Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Advisor: Sudanese succeeded in digitization with banks, 1. MAY

Advisor: Sudanese succeeded in digitization with banks

Mawazine News – Baghdad
Advisor to Prime Minister Amer Al-Adad said that Al-Sudani succeeded in digital transformation in banks.

Al-Adad said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “the Sudanese government is currently working on developing our proposal to form “special digital banks” that activate the work of government banks, as well as many proposals to advance the Iraqi banking reality.”

He added that “the “knowledge economy” project developed by the Sudanese government of Mohammed Shia depends on information technology and cybersecurity, pointing out that government banks have problems in systems, governance and human resources.”

He pointed out that “the current government is working to train employees on the “Asycuda” system in the outlets in order to increase the experience of employees and the ease of work, stressing that the reforms of Sudan are many, including the digital transformation in banks.” 







 Regulations for regulating the work of medium, small and micro enterprise financing companies 2024..For more,  click here

Iraqi Dinar Payday for everyone 04/29/24 by PIMPY

Sudanese gives ministries that signed memorandums of understanding with Turkey to prepare an action plan within two weeks, 1 MAY

Sudanese gives ministries that signed memorandums of understanding with Turkey to prepare an action plan within two weeks

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mohamed Shiaa Al-Sudani, chaired, on Wednesday evening, a meeting on the files agreed upon during the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iraq several days ago.

Mr. Al-Sudani pointed to the importance of this visit, which represented a turn in the relations between the two countries, and the need to follow up the implementation of agreements and memorandums of understanding to achieve the supreme interest of Iraq. He directed that the ministries of water resources, agriculture and municipalities provide the required projects in the water sector in aspects related to dam projects and river lining, as well as projects related to water management, desalination and treatment, based on the agreements concluded with the Turkish side in this regard, where his Excellency indicated that Iraq will witness a revolution of projects to invest water wealth, which is reflected in the overall agricultural reality.

The Prime Minister directed all ministries that signed the memorandums of understanding with the Turkish side to prepare a work plan and timetables for each file, submitted within a maximum of two weeks, to be discussed and followed up, and the formation of the seven committees concerned with the follow-up of the framework agreement with the Turkish side was also directed.

The meeting dealt with the aspects of the development road project, because it represents economic and development importance, and made it a basis for the development and consolidation of relations between the two countries.

Information Office of the Prime Ministerالسوداني-يمهل-الوزارات-التي-وقعت-مذكرات-تفاهم-مع-تركيا%C2%A0إعداد-خطة-عمل-خلال-اسبوعين





As you know from last Thursday and we receive things every day and some information that doesn't work, but let's talk about now, one thing that is really important and that started this morning at 6:05 am was removing the bad ones and cleaning in around the world and about half a million people and we should deal with those left on the list and in full swing as we speak. Does that need to be completed? NOT before you start.

We T3 and T4 bondholders are still waiting for the BHs to want to access their funds in their accounts, but what we heard from the RC leaders saying and we thought maybe today, but it didn't happen and what's next: "We should get ours".

Numbers of 800 tomorrow and they start on Thursday.” Now, that's the long and short saying and outside of Iraq "tonight the global reset begins" and remember that tomorrow is May 1, so notifications on the 1st and start on the 2nd or 3rd and something else on the other person "It all starts tonight" - we know that the QFS has finally gone globally connected and the EBS, all these systems are now connected and all the countries are on board and Bruce believes that NESARA and Gesara will be announced on May 2 or 3 and We have waited a long time for this.

So receive those notifications and our appointments.

Please, please, please: keep praying your own prayers spoken with sincere FAITH AND BELIEF to our Father Creator and Heaven, until we truly see the full manifestation of this Heavenly Blessing in our lives.

With love and my thanks to ALL of you for your prayers that are so powerful – Love Always Gem



Como saben desde el jueves pasado y recibimos cosas todos los días y alguna información que no funciona, pero hablemos de ahora, una cosa que es realmente importante y que comenzó esta mañana a las 6:05 am fue la eliminación de los malos y limpiar en todo el mundo y a cerca de medio millón de personas y deberíamos ocuparnos de los que quedan en la lista y en pleno apogeo mientras hablamos. ¿Eso debe completarse? NO antes de comenzar.
Los tenedores de bonos T3 y T4 todavía estamos esperando que los BH quieran acceder a sus fondos en sus cuentas, pero lo que escuchamos de los líderes de los RC dice y pensamos que tal vez hoy, pero no sucedió y qué sigue: "Deberíamos obtener los nuestros".
Números de 800 mañana y arrancan el jueves”. Ahora, ese es el dicho largo y corto y fuera de Irak "esta noche comienza el reinicio global" y recuerde que mañana es el 1 de mayo, por lo que las notificaciones el día 1 y comienzan el 2 o 3 y algo más de otra persona "Todo comienza esta noche” - sabemos que el QFS finalmente se ha conectado globalmente y el EBS, todos estos sistemas ahora están conectados y todos los países están a bordo y Bruce cree que Nesara y Gesara se anunciarán el 2 o 3 de mayo y hemos esperado mucho tiempo para esto.
Así que recibir esas notificaciones y nuestras citas.
Por favor, por favor, por favor: sigan orando con sus propias oraciones dichas con FE Y CREENCIA sincera a nuestro Padre Creador y Cielo, hasta que realmente veamos la manifestación completa de esta Bendición Celestial en nuestras vidas.
Con amor y mi agradecimiento a TODOS ustedes por sus oraciones que son tan poderosas – Love Always Gem

There is rumors with the 30 be deleted tomorrow from Forex BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Washington announces its position on the possibility of postponing the elections of the Kurdistan Parliament, 1 MAY

 Washington announces its position on the possibility of postponing the elections of the Kurdistan Parliament

The US State Department confirmed that it “does not oppose” the postponement of the elections of the parliament of the Kurdistan Region “for a short period if this agreement requires it.”

“We recognize that the Independent High Commission for Iraqi Elections needs some time to make the changes they are negotiating” political parties, the US State Department spokesman said Wednesday, on postponing the Kurdistan Parliament elections.
“We believe that reaching an agreement between the political parties is important, and if this agreement requires the postponement of elections for a short time, the United States is not opposed to that,” he added.
Although next June 10 is scheduled for the Kurdistan Parliament elections, the KDP refuses to participate in them under the current conditions and “without ensuring the participation of other components” after the Federal Supreme Court’s decision to cancel the quota seats.
The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nichirvan Barzani, discussed the issue of elections, during his visit to Baghdad on April 27, 28 and 29.
According to the spokesman of the presidency of Kurdistan, Delshad Chehab, Barzani stressed during his meeting with Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, the importance of having equal opportunities for all parties and parties to participate in the elections in accordance with the constitution and the laws in force in Iraq.
During his reception, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission, Omar Ahmed, Al-Sudani also stressed “the importance of holding elections under a political consensus, the participation of all community components from the Iraqi spectrum in the region, and ensuring the achievement of the principle of justice and equality in the implementation of this entitlement.”واشنطن-تعلن-موقفها-من-احتمالية-تأجيل-انتخابات-برلمان-كردستان