Sunday, June 9, 2024

A tripartite meeting tomorrow between oil companies and the Ministries of Federal Oil and Natural Resources, 9 JUNE

 A tripartite meeting tomorrow between oil companies and the Ministries of Federal Oil and Natural Resources


Rudaw Media Network learned from sources in oil companies operating in the Kurdistan Region that a tripartite meeting will be held tomorrow, Sunday, between the Ministries of Federal Oil and Natural Resources and oil companies, to discuss resuming the export of Kurdistan Region oil via the pipeline to Turkey.

A senior official in one of the oil companies operating in the Kurdistan Region told the Rudaw Media Network today, Saturday (June 8, 2024), that the oil companies have observations on the Iraqi government’s conditions for resuming exports.

The official, who did not want to reveal his name, added: “The Iraqi Oil Ministry set a condition for our participation in the meeting, during which we were asked to submit a copy of our contracts.”

According to the official, oil companies are afraid of this condition, because the Ministry of Oil has previously filed a lawsuit against these contracts.

He continued: “The Iraqi government should either withdraw its lawsuit against our contracts or grant legal guarantees to oil companies after we present our contracts during the meeting.”

The Federal Ministry of Oil responded positively to the oil companies’ request to hold a tripartite meeting to discuss their financial dues.

On May 28, the Ministry invited the international oil companies operating fields in the Kurdistan Region, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, to a meeting with the aim of “discussing and discussing the issue and reaching an agreement to accelerate the restart of production and resume the export of oil produced through the Turkish port of Ceyhan and according to the quantities specified in the budget law.”

The Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Kamal Muhammad, noted, for his part, that “the main problem facing the resumption of exports is that the Ministry of Oil sees the cost of production as high.”

In this regard, Kamal Muhammad pointed out that “Iraq annually allocates trillions of dinars to its oil sector.”

Sunday’s meeting comes one year and two months after the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports stopped, which caused billions of dollars in losses to the Iraqi economy, the Kurdistan Region, and oil companies.

According to information, there are two main problems facing the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, which are the cost of production and contracts.   LINK


 Sat. 8 June 2024 Wolverine Call:

  • I received a call about 2:30 a.m. (Sunday in Australia) It is official, it is not from a guru, it is an official announcement – we are now right at the edge of receiving our blessing. It is coming and it is real.
  • There will be a surprise announcement soon for Nesara/Gesara. 
  • I am not telling you what day, but it is all happening. Nothing will stop it now!
  • The event Mauricio held with all the leaders was an absolute success. I am not sure if today is the last day or not of that event. I was overwhelmed with the news coming through. It was one of the calls I was waiting for.
  • Notifications we hear have started and have heard that are in line with HSBC and Wells Fargo. Right now, I do not know of anyone who has received notifications yet. It is all happening this week.
  • Again, this is an official announcement that came through.
  • God bless all of you – I love you guys, we are right at the edge.
  • On the next call Carpathia will have something special to say to you, and I am sure it will be an emotional speech. This will be soon, not sure if it is tomorrow or the next day, but very soon.
  • You guys are The Chosen Ones. You have all been chosen since birth, in my own belief, in my opinion, that you were chosen by God. You each have a purpose in your life and on this planet. Remember, to help your family and your loved ones first and then comes humanity.
  • In the next call will be a special video made by a member, then the trumpets of freedom, and then the opera.
  • Thank you everyone, have a beautiful day. Wolverine

Cómo se está reconstruyendo Irak después de la invasión estadounidense




Al-Lami chairs the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Press Day celebrations


Today, Saturday, the head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, Muayyad Al-Lami, chaired the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Press Day celebrations, while stressing the importance of showing the bright image of Iraq to the delegations that will visit Iraq.

The union stated, in a statement, a copy of which was received by {Al-Furat News}, that “Al-Lami chaired the meeting of the Supreme Committee charged with preparing for the celebrations of the National Day of the Iraqi Press on its 155th anniversary, reviewing before the members of the Supreme Committee assigned by the Prime Minister the union’s procedures regarding the invitation Hosting delegations and personalities from various countries of the world, which include Arab and foreign ministers of culture and information, heads of Arab media institutions, and international organizations concerned with journalism and media.

She added, "The meeting reviewed the preparation of all logistical and technical requirements for holding the celebrations, most notably the preparation for the central celebration that will be held in the Al-Zawraa Hall of the Al-Rashid Hotel on the morning of Sunday, June 30, under the auspices of the Prime Minister, the celebratory festival of the union’s branches in the governorates, which will be held in the gardens of Abu Nawas Street, and the public celebration in the center."

Cultural and social activities, One Thousand and One Nights, as well as hosting meetings of the General Secretariat of the Arab Journalists Union.”

The union continued, “The meeting discussed the facilities that the supporting bodies represented by a number of ministries and other departments will provide to make this national celebration a success,” noting, “The meeting included representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Culture, Transport, the Intelligence Service, the Baghdad Operations Command, the Baghdad Municipality, and the Iraqi Media Network, in addition to members.” Union Council.

Al-Lami stressed "the importance of showing the bright image of Iraq and the major reconstruction campaign that the country is witnessing in front of the Arab and foreign media delegations that will participate with the journalistic family in its celebrations this year of the National Day of the Iraqi Press, which represent more than (50) countries around the world."    LINK



FAMILY:  I know everyone is excited from what we’ve been TOLD, but please please stay grounded.  There has been just “verbal communications” between individuals without physical proof of such event.   Let’s just stay the course and see what goes on from here.  Still waiting on proof from Iraq’s Gazette also.  



Family:  This is Bearded Patriot.  Just sitting here in my hospital room waiting for my heart surgery tomorrow morning, but if you don’t mind me saying this……I truly don’t believe we will be seeing the new rate BEFORE we are revaluing. 



Please remember….we don’t need it to be posted (RV RATE) on the Gazette for us to RV.  THE POSTING of the Gazette is for the Budget to make it finalized by law.  IMO, we’re still extremely close to getting this completed.   Keep a close eye on your emails. 

Remember, it’s supposed to be a surprise and In my opinion, it doesn’t help our cause when we have all the gurus or podcasters claiming things out of hopium without significant proof, other than someone’s words or hearsay.  Let’s all stay cool, calm and collective as a family and we will cross this line together.  

Yelling “WOLF” is doing nothing but bringing our consciousness and desires to a minimum and bringing negativity to the forefront.  

I can tell you family that I truly believe we’re extremely close from what is currently occurring to our destiny and dreams…..HANG ON TO THEM CLOSELY AND VERBALLY MANIFEST IT TO FRUITION!




I believe we will go and then a few days to weeks, then the rate will appear of the forex giving the single to the public for their turn to exchange.  Again, this is only my opinion.  So stand ready whether the rates on forex or not!!!!

CBI Contact: BIG Changes in June🚩The Next Official Rate🤔Dinar RV Updates...

Reconstructing Iraq: The role of banks in financing the future, 9 JUNE

 Reconstructing Iraq: The role of banks in financing the future


Reconstructing Iraq after years of wars and conflicts represents a great challenge, but it also represents an opportunity to rebuild a strong and sustainable economy.

Banks play a crucial role in financing reconstruction, by providing the loans and credit facilities necessary to finance construction and infrastructure projects.

The Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company played an important role in enhancing the confidence of investors and depositors in the Iraqi banking system, which made it easier for banks to obtain the necessary financing for reconstruction. It is estimated that Iraqi banks have provided loans worth more than $10 billion to finance reconstruction projects in recent years.

Germany’s experience after World War II is an inspiring example of how banks can play a crucial role in the country’s reconstruction. The KfW German Development Bank has contributed to financing many vital projects in Germany, such as rebuilding industrial and residential infrastructure, and providing financing for small and medium-sized companies.  LINK

Integrity Commission to Nina: We have achieved advanced steps in the file of recovering funds

Integrity Commission to Nina: We have achieved advanced steps in the file of recovering funds 7/4/2024 The Federal Integrity Commission conf...