Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 Tues. 4 June 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • Tomorrow Wed. 5 June the new currency rates should be fixed.
  • Bruce’s Source in Iraq spoke with PM Sidani – he said rates on Dinar were handed over to the official record and would show up Wed. 5 June as a fixed rate.
  • On Wed. 5 June the Iraqi Gazette should publish the new Iraqi Dinar Rate and we could begin our exchanges – likely on Thurs. 6 June.





Two more pieces of information - It's that we have not 1 guy has a gentleman moving into a position of authority who said that the numbers must come out to us today or tomorrow at a very high level of authority - Bruce has to often say morph things but know that It has been said that it is very important.

And also starting tomorrow 31st at Midnight Mar-A-Largo will fall into the no-fly zone so think about what this means - WHY? We have three or four confirmations that NO - it's a trusted source Yes - we just line up all these things - and see all the pieces falling into place like a 

part of the plan that our Father has for us - and now Sue is putting this into her own words and finally -

The most significant piece about what could be happening is what is happening and the information with the numbers coming out on June 1st is just around the corner - so we could be starting June 1st and someone is very excited. and saying that everything is incredibly calm - so let your inner heart - what is it like when EVERYTHING IS DONE - is calm -

Sue thinks we are in a place that is ready and especially about Mar-A-Largo - keep an eye on your email and keep checking it - this is information and intelligence psychology like learning how to play this game and everyone has to be a victor because you played this Game for God.

Keep your focus on your day to day life while also focusing on what you are creating for your projects which is your hope for the future. And that's the information for tonight - and now Sue is thanking the entire team and also again praying for the call and, of course, asking for healing prayers for Bruce.

So I'm going to ask you to join in praying for the call and keep your own very special and powerful prayers said with sincere intention until we see those notifications in our emails - thank you and love to all of you Gema.



Dos información más - Es que tenemos no 1 tipo tiene un caballero moviéndose a una posición de autoridad que dijo que los números deben salir a nosotros hoy o mañana en un nivel muy alto de autoridad - Bruce tiene que decir a menudo cosas morph pero saber que se haya dicho eso es muy importante.
Y también a partir del 31 de mañana a Medianoche Mar-A-Largo caerá en la zona de no vuelo así que piensa en lo que esto significa - ¿POR QUÉ? Tenemos tres o cuatro confirmaciones de que NO - es una fuente de confianza Sí - simplemente alineamos todas estas cosas - y ver todas las piezas cayendo en su lugar como una
parte del plan que nuestro Padre tiene para nosotros - y Ahora Sue está poniendo esto en sus propias palabras y finalmente -
la pieza más significativa sobre lo que podría estar sucediendo es lo que si está pasando y la información con los números que salen el 1 de junio está a la vuelta de la esquina - así que podríamos estar empezando el 1 de junio y alguien está muy emocionado y diciendo que todo es increíblemente tranquilo - así que deja que tu corazón interior- ¿cómo es cuando TODO ESTÁ HECHO - está tranquilo -
Sue piensa que estamos en un lugar que está listo y especialmente sobre Mar-A-Largo - mantén un ojo en tu correo electrónico y sigue comprobándolo - esto es información y psicología de inteligencia como aprender a jugar este juego y todo el mundo tiene que ser un victor porque jugaste esto Juego para Dios.
Mantén tu enfoque en tu día a día mientras también te centras en lo que estás creando para tus proyectos que es tu esperanza para el futuro. Y esa es la información para esta noche - y ahora Sue está agradeciendo a todo el equipo y también otra vez rezando por la llamada y, por supuesto, pidiendo oraciones de curación para Bruce.
Así que voy a pedirles que se unan a orar por la llamada y mantengan sus propias oraciones muy especiales y poderosas que se digan con intención sincera hasta que veamos esas notificaciones en nuestros correos electrónicos - gracias y amor a todos ustedes Gema.

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Iraq Supports Biden's Initiative to Cease Fighting in Gaza, 5 JUNE

Iraq Supports Biden's Initiative to Cease Fighting in Gaza

ERBIL — The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has issued a statement backing US President Joe Biden's initiative to halt the fighting in Gaza.

The ministry expressed the Iraqi federal government's support for the joint ceasefire initiative led by Biden, along with the governments of Qatar, Egypt, and several other Arab nations. The statement urged Hamas to respond positively to the initiative to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza.

"We call on the international community to fulfill its duty to stop violations of international law and protect human rights," the Iraqi Foreign Ministry stated.

The ministry also expressed hope that the Israeli army would withdraw from the Gaza Strip, enabling life and prosperity to return to the area. Furthermore, it affirmed the Iraqi federal government's readiness to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza's residents.

The United States, Egypt, and Qatar have jointly urged Hamas and Israel to adhere to Biden's May 31, 2024, initiative, as reported by the U.S. State Department. The initiative aims to address the demands of all parties involved, provide immediate assistance to the people of Gaza, and work towards the release of hostages and their reunion with families. It also outlines a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the conflict.

The conflict between Palestine and Israel escalated in October of the previous year after an unexpected attack on Israel by Hamas forces. Following the escalation, Baghdad called on the Arab League to hold an emergency meeting to address the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The federal government has previously dispatched several shipments of humanitarian aid to assist those trapped in Gaza.

Zimbabwe’s New Gold-Backed ZiG Currency: A Record Financial Turnaround BY AWAKE IN 3D, 5 JUNE

Zimbabwe’s New Gold-Backed ZiG Currency: A Record Financial Turnaround

Rapid improvement in Zimbabwe’s currency stability thanks to the new gold-backed ZiG currency.

In This Article

  1. The Troubled History of Zimbabwe’s Currency
  2. Introduction of the Gold-Backed ZiG Currency
  3. How the ZiG Currency Stabilized the Economy
  4. Future Prospects for Zimbabwe’s Financial Stability

Zimbabwe has faced one of the most turbulent currency crises in history.

The introduction of the ZiG currency, backed by gold, has brought a surprising and rapid turnaround, stabilizing the economy and reducing inflation.

The Troubled History of Zimbabwe’s Currency

Zimbabwe’s currency woes began in the early 1980s.

The Zimbabwe dollar replaced the Rhodesian dollar but started losing value significantly in the 1990s. By 2006, hyperinflation forced the government to redenominate the currency at an exchange rate of 1,000 to one.

The situation worsened in 2008 when the currency was redenominated again at 10 billion to one. By 2015, a U.S. dollar equaled 35 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars.

In 2016, bond notes backed by U.S. dollars were introduced but failed to stabilize the currency due to excessive printing. Inflation soared, and foreign currencies became the main medium for transactions.

Introduction of the Gold-Backed ZiG Currency

In a bold move, Zimbabwe introduced the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency, converting domestic dollar balances into ZiG balances.

This currency is backed by significant gold reserves, a shift from highly inflated fiat money to a more stable, specie-backed currency. The central bank recalibrated the main interest rate to 20%, down from 130%.

Central Bank Governor John Mushayavanhu highlighted the reserves, including 1.1 tons of gold stored domestically and another 1.5 tons abroad. This reserve-backed approach aimed to restore confidence in the local currency.

How the ZiG Currency Stabilized the Economy

The immediate impact of the ZiG currency was significant. Consumer prices dropped by 2.4% in May, a month after the ZiG was introduced.

This deflation marked a stark contrast to the hyperinflation that had plagued Zimbabwe for years. The ZiG currency appreciated by 1.9% against the U.S. dollar within a month of its launch, reflecting newfound stability.

The ZiG currency was issued in various denominations, ensuring ease of use in daily transactions. By converting old currency to ZiG, the government aimed to curtail inflation and stabilize the economy. The introduction of ZiG coins helped address the shortage of small change in the market.

Future Prospects for Zimbabwe’s Financial Stability

The introduction of the ZiG currency has set Zimbabwe on a path to financial stability.

With inflation rates expected to stabilize between 2% and 5% by year-end, the economic outlook is promising. This turnaround is attributed to the disciplined approach of backing the currency with tangible assets like gold.

Economists emphasize the need for continued discipline and prudent financial management to sustain this positive trend. The gold-backed ZiG currency serves as a foundation for rebuilding trust in Zimbabwe’s monetary system.

Budget's Approval Might Get Overturned!

Iraqi Parliament Passes the 2024 Budget Bill, 5 JUNE

Iraqi Parliament Passes the 2024 Budget Bill

ERBIL — The Iraqi Council of Representatives approved the 2024 budget bill on Monday through a majority vote.

A statement from the Iraqi parliament's press office confirmed that the legislative body voted on various schedules (A/B/C/D/H/W) within the federal budget law for 2024 before adjourning the session.

The session witnessed the participation of 199 lawmakers, who cast their votes on the aforementioned schedules before concluding the meeting.

The Finance Committee of the parliament subsequently released details regarding the schedules (A/B/C/D/H/W) of the general budget law:

- Table A: Focuses on revenue, outlining the expected income.
- Table B: Addresses expenditures by ministry, allocating funds for various government departments and agencies.
- Table C: Deals with the workforce of centrally funded ministries and offices, specifying staffing and payroll details.
- Table D: Allocates expenses for the governor's office and related expenditures.
- Table E: Contains the main accounts (departments) involved in budget allocations.
- Table W: Details expenditures by sector and activity, providing insights into budgetary allocations across different areas.

Iraq's 2024 budget amounts to more than 211 trillion dinars, marking a notable increase of approximately 12 trillion dinars compared to the previous year. Notably, 20.9 trillion dinars of this budget are earmarked for the Kurdistan Region, with a significant portion of 9 trillion and 55 billion dinars designated for salaries.

The passage of the 2024 budget bill is a crucial step forward in Iraq's financial planning and governance, facilitating the allocation of resources for various sectors and ensuring continued economic stability and development across the country.