Thursday, May 9, 2024

"STATUS OF IRAQ" FROM Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram, 9 MAY

 Wed. 8 May 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram

Very encouraging fact that Iraq is going to such extreme lengths to educate their citizens, even their youth, on preparing for massive economic inclusion.

Remember, they are expecting their financial windfall to come, and it’s not only from their increase in the IQD international exchange rate. But the citizens also will receive monetary stipends coming from sales from oil. This is a very exciting time for Iraq!! I’m super happy for them!!

Also, let’s remember the fact how Al Sudani had educated Iraqis on the fact that their  currency shall be much more valuable than the USD, therefore more desirable to hold. They’ve been given Q cards and moved to a digital banking system and highly encouraged to utilize the banking system to prepare them for this transition.

Prior to these educational efforts, 70% of Iraq citizens had never used a bank. Now, currently, only 20% – 30% are still transitioning over and are learning the benefit of getting away from USD. Using IQD is required inside country borders. The progress they’ve made has been fantastic.

Salah fixing the money by NADER FROM MID EAST, 9 MAY

A Sudanese advisor explains the financial financing to implement the development path , 9 MAY

 A Sudanese advisor explains the financial financing to implement the development path


Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, explained the financial financing for the implementation of the development road project, which starts from the southernmost point of Iraq to its northernmost point, with a length of 1,200 km.

Saleh told {Al-Furat News} agency, “The development road is one of the most important strategic economic projects that achieve regional and international economic integration of our country with the world, in addition to being one of the largest accelerators of integrated investment at the level of the national economy, in terms of sectoral interconnection in various aspects leading to generating opportunities.” Accelerated growth in gross domestic product and intense investment momentum.”

He added, "It is known that the estimated cost of the project is about 17 billion dollars, especially for the completion stages within our country, as announced a while ago, and that the contributions of the regional countries benefiting from it will undoubtedly contribute to the financing due to cross-border interconnectedness, and we look forward to finalizing the preparation of the financing model and the nature of the contributions." national, regional and international finances to implement it.”

Saleh noted, “The principle of partnership between the state and the private sector for industrial cities and logistics services linked to the development road allows for high flexibility for national contributions to projects linked to the development road, in addition to the government’s financing role.”

He stated, "In any case, the financing vision will become more clear when that model is announced, especially what is terminologically called the financial completion of this vital, strategic project for Iraq, which links the trade and investment economies of the North and South of the world."

He continued, "The financial completion tasks within the financing model indicate ways of flowing additional funds to the project, through which funds are collected from knowledgeable investors or attracting new investors, according to the financial model that will be adopted, as the financing completion is used to finance the project's growth stages, expand the scope of work in it, or to cover expenses." Additional fees will be determined according to what will be determined by the approved technical economic feasibility study for the project in all its stages upon its final announcement.”

Raghad Dahham  LINK



  • Tues. 7 May Bruce: The Military gave the green light to release the monies on Mon. 29 April. Wells Fargo gave the green light on Mon 6 April. Tier 4 a,b notification could come out anywhere from 2 pm Wed. 8 May to 10:30 am on Thurs. 9 May.
  • The Gazetteller reported that as of Wed. 1 May the Latin American nations ofColombia, Brazil, and Chile became the first to exchange foreign currency in the Global Currency Reset. The U.S. was expected to lag behind by three weeks but this delay was strategic. It allowed potential security flaws to be patched up before the RV reached American soil.

 Tues. 7 May 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • This is not a taxable event.
  • President Trump’s gold tie today indicated we are back on the Gold Standard
  • Emails went out today to Bond introducers which said they would have access to funds on Wed. 8 May.
  • On Wed. 8 May Bond Paymasters will be emailed their notification that will give them the amount they have in their account and will have access to that account later that day.
  • The Military gave the green light to release the monies on Tues. 30 April.
  • Wells Fargo gave the green light on Mon 6 April.
  • Banks are bringing personnel up to date on protocols on how to exchange.
  • Tier 4 a,b notification could come out anywhere from 2 pm Wed. 8 May to 10:30 am on Thurs. 9 May.
source: dinarchronicles

Iraqi Dinar update for 05/08/24 - Division is a problem for the dinar BY PIMPY

The government approves the establishment of important projects, including an industrial city in Basra and a hospital in Baghdad , 9 MAY

  The government approves the establishment of important projects, including an industrial city in Basra and a hospital in Baghdad


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired, this afternoon, Wednesday, the seventh meeting of the Supreme Committee for Reconstruction and Investment, during which it approved important projects.

The meeting witnessed, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “discussing a number of investment opportunities in Baghdad and the governorates, in various sectors, and proceeding with a package of important projects that contribute to revitalizing the economy and providing many job opportunities for young people.”

- Approval of the Taji gas station investment project

 - Approval of a project to establish a solar energy project in Babylon Governorate

-Electricity linkage project between Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

- Establishing a mental health and addiction treatment hospital in the Ghazaliya area in the capital, Baghdad.

- Approval of a project to establish a 400-bed hospital, on a section of the land of Al-Rashid Camp in the capital, Baghdad.

Approval of the Toyota project, which includes the establishment of an integrated complex that includes units for manufacturing vehicle accessories, spare parts warehouses, a rubber and plastics recycling center, a training and qualification center for Iraqi labor cadres, a vehicle pre-delivery inspection center (PDI), and a vehicle storage center.

In the industrial sector, a project was approved to establish an industrial city in Basra Governorate for the production of iron and steel, in partnership with the General Iron and Steel Company, as well as a project to produce flat float glass, and a project to produce glass bottles and jars.   LINK

DeepWoodz:  Yeeaaa,,,,hard to invest without a REER. (Real Effective Exchange Rate)


Wed. 8 May Texas Snake

 “Well folks, a banker was provided with a specific date where he would have his trained exchange specialists in position to begin the currency exchanges.  This means a window of scheduling appointments will commence prior to having his staff being in position.  While he could not provide me the date he did indicate without any unforeseen issues that could delay it will occur this month. Well Folks, we may in fact enjoy the most memorable Mother’s Day in history. Say your prayers.”


While being a member of the WTO is important. listing on the FOREX is much more critical to us waiting to exchange and with the various potential  valuations being suggested we will need to see if the RV rate is initially published on the front screen or the back screen for the CBI to allow for there to be a float upwards in value which IMO would be beneficial  to us to realize a greater value, but either way we would realize a gain over cost of acquisition.


Texas Snake, [05/07/2024, 12:17:30 a. m.]:

My prayer is I have only begun to help, my goal is to offer alternatives on how to invest your funds so yiou never experience the fate of a lottery winner and be broke in aa couple of years.  Ideas you can suggest to your wealth manager to design an infinate banking program designed o meet your personal goals and objective and keep many future generations in positive financial circumstances.

Won't take long due to price of oil

Well My news is shared so will see everyone tomorrow, hopefully with some really good news, GOD Bless everyone.