Sunday, June 9, 2024

Prime Minister issues directives for the steel factory rehabilitation project, 9 JUNE

Prime Minister issues directives for the steel factory rehabilitation project

I’m On Sunday, Prime Minister Mohamed Shiaa issued guidance for the steel factory rehabilitation project.The Prime Minister’s Information Office said in a statement that “Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, today chaired a special meeting with the project of rehabilitating the steel factory in Basra Governorate, affiliated with the General Company for Iron and Steel.

”During the meeting, Al-Sudani was briefed on “the progress of work for the rehabilitation and operation of the project, which is one of the subsenant projects, and listened to a comprehensive presentation on the procedures carried out by the authorities in charge of implementing the project, which was scheduled to open two months ago, but some obstacles prevented this opening, which necessitated holding its own meeting.”The Prime Minister stressed “the need to remove all obstacles and technical problems to the completion of the project, and to complete the installation of smelting equipment,

 systems and production lines.”Al-Sudani stressed “the importance of working more than one meal and 24 hours a day, and the implementing authorities must adhere to the agreed time ceilings, and abide by what he directed during his visit to the company last March, during which the rolling factory was opened.”



FF just brought this article to my attention and look at what is inside of it. Iraq joined the Swift System in 2022. This makes them ISO 20022 compliant according to our recent records of what the Swift System is doing. 

© Goldilocks


Today, we are witnessing a 100-year cycle/bubble in the markets and a 50-year pact going away with Saudi Arabia moving from the Petro Dollar to trading in local currencies. 

I wouldn't expect too much of a shift the next 2 to 3 days on the Dollar, but the weeks ahead will have a significant toll on the Dollar going forward. 

This shift in the Global Economy will begin the process of "leveling the playing field" and reset new demands on currencies that have not been utilized in trade for a long time. 

All of this is coming at a very pivotal time. As we shift our attention from the Petrol Dollar to Stablecoins that represent our local currencies in trade among nations, these new demands will increase money velocity that will raise the value of currencies around the world. 

This is a process that takes a little time to see changes happen, but the process has begun. 




International Support To Remove Iraq From Corruption Indicators, 9 JUNE

 International Support To Remove Iraq From Corruption Indicators

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The United Nations Development Program announced that it will support Iraq in the field of combating corruption and enhancing integrity, with the aim of raising its ranking in the corruption indicators issued periodically, while the “Arab Network for Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption” recommended continuing work on developing and implementing coordinated and effective national strategies that enhance community participation and embody the principles of The rule of law, good management of public affairs and property, integrity, transparency and accountability.

At the conclusion of the regional meeting held in Baghdad from June 3 to 5, the network praised the relative progress achieved in terms of strengthening the participatory approach in developing public policies related to promoting integrity and combating corruption, calling on the concerned parties to deepen this approach and expand its scope.

The network, in its forum held under the slogan “Strengthening cooperation for effective national anti-corruption strategies” under the patronage of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, stressed the importance of adopting and implementing effective mechanisms to monitor, evaluate and follow up on the implementation of national strategies to enhance integrity and combat corruption, including appropriate indicators that combine productive indicators. Internationally and nationally produced indicators.

The network confirmed in its forum, in which 150 individuals representing 12 countries participated; Establishing proactive approaches to confronting corruption through capacity building and supporting initiatives that seek to fill the legislative vacuum in various fields and protect the drafting of legal texts from the risks of corruption.

It also called for expanding the approved approach regarding working to strengthen ethics and behavior in the public service to include the political, administrative and judicial fields, in addition to more specialized fields as needed.

For his part, Chief Advisor Arkan Al-Seblani, Director of the Regional Anti-Corruption Program at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), said that “the voice must be loud and clear in the anti-corruption process,” noting that “the Arab Network for Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption is the platform Through which the voice of the Arab region emerges in this field, to send political and artistic messages concerned with this important topic.”

He added, “The conference formed 6 working groups to develop detailed visions for six teams based on establishing joint cooperation mechanisms between countries, developing training programs to overcome procedural obstacles and integrating integrity issues in the health, education, and public transportation sectors.”

He explained that “the United Nations Development Program will support Iraq in the field of combating corruption and enhancing integrity, with the aim of raising its ranking in the corruption indicators issued periodically.”   130 views  Added 06/08/2024 -

"Q & A: is it true the Budget has nothing to do with the rate. It’s dependent on oil ? " WITH MARKZ, 9 JUNE


 [via PDK]  

 Question:  What’s the story of the rumored $28.50 contract rate on the dinar? 

 MarkZ:  WE have seen that rumor since the early days…it sounds great but don’t know how accurate it is. Maybe it means what our purchasing power will be when we go back to the gold standard? That would actually make some sense.

 Comment:  It looks like the Iraqi budget needs to be published in the Gazette before it becomes legal. If they are waiting on that it may be Wed or Sat …or it becomes legal 15 days from yesterday?  

 MarkZ:  Exactly...At this point we are expecting it to be published in the Gazette  [Wednesday] or Saturday... There is a mechanism to RV in the budget. And I have a ministry contact in Iraq who still thinks we will see a new rate with the budget.  Whether that is Wed. or Sat…we will see... This contact works in the government in Iraq.


 Question: it true the Budget has nothing to do with the rate. It’s dependent on oil

  MarkZ:  Yes and no…in the budget they left a mechanism for a revaluation based on rates and oil production. ….They can do the budget without the rate change- does it make sense to do that? NO….because they have been running over a 30% deficit each year.

  I have been unable to find a complete copy of Iraq’s budget that was passed to look for a rate.
 I do not think the new rate is in the budget that was passed …yet.  They have the mechanism for changing the rate in there though. So they can do that rate change at anytime...They are still showing the official rate of 1310…. 
 It happened like this in Kuwait also…that although they had started the RV process. Kuwait was still showing the official rate for awhile

Comment:  Maybe they are waiting to put the new rate in the Gazette- either Wed or Sat?   

MarkZ:  That is very possible.

(6/7) Budget Appeal / CBI 3rd Strategic Plan (Offer New Currency)./

Abadi's coalition compares the decision to end UNAMI's mission with the exit of the Americans: negotiations will last for two years - urgent, 9 JUNE

 Abadi's coalition compares the decision to end UNAMI's mission with the exit of the Americans: negotiations will last for two years - urgent

Baghdad Today - Baghdad 

Aqeel al-Rudaini, a leader of the Victory Coalition led by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, said on Saturday (June 8, 2024) that the Iraqi government is serious about removing US forces from Iraq, while noting that negotiations in this regard will extend for two full years.

Al-Rudaini said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", that "the negotiations of Baghdad and Washington on the removal of US forces from Iraq are continuing according to the data and assurances of the Prime Minister's Office, and we do not believe that they will end within a year if we know that the closure of the headquarters of the United Nations mission will take two years, let alone with large forces on the ground and have communication with joint operations."

He added that "the removal of US forces will take two years or more, but in any case the government is serious in this regard and is continuing its negotiations by a higher committee for coordination, pointing out that what strengthens Baghdad's position in the negotiations is the ability of its forces to hold the reins of the border and internal security file and succeed in confronting terrorism and dismantling its cells."

Al-Rudaini pointed out that "the removal of US forces cannot be overnight, and negotiations will determine the time limit, but it is certain that Baghdad's decision in this direction is past and it is serious at the same time."

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani stressed on Tuesday (June 4, 2024) that the UN Security Council's decision to end the work of the UNAMI mission in Iraq does not mean a break with the United Nations.

A statement by the Prime Minister's Information Office said that the recent Security Council decision to end the work of the UNAMI mission in Iraq came at the request of Iraq, indicating that it represents international recognition of the progress made in the Iraqi arena.

He added that the termination of UNAMI's work does not mean a break with the United Nations and specialized international agencies, noting that international organizations have reached a positive performance evaluation for Iraq that supports stability.

The UN Security Council unanimously decided, on Friday (May 31, 2024), to terminate the United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) at the request of Baghdad, and to have the date of withdrawal by the end of 2025, after its presence in Baghdad for more than 20 years.