Monday, June 17, 2024

NADER FROM MID EAST: Iraq is Taking Steps To Improve it's Stock Market BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Iraq is at the top of the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines, 17 JUNE

Iraq is at the top of the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines

Economy News – Baghdad

The list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines shows that the region has projects that put it at the forefront of the continuous global expansion of crude transmission lines aimed at promoting export or meeting domestic demand.

The length of the oil pipeline projects under construction globally until May 2024 is 11,000 kilometers, while the proposed oil pipelines reach the volume of 22.7 thousand kilometers.

The Arabian Gulf is among the most important areas witnessing oil pipeline construction projects globally, in light of the leading role it plays in the global market with huge reserves of crude.

The Energy Research Unit monitors a list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines, which comes with the implementation of many of them exploratory projects to increase their crude production to maintain its international presence and increase the country’s resources.


With the top of the list globally, Iraq is at the top of the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines, according to data issued by the specialized platform Global Energy Monitor.

The oil pipeline projects – proposed and under construction – reach 3.83 thousand kilometers, divided between 75 kilometers under construction and 3.756 thousand kilometers proposed.

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil plans to implement a third offshore pipeline project to export Iraqi crude from the Faw warehouses of the Basra Oil Company to the Al-Faw oil port with a capacity of up to two million barrels per day, according to statements quoted by local media from the general manager of the Basra Oil Company Bassem Al-Shamkhani.

The $416.9 million offshore export pipeline project is scheduled to be implemented during 2024 and 2025, to be implemented by the Dutch company Royal Boscalis.

This comes as the country implements plans to increase its oil production to 8 million barrels per day by 2027, contributing to Iraq top the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines.

It is noteworthy that Iraq has about 15 oil transport lines with a length of 2.09 thousand miles, and 10 lines with a length of 1.53 thousand miles to transport oil derivatives, according to data issued by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC).

* (Mile = 1.6 kilometers).


Although Syria is not one of the major oil producing and exporting countries, it came up with the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines, and the fifth globally.

The length of the oil pipelines Syria is seeking to develop is 2.14,000 kilometers, but they are all still proposed and have not been moved to the implementation phase so far.

Syria’s oil production fell to 15,000 bpd in 2023, compared to 385,000 bpd in 2011, according to statements made in December by Oil and Mineral Resources Minister Firas Kaddour.

The war in Syria and the tensions it has suffered since 2011 in the energy sector have greatly affected, as the country confirms that international companies in the field of exploration and exploration have completely stopped working, as international institutions have refrained from providing any funding.

Syria has 9 crude oil transport lines with a length of 1876 miles, and 7 611-mile lines to transport oil derivatives, according to OAPEC figures.


Jordan came in the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines with a length of 557 kilometers, but is in the stage of proposed projects.

Among the proposed pipes, the agreement signed between Iraq and Jordan comes to extend a pipeline to transport Iraqi crude oil from Basra to the export ports in the port of Aqaba on the Red Sea coast, at an investment cost of up to $18 billion.

The Iraqi oil pipeline is scheduled to extend from the city of Najaf and along the Saudi border to Aqaba, with the aim of transporting about one million barrels of oil to cover Jordan’s needs of Iraqi crude and transport the remaining quantities of Aqaba by ship to Egypt and other countries.

Jordan relies on import to provide its oil needs, with the country recently offering 11 exploration areas for crude oil to international oil search companies with the aim of increasing crude production and reducing the import bill.

Sultanate of Oman

Oman ranked as the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines, and ranked 20th globally with the size of projects up to 440 kilometers, but it is still proposed projects.

Oman aims to increase its oil production to 700,000 barrels per day before 2030, with its transformation into a global oil storage center, which is the Ras Madat station, which includes the implementation of pipelines.

It is noteworthy that the storage capacity of the Ras Marz station located in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm is up to 200 million barrels, with the capacity in the first phase to be 25 million barrels of oil.

The first phase of the station includes the construction of tanks with an estimated capacity of 6 million barrels, the establishment of floating platforms for the import and export of oil and undersea pipelines with a length of 7 kilometers, and 3.5 kilometers on the ground, to receive and export oil.

In August 2022, the Omani Ministry of Energy and Minerals signed an agreement with the Oman Tank Company (OTCO) that includes the development, construction and operation of a new pipeline for the transport, storage and export of Omani crude oil from Ras Mawaz Crude Oil Terminal in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm.


Libya came in the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines by about 169 kilometers, divided between lines under construction of 100 kilometers, and proposed lines with a length of 69 kilometers.

On May 18, 2024, Libya succeeded in operating the main oil line of the North Hamada field, which will transfer the production of the field to the port of Melleta through the el-Fil field line.

According to the National Oil Corporation data, the filling of the line began gradually by 2,000 barrels per day until reaching 25,000 barrels per day, after which it begins pumping in the direction of the Melleta complex.

According to OAPEC, Libya has about 31 crude oil transport lines 3.48 thousand miles long, and 5 lines with a length of 185 miles to transport oil derivatives.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia came as the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines with a volume of up to 86 kilometers, according to figures released by Global Energy Monitor.

The Kingdom is the most Arab country with crude pipelines until the end of 2022 with a number of 36 lines with a length of 3.14 thousand miles, and a diameter between 10 and 56 inches.

In the same context, Saudi Arabia has 7 lines to transport oil derivatives, and 24 natural gas transmission lines, according to the statistical report issued by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC).


 The Quantum Financial System QFS

  • This is the Great Financial Shift leading to a new Quantum Financial System that can only contain true asset-backed currency. An asset-backed digital currency qualifies as a “currency.”
  • All currencies will be “Asset Backed” in each country. This could be gold, silver, platinum, oil, precious metals or any other major asset that the country has.
  • Only two Crypto Currencies will be backed by gold – XRP and XLM! All others, not backed by assets, will disappear by the end of 2024.
  • Quantum software and computers make the system the most secure on the planet and impossible to hack.
  • All banking transactions will eventually be conducted in QFS.
  • Banks as we know them will change dramatically.
  • QFS will hold all money in “Digital Form”, although it will still be asset-backed.
  • All money transfers (moves) will contain at least 50 movement records, which will be stored in milliseconds simultaneously on six main surface server farms.
  • All cash movements are kept in permanent records.  So there is NO fraud or criminal activity that cannot be traced.
  • All people will have a “digital wallet” account with QFS rather than with a bank. This digital wallet is 100% secure.
  • You can use your “Debit Card” directly from this account.
  • You can transfer money with 100% security to any bank account, country, citizen anywhere in the world.
  • We will receive “Q” phones (Quantum Phones) and “Q” computers to ensure 100% security worldwide.

SANDY INGRAM: IQD Increases in Value Vietnam Gold Issue Job Announcement for the Channel

Sudanese on Eid: Committed to Iraq's sovereignty and extending the hand of law , 17 June

  Sudanese on Eid: Committed to Iraq's sovereignty and extending the hand of law


Today, Sunday, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani sent his congratulations to the Iraqis on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha.

Al-Sudani expressed, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, his calls for more goodness, security and stability for the Iraqi people and the peoples of the Arab and Islamic worlds. He also called for mercy and victory for the people of Gaza, stressing the necessity of repelling the aggression against them.

Al-Sudani stressed the renewal of the pledge with the Iraqi people of all categories and sects to continue hard work and diligence to achieve all provisions of the government program, which aims to meet the demands and aspirations of the Iraqi people and confront the challenges and difficulties that stand in their way.

Al-Sudani added that the government continues to bear its responsibilities towards Iraq's sovereignty, extend the hand of the law, liberalize and develop the economy, achieve progress and development, create creative opportunities, and combat social ills and corruption in all parts of the country.

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, also extended his congratulations on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, and called, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, for concerted efforts to enhance security and stability and support the construction and reconstruction movement.

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives renewed his call on the international community to stop the Zionist aggression against Palestine and the countries of the region, stressing the necessity of serious and immediate action in order to break the siege on the Gaza Strip and bring in urgent humanitarian aid.  LINK

Coffee with MarkZ. 06/17/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy groundhogs day all!!

Member: Even Groundhog day was finally over……maybe this will be our week. 

Member: the constant "one step forward, two steps back" is exhausting!

Membeer: I hear bond holders are having heavier pockets ….is this true?

Member: Any good news today?

MZ: The news is staying fantastic on the bond side. There is some competing information on the bond market. Seems some are receiving deposits , but my biggest international historic  bond source has not yet gotten any dollars or a payout. 

MZ: I do feel comfortable saying it has started….we are seeing movement …but I am confused and waiting for some check ins this morning to see if there is any money movement in Europe. I will get my Reno update around 1 or 2 this afternoon. 

MZ: My understanding may be a little off as to how they are executing it. 

Member: I wonder why does there seem to be a delay to getting to 4b. I mean theses tiers have been lined up for years.

Member: Mark, what is your take on people saying brokers, intermediaries, and others named in a contract has to be paid to complete the bondholders payout?

MZ: We will see a lot of brokers and intermediators getting paid. It will all complete at the same time similar to a real estate closing. 

Member: So no budget in the Gazette yet?

Member: Tomorrow the bill in Iraq is implemented automatically

MZ: It’s been pretty quiet from Iraq sources over the weekend. They seem to finish things first over there and then tell us. 

Member: Their stock market opens on the 23rd after eid holiday

Member: I’m pretty sure the CBI can change the rate without the amendments being in the Gazette. Seems like they would need the rate changed first so the new figures can go into the Gazette correctly.

Member: I read that Vietnam may go BRICS! If they go before the RV, will our Dong still be good with Vietnam, as a BRICS country?

MZ: Yes…It would be an improvement for us if they go. 

Member: Putin is in Vietnam today

Member: Eid Al Adha Holiday here in the Middle East through Tuesday. Banking resumes on Wednesday.

Member: An intel guru on Recaps says Iraq is following Dr Shabibis plan to a T

MZ: They are. The plan was to increase the value, put lower denominations in circulation , and put the larger notes we hold in the banks for foreign reserves. Shabibi planned it all out and told us what would happen. ‘

Member: Are all currencies going to float? IQD, dong, bolivar, zim ect…?

MZ: I would not look for much of a float because we are supposed to peg to assets. If we are floating…to me it still means we are living in a fiat world. Then we will really need to have some conversations about how to protect our money. 

Member: Are the whitehats real…or another fairy tale?

Member: Does it annoy anyone else, that they think we need to go through extreme pain, to do RIGHT by the world?

Member: just my opinion but we have been lied to for so long about so many things, it's hard to believe in anything anymore!

​​Member:  My bank will be closed on the19th to observe "Juneteeth " day

Member: Interesting COMEX is closing June 18-20 for the Juneteenth holiday.

Member: Mark, awhile back you said your military contacts said this should all be done by July 4th. Any new updates that still support that timeline?

Member: Mark, do you think we'll be through the exchange process by July 4th? 

Member: Dear God we hope so

Member: I believe the RV is like an amusement park ride, we have our tickets and we're in line waiting for our turn to ride.

Member: And the line is very long and we are at the end ……

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods…..good things will happen suddenly….we are almost there. 

To hear the guests on todays podcast. Be sure to listen to the replay 



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 


FRANK26…..6-16-24….LOAD ‘EM UP

Zimbabwe Has $370 Million in Reserves to Back Currency - Bloomberg (7/7/24)

  Zimbabwe Has $370 Million in Reserves to Back Currency  - Bloomberg (7/7/24) Cash and mineral reserves backing Zimbabwe’s new currency hav...