Wednesday, June 5, 2024




After its approval.. Parliamentary Defense confirms the allocation of funds for armament



The Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee announced today, Monday, that the federal budget schedules for 2024 included amounts to arm the security forces.

Committee member Yasser Watut told Al-Furat News: “The 2024 budget schedules include a sum of money for contracts to arm the security forces.”
Wattot added, "Especially what happened during the visit of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to agree on purchasing aircraft, which is considered extremely important."




 Tues. 4 June Texas Snake

Well folks, the information I have rec’ed today indicates a number of the large bondholder paymasters have been invited to Reno to begin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window.  We are then scheduled to begin receiving notification to begin scheduling appointments.  I have this info from three sources and am waiting confirmation from the banker, hopefully tonight or early AM Wed. 5 June 2024.”


Texas Snake, [06/03/2024, 10:32:58 p. m.]:

Well it's about 0530 AM in country and the info I am receiving is that the new rates will appear either when the banks open today or they will wait for the FOREX opening on Wednesday to be able to publish the new rate in the Gazette Paper.

  Wish I had better intel but most of the UK is asleep now.

Not much reason to open as this is all I have at this time.


  • Sun. 2 June 2024 Texas Snake: (Wolverine) was in line with what I was told. Buckle up everyone this is the week we’ve been waiting for.

Well folks as we have been told the ideal time for release would be over a Holiday weekend and the banker was hopeful that we would receive notification close to the Reno bank closing time tonight. 

That didn't happen unfortunately.  Have also received comments declaring I am just another Guru scamming you folks.  

Salty is a dear friend who provided this room for me and my ultimate goal is to make available some basic financial planning techniques to avoid you becoming like Lottery Winners and be broke within a year or two of getting paid,

  As a result I don't open very often but the banker is hopeful he will get notified as we progress further into this weekend.  Should I get notification I will surely share,  Happy Memorial Weekend and GOD Bless.

Well folks was advised we would have positive indications today but now am being told it should come on the 24th which is this coming Friday which would give the banks time to deal with their Fridays and Mondays and begin to schedule appointments later into next week.  We can only hope that at some point these projections will be accurate.


A second confirmation of the above post has been received today so please stay alert come Friday, GOD Bless y'al for staying with us thru all this.


Texas Snake, [05/22/2024, 10:04:11 p. m.]:


I have a suggestion to make if everyone could hold off comments until I can type it out.'

Comments being made about banks on Markz and what it could mean to your deposits

My suggestion once again is for each of you to open a brokerage account with a member firm of the NYSE as they insure uo to 500k on each account you open with them and then explore the Money Market

funds with No Load funding and reposition your b ank deposits into as many MMF's as needed to remain insured.

Texas Snake, [05/22/2024, 10:27:08 p. m.]:

I am going to watch the 4th quarter of the Dal Min playoff gamd so good night and GOD Bless everyone.

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 06/05/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 06/05/2024

Member: Any good RV Member: news today?

Member: Here is some good news. We are still alive to receive the blessing life has to offer

Member: nothing in Gazette today, maybe Saturday, unless they do a surprise off cycle publication.

Member: I’m looking forward to an exciting weekend! bring it on!

MZ: Nader dropped a video about the budget being passed in Iraq. But there is contention as to whether the president has signed it yet of not. And attempts by Maliki to delay things. Don’t panic- they are not allowing a delay and will push forward with the printing of the budget…..and execution. Maybe we will see the printed budget by Saturday now. 

Member: If the president doesn’t signet- it still goes into effect 15 days after parliament passed it. 

Member: MARK Z. From guru Claire - The Presidency of house of reps. Sent the 2024 budget tables to the ministry of justice for publication in “Al Waqe’at newspaper. This newspaper is the “Gazette”

MZ: From bond guys- we are hearing it’s “Any moment”  or “Any day” from most of my bond people. I have heard from more than one source that rates could be as high as $1 billion dollars for 1924 or 1925 German bonds.  This is higher than I thought for historic values on bonds. This will give the system more money to support the RV. 

Member: I assume you mean a box of bonds…and not just per single bond?

MZ: A couple of my historic bond contacts that have disappeared – I assume it’s because they have money but cannot conclusively prove it. 

MZ: I’m still hearing positive things for the 7th through the 9th..

Member: The clock is ticking…..come on RV 

Member: If bond payouts are higher than you expect could currency rates be higher as well?

MZ: “Fed quietly admits the gold is replacing dollar as “collapse” fear is predicted to trigger a $15.7 trillion ETF bitcoin price flip”  There is a lot going on right now. 

Member: Gold will destroy the BIS and the federal reserve in this fiat system

Member: Citi Bank stated this morning that we’re headed for a depression. Not good. Bring on the RV.

Member: I talked with a WM at US Bank, he had heard there may be some changes in rates and did a side dance, but he was very interested in talking to me again next week.

Member: I spoke with a man who is a big wig investor and sits on the board of directors at my church. he said to invest in silver gold and foreign currency I was surprised to hear him say that!!

Member: I have a bank story here in Texas… my credit union is closing down all electronic transactions from the 6th to the 10th

Member: New Texas Stock Exchange takes aim at New York's dominance. Black Rock is starting a new stock exchange in Texas.

MZ: We talked about this last night…” If Russia accepts gold for oil-Gold price doubles to $3600 says Credit Suisse Zoltan Posarr”  We are watching it play out guys. 

Member: If this thing doesn’t go pretty soon, we’ll all be on the streets. White Hats, are you listening?!

Member: we thought 4th of July last year we would be celebrating. Looks like it’s this year!

Member: I am still afraid we will be here waiting until after elections?

Member: Let’s hope Iraq doesn’t care about our elections. Or BRICS makes a move. 

Member: June 9th is the final end of the Petro $$$...or at least the end of Saudi Arabia’s contract with the US to only sell oil in USD

Member: Let’s hope the expiration of the Saudi oil contracts will bring us to the black swan event

Member: Tomorrow is 666, just saying

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklinjoins the stream at about minute 30:00. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions 




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

The government's lack of seriousness in removing the Americans leaves Iraq exposed to them, 5 JUNE

   The government's lack of seriousness in removing the Americans leaves Iraq exposed to them

It seems that there is nothing hidden from the Americans inside Iraq, as they know everything and eavesdrop on everything, and all this while the government is silent in the face of the popular will that calls for the removal of the American occupier from the country.

An international coalition led by the United States toppled the former regime in 2003, then Washington declared itself an occupying force in the country.

In 2008, the United States and Iraq concluded the Strategic Framework Agreement, which paved the way for the complete withdrawal of American forces in late 2011 after 8 years of occupation. The agreement regulates relations between the two countries at various political, security, economic, cultural and other levels.

American forces returned to Iraq at the request of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in 2014, after the terrorist organization ISIS invaded a third of Iraq's area in the north and west.

America came with about 60 countries under the pretext of fighting the terrorist organization, before Iraq regained all of its territory from the organization in 2017 after 3 years of war, with the help of the Popular Mobilization Forces and the rest of the security forces.

Baghdad and Washington agreed to withdraw all combat forces from the international coalition by the end of 2021, but America remains to this day and has committed many crimes against Iraqi civilians, in addition to committing dozens of assassinations that targeted the mujahideen from the national forces and voices.

In the previous parliamentary session, the Iraqi parliament voted to completely withdraw American forces from Iraqi territory, but there was no withdrawal.

During the era of the government of Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, pressure increased on this government to expel the American occupier, and the Sudanese actually demanded that the Americans withdraw from Iraq, but it seems that these calls were to calm the angry street and nothing more, despite the talk of the head of the Supreme Committee to End the Mission of the International Coalition, the Chief of Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General Staff Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah, with the continuation of consultations and the presence of seriousness in removing the occupier.

Political analyst Qasim Balshan questioned the government's statements to remove the American occupier from Iraq, describing them as “media consumption.”

alshan told Al-Ma'louma, “Everything that is said about movements to remove American forces from Iraq is just talk for media consumption.”

He explained, “Removing these forces lies with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and not with the House of Representatives, which voted in the previous parliamentary session to remove the American occupier from Iraq.”

He pointed out, "The framework agreement signed during the era of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki stipulated that the withdrawal of forces would be at an official request from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces," noting that "Sudanese did "Do not submit this request to the American administration."

While the head of the Presence Movement, Muhammad Abu Saida, criticized the continuation of American air sorties in Iraqi airspace and the military presence without any actual movement from the government to end the presence of these forces.

Abu Saida told Al-Maalouma, “Ain al-Assad base contains more than 1,950 American soldiers from the Marine unit and more than 4,500 soldiers inside the American embassy in central Baghdad. These forces remain and there is no movement towards removing them from Iraq.”

He added, "American forces are present in various types of military bases, as everything that is said about their exit from Iraq is just talk."

He stated that "American aircraft continue their sorties in Iraqi airspace, to collect information and visual and audio data through special eavesdropping devices."  link


 Tues. 4 June Wolverine

 “Get ready everyone as we are about to reach this new World.”

  • The “Bondholder” expects to be paid his commission tomorrow Wed. 5 June. Liquid Thursday 6 June.
  • My friend Mauricio is having event in Mexico starting around June 8th, not that far off to celebrate this incredible blessing and also give people all the info they need for Nesara/Gesara. What does that mean? If he is having an event, it means IMO that he probably got paid or will get probably be paid before he goes to Mexico.  Having an event as big as that means something!
  • I have been told by various sources that certain operations will start in Brazil today Tues 4 June, and hopefully will get this done by tomorrow Wed. 5 June. I am trying to see if that is happening and hopefully received that Green Light from Brazil.
  • Tomorrow Wed. 5 June, I hear that Reno starts.  As you know, high bondholders are getting paid, some have been waiting now for 48 hours for their payment.  Everything is happening and I think this is the week we have been waiting for. 
  • The Pentecostal group sent out a message that they are ready to get things started.  She must be careful as she has been targeted by unscrupulous people, but she has top lawyers to take care of this matter. She sent out an intel that she is basically ready to get this done. Her other leaders sent out an emotional message saying that “The time of waiting is over.  We are finally here!” This came from one of the top leaders in that platform.
  • I am sure Bruce will have something. He has not been for the last two calls. Where is Bruce? I know he has gone blind. I am not sure what is going on with his vision.  If you can all pray for Bruce so he can get well, and hopefully get access to the Medbeds.  So all your intel providers: MarkZ can barely walk, Bruce can’t see, Wolverine can’t hear, and Charlie Ward with a certain illness, but we will not give up on you guys.
  • If I get that Green Light from Brazil and all is flowing, then I will have an emergency live call to celebrate, as it will be the official start for us. Hopefully, Reno will start tomorrow Wed. 5 June. Just get ready and hopefully I will get that call through. Take care, Wolverine

PIMPY: If this keeps happening, Iraq will be forced to devalue the dinar 06/04/24

Financial inclusion in Iraq: a success story that defies the odds, 5 JUNE

   Financial inclusion in Iraq: a success story that defies the odds

In the wake of the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the financial system collapsed and the phenomenon of hoarding money spread, as a result of the loss of confidence in the banking sector after the closure of most branches of foreign banks operating in Iraq, and the faltering of some local banks.

To address this crisis, the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company began establishment procedures in 2008 with the aim of protecting depositors’ funds and enhancing their confidence in the banking system, which is vital for achieving sustainable economic development.

The company has achieved remarkable success in its mission, as it has witnessed a significant increase in the number of bank accounts and the size of deposits since its establishment. In 2009, total deposits in Iraqi banks amounted to $8.05 billion, and this number rose to $76.5 billion in 2021. This significant increase is largely due to the company’s efforts to enhance confidence in the banking system and encourage citizens to save.

This significant increase in deposits clearly reflects the effective role played by the company in stimulating the culture of savings and encouraging citizens to deposit their money in banks instead of keeping it at home.

These numbers indicate that the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company is on the right track towards achieving its strategic goals, which are enhancing financial stability and reducing the phenomenon of hoarding, and thus contributing to advancing economic growth in Iraq. link

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/08/2024

  MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who tak...