Friday, June 14, 2024

Iraq Confirms To The United Nations Fund The Success Of The Experimental Population Census Activities, 13 JUNE

 Iraq Confirms To The United Nations Fund The Success Of The Experimental Population Census Activities

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, announced today, Wednesday, the success of the pilot census activities in Iraq, while the United Nations Population Fund confirmed its full readiness to provide all types of support to ensure the success of the general population census.

A statement from the Ministry of Planning, received by Al-Iqtisad News, stated that “Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Planning Muhammad Ali Tamim received the Regional Director of the United Nations Population Fund, Laila Bakri, and her accompanying delegation, which included the Fund’s resident representative in Iraq, Nestor Ohanji, and a number of... Specialists and experts.”

He pointed out, "During the meeting, prospects for joint cooperation between the two sides were discussed, especially with regard to population issues, confronting climate change, and economic diversification. "

The statement added, "The Minister reviewed the ongoing preparations and procedures to implement the general population and housing census, which is scheduled to be conducted next November."

The Minister of Planning confirmed, "The success of the pilot census activities, which will end tomorrow, Thursday," praising "the level of support provided by the United Nations Population Fund for the census activities."

For her part, Bakri expressed “the Fund’s readiness to provide all possible types of support to ensure the success of the population census, given the importance of this project in formulating policies and long-term development plans.”   06/12/2024 -

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