Friday, May 31, 2024

Adopting international standards brings Iraq closer to the International Labor Organization, 31 MAY

 Adopting international standards brings Iraq closer to the International Labor Organization

Consensus on the importance of strengthening the work sectors in the public and private sectors, and in the financial sector in particular, by adopting governance, risk management and compliance procedures and their role in evaluating performance to achieve goals and avoid economic diseases of all kinds, and to bring Iraq closer to the international labor system.

Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh said during the Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Forum organized by the House of Wisdom for Training and Consulting: The importance of the forum stems from focusing on three axes that are extremely important for evaluating performance within institutions, whether public or private, pointing out that governance does not allow deviation from compliance rules. The basic principles are that creating performance paths that serve the country requires commitment to these important and internationally recognized standards.

Saleh stressed that adherence to established policies is extremely important in the internal auditing process and is no less important than high disclosure and transparency, pointing out the importance of there being true integration in building human capabilities through solid training and education curricula that create competencies that rise to world-class performance.

The speech of the Acting Chairman of the Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, which was read out, confirmed that the issue of governance in public and private institutions receives international, regional and local attention as a result of the expansion of the size of institutions, due to the technological development witnessed by the world and the challenges that have been created that require a new business philosophy.

He pointed out that the GRS system is of great importance, especially in the banking sector, as well as for adopting a huge amount of data in public and private institutions via the Internet, and to achieve the goals of this system, we find that it turns data into smart data of value for institutions.

As for the authorized director of the House of Wisdom for Training and Consultations, Hisham Khaled Abbas, he stated that the forum represents a new approach that expands the importance of this concept, and that the role of governance is to promote effective management that achieves results that enhance the reality of the institution, succeeds in achieving goals, and touches on the broader results and objectives of the national economy seeking to evaluate performance and advance the economy. in general.

He stated that keeping pace with global developments is extremely important and brings us close to the international labor system and enhances confidence in the Iraqi labor market, which is looking for an international presence to complete many works, especially in the investment field in various sectors without exception, at a time when we find many major and specialized international companies looking to... Iraq is of particular importance and the business environment is studied very carefully.

Abbas pointed out that governance, compliance, and risk management are important axes that keep us close to important international and regional economies.  link



Everything on the new QFS either relates to gold, or it is backed by a precious metal. 

These new digital standard protocols will be the mechanism by which money is moved going forward. 

The future of money is in gold. Everything the world touches going forward will be because of a metal asset that enables it to do so. 

© Goldilocks



Professor Frank Gunter publishes a new paper commissioned as part of a series by IBBC's advisory council on the challenges of de-dollarisation for Iraq.

The Advisory Council members and IBBC members have actively contributed to the paper in the past 4 months. It will be presented online on the 18th June in a webinar and in person at the Spring Conference on 2nd July."

Professor Gunter shows an analysis on the drivers inside the market that impact the Iraqi Dinar exchange rate and how to close the gap between the Parallel Market and Official Rate of the Iraqi Dinar.

The Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC) has been working closely with Iraq to help assess and meet the needs of the Iraqi private sector. These assessments inside this research paper will go a long way towards the implementation of meeting the needs of Iraq's private citizens through a determination of an exchange rate that can do so. 

Practical policy initiatives are mentioned in this paper to carry forward new monetary policies. They are not calling this project a white paper, but it sure does have all the hallmarks of one. 

These new measures are inclusive of budgetary needs for the Iraqi people. One of the items on the CBI website presented today are instructions on home loans. A mortgage is calculated with the inclusivity of an exchange rate to support it. 

It is clear that the Iraqi Dinar is moving towards a credit valuation adjustment that can support the needs of their people and Government. 

© Goldilocks,solution%20on%20a%20particular%20issue.

90% Iraq's Transaction in Dinar!🚩Dollar is Declining!🤔 Dinar RV Updates ...

Abu Saeeda: American forces will not withdraw from Iraq, and the nature of their presence will be changed, 31 MAY

   Abu Saeeda: American forces will not withdraw from Iraq, and the nature of their presence will be changed

Information / Baghdad...

The head of the movement and the presence of Mohammed Sharif Abu Saida, ruled out the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, expecting to change the status of their presence.

Abu Saida told Al-Maalouma that "America controls 3 of the largest military bases in the region, Ain al-Assad, Harir and Victoria inside Iraq and al-Tanf near the Iraqi-Syrian border."

He added that "the extension of the state of emergency in Iraq by US President Joe Biden is an explicit confirmation of the continued presence of his military forces in Iraqi territory," pointing out that "the visit of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani to Washington last month did not discuss the file of withdrawal of US forces from Iraq."

"Anyone who talks about a systematic withdrawal of US forces from Iraq is delusional, as what will happen is to change the status of these forces from a combat soldier to an advisor," he said. 






Two more pieces of information - It's that we have not 1 guy has a gentleman moving into a position of authority who said that the numbers must come out to us today or tomorrow at a very high level of authority - Bruce has to often say morph things but know that It has been said that it is very important.

And also starting tomorrow 31st at Midnight Mar-A-Largo will fall into the no-fly zone so think about what this means - WHY? We have three or four confirmations that NO - it's a trusted source Yes - we just line up all these things - and see all the pieces falling into place like a 

part of the plan that our Father has for us - and now Sue is putting this into her own words and finally -

The most significant piece about what could be happening is what is happening and the information with the numbers coming out on June 1st is just around the corner - so we could be starting June 1st and someone is very excited. and saying that everything is incredibly calm - so let your inner heart - what is it like when EVERYTHING IS DONE - is calm -

Sue thinks we are in a place that is ready and especially about Mar-A-Largo - keep an eye on your email and keep checking it - this is information and intelligence psychology like learning how to play this game and everyone has to be a victor because you played this Game for God.

Keep your focus on your day to day life while also focusing on what you are creating for your projects which is your hope for the future. And that's the information for tonight - and now Sue is thanking the entire team and also again praying for the call and, of course, asking for healing prayers for Bruce.

So I'm going to ask you to join in praying for the call and keep your own very special and powerful prayers said with sincere intention until we see those notifications in our emails - thank you and love to all of you Gema.



Dos información más - Es que tenemos no 1 tipo tiene un caballero moviéndose a una posición de autoridad que dijo que los números deben salir a nosotros hoy o mañana en un nivel muy alto de autoridad - Bruce tiene que decir a menudo cosas morph pero saber que se haya dicho eso es muy importante.
Y también a partir del 31 de mañana a Medianoche Mar-A-Largo caerá en la zona de no vuelo así que piensa en lo que esto significa - ¿POR QUÉ? Tenemos tres o cuatro confirmaciones de que NO - es una fuente de confianza Sí - simplemente alineamos todas estas cosas - y ver todas las piezas cayendo en su lugar como una
parte del plan que nuestro Padre tiene para nosotros - y Ahora Sue está poniendo esto en sus propias palabras y finalmente -
la pieza más significativa sobre lo que podría estar sucediendo es lo que si está pasando y la información con los números que salen el 1 de junio está a la vuelta de la esquina - así que podríamos estar empezando el 1 de junio y alguien está muy emocionado y diciendo que todo es increíblemente tranquilo - así que deja que tu corazón interior- ¿cómo es cuando TODO ESTÁ HECHO - está tranquilo -
Sue piensa que estamos en un lugar que está listo y especialmente sobre Mar-A-Largo - mantén un ojo en tu correo electrónico y sigue comprobándolo - esto es información y psicología de inteligencia como aprender a jugar este juego y todo el mundo tiene que ser un victor porque jugaste esto Juego para Dios.
Mantén tu enfoque en tu día a día mientras también te centras en lo que estás creando para tus proyectos que es tu esperanza para el futuro. Y esa es la información para esta noche - y ahora Sue está agradeciendo a todo el equipo y también otra vez rezando por la llamada y, por supuesto, pidiendo oraciones de curación para Bruce.
Así que voy a pedirles que se unan a orar por la llamada y mantengan sus propias oraciones muy especiales y poderosas que se digan con intención sincera hasta que veamos esas notificaciones en nuestros correos electrónicos - gracias y amor a todos ustedes Gema.

The IBBC report EVERYTHING you need to know about Iraq and dinar PIMPY

A parliamentary committee determines the main reason for not approving the oil and gas law.. What is Kurdistan’s relationship?, 31 MAY

  A parliamentary committee determines the main reason for not approving the oil and gas law.. What is Kurdistan’s relationship?

 The Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee confirmed that there were legal violations committed by the Kurdistan region that prevented the approval of the Oil and Gas Law.

Committee member MP Kazem Al-Touki said, in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, that “the oil and gas law does not suffer from technical obstacles, but the main obstacle to its approval in the House of Representatives is the Kurdistan region.

He added, "The region has problems regarding some points related to the rate of deduction of amounts for each barrel of oil produced in Kurdistan, in addition to the fact that the regional government has had contracts since the 1990s with companies to extract oil in violation of the law."

He stated that "the region violated the laws by contracting with companies to extract oil at high costs, unlike what is happening in other governorates, and these companies should be reconsidered in terms of contracts and financial costs for extracting oil." link


 MAJEED KSA No holiday ever stopped Iraq from selling dollars in the auction Now they are demanding the CBI to open $ auction … but I beli...