Thursday, June 13, 2024

NADER FROM MID EAST: More News from Iraq & Future plans (Changes to the channel, more info ab...

Terrorism No Longer a Threat: Iraqi PM, 13 JUNE

Terrorism No Longer a Threat: Iraqi PM

ERBIL — Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al-Sudani affirmed that the remnants of terrorism no longer pose a threat to the existence of the country, praising the unified stance demonstrated by the Iraqis rallying around their armed forces to eliminate the danger of Islamic State militants.

In a published statement regarding the tenth anniversary of IS attacks on Mosul and parts of central and northern Iraq, the Iraqi PM said that ten years ago, under ambiguous circumstances and with support from the forces of evil and hatred in the world, IS committed their crime and aggression against the Iraqi people in Mosul.

“They terrorized its inhabitants with a barbaric attack fueled by vile objectives, delusions, and enmity towards every bright step the Iraqi people achieved following the fall of the dictatorship,” PM Al-Sudani stated.

“We emerged from this experience stronger and more determined to continue rebuilding, developing, and advancing Iraq, and to nurture generations that bear responsibility and look to a promising future,” added the Iraqi PM.

Furthermore, he notes that they will continue to take every step to ensure the stabilization of the country and protection from extremists.

“The remnants of terrorism no longer pose a threat to the existence of the Iraqi state. Today, our people enjoy security and stability as a result of the sacrifices of our righteous martyrs, enabling us to continue working diligently with high determination to achieve an economic and humanitarian revival in a free and dignified Iraq,” concluded the Iraqi Premier.

On June 10th, 2014, the city of Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, fell to IS militants, with reports indicating more than 6,000 people killed and an estimated 500,000 civilians fled from the city.



Well several calls and unfortunately nothing new to report, we are all awaiting the GO trigger.



A practicing doctor who is a citizen of Iraq living in Texas, a former client of mine has agreed to contact family members in country tonight to determine what the current in country rate of the IQD is today,  It is almost 0530 in the morning and he asked if I could await his reply until it is closer to 0800 Iraq time.  I will report once he calls me back.

Have received a number of projected exchange rates on Zim IQD and Dong but have been asked not to share but I believe we will be agreeable should these rates be actual .


Well folks banker feels very positive about what he hopes is confirmed in the morning when he calls me.  Will report afterwards either way.


It was exoressed that several bond holder paymasters had been called to Reno however there is no confirmation of this thus far.  Will open for a short time should anyone have some additional info.----



Texas Snake, [06/03/2024, 10:32:59 p. m.]:

Well it's about 0530 AM in country and the info I am receiving is that the new rates will appear either when the banks open today or they will wait for the FOREX opening on Wednesday to be able to publish the new rate in the Gazette Paper.  Wish I had better intel but most of the UK is asleep now.

Not much reason to open as this is all I have at this time...


Well folks the information I have rec'ed today indicates a number of the large bondholder paymasters have been invited to Reno to begin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window. 

We are then scheduled to begin receiving notification to begin scheduling appointments. 

I have this info from 3 sources and am waiting confirmation from the banker, hopefully tonight or early AM.  Will open for a short time so any members who have any news can share. 

 Thanks for all the members joining us and GOD Bless.


IQD Update-Iraqi Dinar-2024 Budget Gazzette-Dollar Decline-WTO Working G...


Iraq Remains Among Least Stable Countries, 13 JUNE

 ERBIL — Iraq remains near the bottom of the global list of countries ranked by peace and stability, according to the latest report from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).

Although Iraq has climbed two places from last year, it still ranks 151st out of 163 countries in the 2024 Global Peace Index.

In 2023, Iraq was positioned at 153rd place, reflecting a marginal improvement in its stability and peace metrics. The IEP report noted a slight reduction in Iraq's points for hostilities, militarism, and tensions, which decreased from 3.057 to 3.045.

While Iraq showed minimal progress, other countries experienced more significant changes. The UAE notably rose 31 places, making it one of the most improved nations in the index. El Salvador and Kazakhstan also saw substantial improvements, rising by 21 and 19 places, respectively.

Conversely, Israel fell 11 places in the rankings, Sierra Leone dropped by 23 points, and Ecuador declined by 19 points.

The IEP's assessment also extends to global terrorism impacts, where Iraq remains heavily affected. The 2024 Global Terrorism Index, released on April 30, places Iraq 11th among the countries most afflicted by terrorism.

This ranking is based on the number of terrorist incidents, casualties, injuries, and hostage situations. Iraq's terrorism score stands at 7.07 out of 10, compared to Burkina Faso, which tops the list with a score of 8.5. These rankings highlight the ongoing challenges Iraq faces in achieving stability and peace, despite some reductions in conflict and tension indicators.



  Helpful data points shared in GLL Chat - useful reminders from Liberty Loungers Extraordinaire: ✅⬇️💖 4.23.24

💢 Gezelle: I also remember seeing that Sudani gave the rate to the CBI and they have 72 hours to make it public,  which would be tomorrow. Unless I misunderstood... 🤔 

💢Teddie Bear: Yes, Texas Snake said this … hoping it’s true 🙏

💢 Helicopter Lady: Good eye. 

They have 3 steps: 


·Sudani to CBI.

·Then CBI to IMF.

·Then IMF to FOREX. 

·Then Forex has 72 hours to publish. 

All this could have happened in 10 minutes if they were all on a conference call together. So maybe it is all done and dusted?


 Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire, offers a valuable update. 5.21.24 

💢 Birdie: Well, things are happening in Iraq that they are not letting us in on; and the Iranian thing was needed.

Iranian leaders were not for the RV, they love the almighty US dollar and tried to steal it from Iraq every chance they got. The death of the leader of Iran will make things go faster and, in my opinion, it was planned for that purpose, it was no accident. But saying all that, they are moving forward using the budget in Iraq so it is only a matter of time before we hear the rate change which is included in that budget. The other issue has been they are trying to keep it from Parliament as long as they can so therefore we do not hear it because of that.

Parliament still has some people who would love to foil this RV as well, but Sudani is smart and will do it at the best time possible for it to be successful for all. The citizens are being told more things than we are hearing in articles etc... It cannot be that much longer now.

SANDY INGRAM: Iraq URGENT MESSAGE IQD Currency Information #iraqidinar
