Monday, May 20, 2024


 💢Q & A - Currency Exchange Brokers & Sellers

💢Q - Member: I’ve been wondering …if this RV is as close as everyone says,  then why are all these dealers still selling currencies? I thought they needed to stop right before the RV. 🤔 

💢A - Ginger: Yes! You're right 🏆😁⭐. But, keep in mind that their notice to stop selling foreign currency could be merely hours before the flip is switched. Doesn't need to be days or weeks in advance. 

It could likely "happen" (for us) before we even notice the online sellers have ceased their sales of currency merchandise. They need just a few hours to delete or change the content on their websites. All they really have to do is install an error message like "Website content under construction 🚧" - where buyers cannot make their purchases or even see the exact exchange rates because they will be in flux. This will take a little bit of time which is they will be given advance notice, a short window in which to comply. ⭐😁⭐ 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge 5.7.24

Iraqi Dinar✅WOW It's Massive IQD Latest Update Today 2024 / IQD RV / Ira...

Parliamentary Finance: Employee salaries amounted to 8 and a half trillion, 20 MAY

Parliamentary Finance: Employee salaries amounted to 8 and a half trillion

Moeen Al-Kazemi, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, disclosed on Sunday that the monthly salaries of employees, retirees, and caretakers amounted to approximately 8 and a half trillion dollars. He also emphasized that the operational aspect amounted to approximately 170 trillion dollars.

Al-Kadhimi stated, “The House of Representatives is awaiting the Council of Ministers’ vote on the budget schedules and sending them to the House of Representatives for the purpose of voting on them, indicating that the Parliamentary Finance Committee is preparing to reduce operational spending while supporting the investment side.” Al-Kadhimi was speaking about the House of Representatives.

“The operational aspect amounted to approximately 170 trillion, and this is a very large number, taking into account the increase in the number of employees as well as the increase in the salary ceiling to 8 and a half trillion per month,” he explained.

He emphasized, “During the next stage, the House of Representatives will ask the government to increase non-oil revenues, as it supports the state’s public finances and reflects income diversification.”



Well when yoUr country is being accepted into the BRICS Nations you have a lot to worry about as a leader who is involved in money laundering and other corrupt activities. Did he try to escape? I will ask "The Judges". The President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, has been accused of being involved in a corruption scandal worth 1,100 billion tomans related to imports during his 20 months in office. That's a pretty hefty sum, if I do say so myself. He can no longer prop up the black market. Iran wants to do trade with Iraq. And there will be no parallel market to reduce the value of national currencies to keep corruption afloat. That's why the BRICS are a major threat to central banks.


Iraqi Dinar✅Iraqi Dinar Latest Update Today 2024 / IQD RV / Iraqi Dinar ...

How much did the “vote price” for the Presidency of Parliament reach during yesterday’s session?,, 20 MAY

How much did the “vote price” for the Presidency of Parliament reach during yesterday’s session?

Today, Sunday, an educated political source uncovered the infringement that happened during the meeting to choose the  Speaker  of the Place of Delegates held yesterday, while affirming that the cost of one vote arrived at 200 thousand bucks.

In an interview with the, the anonymous source stated that “the disputes and acts of bullying were intentional to obstruct the holding of the third round for the inauguration of the new president” and that “the violations that occurred yesterday were like an auction for buying votes.”

“What happened yesterday reveals Al-Halbousi’s continued efforts to dominate the position of  Speaker of Parliament in order not to vote for Al-Issawi, who will represent Al-Halbousi’s most prominent competitor in Anbar,” he continued.

He continued: According to the statement, “the price of one vote has reached 200 thousand dollars,” the funds came from powerful political parties “in order to gain control over the presidency for the remainder of the current parliamentary session.”

In order to avoid a third round, yesterday’s parliament session ended with security intervention to stop fights and fistfights between Sunni political forces. This reveals the dangerous stage of the disputes between Sunni forces.



"Last week, in a letter to the council, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani called for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), which has been operational since 2003, to end by December 31, 2025."

Resolution 1770 (2007) was devised to give guidance for Iraq on internal protocols that would enable them to secure a safe environment for their people and become prosperous in the world around them. 

The resolution was co-sponsored by:

* United Kingdom

* United States 

* Italy

* Slovakia

There will be a meeting at the end of May to discuss the gradual removal of the United Nations' involvement with Iraq. It is believed that they have achieved their goals with Iraq, and they believe Iraq's ability to move forward on their own is showing consistent progress.

The UN's involvement with Iraq has been taking place since 2003. It has been a team of leaders from several Nations engaged in helping Iraq "transition" their political and economic economy into a place whereby their contribution to the world is capable of moving to a level of Independence. 

Starting early June, Iraq will be gradually moving into their own. These stages of the independence will be monitored, but their control over their own Nation will increase with each passing day. 

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