Thursday, May 2, 2024


 ..I have told you this many times already in the recent past. I quote from the article – “ The expert in economic affairs, Safwan Qusay, confirmed that there is a joint committee between the US Federal Reserve and the Iraqi Central Bank in order to lift sanctions on some banks.” There are two good articles on this subject matter in the articles section today and I encourage you to go read them. They are titled “PRIME MINISTER’S ADVISOR: WE WILL SEE THE DOLLAR FALL ON THE BLACK MARKET SOON” and “ECONOMIST: THERE IS SERIOUS WORK TO LIFT US SANCTIONS ON IRAQI BANKS”

Sometime very soon Iraq will take the Iraqi dinar and assign a nominal, honest and true rate to it reflecting its “rentier” value as is today and not wait for years or decades more. How do I know all this?

Iraq can’t afford to keep following this game of waiting years and yet more years down the road to rebuild Iraq economy first (Obama’s policy). If you have been in this investment prior to the Obama era as president you can clearly see a change in direction from the U.S. Bush policy as to how they will work with Iraq in dealing with the dinar. They have given the Obama plan time to work and it simply is not working for Iraq in this timely manner as planned. What do you do? You change plans….. Why did Obama change the direction from bush so much? Was it really to help Iraq or just the pretense of helping themselves, as they told the public it was for the people. Really? Meanwhile they filled their pockets with Iraq’s riches. Yes, twenty years of it already. When will it end? It is ending now! 😊

We all know the answer as we witnessed it play out over these last two decades with the early Obama era illegal exchanges and now the kickbacks and commissions from the variance in the exchange rates (official vs parallel). This is why they finally sanctioned the banks. This is a good sign for us investors as it shows the paradigm shift is moving away from the corrupt Obama era RV requirements and it is now picking up momentum.

We can also now see, in retrospect, why Iraq didn’t just let Dr Shabibi follow through and reinstate the dinar in 2013, as was planned. It was a well- orchestrated conspiracy using their puppet Nori al-Maliki to stop the reinstatement process. You have to be an idiot not to see it. Was it because they wanted to continue the corruption, thus when economists talk about how the U.S. sucking Iraq dry this is what they mean. Do you get it now? Yes, it’s that golden egg goose I keep talking about…. ☹

Having said all this, let me also say that the current prime minister collectively with the CBI is now working towards busting through this Obama era policy as to how to handle Iraq and to change the dinar now even while in the rentier economy. Isn’t 20 years of corruption enough? The old Obama era paradigm is shifting fast and Al-Sudani is the one the Coordination Framework picked to do it.

Al-Sudani came right out and openly stated his new policy and told us the dinar is now worth more than the dollar, even in the “rentier” economy. Get it? Can you see it folks? The article just told us they are still in the rentier economy so how can Al-Sudani say such a thing openly? (the shift has begun) This is the paradigm shift and it has begun. In fact, it is more advanced than most believe, thus this de-dollarization and the latest trip to Washington DC, thus also these articles today.  

Folks there is no secret now as to why the reinstatement is being held up. They are telling us straight out and not hiding anything. The only issue now as investors is ARE YOU LISTENING to what they are telling you?

All you have to do is listen and stop all the hype and nonsensical thinking. The RV is not going to happen everyday or any day now. It is NOT just going to “pop” on FOREX unexpectedly. Instead, we will all have a pretty good idea what will get it moving ahead successfully once again. What will move it ahead? I just told you…. 😊.

So, we are told once again in today’s article what the problem is and so can they fix this parallel market situation and get the dollar under control, meaning be able to effectively set an “official” rate and hold it. Hey… by the way…. this 2 % standard by the IMF (not Obama) is nothing new. Didn’t we all read about this a decade ago under Dr Shabibi?..BE CONTINUED

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