Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Oh Boy!, Oh Boy!, Oh Boy! WOW! WOW! WOW! 😊 😊 😊 have I got news for you today….. Now that the budget schedules for 2024 are passed and published we begin to see the details of some of the largest projects coming out in the news.

😊The largest project that Iraq is undertaking is the new oil pipeline. You can read all the details of the $4.9 billion dollar pipeline in the articles section under the title of “IRAQ IS PREPARING TO ESTABLISH A PROJECT THAT WILL CHANGE THE OIL MAP.. WILL IT AFFECT ENERGY PRODUCERS?” But just let me add that this article’s news is so amazing for many reasons. Let me address these reasons today and how it will impact the timing of the RV we are all looking for.

😊 Then, let me say that when this article came out in the same news period another article popped out about details of a memorandum of understanding signed with the American company Honeywell to develop 7 more refineries in Iraq, and while it indicated the Prime Minister’s directive to prepare a study to establish a pipeline network adjacent to the development road (which I just talked about, see above), it revealed projects that will enter service soon related to raising refining capacity. So, knowing all this what oil do you think they will be refining with all this new refining capability? Of cure it is so obvious, it will be the oil pouring from the pipelines already in Iraq as they can then divert the new oil from the new oil pipelines to be constructed for exporting. Folks, they just told us they will be expanding their oil capacity that may very well exceed even the Sadie’s. Iraq will also be selling these refined oil products to the rest of the middle east and probably Europe and the US.

😊 How much more revenue will Iraq generate before they finally give us the new rate? How much longer will they continue at the 1/6of a penny?

I keep telling everyone that the answer to these questions lies in the “White Paper” in the Pillars of Financial Reform. I can also add to this list the Dr Shabibi plan to get to the reinstatement. Remember that the RV we are looking for is only a byproduct of the reforms needed as stated in the White Paper. To get to the reinstatement (and back to FOREX) they must first reform these three sectors – banking, insurance and stock/securities markets. I keep telling everyone this but many still want to go off halfcocked and try to pin the RV down, once again to a single event. How many events have we gone through already with this stupid mentality perpetrated by these half-brained idiots. The latest being the new rate would be in the budget. Really? Then what about the project to delete the zeros? Did this just get bypassed? I don’t think so…. No, more like I know so…

Folks it does not work that way and will not work that way. There is no laundry list of items. It is simply a matter of regaining their sovereignty and getting to a position that the CBI has already determined to where they can then execute the Project to Delete the Zeros and we know the rest of the story once they do this. We will not be able to exchange until the OFAC sanctions are lifted on the US banks for the Iraqi dinar. Yes, like you I can see that it should already be done, but that is my thinking not the CBIs. Yes, there is a plan in place and there is nothing we can do but relax, sit back and watch the show. The choo choo train is moving down the track.

So, I am looking forward to my conversation in my weekly Wednesday call to Iraq with my CBI contact. Remember we were told to look for the beginning of the educational program for the project to delete the zeros sometime in the month of June, if nothing changed. So, I want to see if we are still on track since it is June 18th already. What keeps rolling around in my head was an article written in 2016 about the Project to Delete the Zeros and how it refers to January 2017 to go ahead with it. If you remember the CBI told us that January is the most opportune time to make this kind of rate change for accounting purposes. I would not hold your breath and wait for January 2025, since all the signs are pointing now to much, much sooner than later. I certainly hope its June. In my June 20th Newsletter I will present this 2016 article to you and explain it in more detail. I think this will all make more sense to you then.

😊 Oh…I almost forgot to mention the “icing on the cake” for today’s news. 

It’s about the huge ATM installation and testing going on in Iraq. Why is this so important? We were told by the CBI not too long ago the significance of that the ATMs role will play in the Project to Delete the Zeros. Folks it's all interconnected. Do you see it yet? Once to get everyone, or near everyone, on the electronic banking their pay checks will go to “direct deposit”. Sound familiar. You probably have your paycheck electronically deposited too from your employer. To get petty cash they will need the ATM machines. At this time the petty cash will be set to the newer lower denominations post delete the zeros.




WOW Truly Fascinating Development In Iraq For Iraqi Dinar Investors Toda...

Iraq ranks second among Arab countries in hydropower capacity, 18 June

Iraq ranks second among Arab countries in hydropower capacity

Shafaq News/ Iraq has ranked second among Arab countries in terms of operational hydropower capacity, according to recent data from Global Energy Monitor.

The combined operational hydropower capacity in seven Arab countries—Egypt, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Morocco, Lebanon, and Algeria—exceeds 10.2 gigawatts (GW).

Egypt leads the list with an operational hydropower capacity of 2.778 GW. Iraq follows in second place with a capacity of 2.436 GW. Sudan ranks third with a hydropower capacity of 1.85 GW.

Syria takes the fourth spot with an operational capacity of 1.585 GW, while Morocco ranks fifth with 1.395 GW.

Lebanon and Algeria are also featured on the list, with Lebanon having an operational hydropower capacity of 0.108 GW and Algeria rounding out the list with a capacity of 0.100 GW.


 TNT UPDATE 6/17/24

Tony opened by saying “this is going to be a life changing week.” πŸ₯³

The “electronic issue” spoken of during Friday’s call was completed. It was an international transaction that had to happen, for us to proceed to this point. 

The old ATM’s in Iraq were emptied out by the CBI, replaced with new machines, and loaded with the new, lower denominations over the weekend. 

Sudani announced on Iraqi TV today, that before the end of the holiday, which is June 19th, that the Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate and access to the new ATM’s and the lower denominations.

Bank appointments are expected to be set for 30 minutes.

The current Dinar rate is showing at $4.49 during the call. 

Tony’s Iraqi contact stated it should be between $4.50-4.60, by the time that it goes. 

Tony’s US bank contacts expect it to be between $4.50-4.65.

Bank staff is expecting it at any time now, because of the successful international transaction that occurred over the weekend. 

That’s it for the call highlights, have an amazing day, and let’s pray that this is the final call. Much love and blessings to all.πŸ™πŸ₯°

Signs Point To Market ‘Tilt’, These Assets To Sell Off First | Mike McGlone




Advisor to the Prime Minister: Iraq is safe from any international financial risks


Baghdad - INA - Amna Al-Salami,

Advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Monday, that Iraq ranked distinguished among international groups that follow the best banking compliance systems, which makes it safe from any international financial risks, indicating that the international community also praised the solidity of the financial and banking system. .

Saleh told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Cash issuance mechanisms are one of the exclusive powers of the Central Bank of Iraq as it is the issuing bank based on its Law No. 56 of 2004,” indicating that “what is published here and there about problems with cash liquidity is far from the institutional basis.” The well-established monetary authority in Iraq, which is one of the most important authorities concerned with the issues of the availability of cash liquidity and the stability of the payments system, which contributes to the sustainability of the stability of transactions in the national economy.

He added, "Managing cash liquidity, building the monetary foundation, and controlling liquidity levels in the country are subject to the principle of a long-term plan that is consistent with achieving the operational objectives of monetary policy in order to achieve the intermediate goals of stability and sustainable economic growth and determine the stability of long-term cash flows."

He stated that "Iraq occupies a distinguished rank among the international financial groups that follow the best international banking compliance systems, which makes our country safe from any international financial risks," pointing out that "Iraq is a cornerstone of regional and international financial cooperation institutions in the scope of combating money laundering and money laundering crimes." Crime and terrorism."

He stated that "Iraq recently received clear, positive praise for its strong anti-money laundering policies at the Financial Action Organization conference for the Middle East and North Africa region, which was held in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and it is a testimony from the international financial community that confirms the solidity of the financial and banking system in Iraq with the principles of compliance and the integrity of financial and banking operations." .


The Sudanese advisor reassures the Iraqis: There is no fear about cash flow... our financial system is solid