Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Freedom Fighter ©

💥The United Nations praises Iraq for successful adoption of a global digital banking system

💥Iraq has officially modernized their banking system to global standards 

💥Their new digital banking system was “regulated” and became law on April 29, 2024




Today maybe a quiet day but we are going to share something with you from Iraq 🇮🇶 

Sometimes to see where we are it helps to know where we came from.


Freedom Fighter ©

💥Dr Shabibbi , late Governor of the CBI in 2011

💥He wrote the Iraq White Paper economic reform plan aka (IRAQ RV PLAN) in 2011

💥Iraq has come a long way since this video 



Iraqi Dinar | Central Bank Of Iraq Major Announcement About Iqd Rv And R...

Expert: The Iraqi economy is witnessing a remarkable growth, with the decline in the dollar exchange rate, 28 MAY

Expert: The Iraqi economy is witnessing a remarkable growth, with the decline in the dollar exchange rate

Economic expert Jabbar Kuran revealed today, Tuesday, the high rate of economic growth in the country and the Iraqi financial system was linked to the global banking system.

The economic expert and currency market spokesman in Sulaymaniyah Jabbar Kuran said in a statement to Shafaq News that “the economic and financial situation of Iraq is in a remarkable development and growth and now we are witnessing an increase in the economic growth of the country by 2% and this is a good thing for the Iraqi economy compared to the past years.”

He added that “the implementation of the Central Bank of Iraq’s electronic measures under the supervision of the US Treasury Department has had a clear impact on economic growth as well as on the devaluation of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.”

He pointed out that “the monetary fiscal policy now followed in the country has made the difference between the exchange rate of the dollar and the dinar shrinking to the limits of ten thousand dinars, and this difference is normal for many reasons.”

He pointed out that “the measures taken since the middle of last year have been implemented in a fact of a way up to 30 financial measures that had a positive repercusssion dealing in Iraqi dinars instead of the dollar, when transactions in the Iraqi dinar in the country are now estimated at 90% except for the Kurdistan region, as well as allowing traders to deal with foreign transfers through banks and directly, where 85% of local traders can now deal with foreign transfers through banks to import materials from abroad.”

Koran ruled out that the dollar exchange rate should be the same as the government exchange rate for administrative and financial reasons, noting that the difference should remain like this by about 10,000 dinars between the exchange rate in dollars and the dinar.




Once Iraq's digital banks are licensed and good to go, their currency will be licensed as well. 

© Goldilocks


International Monetary Fund mission for the current year 2024 for Article Four consultations praised the Iraqi government’s measures, including the monetary policy led by the Central Bank of Iraq. 

The report indicated that the Central Bank of Iraq has taken several measures aimed at stabilizing the national currency and controlling monetary inflation.

Adding that the Central Bank raised the interest rate on monetary policy tools from 4% to 7.5% and increased the mandatory reserve requirements for banks from 15% to 18%, and these steps were decisive in reducing the inflationary pressures that Iraq suffered from, and this contributed to creating an economic environment. More stable.

The report emphasized that important reforms in the banking sector, such as the gradual increase in bank capital and mergers between small banks, aim to strengthen the banking sector and increase its efficiency and flexibility in the face of economic shocks.

The report noted that Iraq has implemented new compliance measures to improve the transparency of cross-border financial transactions, by launching an electronic platform that imposes the disclosure of financial beneficiaries, which enhances the integrity of financial transfers in accordance with international banking standards, as well as the role of the Central Bank of Iraq in expanding relations. Correspondent banking, to facilitate smoother international trade financing operations.

Central Bank of Iraq

Information Office

May 27, 2024


 The Iraqi banking system may soon receive banks of another type called (digital banks). What are these banks and will the citizen, the banking system, and the Iraqi economy benefit from them? Files that the beneficiary of the banking sector services in Iraq is trying to ask.


Jon Dowling & Boeing Whistleblower Mr QC Discuss What Is Happening At Bo...

Blaskhart sends a message on the occasion of the end of its work in Iraq, 28 MAY

Blaskhart sends a message on the occasion of the end of its work in Iraq

The United Nations (UNAMI) envoy for Iraq, Jeanine Hennes-Plaschart, on Tuesday (May 28, 2024) sent a letter marking the end of her tenure in the country.

“As my tenure as Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Iraq draws to an end, I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to all Iraqis, especially those I have met and worked with,” Plasskhartt said in her letter, according to a statement to the UNAMI mission, which was received by “Baghdad Today.”

“Over the past five years, I have been repeatedly influenced by the generosity and hospitality of a people who have never strayed from their traditions of welcoming the stranger or helping the needy, even at the expense of their comfort or time, and I have learned a lot of listening to Iraqi women and men as they proudly recount their history,” she added.

She pointed out that “although many faced serious challenges, the optimism for the coming days was always bright. They welcomed me and my other colleagues at the United Nations to their cities and homes, and invited us to share them in a meal or event and did not miss an opportunity to highlight Iraq’s rich culture and enormous beauty, and throughout the country, including the Kurdistan Region, countless people of all ages spontaneously shared, again and again, their hopes and aspirations. And I won’t forget any of them.”

“I also truly appreciate the professional meetings and discussions we have had with a wide range of partners, from civil society representatives, academics, clan leaders and religious leaders to local authorities, provincial authorities, national authorities, judges and security and political officials. Needless to say, their views and perspectives have taught us a lot and guided our work,” she continued.

Blaskhart pointed out that “some of these meetings included people who put daily differences aside to find solutions in the critical stages of Iraq, all of these interactions have left an indelible impact inside. And of course, I cannot exaggerate our gratitude to the various organs of the Iraqi government, which facilitated our work, through tireless efforts, and protected the staff and operations of the United Nations.”

“None of that means the UN has been immune to criticism – some of which has been justified, some simply based on misconceptions about who we are, what we can and cannot do,” she stressed. But talking to those who understand the values of the organization and what it stands has been very productive. As I have said many times, the UN does not have a magic wand. Ultimately, the balance between conflict and peace, or poverty and prosperity, depends on the political will of the nations. But if we can make a difference in people’s lives, it’s worth intensifying up work and keep trying. Ultimately, the UN has one key priority at its core: to promote peace and prosperity for all – regardless of affiliation, religion, background or race.”

Blaskhart concluded her message by saying, “Once again I would like to express my deep appreciation and thanks to the kind cooperation and support provided to the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the wider United Nations family in Iraq and to me personally. Long live Iraq.”


High Level Talks Indicate Vietnam Poised to Join BRICS: Great News for VND BY AWAKE IN 3D, 28 MAY

 High Level Talks Indicate Vietnam Poised to Join BRICS: Great News for VND

On May 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Vietnam’s anticipated membership in BRICS+ highlights its growing global economic influence and benefits for the Vietnamese Dong (VND).

In This Article

  • Overview of Vietnam’s Economic Growth

  • Insights from the Recent High-Level Talks

  • Strategic Importance of BRICS+ Expansion

  • Future Prospects for Vietnam within BRICS+

  • Benefits to the VND from BRICS Membership

Vietnam’s potential membership in the BRICS+ alliance marks a significant milestone in its global economic status.

This development comes as the country continues to strengthen its economic ties with major global powers and emerges as a key player in the international arena.

Overview of Vietnam’s Economic Growth

Vietnam’s economy has been one of the fastest-growing in the world, characterized by robust GDP growth, increasing foreign direct investment, and expanding industrial sectors.

Its strategic location, coupled with a young and dynamic workforce, has attracted numerous multinational corporations seeking to diversify their supply chains. This economic boom positions Vietnam as a prime candidate for inclusion in influential global groups like BRICS+.

Insights from the Recent High-Level Talks

During a recent visit to Vietnam, Dr. YKOVLEV ARTEM ALEXANDROVICH, Director of the Center for Russian Strategy in Asia, engaged in discussions with the Vietnamese Prime Minister.

The talks focused on potential economic collaborations between Vietnam and the Russian Federation and explored the feasibility of expanding BRICS membership to include Vietnam.

Dr. Alexandrovich emphasized the resilience of the Russian economy despite extensive sanctions and highlighted the strategic partnerships Russia has forged with China and other Asian countries.

He noted that these alliances have been instrumental in sustaining economic growth and stability. The discussions underscored the mutual benefits that Vietnam’s inclusion in BRICS+ would bring, aligning with the shared objectives of fostering economic cooperation and development.

Strategic Importance of BRICS+ Expansion

BRICS represents a coalition of emerging economies with significant global influence. The proposed expansion under the BRICS+ model aims to include other rapidly growing economies, enhancing the group’s geopolitical and economic clout.

Vietnam’s inclusion would not only bolster its own economic ambitions but also contribute to the collective strength of BRICS+.

Dr. Alexandrovich highlighted that the expansion of BRICS is crucial for reshaping the global geopolitical and geo-economic landscape, promoting a multipolar world order.

When asked if Vietnam would be a good candidate to join BRICS, Dr. Alexandrovich replied, “Vietnam’s economic trajectory aligns well with the goals of BRICS+, making it a valuable addition to the alliance.”

This membership would open up new avenues for trade, investment, and technological collaboration, benefiting all member countries.

Future Prospects for Vietnam within BRICS+

As Vietnam prepares to join BRICS+, the country stands to gain significantly from increased access to markets, resources, and technology from other member nations.

This membership would accelerate Vietnam’s economic growth, enhance its global trade relations, and provide a platform for greater influence in international economic policies.

Furthermore, Vietnam’s participation in BRICS+ aligns with its long-term strategic goals of diversifying economic partnerships and reducing dependency on any single market. By joining forces with other emerging economies, Vietnam can strengthen its position in global value chains and contribute to shaping the future of international economic governance.

Key Benefits to the VND from BRICS Membership

Today, the expanded BRICS+ nations collectively represent over 40% of the world’s population and around 25% of global GDP.

Stabilized Exchange Rate: As part of BRICS+, Vietnam could benefit from a more stable Vietnamese Dong (VND). The economic collaboration within the bloc, including trade settlements in local currencies, could reduce Vietnam’s reliance on the US dollar, leading to less volatility in the VND exchange rate.

Stronger Financial Support: Vietnam would have access to financial resources from the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB). This can help support infrastructure projects and other development initiatives without the stringent conditions often imposed by Western financial institutions. Enhanced financial stability and support can bolster investor confidence in the VND.

Enhanced Foreign Exchange Reserves: Trade within the BRICS+ framework can lead to increased foreign exchange reserves for Vietnam. As trade grows, so does the inflow of foreign currencies, which can help stabilize and strengthen the VND.

Increased Investment: Membership in BRICS+ can attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam. Investors often view membership in such influential groups as a sign of economic stability and growth potential. Increased FDI can further strengthen the economy and, consequently, the VND.

The Bottom Line

Vietnam’s anticipated entry into the BRICS+ alliance signals a pivotal moment in its economic evolution.

The country’s impressive growth, strategic partnerships, and alignment with BRICS+ objectives position it as a key player in this expanding coalition.

As BRICS+ continues to shape the global economic landscape, Vietnam’s membership promises to bring mutual benefits, drive collective prosperity for all member nations, and enhance the stability and strength of the Vietnamese Dong.

Contributing article: https://dttc.sggp.org.vn/advantages-of-vietnams-involvement-in-brics-post113437.html 

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