Wednesday, June 5, 2024




Parliament sends budget schedules to the Ministry of Justice... for this reason



Baghdad - 
Today, Tuesday, the Presidency of the House of Representatives sent the 2024 budget tables to the Ministry of Justice for publication in the Al-Waqe’at newspaper.

Yesterday, Monday, Parliament voted on the 2024 budget after making amendments to a number of expenditure schedules and financial allocations for the development of the governorates.



* NOTE (the Al-Waqe’at newspaper - IS THE GAZETTE)





πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. Iraq and Germany making agreements for projects for private sector!  Sudani has been a very busy man!  πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. Interesting.  Currency companies told to stop selling foreign currencies in Iraq now in this window…….before what?  πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯. Perhaps before the camper event?  Just supposition since that event is very close. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. Iraq is shifting to a gold backed currency!  This makes their dependence on oil to back their currency non relevant!  πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’₯πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Iraqi Dinar Budget Approval Then Published In Gazette 2024πŸ”₯prediction 2024




The Sudanese financial advisor reveals the date of the government’s implementation of the budget schedules



A financial advisor to Prime Minister Mazhar Muhammad Saleh revealed the date for the government’s implementation of the financial budget schedules for 2024 approved by the House of Representatives today, Monday.

Mazhar Muhammad Saleh told {Al-Furat News} agency, “Based on the effective constitutional path in issuing legislation, the start of the official implementation of the federal general budget schedules must be accompanied by its approval by the House of Representatives, based on the provisions of Article 77/Second of the Federal General Budget Law No. 13.” For the year 2023 (the tripartite budget), 

if that approval in the House of Representatives takes the form of (the law) or the form of the amendment to Law No. 13 of 2023 referred to above, then those amendments to the original law or the wording of the tables as a new law must in all cases be approved by chance.The President of the Republic, and then it will be published in the Official Gazette so that the legal procedures can complete all their prescribed paths.”

He pointed out, "After that, the implementation or application phase begins immediately unless there are instructions for implementing the federal general budget schedules for the year 2024, which may be issued by joint instructions between the Ministries of Finance and Planning."
Saleh continued, "Despite this, the important aspect remains that the budget tables for the year 2024 are approved by the legislative authority and are accepted by legislators in the House of Representatives, and then the financial table for the year 2024 is issued and approved under any form of legislation in force, whether issued by a new law or a legislative decision." .




 Tuesday Morning Talk “Coffee with MarkZ” 6-4-2024

Member: Welcome to a fantastic Tuesday.

Member: Mark, is your June 2-9 range still valid?

MZ: I have several bond people expecting fully spendable money from this afternoon through Thursday. I had one that I was expecting to receive last night, but it was shipped tonight.

MZ: Different interest rates still appear on bank screens. Several banking contacts have chimed in saying they see the dong at $2.86. We don't know if this is to save space. But I'm hoping this is the price. They are seeing IQD of more than $4+

Member: Any tax on the BolΓ­var?

MZ: The most frequent rate you are seeing is about 27,000 dollars per million bolivars.  We'll see when we change.

Member: So each bolivar could be worth about 0.27 cents... that's great!

Member: I would take that in a heartbeat!!!

Member: When do we expect our currencies to be backed by gold/assets?

MZ: It's supposed to happen at the same time. Otherwise, if we switch to fiat... we will have to move our funds into assets quickly.

Member: MARCA Z it is true that the Budget has nothing to do with the rate. Does it depend on oil?

MZ: Yes and no... in the budget they left a revaluation mechanism based on tariffs and oil production. ….They can make the budget without changing rates. Does it make sense to do it? NO….because they have been accumulating a deficit of more than 30% each year. .

Member: It appears that the Iraqi budget must be published in the Gazette before it is legal. If they are waiting, it could be Wednesday or Saturday...or will it be legal 15 days from yesterday?

MZ: Exactly. You've got it nailed. At this time we expect it to be published in the Gazette tomorrow or Saturday.

Member: Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani said that international organizations have reached a positive assessment of Iraq's performance that supports stability.

MZ: Yes, they keep talking about the abundance that will come and lift up all the people of Iraq. There is a mechanism for VR in the budget. And I have a ministerial contact in Iraq who still believes we will see a new rate in the budget. Whether it's Wednesday. or Saturday...we'll see. This contact works in the Iraqi government.

Member: Iraq Sec. General of the HOR (House of Representatives) sends the approved budget schedules to the Ministry of Justice.??? Gazette time?

Member: Does the contract between the US and Saudi Arabia for the purchase of oil in dollars expire this Sunday? This could be a momentous event!!!

Member: I hope that the agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States can be the event that sets things in motion.

Member: Dr. Scott even said it would be 2 or 3 days after June 9 before the effects make a big splash.

MZ: Many people are asking for Black Swan to arrive on Sunday night the 9th.

MZ: I have a brief banking history for you. “I went to the bank today (Wells Fargo) and decided to ask about the RV. The banker admitted to knowing and said he even owned a dinar and said he had been at it for about 12 years waiting. He didn't predict when it would happen, he just said to be prepared.

MZ: I liked that they had an open conversation with the bank and it was a currency holder. They know it because they are training for it.

Member: I got a bank account book, necessary for preventing terrorism, dealing with foreign currency and certain accounts are for wealth management clinics... I never received anything like that before.

Member: My Wells Fargo authenticated my coin last week and said it would happen soon

Member: I went to my credit union and asked if they exchange foreign currency. She said no and directed me to WF. She said she had also sent other members to WF.

Member: I spoke with a board member at our credit union since it was closed for 3 days, including Zelle, to update the software. I asked him if this is the quantum financial system and he said yes.

Member: Supreme Court Ruling: State-sponsored banks can dissolve from the Federal Reserve system and issue their own currency

MZ: This is great news. “$517,000,000,000 billion in unrealized losses hit the US banking system: FDIC says 63 lenders are on the verge of insolvency” Think about it. If 63 banks fail and the Federal Reserve has less than $100 billion to bail out the banks, what money is left in the event of a crisis? This is undermining banks' liquidity. Things are getting ugly.

Member: Let the accident come... the leftists have to start the new QFS system... we are ready

Member: Mark, anything about zim holders having to go to a military base to exchange? . It was talked about years ago. Thanks for all that you do.

Member: That would be a safe place to exchange. I hope the rumor is true.

Member: Don't try to rush progress. Remember: a step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Keep believing.

Member: Mark thanks you, Zester, and all the Mods for everything you do. Everyone does a fantastic job.

Member: Thank you for your service, Mark! It has been an honor to be aligned with you on this journey! The fatigue is real, however the joys and celebrations will be overflowing!


Charla del martes por la maΓ±ana “CafΓ© con MarkZ” 6-4-2024

Miembro: Bienvenidos a un fantΓ‘stico martes.
Miembro: Mark, ¿sigue siendo vΓ‘lido su rango del 2 al 9 de junio?
MZ: Tengo varias personas de bonos que esperan dinero totalmente gastable desde esta tarde hasta el jueves. TenΓ­a uno que esperaba recibirlo anoche, pero lo enviaron esta noche.
MZ: TodavΓ­a aparecen diferentes tipos de interΓ©s en las pantallas de los bancos. Varios contactos bancarios han intervenido diciendo que ven el dong a 2,86 dΓ³lares. No sabemos si esto es para ahorrar lugar. Pero tengo la esperanza de que este sea el precio. EstΓ‘n viendo IQD de mΓ‘s de $4+
Miembro: ¿Alguna tasa sobre el BolΓ­var?
MZ: La tasa mΓ‘s frecuente que estΓ‘n viendo es de unos 27.000 dΓ³lares por un millΓ³n de bolΓ­vares. Veremos cuando cambiemos.
Miembro: Entonces cada bolΓ­var podrΓ­a valer aproximadamente 0,27 centavos... ¡eso es genial!
Miembro: ¡¡¡Me lo tomarΓ­a en un abrir y cerrar de ojos!!!
Miembro: ¿CuΓ‘ndo esperamos que nuestras monedas estΓ©n respaldadas por oro/activos?
MZ: Se supone que sucederΓ‘ al mismo tiempo. De lo contrario, si cambiamos a dinero fiduciario... tendremos que trasladar nuestros fondos a activos rΓ‘pidamente.
Miembro: MARCA Z es cierto que el Presupuesto no tiene nada que ver con la tarifa. ¿Depende del petrΓ³leo?
MZ: SΓ­ y no... en el presupuesto dejaron un mecanismo de revaluaciΓ³n basado en las tarifas y la producciΓ³n de petrΓ³leo. ….Pueden hacer el presupuesto sin el cambio de tarifas. ¿Tiene sentido hacerlo? NO….porque han estado acumulando un dΓ©ficit de mΓ‘s del 30% cada aΓ±o. .
Miembro: Parece que el presupuesto iraquΓ­ debe publicarse en la Gaceta antes de que sea legal. Si estΓ‘n esperando, puede ser miΓ©rcoles o sΓ‘bado... ¿o serΓ‘ legal dentro de 15 dΓ­as a partir de ayer?
MZ: Exacto. Lo tienes clavado. En este momento esperamos que se publique en la Gaceta maΓ±ana o el sΓ‘bado.
Miembro: El Primer Ministro Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani dijo que las organizaciones internacionales han alcanzado una evaluaciΓ³n positiva del desempeΓ±o de Irak que respalda la estabilidad.
MZ: SΓ­, siguen hablando de la abundancia que vendrΓ‘ y levantarΓ‘ a todo el pueblo de Irak. Hay un mecanismo para RV en el presupuesto. Y tengo un contacto ministerial en Irak que todavΓ­a cree que veremos una nueva tasa en el presupuesto. Ya sea que sea miΓ©rcoles. o el sΓ‘bado……ya veremos. Este contacto trabaja en el gobierno de Irak.
Miembro: Sec. de Irak. General de la HOR (CΓ‘mara de Representantes) envΓ­a los cronogramas presupuestarios aprobados al Ministerio de Justicia.??? ¿Hora de la gaceta?
Miembro: ¿Expira el contrato entre EE.UU. y Arabia Saudita para la compra de petrΓ³leo en dΓ³lares este domingo? ¡¡¡Este podrΓ­a ser un evento trascendental!!!
Miembro: Espero que el acuerdo entre Arabia Saudita y Estados Unidos pueda ser el evento que ponga las cosas en marcha.
Miembro: El Dr. Scott incluso dijo que pasarΓ­an 2 o 3 dΓ­as despuΓ©s del 9 de junio antes de que los efectos produzcan un gran estallido.
MZ: Mucha gente estΓ‘ pidiendo que Black Swan llegue el domingo 9 por la noche.
MZ: Tengo una breve historia bancaria para ti. “Fui al banco hoy (Wells Fargo) y decidΓ­ preguntar sobre la casa rodante. El banquero admitiΓ³ saberlo y dijo que incluso era dueΓ±o de un dinar y dijo que habΓ­a estado en esto unos 12 aΓ±os esperando. No predijo cuΓ‘ndo sucederΓ­a, solo dijo que estuviera preparado.
MZ: Me gustΓ³ que tuvieran una conversaciΓ³n abierta con el banco y fuera tenedor de moneda. Lo saben porque se estΓ‘n entrenando para ello.
Miembro: Obtuve un libro de cuentas bancarias, necesario para prevenir el terrorismo, negociar con moneda extranjera y ciertas cuentas son para clΓ­nicas de administraciΓ³n de patrimonio... nunca recibΓ­ algo asΓ­ antes.
Miembro: Mi Wells Fargo autenticΓ³ mi moneda la semana pasada y dijo que sucederΓ­a pronto
Miembro: Fui a mi cooperativa de crΓ©dito y preguntΓ© si cambiaban moneda extranjera. Ella dijo que no y me dirigiΓ³ a WF. Ella dijo que tambiΓ©n habΓ­a enviado a otros miembros a WF.
Miembro: HablΓ© con un miembro de la junta directiva de nuestra cooperativa de crΓ©dito, ya que estuvo cerrada durante 3 dΓ­as, incluido Zelle, para actualizar el software. Le preguntΓ© si este es el sistema financiero cuΓ‘ntico y dijo que sΓ­.
Miembro: Fallo de la Corte Suprema: Los bancos patrocinados por el estado pueden disolverse del sistema de la Reserva Federal y emitir su propia moneda
MZ: Esta es una gran noticia. “517.000.000.000 mil millones de dΓ³lares en pΓ©rdidas no realizadas afectaron al sistema bancario estadounidense: la FDIC dice que 63 prestamistas estΓ‘n al borde de la insolvencia” PiΓ©nselo. Si 63 bancos quiebran y la Reserva Federal tiene menos de 100 mil millones de dΓ³lares para rescatar a los bancos, ¿quΓ© dinero queda en caso de una crisis? Esto estΓ‘ minando la liquidez de los bancos. Las cosas se estΓ‘n poniendo feas.
Miembro: Que venga el accidente... los izquierdos tienen que iniciar el nuevo sistema QFS... estamos listos
Miembro: Mark, ¿algo sobre que los poseedores de zim tengan que ir a una base militar para intercambiar? . Se hablΓ³ de ello hace aΓ±os. Gracias por todo lo que haces.
Miembro: Ese serΓ­a un lugar seguro para intercambiar. Espero que el rumor sea cierto.
Miembro: No intente apresurar el progreso. Recuerde: un paso adelante, por pequeΓ±o que sea, es un paso en la direcciΓ³n correcta. Sigue creyendo.
Miembro: Mark les agradece a usted, a Zester y a todos los Mods por todo lo que hacen. Todos hacen un trabajo fantΓ‘stico.
Miembro: ¡Gracias por tu servicio, Mark! ¡Ha sido un honor estar alineado con usted en este viaje! ¡El cansancio es real sin embargo las alegrΓ­as y celebraciones serΓ‘n desbordantes!

NADER FROM MID EAST: Iraq is bank and UE banks




After approving the budget... Al-Sudani sends a message



Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani blessed, today, Monday, what he described as the “responsible step” of the House of Representatives, represented in approving the 2024 budget schedules.
Al-Sudani expressed his thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the Presidency of the House of Representatives, the political forces, the parliamentary committees, and the Finance Committee, Which completed the government effort, and what had previously been approved by the Council of Ministers, represented by the budget schedules (A, B, C, D, E, F).
Al-Sudani reiterated his emphasis on "continuing to implement the government program, which received the vote of the House of Representatives and the support of the political forces, in order to complete the goals and implement the priorities that represent, above all, the aspirations and demands of our Iraqi people that they wish the government to fulfill."
The Prime Minister called on the House of Representatives and the provincial councils to "strengthen the government's work by following up on the legislative and oversight efforts, which our government institutions, with all their arms and bodies, view as support for their work, a course correction, and a guarantee against corruption, deviation, and failure."


Iraqi PM warns Biden, EU of "dangerous slippery slope" in Middle East, 6 OCT

  Shafaq News/ Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani warned US President Joe Biden and European Union leaders on Sunday that the Midd...