Thursday, June 20, 2024



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY: My bank guy said...Sudani...sent Alaq out in announce to everybody that we were going to have a change in our exchange rate.  Then Sudani comes out and talks to us about it as March...considering a change in our currency to 1.32 from 1320.  Now that the budget is about to be revealed he strongly suggests to me that we will be seeing the new exchange rate at 1.32 instead of 1320

FRANK:  They keep the exchange rate at 1320 to give you more purchasing power...They are about to give this power to you.


FIREFLY:  Gold reserves over 145 tons TV says. 

 FRANK:  No...It's not 145 tons.  It's a lot more.   They're never going to tell you the right amount...It's a heck of a lot more than that.  Notice every time they talk to you about their gold it just gets bigger and bigger.  That is because of the success that is going on with the rewriting of the contracts and the success of the monetary reform...

 FIREFLY:  My bank friend...reminded me...remember back in February of this year when Alaq came out and he talked to us on television and he said, Iraqi citizens the project to delete the zeros still exists.  He didn't say the plan is to LOP our currency.  They are two totally different things.  We are deleting zeros and adding value.  

FRANK:  I love this because it's coming from the horse's mouth, a man of authority who knows what he's talking about...


 FIREFLY:   They told us...due to typo errors in the printing of the budget it will be reaudited and sent back to gazette...after EID holiday...All sound little fishy to us...An Iranian proxy saying budget is under appeal but we see nothing official of that...We trust it is going to be in gazette after EID holiday...

  FRANK: They know what you are about to receive - your purchasing power.  They know it's going to be extremely difficult for them to steal this value, this currency, so in the last nanosecond, just before Sudani and Alaq present the new exchange rate and the lower notes to you they do everything possible to prevent you from receiving your blessing...

Iraqi dinar✅Al Sudani Announced Iraqi Dinar RV By 20June IQD vs USD ✅ I...

IBBC Conference: Much To Celebrate In Iraq As Energy Takes Centre Stage, 20 JUNE

  IBBC Conference: Much To Celebrate In Iraq As Energy Takes Centre Stage

IBBC's ( Iraq Britain Business Council) 15th Anniversary Conference. Much to celebrate in Iraq as energy takes centre stage.

IBBC is celebrating 15 years in Iraq at a time when Iraq is moving into a new prosperous and stable era. IBBC Spring conference at the Mansion House on 2nd July will reflect our members diversity and the modernisation that Iraq is currently experiencing.

With an expanding stable Economy and a service sector growing at 6% pa, Iraq is diversifying beyond its core energy sector and opportunities to invest have rarely been so healthy.

Of note is the presence of key delegates: H.E. Hayan Abdul Ghani Al-Sawad, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Oil, Ministry of Oil, H.E. Mr. Ali Mohsin Ismail Al Alaq, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, H.E. Mr Asaad Al Eidani, Governor of Basrah, Dr Fareed Yasseen, Iraqi Climate Envoy, Eng Adil Karim , Deputy Minister of Electricity, KRG ministers and keynote address from The Rt Hon Lord Howell of Guildford.

The Iraqi economy is quietly diversifying, with the evolution of services, travel, tech, and retail sectors, but the dominant energy sector is also evolving, with new players technologies and climate reduction activities. Oil and Gas are still at the centre of this conference and Iraq's economy, with the IBBC Energy Panel, which see the big players in energy policy and practice including Dr Luay Al Khateeb , Centre on Global Energy Policy - Columbia University , Ms Dunia Chalabi, TotalEnergies, Mr Zaid Elyaseri from BP, Mr Andrew Wiper from Basra Gas Company, Mr Hasan Hashmat from Hydro-C and Mr Ellis Renforth from Wood Plc

IBBC as champions of best practice and the private sector publish special reports and white papers for reform, and this conference ' Insights and Opportunities' will launch our latest reports from Professor Frank Gunter, IBBC Advisory Council, on Foreign exchange, banking reforms and de-dollarisation: 'Two Cheers for Iraq: The Dinar - Dollar Exchange Rate Challenges' and a new report on emergent agricultural initiatives through IBBC's Agritech committee with the Agriculture Minister.

Ministers will also address the procurement opportunities across $400bn Government investment in key sectors, agriculture, transport, infrastructure, and you will hear about regional development at special roundtables with KRG Ministers and the Governor of Basra.

Special education and skills sessions will follow two GOI MOU's with IBBC and last year's focus on integrating and adapting education skills and curriculum to the business requirements of a modern economy.

Transport too is booming, through the ports, where electronic trade has seen a 128% increase, and the dry canal project linking Basra to Turkey and the Mediterranean, silk road and European markets. The project will have profound impact on cities along the route and for both import and export trade. IBBC members CJ-ICM and Sardar Group will inform us of activities and the evolution of electronic and port management systems already in place (see our '23 report on ports ).

Opening the conference the President of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Rupert Soames OBE gives a keynote speech from the British industrial perspective, and as a previous member of IBBC is well placed to comment of UK's business relationship and opportunities with Iraq.

Delegates will always find significant networking opportunities and the reception on 1st at the Mansion House celebrates IBBC's 15 years with a special exhibition on Gertrude Bell and our members activities, it's also the best informal networking opportunity among delegates, speakers and founder members and the chance to forge new friendships.

Iraq now enjoys a stable and focused government intent of reconnecting with the region, fiscal surpluses that are converting into new infrastructure projects, and a growing more prosperous population, keen for modernisation and the benefits of a consumer economy.

IBBCs membership matches this diversity, and the lineup of speakers and topics reflects today's Iraq. View the agenda here , and to register to attend the conference. We are certain there will be big demand for tickets register now to avoid missing out.

Join with us and share the insights and opportunities that a modern and stable Iraq now offers. link



  [via PDK]   In Iraq I have numerous reports from contacts on the ground that the CBI has released a video in the last couple of days showing Iraqis how to put their old currency into the ATM so they can deposit money. Which to me is a great sign. This will make any value change much easier to do it electronically.

Not much news overnight…but I do not take that as a bad thing...There are interesting things happening in Iraq. Things are definitely pointing to something sooner rather than later.  


 I do not think we will see the Iraqi dinar float.    I believe they have been clear they want to retain value and peg it to assets. But, I could be wrong.



 Iraqi PM Sudani has announced on Iraqi RV that before the end of the holiday, which was this Wed. 19,  June, that the Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate, access to new ATM's and the lower denominations.

Question:  Are all currencies going to float? IQD, dong...etc…?   MarkZ:  I would not look for much of a float because we are supposed to peg to assets...

Comment:  An intel guru...says Iraq is following Dr Shabibis plan to a T.  MarkZ: They are. The plan was to increase the value, put lower denominations in circulation, and put the larger notes we hold in the banks for foreign reserves. Shabibi planned it all out and told us what would happen.

 I do feel comfortable saying it has started…we are seeing movement…My understanding may be a little off as to how they are executing it...It’s been pretty quiet from Iraq sources over the weekend. They seem to finish things first over there and then tell us.....FOR READ MORE:

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (6/20/24)

An “extraordinary” meeting of the armed factions in Iraq regarding the American presence.. What about the truce?, 20 JUNE

 An “extraordinary” meeting of the armed factions in Iraq regarding the American presence.. What about the truce?

The "Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee", which includes a number of armed factions allied with Iran, announced the holding of a meeting, which it described as "extraordinary", to discuss the issue of the American presence in Iraq, as it confirmed its ability to end it "by all means" during the first meeting of its kind since the cessation of bombing operations and targeting of interests. The US has been in Iraq for more than five months, as the Iraqi arena is witnessing a calm state of security.

Since the beginning of last February, the "Iraqi Resistance" factions have entered into a truth with the American side following their assassination of the leader of the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, Abu Baqir al-Saadi , and no operation has been carried out against American interests Since that period, despite the continued activity of American aviation. Flying in Iraqi airspace, especially in Baghdad, Anbar, and the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The Iraqi Al-Nujaba Movement, which is part of those factions, confirmed at the time that “societal, political and religious pressures” pushed for what it called “calm” with Washington, to pave the way “for the Iraqi government to take the initiative towards developing solutions to end the presence of the coalition.” international in the country. The leaders of the armed factions are awaiting the results of the work of the Iraqi-American Military Committee, which is responsible for assessing the field situation in Iraq and the threat of the terrorist organization ISIS, and setting a date for ending the presence of the international coalition.

In a statement, the first of its kind since the armistice, the coordination stated, last night, Wednesday, that it “held an extraordinary meeting to discuss events in the region in general and in Iraq in particular,” indicating that it discussed what it called “the opportunity that it gave the government - more than four months ago.” “Including scheduling the withdrawal of the American presence from Iraq.”

Criticism of the American presence in Iraq

She explained, "The attendees stressed the need to continue moving forward to achieve the country's autonomy, after the enemy's procrastination and stubbornness, so that it remains occupying our land, despising our skies, controlling the security and economic decisions, and interfering in Iraqi affairs with all reccklessness and arrogance, as if he does not know what awaits him after this opportunity," stressing that "The Iraqi people, their proud resistance, and loyal politicians, tribesmen, and people's representatives are able and determined to end this file and close it, using all available means, to restore security and stability, and achieve full autonomy.”

The “Coordination Committee” did not reveal a clear position regarding the truth or whether it was considering ending it, but a government source confirmed that “an agreement was made with the factions to stop all attacks until the file of the American presence in Iraq is resolved, which is the file that the Iraqi government and the American side are working on,” indicating. He told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed, on the condition that his name not be mentioned, that “the facts had previously provided guarantees to the government not to violate the truth until the issue was officially resolved.”

The source confirmed that “to date, no notification has reached the government from the facts of their intention to carry out specific attacks, which means that the guarantees are still in place,” noting that “the government is following up on the file and will soon hold subsequent meetings with the American side in light of anticipated reports of the American-Iraqi Committee.” .

Iraq is an arena of conflict

The candidate to assume the position of US Ambassador to Baghdad, Tracy Ann Jacobson, said that “the militias allied with Iran are the main threat to Iraq,” as she stressed, in her opening speech before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, several days ago, the importance of enhancing stability, security, and independence. Iraq, considering that ISIS still poses a threat in the region, and that the US Army is still providing support to the Iraqi security forces.

Anne Jacobson also stressed the importance of Iraq strengthening its relations with its neighbors, and that “the presence of economic development, and a government capable of providing services to its people, reduces the attraction of terrorism” and also reduces the influence of militias allied with Iran, which she said “pose a great danger to the future of the country,” considering “Iran is a malicious actor in Iraq and destabilizes the region,” she added, adding: “We realize that the main threat to Iraq is the militias allied with Iran.”

Talks between Baghdad and Washington began last January, less than 24 hours after three American soldiers were killed in an attack in Jordan. The United States said that it was carried out by extremist groups allied with Iran in Syria and Iraq, which prompted Washington to carry out retaliatory strikes in Iraq that resulted in the assassination of prominent leaders in the armed factions, which prompted them (the factions) and the political parties associated with them to escalate their demands to remove the coalition forces from... The country.

The first round of bilateral dialogue between Baghdad and Washington, which was held in Baghdad, on January 27, led to an agreement to form a joint military committee to review and end the coalition mission and move to bilateral security relations, in light of the widespread criticism against the American presence in Iraq.   link



🚨🚨🚨ALERT ALERT ALERT🚨🚨🚨 The trade agreement between Russia and Vietnam means Russia takes Vietnamese Dong in trade, So now Russia holds Dong in there currency reserves. Russia converts the Dong into rubles, then converts the rubles into the “UNIT” Russia makes trade Investments in Vietnam using the “UNIT” (backed by gold) The “UNIT” being backed by gold now replaces the U.S. Dollar as foreign central bank currency reserves in Vietnam. This is called the internationalization of the “UNIT” backed by 40% physical gold, 30% Russian bonds, 30% Chinese bonds, where both Russia and China currencies are backed by gold. This is de-dollarization Because of these trade agreements with Russia, I now have reason to believe the “UNIT” is already up and running. The trade agreements being formed. This is why Kim Jung Un is so giddy! Basically Putin just resurrected the North Korean Won from the dead. And China/Russia are manipulating interest rates in their bond market to drive up the price of gold against the U.S. Dollar. There is NOTHING the World Bank - IMF can do to stop this!