Friday, June 21, 2024



 $4.9 billion for a pipeline in the budget...Didn't you say it was 6.5 billion dinars

 'Yeah.'  And you're saying it equals $4.9 billion? 'Yeah.'...

They told the world...6.5 billion IQDs is equivalent to $4.9 billion...6.5 divided by 4.9 it comes out to 1.32 or $0.76...You don't have to think anymore after this...That's billions to billions not trillions to millions.  That's a rate change...You're telling the world this.


[Iraqi bank friend]

 Aki in Dearborn...he's got one [new ATM machine like the ones delivered in Iraq].

They put these ATM machines out in order to put out the lower notes...These ATM machines will teach the citizens about the lower denoms and it will teach the bank employees about this as well too...There's going to be a stampede of people that will be rushing into the Iraqi dinars...These ATM machines are now being impregnated...

When they load or if they have loaded them up [new ATMs], the note count has already been determined.  The note count for each individual machine has already been accounted for...

These machines will be the state of the art...State of the art has nothing to do with a program rate.  If it was they would have had the state-or-the-art with the program rate for the last 20 years...The CBI is desperately trying to put out the least amount of currency at the onset before they release the new exchange rate.  Because once they do this, if needed, they will be able to add to this note count as the value is needed.

These ATM machines have the capability to recognize the lower denoms that are soon to be passed out to the citizens in order to add value to their currency and to go hand in hand with a new exchange rate of the lower notes...These ATM machines have the software for the lower notes.  

But does it have the lower notes in these ATM machines

 It is unknown...Since April there have been thousands of these ATMs being put out...FOR READ MORE:

Iraqi dinar | CBI Reforms for New Exchange Rates | Iraqi Dinar News Toda...

Baghdad Council demands Sweeg monitoring, continuous commissions even if the card is not used, 21 JUNE

Baghdad Council demands Sweeg monitoring, continuous commissions even if the card is not used

An individual from the Baghdad Common Committee, Ahmed Mohsen, pushed today, Thursday, the requirement for the National Bank to circle back to crafted by the “Drink” organization for electronic installment cards, with expanding protests about the presence of huge commissions deducted by the organization, as well as the distinction in the dollar swapping scale while moving.

Mohsen stated in an interview with Al-Sumaria TV that in addition to the commission rate, which is regarded as extremely high and does not match the service it provides, one of Sweij’s most prominent issues is the subpar service.

They explained that the Central Bank has the legal authority to set the transfer commission rate, which means that there is an assumption of mutual benefit between the company and the agencies responsible for monitoring it, and the common citizen pays for it. As for the difference in dollar exchange and the transfer cost caused by commissions, they explained that this issue is resolved by the Central Bank.

He emphasized that Sweeg Company must be monitored by the Central Bank and that the percentage of transfer operations must be proportional to the amount being transferred because it is impossible to take a commission percentage from citizens at levels comparable to investment companies.

The company-related data revealed baffling figures for the commissions and fees it deducts. For instance, just for filling out a card, the company takes a minimum of 1,500 dinars, or 1.5%, or 15,000 dinars, out of every million. It additionally deducts 1,000 dinars just for inquisitive about the card balance at the ATM. Automatically, in addition to deducting a thousand dinars as a “card management” commission only in the event that the citizen does not use the card for thirty days.


 Nader From The Mid East

  I know they working on the exchange rate from here to the 8th of July.  We will have some  good news I hope.  


Article:   "Iraq Bulks Up Gold Reserves, Inch Up World  Rankings"  Quote:  "Their holdings have grown to 145.7 tons, a bump of over 3 tons compared to 142.6 tons the previous month.  This enough to nudge Iraq one spot higher in the WGC's global ranking, landing them 31st place out of 100 countries."

Last week...I said Iraq government start a new white paper, it's all about the currency.  From here to the 8th of July we should have an answer.  What they going to do - Are they going to change the exchange rate or not?  That's what I said exactly.  They're working on it.  I know they created a white paper on that.   The CBI... government of Iraq, the reserve and the IMF are all working on the same page on those white papers.   I don't know if it's going to change or not...


The UN agreement, 2003 when they invaded the country, now they said the last day is next year 2025.  They been talking about the end of the war and this is one of them.  That is very good news. 

 We talk about sovereignty, that's one of them.  It's good for Iraq.  It's going to make Iraq stronger and happier...Sudani what he's talking about the coalition gonna leave in's official.


'Nader you said it was going to happen in June.'  No I didn't say in June happen. 

 I said June they're a possibility for them to work on the dinar because each time they worked on him it's between June and August...They created a new white paper.  They're going to start working on the exchange rate and I think from here to the 8th of July.  We'll see what's going to happen.

Iraq wanted to de-dollarize.  They start de-dollarizing in January but it didn't work for them too much. 

 The government didn't expect that to happen even by telling them that the dinar are stronger...use the dinar instead of the dollar for the benefits of the country.  They tried everything.  Now, they said that plan didn't work so they come out to the new white paper...They realized they cannot do nothing without changing the exchange rate.

They're going to have to go down in the exchange rate for the de-dollarization...They're going to have to change their exchange rate...Between now and 8th of July we should have an answer...

 what they going to do?  Are they going to change the exchange rate...keep it the same...go up...go down

 I think they're going to have to go down on the exchange rate a lot for them to take off the dollar from the street.

‘The End Of Fiat Currencies As We Know It’ | Gary Wagner

Al-Moussawi: Election of a new speaker of parliament will accelerate the legislation of the oil and gas law, 21 JUNE

Al-Moussawi: Election of a new speaker of parliament will accelerate the legislation of the oil and gas law

Individual from the Parliamentary Oil Council, Zainab Al-Moussawi, declared the appointment of another Speaker of Parliament who will assist the regulation of the oil and gas regulation.

Al-Moussawi stated, ” Up to this point, there are no signs from the Sunni coalitions to settle on a contender for the administration of the Iraqi parliament, because of the {Sunni-Sunni} contrasts and the parts that happened inside the Taqadum Party headed by Muhammad al-Halbousi.”

She brought up that “in case of a Sunni understanding, the vote will happen following the finish of the regulative term occasion, as the Shiite and Sunni political coalitions are prepared to cast a ballot.”

“The vote of members of Parliament on choosing a new candidate for the presidency of the Council will accelerate the approval of the suspended laws, including the oil and gas law, as the law within the committee is largely mature,” Al-Moussawi confirmed.

List of events for late May – June Current BY MNT GOAT, 21 JUNE

List of events for late May – June Current:

  • The international group Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, lifts Iraq from ‘bad’ or “grey” financial listCan you remember the days when Iraq was on the black list? Then we all cheered when they moved to the grey list. Now they move off the grey list. This alone is need for a celebration. Get it?
  • Ending the power of America and its manipulation of the Iraqi economy is a priority to discuss,” adding that “this move will end the pressures exerted by Washington in many files.”  Mnt Goat: The biggest pressure to be solved is with the $120 billion dollar DFI fund. Sanctions are over and Iraq wants total control over its own wealth. 
  • Decided to “permanently” end UNAMI’s mandate totally by the of  31 December 2025 in Iraq.  Mnt Goat: I honestly don’t know if many of you know what this means. Iraq has been out of sanctions Chapter 7 for more than a year and a half already. Why have they not ended this UNAMI mission before now? So, this is great news! 
  • The government of Iraq sees clear indicators: the parallel dollar will be equal to the official one soon. Mnt Goat: I do not think it is equal as of yet, but the CBI did tell us it is finally under control.
  • There is a decrease in demand in the parallel market for the dollar, and this has had a positive and direct impact on the stability of the exchange rate. Mnt Goat: So yes, we do see the direct impact on the RV with the parallel market being stable. Per my CBI contact.
  • Al-Rafidain Bank, one of Iraq’s main national banks announced: the plan for digital transformation and adoption of the comprehensive banking system is proceeding according to the set timings. Other banks will soon follow. Mnt Goat: And they are following with more as the weeks roll on. We had articles telling of more progress in this item. See another bullet down below on the ATMs. 
  • “If we assume that the central bank issues a new currency (like the newer lower denominations), this will not affect the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.” Mnt Goat:Click here for a further explanation of this statement.
  • Economist: the budget is not affected by dollar exchange rates and explains the reason. (I told you so!  Mnt Goat: There is no new RV rate in the budget. It is based on the price of a barrel of oil not the rate of the dinar. Per my CBI contact.
  • Returning the banking sector as much as possible to open more horizons for working with correspondent banks. Mnt Goat: Opps there’s the Pillars of Financial Reforms again….
  • Farhan Al-Fartousi, stressed the importance of the Al-Faw Grand Port project, indicating that it is a starting point for the “Development Road” project and that it enjoys the support of all parties in the country. Mnt Goat: Get’r done! 
  • The Central Bank of Iraq is working according to well-studied plans, and there is no intention to issue new currencies in large or small denominations. that the issuance of new cash denominations, large or small, will not affect the dinar exchange rate.This is just as Mnt Goat has told you many times already. More proof! Per my CBI contact.
  •  This significant increase in deposits clearly reflects the effective role played by the company in stimulating the culture of savings and encouraging citizens to deposit their money in banks instead of keeping it at home. Mnt Goat: Yes, the CBI told us they must shrink the monetary mass by more than 1/3 to move to the next revaluation and so they must get this money outside of the banking system into the banks and out of circulation.  Per my CBI contact.
  •  The Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company plays an important role in supporting this trend, as it is a pillar of financial stability, Financial technology has demonstrated its ability to enhance financial inclusion in Iraq. Mnt Goat: Pillars of Financial Reform? Sound familiar?
  • “In line with the state’s general policy of supporting the Iraqi and foreign banking sector and foreign investments in Iraq, the Council decided to support the independence of the Central Bank of Iraq in formulating monetary policy in accordance with its applicable laws and instructions.” Mnt Goat: More proof Al-Sudani’s GOI and the CBI are working hand-in-hand to support the monetary reform policies. They both want to bring back the IQD to its former glory. They must be joined together in this effort and support each other to get’r done. 
  • maximizes Iraq’s oil resources, in light of the goal of converting at least 40% of Iraq’s oil exports into derivatives and refining products, in addition to gas investment. Mnt Goat: Yes, yet more revenue streams… Just how filthy rich is Iraq? 40% WOW! But we all know it is just a matter of time before oil use declines as newer sources of energy are on the horizon and coming soon. Iraq knows it too. 
  • the reason why citizens resort to buying gold bullion to save their money is as a result of the weakness of the banking system. Mnt Goat: The real reason is the CBI is backing the new dinar with GOLD. Per my CBI contact.
  • the Iraqi Securities Commission announced the signing of an environmental, social and corporate governance guide agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), affiliated with the World Bank  Mnt Goat: Here we go again those Pillars of Financial Reform …. 
  • The economic and financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, proposed an “unusual” idea to establish a sovereign wealth fundMnt Goat: This suggestion is more than a suggestion or hypothetical. They are doing it! The fund or series of funds is to properly invest the DFI fund money out of the US banks and US Treasury control into the direct control of Iraq of almost $120 billion US dollars and leverage the earnings to help subsidize the annual budgets. Right now, it sits in an escrow account earning nothing. Imagine that! Per my CBI contact.
  • Iraq: current year 2024 allocated an amount of up to 4.9 billion dollars to establish a pipeline extending from Basra in the far south of Iraq on the waters of the Gulf, to the city of HadithaThe project will change the map of the oil industry and production in the region and give Iraq a great advantage over other oil neighbors.” Mnt Goat: Yes, they need to bring to market the increase in oil production due to the all the new wells they are drilling. Yet, more revenue streams for Iraq. How do they plan to fund such a large project. Do they need a change in the IQD rate? is this what we are waiting for so they can publish the budget in the Gazette? 
  • the Ministry of Oil clarified the details of the memorandum of understanding signed with the American company Honeywell to develop 7 new refineries. Mnt Goat: Yes, to diversify their oil product to produce gasolene and diesel fuels and other petro products. More revenue streams… WOW! WOW! WOW!
  • Deploying ATMs throughout Iraq. Al-Rafidain Bank has begun deploying ATM machines in its main branches. Eight banks have so far taken part in the project,including BBAC, Cihan, RT Bank, Bank of Baghdad, Iraqi Islamic Bank, National Bank of Iraq, Trade Bank of Iraq, and the International Development Bank. Mnt Goat:Electronic banking is all part of the prerequisite for the Project to Delete the Zeros.They have NOT yet changed over to the newer lower denominations in them. Per my CBI contact.
  • The MyAccount project is the KRG’s financial inclusion program which aims to “provide public sector beneficiaries with a safe and convenient way to access their salaries.  Mnt Goat: This goes hand in hand with the electronic banking reforms that must be successful prior to the Proeject to Delete the Zeros. Per my CBI contact.

Please just be patient! I included already much more detail of these items in my Newsletters on each of these subject areas with the full articles. Can you see why each of them could be a “WOW!” news item in itself. So, relax the RV is coming! 😊

Next, I have some new news in today’s June 20th Newsletter, to yet publish, from my CBI contact. I had an interesting conversation in my call yesterday. You don’t want to miss this newsletter.


 REINALDO JC Iraq Dinar It’s a done deal!!! They have the Rate!!! Military got paid!!! Like I’ve mentioned previously, We’re just waiti...