Thursday, June 6, 2024



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]    

FIREFLY:   TV says the budget didn't go to the president for signature but to the publishing in gazette...When the budget is in the Gazette it will go live.  So that means a new exchange rate will come soon to correct that new budget because it can't handle all of these projects at a program rate, correct?  

FRANK:  That is correct.  It is also the monetary reform plan of Dr. Shabibi.


 FIREFLY:   Television is showing a report on paper from IBBC on the de-dollarization inside of Iraq.  They're telling us they've been doing it all this time...They even talk about that part from the World Bank discussion on changing the dinar exchange rate.   It's powerful.  This is all on the news.  

FRANK:  The monetary reform education to you citizens will get very loud...

FIREFLY:  Sudani didn't say anything about the rate inside of the budget.  They didn't say a word.  COM didn't say anything.  COM saw the budget with Sudani.  We see them sitting there and they're looking it over but nothing is announced except the approval and that it's going to the House of Parliament now.  

FRANK:  You know very well what' going on.  He will protect the budget until the very last nano second.

  FIREFLY:  The news has that specialist...talking about the best way to fill in the gap for the dinar and the dollar (illegal market).  He's telling us the best thing for it to do this is to float...Saleh now talking saying the CBI is the only one that can control this needed float. 

 FRANK:  They're going to float your currency because with a float they can come out at a higher rate than 1 to 1...this is a reinstatement of your exchange rate...The fact that they're talking about floating all day because this is the next step in the monetary reform.  Once they give you the new exchange rate and your new currency seconds later your currency will start to float...on international platforms


FIREFLY:  The news has that specialist...talking about the best way to fill in the gap for the dinar and the dollar (illegal market).  He's telling us the best thing for it to do this is to float...Saleh now talking saying the CBI is the only one that can control this needed float. 

 FRANK:  They're going to float your currency because with a float they can come out at a higher rate than 1 to 1...this is a reinstatement of your exchange rate...The fact that they're talking about floating all day because  this is the next step in the monetary reform.  Once they give you the new exchange rate and your new currency seconds later your currency will start to float...on international platforms


FIREFLYEver since Sudani came back from Washington DC he has been talking to us about metal coins and paper fils.  He said the coins are both silver and gold...

 FRANK:  The monetary reform education is being presented to the Iraqi citizens...

FIREFLY:  International Development Bank opens in Erbil.  

FRANK:  Notice how they are preparing your banks in many ways to receive the new exchange rate when Sudani releases it.  They talked to you about the float...the basket... the lower notes...the old lower notes, your history...Now they're going to tell you Iraqi citizens about your banks...they are educating you on the many services that your banks will be offering you once this exchange rate is released.

 FIREFLY:  Television says Iraq is now producing 1 million liters of gasoline on a daily basis with the new refineries...They are saying we will have enough gasoline for our self sufficiency of our county and also for global trading on the market..

 FIREFLY: They said our success is from the visit to the United States of America because it lifted almost all sanctions on our banks and others are close to being lifted too.  

FRANK:  They also delivered the new exchange rate.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 They Approved Legal Showdown 🔥 Today News Guru Intel Upd...

Will employees' salaries be released before Eid al-Adha?, 6 JUNE

 Will employees' salaries be released before Eid al-Adha?

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

An official source in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance revealed today, Wednesday (June 5, 2024), the possibility of distributing the salaries of employees before Eid al-Adha.

The source told "Baghdad Today" that "there is no trend so far regarding the distribution of salaries of Iraqi state employees before Eid al-Adha, corresponding to (16) June."

He added that "the salaries of employees as well as retirees will be paid during the current month, on their normal date without any submission to do so, so there is no decision to do so by the Prime Minister or the Minister of Finance."

The Iraqi government was often accustomed to paying the salaries of state employees before the holidays if the holidays coincided with the last days of the month, or if the date of payment of salaries coincided in the middle of the holidays, which prompted the government to pay salaries a day or two before their date.

However, Eid al-Adha will start between 16 and 17 and end between 19 and 20, and the official working hours begin on Sunday, June 23, before the official salary date.

What Truly Matters in Determining the Arrival of Our RV/GCR BY AWAKE IN 3D, 6 JUNE


What Truly Matters in Determining the Arrival of Our RV/GCR 

I used to think that educating myself on the global financial system didn’t matter much. 

Yet nothing can be further from the truth. 

The way I see it, the state of the current fiat currency financial system means everything regarding the trigger point for our RV. 

Let me explain…

Our GCR cannot be forced onto humanity. 

It cannot be realized by a military coup, a radical government overtaking, or an overnight implementation of some mystical rainbow currency. 

Any of this means total chaos and civil war. 

This is NOT the way. 

The RV/GCR must be offered as a choice. 

As an alternative to the current failing global fiat currency experiment that has enslaved us all. 

If you want to know when the RV/GCR is close to happening, you must be aware of the logical conclusion of the Great Global Fiat Currency Debt System. 

And also the rise of this system’s alternatives. 

That’s exactly what this Channel tracks on a consistent basis  

No Hopium. 

No sales pitches. 

The collapse of the global fiat system is a mathematical certainly. 

Will you choose the right alternative financial system  when that critical moment arrives?

I don’t know about you… 

But I will!!!


🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Signed That 🔥 Today News Guru Intel Update Value Exchang...

Iraq's Foreign Loans Decreased To $9 Billion, 6 JUNE

 Iraq's Foreign Loans Decreased To $9 Billion

Economy | 03:15 - 06/05/2024  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Iraqi government announced, today, Wednesday, that the value of foreign loans to Iraq decreased to about 9 billion dollars, after canceling about 31 loans from 2003 until the end of last year 2023.

The technical advisor to the Prime Minister, Muhammad Sahib Al-Daraji, said on the sidelines of an economic forum He resides in Baghdad and was followed by Mawazine News.

He said, “A specialized committee has been formed to reveal the amounts borrowed by Iraq from 2003 to the end of 2023, and to track the fate of this money and the projects that were completed thanks to these loans, and which are still under completion, and what are the faltering projects among them?” ".

He added, "Iraq was able to cancel about 31 external loans, leaving those loans worth 8 billion and 900 million dollars remaining," explaining that "these efforts aim to enhance transparency and monitor public spending, and ensure that loans are directed towards vital projects that contribute to developing the infrastructure." Infrastructure and basic services in the country.

He stressed that "the committee will continue its work to follow up on the use of the borrowed funds and ensure that the desired goals are achieved."



12 pages of notes

•  Contracts fulfilled in IQD’s in the budget projects in the coming days. All will go thru the WTO. 

•  We were allowed to ask questions. All were answered except one

•  Is this happening now? In the coming days? A = Yes

•  What will happen in the coming days? A= Value

•  We are adding value to our currency

•  Can you show me the exchange rate? We are not disclosing it but we are telling contracts will be fulfilled in the coming days

•  We are showing the contractors the new rate. And Those contracts will be fulfilled for their value but will be paid in IQDs only

•  Then we can do the math based upon this information… This was met with quiet…

•  Q: The new notes would be the next step yes in conjunction with the new rate yes?

•  Answer = Yes

•  This is happening in the coming days. They were a bit standoffish when pressed about what exactly does coming days mean… They continued to be standoffish… no answer. Keeping it close to their chest so they dropped it

•  Walking stick said, In the coming days? “Whatever the hell that means.” Lol

•  Parliament says we had a massive deficit and now we have a massive surplus? 

•  Yes because we have a new rate

•  15 days from the moment that budget is published in the Gazette and gets back to the GOI is goes into effect!!!!

•  If we see the budget Saturday 

•  Do not be dismayed if the rate has not changed when the Gazette publishes it

•  Al-Sudani is the Guardian of the rate

•  When they signed the budget on Monday Parliament acted like they did it…

•  57 Trillion Dinars missing from the 2023 budget SO he is protecting the budget from  Parliament

•  Parliament wants to know the new rate so that they can steal money into fake accounts and black projects

•  When the Gazette comes out it will reveal a lot

•  DO NOT BE DISMAYED IF THE NEW RATE IS NOT IN THE GAZZETTE (Walking stick) due to the corruption from Iran stealing the currency from Iraq

•  Al-Sudani is going after the 57 Trillion stolen from the 2023 budget

•  Corruption rearing its ugly face and Al-Sudani wants answers now

•  The international world is currently using the new exchange rate right now.

•  Al-Sudani’s oath has no date it has his promise

•  Let’s see what we find out about the 57 Trillion Dinars in the coming days

•  Al-Sudani is removing those who are stealing

•  Al-Sudani does not play that game anymore

•  This level of money 57 Trillion Dinar is politically connected.

•  Al-Sudani is not going to release the budget until he tracks down the perpetrators who stole 57 Trillion Dinar

•  The monetary reform must not fail


•  This meeting had ALL Iraq’s very important people at this meeting

•  Again do not be surprised if he releases an “Operational budget” THIS SATURDAY because he is chasing down that 57 Trillion Dinar that was stolen. This will be the same as they have been doing this all this time, running it at 1320. 

Just to keep it running

•  Final note…

•  Yes..”They are at a Middle East pace”.  Al-Sudani is timing this for perfection. 

•  A slow pace is not for the float.

•  It will move much faster than most are predicting right now

•  You see… I know the rest of the notes…. So I know when I will see you for my next broadcast


   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]    FIREFLY: We are now hearing from our news on Channel One that  Iraq has been fully accepted into the...