Tuesday, May 21, 2024



  It’s near guys. I’m not going to say time or day, but I know we are going to have a beautiful, beautiful month. 


Fri. 17 May 2024 Wolverine

 “Very silent today, not one ounce of intel, but what I did receive last night from a friend who has contacts in Brazil, a person who is very polished and professional person (speaks four languages fluently. He said he was waiting for his group who were waiting at the bank for long hours.

 I got back to him later, nighttime my time, and morning for him, and he said he had no new updates. Then hours later, he came back with an audio, and he gave me 1000 percent confirmation that those people got their blessings. Most people in Brazil are not hearing anything, they are saying no liquidity from anywhere. In my own thoughts, I think it is happening behind the scenes. 

As I said before, they are paying sporadically and they sign NDAs, and will not say anything. I think that is what is happening, this person is a good friend of mine, who tells the truth. They put the audio on the dragon family group, but I did not translate it, and they actually picked someone who spoke Spanish, and they translate it. 

That was the best way to go as I did not want the translation to come from me, that it came from another person. Tomorrow, they tell me we should be getting news. Hopefully, we will get better news. The audio really hit me yesterday, as it was a 1000% confirmation, and it will continue on to two other cities in Brazil on Monday. I did send it to someone else in Brazil who were very emotional hearing it hoped it was true. Not much that I can tell you. 

I have been told that Iraq (sick of Iraq ) on Sunday, they should be able to put the rate on Forex. We will see if it true or not. Do not listen to TNT. I am tired of hearing their misinformation. Notifications were to come last night, that is what I was told, again, no notifications. Very stressful for all of us. Notifications is our announcement and then I can release the opera for you.

 This is my personal opinion – there might not be an announcement. Now a certain person said that statement was true. BUT, it was MY Opinion (saying there might not be an announcement). I think we may get paid sporadically, and lots going on behind the scenes. I have heard of people getting paid, and I do not know those people, but I do know the person in the audio. It might be that people get paid, they sign their NDA and they stay quiet. 

Good for our safety in IMO. I think that is the way it is going to be, and a lot of bond holders agree that it might be the way to go, quietly. A lot silence and not much noise coming out. We will see what happens. I am sure we will get some good news. Some people say it may happen till end of May, or the fifth of June, I will not debate this, as I do not know we will see what happens . 

Let us see what happen later. I heard from contact in Reno that things should develop on the weekend BUT no confirmation on that, but that is what he said. So we wait and see, I am tired of this, it has been very difficult, never thought I would do this for so long. God bless you, let’s hope and pray that later we will get the news we are all waiting on. Take Care, Wolverine.”


Iraqi Dinar✅CBI Big Announcement About IQD Exchange Rate Today 2024 / IQ...

Monday, May 20, 2024





The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq meets his counterpart in Riyadh


May 16, 2024

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, met with His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Ayman bin Muhammad Al-Sayyari, on the sidelines of the Arab Forum for Anti-Corruption Bodies and Financial Investigation Units held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
During the meeting, the two sides stressed the importance of the role played by central banks in confronting economic challenges, ensuring macroeconomic stability, and supporting economic growth.
The two parties discussed prospects for cooperation between the two sides in various monetary and banking fields, with a focus on the importance of developing banking relations between the two brotherly countries.
Central Bank of Iraq 
Information Office 
May 16, 2024



  Militia Man  

The budget doesn't work at 1300 to 1 or 1310 or even 1320.  It's doesn't work at 1160 for crying out loud let alone 1460.  Why is it going to work today It's not.

The United States of America said they supported Iraq having accession to the WTO...Saudi Arabia...did 15 years worth of work, in a year, to help Iraq...All the requirements for joining were completed...Now the IMF directors welcomed renewed efforts towards WTO accession..

 Saleh says if you do a float it's dangerous, it's going to turn out to be unruly...He also said he's going to have a mixed or managed float, which is going be stabilizing...They had about 4 articles about that...Why are  they saying it and giving one specific option?  Because that's what they're going to do...All the different ways of doing it were  negative but the one [positive one] was a managed float.  That's a mix between a floating currency and a fixed.  They manage it and  that's the most stable...  

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Worth Waiting of 15 Years 🔥 News Guru Intel Update Value...

Iraq's President on Raisi's death: we stand by the Iranian people, 21 MAY

Iraq's President on Raisi's death: we stand by the Iranian people

Shafaq News/ Iraqi President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid offered his condolences on Monday following the deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran.

"We extend our heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, and the leadership and people of the Islamic Republic," Rashid said in a statement. 

"We affirm that Iraq stands by the Iranian people during this difficult time."

The Iranian President, Foreign Minister, and another seven were found dead at the site of a helicopter crash after an hours-long search in the northwest of the country.

Raisi was returning from the inauguration ceremony of a joint border dam with Azerbaijan, where he had met Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev earlier on Sunday.

Black banners have been flown on top of the Imam Reza Shrine in Mashhad and the dome of Fatima Masumeh Shrine in Qom, the two holiest cities in Iran.

According to Article 131 of the Iranian Constitution, in the event of the President's death, the First Vice President temporarily assumes the presidency with the approval of the Supreme Leader.

Vice President Mohammad Mokhber will assume powers after Raisi's death.

In addition, the Constitution requires a committee consisting of the Speaker of the Parliament, the Chief Justice, and the First Vice President to prepare for the election of a new president within a maximum of 50 days.



 [via PDKI]   Many banking sources  are expecting big things this week. Some expect things as early as today. Many bankers are upbeat about today and this up coming Memorial day weekend. …But, There is a lot of smoke out there.

Fri. 17 May 2024 MarkZ: On May 22nd, (This is from the IRS but other government agencies are also doing thi) they will be conducting emergency alert tests nationwide to all their employees on text messaging, email and laptop notifications. So they are prepared for  May 22nd.

MZ From a member: “Now in one of the top banks here in the country – they are very clued in on currencies. When they found out the amount of the currency they had they said “We need to sit down with you- but we can’t sit down with you until the 22nd. Our key people for wealth management are in training for foreign currencies and exchanges – but we want to sit down with as soon as they back from training.”

MZ: Now this doesn’t mean the RV will happen on the 22nd. But the bank can’t talk to them now even though they want to talk to them….until May 22nd. So- the top wealth management at a big bank with a big wealth management arm-and they get back from foreign currency exchange training on the  22nd –This is a great “tell.”

Iraqi PM forms high-level committee to align banks with international financial standards, 20 SEPT

  Shafaq News/ On Thursday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani announced the establishment of a high-level committee aimed at alig...