Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Chairman of the Finance Committee discusses with the World Bank delegation the project of the development road and the energy sector in Iraq, 29 MAY

The Chairman of the Finance Committee discusses with the World Bank delegation the project of the development road and the energy sector in Iraq

The Chairman of the Finance Committee, Engineer Atwan Al-Atwani, received today, Monday, 27/5/2024, the World Bank delegation headed by Mr. Jean-Christophe Carré, Regional Director for the Middle East, to discuss supporting the development road project and the energy sector in Iraq.

The meeting reviewed the economic vision of the Development Road Project and its strategic importance in activating the investment movement, maximizing non-oil revenues and providing job opportunities.

He also discussed the multi-stage support provided by the World Bank for the Development Road project, including the modernization and rehabilitation of the current railway network and linking it from southern Iraq through the north to Turkey.

Mr. Al-Atwani called on the World Bank delegation to present new insights and ideas on achieving optimal investment for this huge project, which it is hoped will make Iraq an economic corridor linking Asia with Europe.

The Chairman of the Committee explained that the infrastructure of the development path should be in the hands of the government so that this important project linking Iraq with the countries of the world is not subject to effects.

The meeting witnessed a discussion of the continued support from the World Bank for the energy sector in Iraq, especially with regard to strengthening the electricity network, developing renewable energy and regional connectivity .

the House of Representatives
the media department

رئيس اللجنة المالية يبحث مع وفد البنك الدولي مشروع طريق التنمية وقطاع الطاقة بالعراق



[via PDK]  

This is pure gold this morning…  Article:  “US Ambassador praises Iraq’s official adoption of E-Payment system”  This particular US ambassador is well known as the “Ambassador of re-valuations”  She usually gets sent to whatever country whose value is about to change. She is there in Iraq right now.

 It certainly is a “push” ...They are talking about it openly in the Iraqi news. …They are blatant on this one  The impending rate change”.  They are telling us what they are doing... Articles in Iraq say clearly that the dinar is going to be worth more than the US dollar. 

[via PDK] 

 did hear some interesting things from military contacts. One in particular kinda surprised me overnight...don’t panic because they do their best to cloud the timing...He said “Do not worry- it will be before July 4th. ” We will have it all before July 4th. Actually a couple military contacts gave me that same time frame. I still have great hopes for sooner...it is interesting they have plans to have it completed by July 4th…For all we know it could happen tomorrow…nobody knows the timing.

 Out of Iraq – hearing we are supposed to be getting news on Sunday that has to do with the budget but since they have already passed it- does this mean we are getting a rate? Or which projects were executed or started?  I do not know.

   I am seeing rates of somewhere between $3.81 to $3.91 from a number of contractors working in Iraq. They are working on infrastructure - everything from hospitals to power grid to roads etc... And I am still thinking it will be $2 something on the dong. I hope I’m wrong and my contacts are right and it’s closer to the $3 mark.


RV update of iraqi dinar by wolverine today 2024🔥RV update iqd value inc...

US ambassador receives ‘fantastic news’: Iraq will see economic growth and a modern financial system, 28 MAY

US ambassador receives ‘fantastic news’: Iraq will see economic growth and a modern financial system

Baghdad – Mil

The US ambassador in Baghdad, Alina Romanowski, on Tuesday expressed her admiration for “great news” from Iraq, expecting economic growth supported by a modern financial system in the country .

“Great news!” Romanowski said in a post on the X platform, “Great news! Iraq officially ratified the electronic payment system on April 29.”

“This step will pave the way for a modern financial system and economic growth,” Romanowski added.



  Fnu Lnu  

Much has been made of the number 90 Trillion. This is the alleged number of Dinar at large...I do not believe this number is valid and here's why.  1) There are always casualties such as fire & natural disasters. 2) We know there has been an effort, for years, to coax three zero notes out from under mattresses, with some success. 3) We know stolen Dinar have been recovered in very large amounts recently. 4) Here's the biggie: I saw a video some years back, where a jet was seized attempting to leave the country, and it was stacked from floor to ceiling with coffin sized cases full of Dinar.

It had to be trillions. Much to my surprise, the jet was eventually cleared to take off.  However, it was no surprise to hear the jet was registered to Nuri Al Maliki. The jet landed in Zurich Switzerland where it was then seized and the Dinar confiscated. Some may remember an article stating that Switzerland repatriated a large number of Dinar to Iraq but the article was scant on details. When one considers all these scenarios, it would seem that there is far less Dinar in circulation that 90 trillion. It may well be half that amount. IMHO.

Iraqi Dinar✅Iraqi Dinar Huge Revaluation Today 2024 / IQD RV / Iraqi Din...

Ebicor calls for trilateral meeting with Baghdad and Erbil to resume Kurdistan oil exports, 28 MAY

Ebicor calls for trilateral meeting with Baghdad and Erbil to resume Kurdistan oil exports

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Oil Industry Association (EpiCOR) on Tuesday called for a tripartite meeting between it and the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to resume oil exports from the region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

The association said in a statement today that its attention has been on reports that oil companies in the Kurdistan region are neither lenient nor flexible in or resuming oil exports, which is why the resumption of oil exports in the region through the pipeline between Iraq and Turkey is delayed.

The statement considered that these reports are incorrect, noting that “these repo rts talk about it in a way that there are negotiations with oil companies, and that the latter in turn does not show any flexibility in those negotiations.”

The statement also noted that “there are currently no negotiations between the oil companies, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi government, and the last negotiations were held from January 7 to 9 of this year.”

Epicor confirmed that the oil companies operating in the region are ready to resume oil exports provided that their financial rights are agreed to be paid in the past and guaranteed in the future, and provided that the deals contained in their contracts are protected.

“Epicor member companies believe that the best way to find a solution is to hold a tripartite meeting between oil companies, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi government,” said Miles Kakins, spokesman for the association.



  GOLDILOCKS Iraq just visited the United States on August 26 to 29, 2024. It was a high level negotiating team that met with JP Morgan, t...