Thursday, June 13, 2024

Iraqi Dinar RV Holders Congrats It's Time To Celebrations Today 2024🔥iqd...

Iraqi President stresses importance of cooperation with Iran in various sectors, 13 JUNE

Iraqi President stresses importance of cooperation with Iran in various sectors

Shafaq News/ Iraqi President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid stressed the significance of Iraq's cooperation with Iran across various sectors during a meeting with Iran's Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani and his accompanying delegation at the Baghdad Palace. 

According to a statement from the Iraqi Presidency, President Rashid highlighted the "deep bilateral relations between Iraq and Iran and the need for joint efforts to strengthen these ties," drawing on the "historical and religious bonds between the neighboring peoples." 

Moreover, he underscored the importance of collaboration in the fields of economy, trade, tourism, and energy, as well as coordination and consultation on issues of mutual interest.

The Iraqi President discussed with his guests the security agreement between the two countries and its "positive impact on reinforcing border security and stability, serving to enhance mutual security." reiterating Iraq's commitment to maintaining balanced relations with neighboring countries and the world in line with its vision to "promote peace and stability in the region and serve national interests."

The discussions also covered the situation in Palestine, with President Rashid calling for an immediate ceasefire and the protection of civilians, affirming Iraq's support for the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent state on their national soil.

For his part, Bagheri emphasized Iran's eagerness to expand "constructive cooperation" with Iraq in various fields, aiming to achieve the "aspirations of the two friendly nations for progress and prosperity and to consolidate security and stability in the region."

The Iranian Acting foreign minister started his visit to Baghdad on Thursday morning by paying homage to the statues of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Qassem Soleimani and Deputy Chief of the Popular Mobilization Forces Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, located on the airport road in the Iraqi capital.

A government source informed Shafaq News Agency that Bagheri's visit is part of a regional tour, during which he will meet with the Iraqi Presidency, the Prime Minister, the Parliament, the Supreme Judicial Council, the National Security Advisor, and other political figures.

The source added that Bagheri is expected to travel to Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, on Friday to hold meetings with Kurdish officials.



OMG! As part of the internationalization of the RMB China will be able to control the exchange rates of the U.S. Dollar against foreign emerging market currencies. This is the end of the Dollar!


Once the global elites realize that Western banks are now making RMB loans and not dollar loans, The digital petroyuan gold token has launched. This means the world is dumping dollar bonds, The dollar collapse is going to be sudden, Because they will realize they are holding worthless paper.


China has launched their tokenized digital petroyuan backed by gold in the mbridge.

China’s RMB just replaced the petrodollar 

The U.S. Treasury should have immediately launched their gold reserves to protect the U.S. Dollar from hyperinflation 

As 60% of the worlds population immediately dumps the dollar.

The fact that it’s not forthcoming (U.S. gold revaluation) tells you the U.S. Treasury doesn’t have any gold.




The world needs to understand the U.S. Treasury bond market is funded off the world needing dollar reserves aka bank derivatives (off balance sheet dollars).

When the Petrodollar ends on June 9th, there is no need for the world to hold U.S. Treasuries as the global world reserve asset in the oil trade. 

The Japanese yen will hyperinflate against their U.S. Treasury holdings. 

Japan will be forced to liquidate all their dollars and U.S. treasuries that fund the Gates Foundation, 

The Gates Foundation will fold. Melinda Gates leaves the Gates Foundation on Friday June 7th, two days before the petrodollar ends (June 9th). Bill and Melinda Gates knew the petrodollar was going to end. 

Coincidence? No? The monetary even is going down NOW! 

If anyone believes Donald Trump (or Joe Biden for that matter) will be President on November 5th, I have a bridge to sell you!


Adam Gaertner 

Anything concrete re: the 9th?



U.S. Treasury must roll over $10 trillion in bonds, of which they don’t have the money. Saudi is protecting their oil against a collapsing fiat dollar. The Fed isn’t going to print this kind of money.

6:37 PM · Jun 1, 2024


Jack Straw

June 9th the Agreement between United States and Saudi Arabia to sell Saudi Oil in USD exclusively ends. Saudi Prince has already notified U.S. that this agreement will NOT be renewed and they will no longer accept USD.




It means state banks can link up to M-BRIDGE, bypassing the SWIFT system and interface with the PBoC and the state banks could then potentially hold RMB as reserves.

===>>>>> This would allow China to control the gold price inside the U.S. state banking system!



Does the world want dollar loans backed by nothing, or do they want RMB loans backed by gold?

Iraqi Dinar RV Implemented Budget 2024 🔥Iraqi dinar Revaluation update

Iraq seeks to attract foreign investment by amending its laws, 13 JUNE

  Iraq seeks to attract foreign investment by amending its laws

The Iraqi Parliamentary Investment Committee aims to amend some investment laws during the next legislative term, with the aim of attracting foreign investments and capital.

According to committee member, Dhia al-Hindi, representatives of the World Bank Group working in investment and private projects were hosted to discuss some paragraphs of laws on investment, which are considered in opposition to sustainable development in Iraq, including the investment law and the company law.

Al-Hindi explained that representatives of the World Bank cited the experiences of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, where the foreign investor in those countries has the right to own and manage the company by 100%, while his share in Iraq is limited to only 49%.

Al-Hindi called for amending some paragraphs of the law to create an attractive environment for investors and capital, noting that amending laws is within the jurisdiction of Parliament, while the laws governing the economic process remain “socialist.”

Al-Hindi stressed that the committee is continuing to amend the commercial arbitration and investment laws, and approve the industrial investment and mineral investment law.

Al-Hindi stated that the committee will address the government regarding amending some paragraphs of the investment law to be subjected to study in the State Shura Council, and then sent to Parliament.

These efforts come within the framework of Iraq's efforts to strengthen its economy and attract foreign investments, especially in light of the economic crises it is experiencing.

It is expected that the amendments to the laws will contribute to improving the investment environment in Iraq and attract more foreign investments and capital, which will contribute to the development of the Iraqi economy and create new job opportunities   link




Today, Monday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fouad Hussein, chaired the seventeenth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, the Ministers of Industry, Labor and Social Affairs, the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, and advisors. Prime Minister for Economic and Legal Affairs, and Chairman of the Securities Commission.

A statement by the Council, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, stated that it: “discussed the items on its agenda and took the necessary decisions regarding them. It also hosted the head of the Financial Supervision Bureau and his deputy, and the Director General of the Legal Department in the Bureau, to study and evaluate partnership contracts between the public and private sectors.” And a statement of the economic feasibility of its continuation or termination.”

He added, “Where the head of the Bureau reviewed those contracts that were divided between important contracts that benefit the state budget, and others that lacked economic feasibility, the Council decided to complete the discussions in the presence of representatives of the relevant ministries in order to resolve this important file.”

The Council continued, “It also decided to approve the recommendations of the committee formed to study the adoption of Iraqi, Gulf, or higher specifications when importing vehicles, in order to preserve the lives and safety of citizens and users of vehicles and roads, while determining the contribution of foreign capital to Iraqi banks was discussed.”

He added, “In line with the state’s general policy of supporting the Iraqi and foreign banking sector and foreign investments in Iraq, the Council decided to support the independence of the Central Bank of Iraq in formulating monetary policy in accordance with its applicable laws and instructions.”

‘Inescapable Debt Trap’: Fed Going ‘Right Back’ to 0% | Brien Lundin


 MIKE BARA Jentel /Mike Bara- today: 4b looking to 10/14 - bonds getting paid out today. UPDATE FROM THE BROKER: New Currency is expected to...