Sunday, May 12, 2024

Iraqi Dinar✅CBI Governer Announced IQD RV Today 2024 / IQD RV / Iraqi Di...

Deputy: Iraq Represents An Important Factor In The Stability Of The Global Oil Market, 12 MAY

 Deputy: Iraq Represents An Important Factor In The Stability Of The Global Oil Market

Economy | 05:40 - 05/11/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad    MP Nour Nafie Al-Jalaihawi confirmed, on Saturday, that Iraq represents an important factor in the stability of international markets in the oil and energy file.

 Al-Julaihawi said, in an interview followed by Mawazine News, that “developing Iraq’s oil and gas fields is an important strategy in order to strengthen the country’s economy, diversify its revenues, and seek to raise the efficiency of its production capacity in a way that contributes to increasing exports.”

She added, "The Prime Minister's launch of the fifth supplementary licensing round and the sixth round, which will include 29 projects in fields and exploratory patches, whether oil or gas, spread across 12 governorates, is a step in the right direction that will lead to achieving three positives at the same time: increasing its ability to pump oil and produce gas and reducing the bill."

Importing the latter, in addition to revitalizing neighboring regions and providing more job opportunities, not to mention supporting the governorates and financing service projects.”

She stated that "Iraq represents an important factor in stabilizing international markets in the energy file and increasing its production capacity is a step in the right direction, especially gas fields, in order to reach the stage of sufficiency."




➡️ Just now on Bloomberg, discussions on interest rates that we know cannot change because the Fed doesn’t exist….

“We are moving towards a global resetting narrative.”

A global reset? Ya don’t say. They are saying a lot of quiet parts out loud now. 👀


Iraqi Dinar Holders 👇👇👇

Remember hearing how the UN Council stated in Davos now a few months back how Iraq would be the savior of the global financial system?

Why did they say that? What were they telling us? That maybe they are saving the Iraqi Dinar RV for just the right time for when the global system resets. 

It's now more clear than ever the budget, schedules, and timelines are all part of the narrative. Nothing is being left to chance.

Holding the Iraqi Dinar, Cryptocurrency, Gold and Silver will be your personal financial savior. ✅

Iraqi Dinar | CBI Governor Ali Alaq Officially Announced New Rate Of IQD...




Revealing the date of the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules


Information / Baghdad.. 

Today, Saturday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the date of the arrival of the budget schedules for the current year 2024 to Parliament, confirming Parliament’s readiness to receive the schedules. 

The Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, told Al-Maalouma, “The Finance Committee will work as soon as possible to present the 2024 budget schedules for a vote as a result of the necessary need to pass them to keep pace with state affairs.” 

She added, "The Finance Committee is awaiting the budget schedules from the government next week, noting the need for a maximum of two weeks to read and discuss amendments to the schedules before submitting them to a vote." 

She pointed out that "the House of Representatives is fully prepared to receive the schedules and discuss them in order to pass them as quickly as possible."



QUESTION:  Does a rate change need parliament approval or just CBI governor announcement?

...MZ:   According to parliament and the president of their country it only requires the CBI governors announcement. The government has already done everything they needed to do. We heard this last week. 

QUESTION:   Would someone please explain Basal 3 ? I'm sorry if this is a repeat. Thanks.

MZ: In a nutshell-Basel 3 is stricter reserve requirements for banks so that they are better able to deal with downturns. or loses or problems in the markets. They have to have more assets in order to pay share holders, depositors ect…… .to have enough reserves in case there is a problem . But imo…its not enough reserves….but its more than what they required before.

QUESTION:  Mark, is it still the case, you will (or should) know processes for our appointments. Possibly within hours prior or after the "Go time"

MZ:   I was always told that a few hours prior to this- banking contacts would reach out to a handful of us familiar with the process so that we can help you all be familiar with the process. I am told this is still the plan. We do not get to exchange before you though.    I am told I will be able to post whatever numbers and links they send me so you can make appointments and know where to go to exchange..

 QUESTION:   Mark Do we need to sigh an NDA at our exchange?

MZ:  I was told the need for an NDA for currencies is getting slimmer and slimmer. But you may have one for the humanitarian projects. I could be wrong.

How Do We Exchange Our IQD When the Value Increases? #iraqidinar