the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq regarding the preparation of non-Iraqi employees and managers and their salaries working in the National Bank.

She called in a tweet she published on her account on the X platform, which the “Iraq Observer” agency viewed, which stated: Based on Article 61/Seventh of the Constitution and Article 29 of the Law of the Council of Representatives and its formations and Articles “50, 51, 53” of the internal regulations of the Council of Representatives, to inform Parliament of the legal basis for the National Bank’s violation of Iraqi laws, the Central Bank, the Banking Law and the instructions of the Central Bank.

She pointed out the reasons for not declaring the actual salaries of the National Bank employees to the Social Security Department, especially non-Iraqis, due to the receipt of information about tax evasion and informing Parliament of the procedures.

Earlier, Representative for the State of Law, Alia Nassif, revealed that the National Bank of Iraq controls 33% of dollar sales in Iraq, confirming that this bank is 77% owned by non-Iraqis.

Nassif said in a tweet on the #Iraq."

Nassif added: “In 2023, this bank bought $10.8 billion from the currency sales window. The volume of dollars sold from the currency sales window for the year 2023 amounted to $33.4 billion, according to data from the Central Bank of Iraq. The National Bank’s dollar purchase rate is 33% of the total sales of the foreign currency window.”

Nassif asked: “Who is responsible for this financial disaster?”

The book addressed to the governor   link


 TNT call

 Iraq is ready to party on Sunday. The lower denomination dinars are in the ATMs. Banks have been notified that the dinar is exchangeable once they get the go, which they are expecting between this evening and Sunday morning.


Wed. 26 June 2024 TNT Tony

 “Every single source says it’s done and we await the go signal. So we wait. There is agreement amongst them re: when it will be announced and what they are waiting on. Sunday 30 June 2024 is a celebration day in Iraq. They are waiting for the trigger, there is a trigger. He won’t tell us what that is. The Dinar Live New Rate Window is Thurs. 27 June 5pm EST 2024 to Sunday morning 30 June 2024.

TNT Tony said window is Thursday after 5 thru Sunday. He also said it could go in 5 minutes. FYI, If you are in the US, you should be able to get the contract rate IF YOU ASK. So ask. ($28.50)


Waiting on the go. There is agreement amongst them re: when it will be announced and what they are waiting on. 

Window: 5 min from now until Sunday morning.

Sunday is a celebration day in Iraq.


TNT- They are waiting for the trigger, there is a trigger. He won’t tell us what that is.


TNT- Now saying Thursday 5pm EST to Sunday morning for live rate window.

SANDY INGRAM: BREAKING NEWS Zimbabwe Haiti Argentina Rates & News

Iraq signs a contract with Saudi Arabia to build a submarine cable to increase internet capacity, 28 JUNE

  Iraq signs a contract with Saudi Arabia to build a submarine cable to increase internet capacity

The Iraqi Ministry of Communications signed a contract for the submarine cable construction project with the Saudi Telecom Company with the aim of increasing internet capacity in Iraq.

Iraqi Minister of Communications Hiyam Al-Yasiri stated that this contract is the third of its kind signed by the current Iraqi government.

She said in a press conference following the signing, "After signing this contract, the landing procedures will begin, which include surveying the site for water and moving the necessary ships for that, and then landing the cable at the Al-Faw station to be used in marketing internet capacities and increasing the internet capacities entering Iraq."

Omar Al-Amiri, Director General of the Department of Relations and Media at the Iraqi Ministry of Communications, said, “Many international companies will pass their capacities through submarine and land optical cables, and this will help facilitate the movement of international communications and will link the countries of Africa and Asia to Europe via Iraq.”

He stressed that such projects will have a "positive economic impact on Iraq by activating and investing in its geographical location."

For his part, Ali Yassin, Director General of the Iraqi General Company for Communications and Information Technology, explained that “the To Africa submarine cable is one of the most important strategic submarine cables that passes through more than 33 countries.”

He added that Iraq's joining this path will help increase Internet capacities.

The Iraqi Ministry of Communications stated that the new submarine cable project strengthens Iraq's geographical position and consolidates its success in international communications (transit) called (the Road of Civilizations), noting that the rate of international communications passing through Iraq has increased to more than (one terabyte) during the past two months.  link

Construction of a modern bank in Sidekan at a cost of 1.4 billion dinars, 28 JUNE

  Construction of a modern bank in Sidekan at a cost of 1.4 billion dinars

As part of the Kurdistan Regional Government's efforts to improve and develop the banking system, the establishment of an advanced bank in the Sidekan area within the boundaries of the Soran Independent Administration is scheduled to be completed in the near future, to facilitate the completion of citizens' transactions.

The mayor of Sidekan district, Ihsan Chalabi, said in a statement to the Information Department in the regional government that "the process of establishing the modern Sidekan Bank is underway at a cost of 1.4 billion dinars, knowing that the completion rate has reached 95%," noting that "the establishment of this bank will contribute to strengthening the banking system in the region."

"The completion of the bank will provide a great service to the citizens of the judiciary and will save them a lot of time and expenses," he added.

A number of residents of the district confirmed that the bank "will be very useful because it will save them a lot of effort and time during their reviews of government departments and institutions in the cities of Soran and Erbil."

It should be noted that the Kurdistan Regional Government has taken important steps in the field of salary distribution and digitization of the banking system as by 2025, one million people will have their own bank accounts.  link




What I can say is this: There is a load of pressure on Iraqis to remain quiet on what they are being told and what they are able to do at present. 

They have their rate - and all I can say is it is close to rumors you are hearing (the low ones however not the huge double digit ones) They have been using this rate for some time in contracts (IN country) since the first of the year basically.

Iraq is waiting on the Treasury to give the go sign...and the Gazette issue is also being kept quiet - but remember it is not necessary for it to be published - beforehand, in order for us to know before we go.

 Is it possible it will be before? Yes but not necessary. That is really all I can say without getting people in trouble and I refuse to do that.

Iraq marks 92nd National Day amid debate over sovereignty, 5 OCT

  For decades, foreign intervention in Iraq has had a significant impact on the political, military, and economic landscape of the nation. E...