Monday, June 17, 2024

Al-Sudani confirms the progress of the fight against corruption “in every corner where it hides", 17 JUNE

 Al-Sudani confirms the progress of the fight against corruption “in every corner where it hides"


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed the progress of the fight against corruption “in every corner where it hides.”

Al-Sudani said in a statement, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received on the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Adha, “I extend my best congratulations and blessings to our honorable Iraqi people on the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Adha, coupled with my sincere prayers to the Creator, the Almighty, to repeat this occasion for our people in all parts of Mesopotamia.”

And the peoples of the Arab and Islamic worlds, with more abundance of goodness and the blessing of security and stability, and to bestow His victory and mercy upon our patient people in Gaza, and to repel aggression from them.”

He added, "I turn to the Almighty to accept the good deeds of those who performed Hajj to His Sacred House, and to return our Iraqi pilgrims safely, winning God’s forgiveness and satisfaction, and enjoying His abundant mercy. He is the best Lord and Helper."

On this occasion, Al-Sudani renewed “the bond of responsibility and covenant, with our people of all categories and sects, to continue work and diligence, and to exert efforts and energies, to achieve all the components of our government program, which is a realistic extrapolation of the demands and ambitions of our people, and an actual and field response to confront all the challenges and difficulties that stand in their way.” ".

He continued, "Just as we affirm the continuation of our responsibilities towards the sovereignty of Iraq, extending the hand of the law, liberating and developing the economy, bringing about progress and development, creating creative opportunities, and combating all social ills and corruption in every corner where it hides, Eid Mubarak and acceptable work, and may the Iraqis’ days last in joy and happiness. “Iraq will remain proud and strong under the shadow of its honorable sons and family.”  LINK

"EU Basel 3 Announcement" BY GOLDILOCKS, 17 JUNE


EU Basel 3 Announcement:

The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) is a comprehensive suite of capital rules. They are developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) as part of Basel III. Their intentions are to apply these rules to banks' wholesale trading activities

The EU plans to delay FRTB because moving first would put EU banks at a competitive disadvantage to US banks.

This is a coordinated effort globally. Where one goes, we all go. Europe has given themselves a back wall date of January 1st, 2025 to to fully implement Basel 3 requirements. It looks like they have moved into a place that other countries are going to have to catch up to going forward. 

Look for gold to be reclassified during this time and the digital economy to go ahead and move into its mass adoption. 

© Goldilocks

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (6/17/24)

Iraq receives a suspect it recovered from Belarus on charges of embezzling 6 billion dinars, 17 JUNE

 Iraq receives a suspect it recovered from Belarus on charges of embezzling 6 billion dinars

6/16/2024   Baghdad

The Federal Integrity Commission confirmed today, Sunday, that joint cooperation with countries around the world is the only way to recover the money and the accused.

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, said, “The Integrity Commission is making great efforts to recover Iraq’s stolen funds by concluding memorandums of understanding with countries .”

He explained, "There is no pressure on countries to return the money except through joint cooperation, and giving more space to search for our money in those countries and recover the accused."

Hanoun added, “The Integrity Commission was able to recover one of the accused, who is convicted from a country in Belarus for embezzling more than 6 billion dinars. She previously worked in the Ministry of Health and arrived in Iraq, and is also waiting for other accused,” noting that “the Commission is continuously working with countries to recover... Money and defendants.   LINK



Well this is the second Sunday where the big wigs at WF have had zero comments to the bankers in charge of the exchange centers, he thinks it is NDA's preventing them.  Sorry folks will report anything I hear.


Looking forward to the bankers call this morning, with all the smoke over the last 24 hours it should be interesting.


After 4 days of dead silence there appears to be something underway tonight even though it is just after 4 AM in country, will report ASAP after I can learn what is happening.


Folks there are numerous rumors the new IQD rate in country is to be announced and published in the newspaper in the morning and it is 05 32 there presently, bug this may be our start, but again maybe not, so stay tunned.


Will open tomorrow for your comments as well as any upday.


Well several calls and unfortunately nothing new to report, we are all awaiting the GO trigger.



A practicing doctor who is a citizen of Iraq living in Texas, a former client of mine has agreed to contact family members in country tonight to determine what the current in country rate of the IQD is today,  It is almost 0530 in the morning and he asked if I could await his reply until it is closer to 0800 Iraq time.  I will report once he calls me back.

Have received a number of projected exchange rates on Zim IQD and Dong but have been asked not to share but I believe we will be agreeable should these rates be actual .


Well folks banker feels very positive about what he hopes is confirmed in the morning when he calls me.  Will report afterwards either way.


It was exoressed that several bond holder paymasters had been called to Reno however there is no confirmation of this thus far.  Will open for a short time should anyone have some additional info.----



Texas Snake, [06/03/2024, 10:32:59 p. m.]:

Well it's about 0530 AM in country and the info I am receiving is that the new rates will appear either when the banks open today or they will wait for the FOREX opening on Wednesday to be able to publish the new rate in the Gazette Paper.  Wish I had better intel but most of the UK is asleep now.

Not much reason to open as this is all I have at this time...


Well folks the information I have rec'ed today indicates a number of the large bondholder paymasters have been invited to Reno to begin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window. 

We are then scheduled to begin receiving notification to begin scheduling appointments. 

I have this info from 3 sources and am waiting confirmation from the banker, hopefully tonight or early AM.  Will open for a short time so any members who have any news can share.  

 Thanks for all the members joining us and GOD Bless.


NADER FROM MID EAST: Iraq's Dollar Exchange Rate Holds Steady Amid Eid Al- Adha Holiday

Coffee with MarkZ. 06/17/2024


 MAJEED KSA No holiday ever stopped Iraq from selling dollars in the auction Now they are demanding the CBI to open $ auction … but I beli...