Friday, June 14, 2024


  Mnt Goat 

  ...traders can’t trade the Iraqi dinar since OFAC sanctions are still on the currency and have not yet been lifted. It would be illegal and very risky to put any of the dinar in investment portfolios at this time... there is no back screen trading platform, so even if they did want to trade the dinar how would investors do it?

 If you step outside of Iraq, when they finally do reinstate the dinar, the exchange of the three zero notes...will exchange to whatever the currency exchanges i.e. FOREX rate is at the time.

 ...the IMF is not going “lop” theIraqi dinar.  A “lop” is a tool the IMF uses to restart a currency from massive inflation. ...We also have articles for Iraq telling us they WILL NOT lop the dinar. They do not have massive inflation and so this tool of a lop is not necessary. That is why they call it the “project to delete the zeros” and not a ”lop”.

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